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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/12/27 |Location=New York City |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1710, 112 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1710|Minoke (171...")
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Latest revision as of 16:50, 28 December 2018

Date of Scene: 27 December 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Beryl, Captain America

Beryl has posed:
Minoke was leaning against a wall in a alley just off of Times Square. She was feeling a bit depleted... finding a place where she won't be bothered is difficult. One of the power conduits that go to one of the Times Square signs was right by her. She finds an access point, and plugs her finger into it. She sighs as she feels re-energized - but took too much too fast for she yelps from a short-circuit and one of the world-famous signs go dark. "Owwwww... that's a lot of juice..." She retreats back to the little corner she was inhabiting, hoping nobody would notice the bright flare of teh short.

Captain America has posed:
Braving the streets of New York is one Steve Rogers. The Triskelion had become too...stuffy -- too full of memories for him, and as such, he wanted a walk in the brisk winter air. Dressed in a bomber jacket with fleece lining, baseball cap and sunglasses, his brisk walk and down-tilted chin give him at least a fighting chance at anonymity. Mostly it's the way he walks, as if he has someplace to be that's far more important than someone bothering him for an autograph or to tell him that he'd better go X, Y, and Z before something bad happens.

The sudden lack of lighting from a sign close nearby and above him is cause for him to pause and join the crowd glancing up at it. Hmm. Out -- and suddenly so. He scans his surroundings and notes the slightest echo of movement in the alley nearby. Sometimes, super-soldier senses could be useful in little ways. He shoulders on as if simply another New Yorker on a mission and then into that side alley. No one seems to notice him, distracted as they are, and he skims his gaze from back over his shoulder and into the alley proper.

"Hello?" he calls out quietly, hands already emerging from the pockets of his coat in case he needs to suddenly swing.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke just looks up - faintly-glowing green eyes visible from the ruins of a box. But those eyes widen when she reocgnizes the one coming to her as she stands up, brushing dust and bits of cardboard off of her as she moves to the end of the alley. "Hello again, Captain Rogers." She sighs softly. "I'm sorry... I... shorted something out. I was thirsty." She gestures to the conduit that's now scorched. "I took too much too fast."

Captain America has posed:
The Captain pulls up short out of standard caution at seeing those eyes glowing out of the norm, but he recognizes who they belong to before he feels the need to act defensively. He sighs, breath fogging in the light falling into the alleyway, and removes his sunglasses. Yep -- he wears sunglasses at night, this guy. Sliding them to hang at his shirt collar, he glances to the conduit in question and nods.

"I'm not very learned about electrical wiring, but it looks like you did a number on it. That's more of my coworkers' forte," Steve admits with no shame. "I'm sure they'll have maintenance along to check it shortly. You probably shouldn't linger." He glances towards the alley's entrance and back. "Just out...drinking then?" By the subtle delay, he figures that's the best way to describe the acquistion of energy.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke blinks. "I... don't really have anywhere to go. This place seemed an ideal location." Her breath is _not_ fogging. If she's breathing at all. "It's close to many different locales and nobody bothers me here. I was low on energy and tried to recharge... not used to the strange frequency of the alternating current." She slumps. This time her skin is green - before she looked 'human'. She just hangs her head. "This world is so confusing... so very interesting, but so confusing... I just wish I had a place to go. Something to do. I could do a lot of good with my skills."

Captain America has posed:
"Nowhere to go?" Steve frowns to himself, his thinned lips pulled to one side. "You don't blend in, I get that, but...wait, you used to look more human -- more like us," and he holds up one hand, showing it back and front. "With your skin. You're green because you're...low in energy now? Or you were?" He's asking out of innocent curiosity, not to be overtly nosy. The more information he can gather, the better informed decision he can make.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke blinks. "Oh..." she states, looking at herself. "This is my base form." She closes her eyes as her body shimmers into green goo for a moment then reforms with the same human appearance as before - the eyes aren't even glowing but the forehead jewel remains. "I can hold the form a while - I'm at 91% of energy." She sighs. "I hope my strange appearance didn't scare you - I've heard that those who look very nonhuman aren't very.. popular."

Captain America has posed:
"I'm not bothered by the color of your skin. I live with a scientist who turns a very...angry shade of green when the mood takes him." Steve gives her a small, close-lipped smile. "My idea of 'normal' changed about..." A ho-him tilt back and forth of his head. "Seventy years ago, give or take."

He looks her over again consideringly. "What else can you do then? I remember from the bank robbery that you were pretty sturdy. Bullets didn't seem to hurt you much." Or at all, really. "You seemed like you had some strength. You can at least, what...channel electricity and keep yourself functioning." His hands go back into his pockets. It's a bit chilly and the Captain isn't a huge fan of the cold, as one can imagine.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "My two main skills are with electricity and metal. Here, let me demonstrate." She reaches into the corner she was sitting and brings out a bag of metal soda cans. "I salvaged these from those bins that people throw stuff in." She smiles faintly. "I run on electricity - but I can also fire it as a narrow beam. For a while. But metal... metal is my reason for existing. You are wondering why I was so curious about that... vibranium, you called it?" She smiles faintly. "I am metal. Literally. My entire body is made of liquid metal that I arrange into solid shapes to interact with the world. And... I can shape it at my will." She puts the cans on the floor and puts her hand on it - and the soda cans oozes into shimmering green ooze. "Aluminum is easy to mold - to shape - but it isn't sturdy." Within a minute it ends and she picks up the object and hands it to you. It is an exact model of you in your current outfit and appearance. "Back on Knowhere - this space station - I made a living fixing microfractures in starship hulls."

Captain America has posed:
The Captain cranes his neck to watch precisely what the young woman demonstrates. He frowns at the appearance of the verdent goop, but recognizes it as part of her somehow. When the revelation of himself in miniature appears, his eyebrows disappear up into the brim of his baseball cap. A low whistle.

"That's a trick," he murmurs, taking the figurine from her. It's impressive. The baseball cap even has the Dodgers logo on it -- and there are the sunglasses hanging at his shirt-collar. "That must have been handy where you used to live. So...you're made of metal, but how do you...exist? You...I mean, you have a soul? Or no, wait. You have programming?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke blinks. "I do not know about souls. My... true self... is my heart-core. The rest of me is nanites." She sighs softly. "It's why I can so easily shapeshift - my body is up to my control. I could even emulate your own appearance... but the sound is more tricky..." She ponders. "I can shape metal at the molecular form... I'd probably be good at making jewelry. I did that a bit." She smiles faintly. "I just don't know where to go. A place to call my own..."

Captain America has posed:
"You'd be a great sculptor, yeah," Steve agrees, glancing down at the figurine in his hand again. He then pockets it, figuring that it was a gift in its way, and considers Minoke again. "I'd have a place to offer you, but we're locked down right now. Someone..." It's the Captain's turn to sigh now, his breath silvering again in the cold. His gaze skitters away as to avoid its unhelped hardness. "Someone's been a threat lately and we haven't resolved the issue. I need to figure that out first. Talk to my coworker. We might be able to come to some understanding, but for now, I don't want to expose you to any trouble. Have you tried the local YWCA? Or one of the Veterans Houses? They could easily take you in, get you out of the cold if it bothers you. You could even use your skills to help them out, fix things here and there. They'd probably really appreciate it." He gives her another small smile.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "The cold doesn't bother me. Well... no cold in this environment." She then smiles faintly. "That's a good idea. Could you show me where those places are? I'd love to be useful for now." She ponders. "And if you need help with... your... threat... I could try." She blinks. "What's a YWCA? Or a veteran?"

Captain America has posed:
"Thank you for offering, Minoke, but it's...unfortunately a personal matter." Steve looks very weary in passing, but shrugs off the gloom in light of needing to help her out further. "I'll figure it out. Let's find a city map for right now. C'mon," and he tilts his head towards the alleyway's exit out onto the street. "I'll show you where the YWCA is on there, and one of the veterans' houses. The YWCA is an acronym, stands for Young Women's Christian Association," he explains as he walks. "They're not all Christian anymore, but they want to help out women in trouble -- all sorts of trouble, from housing to dealing with abusive relationships. They're always happy to help. A veteran is someone like me. Someone who's served time in the military. I dunno if you have, but if you showed up at one and told them Steve Rogers sent you, I bet they'd let you stay."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "No. My first memory is waking up in a little pod in space outside Knowhere. Some people helped including one called Green Lantern. I don't remember the others now." She smiles faintly. "I think I'll go with the veterans. Just say I'm new in town and can help." She ponders. "I have never fought in war. That I know of."

Captain America has posed:
"If you don't have to fight in one, don't," replies the Captain. "It'll change you...and sometimes not for the better." He sounds introspective even as he finds a nearby kiosk. An insertion of a quarter and out pops a city map. He then walks over to the nearby streetlight, all the better to unfold it. "It's a good thing someone was there to help you out," he adds distractedly as he folds the map again to the section covering the neighorhood he wants. "It's a pain when you're...left to yourself...ah, here."

Steve points at a small square tucked into the less glamorous neighborhoods surrounding Times Square -- and 'less' implying simply less neon lighting. "They're not very big, not like the main offices, but they'll take you in if you tell them I sent you."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "I understand." She studies the map, then taking it with her. "Thank you, Captain Rogers. Come find me there if you need me. I will try to help out there. Fixing stuff as needed." She smiles faintly as she waves, then walks on.