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Latest revision as of 04:43, 5 January 2019

Even Heroes Need Help
Date of Scene: 02 January 2019
Location: Bludhaven
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ash Williams, Wonder Woman

Ash Williams has posed:
The darker boroughs of Bludhaven are always alive. Even now, at 3am, one could hear the shady drug deals, the attempted muggings and the other various crimes going on. Right now? There's one against humanity. A disused parking lot with a well-travelled Oldsmobile Delta parked in it, a long and somewhat dented airstream trailer attached to it's rear. A trail of deadite pieces leads from the roadside into the parking lot, a single shaft of moonlight falling upon the silver mobile home and the man atop it.

Stoic. Godlike. A running chainsaw strapped to his right hand, shotgun in his left, nimble fingers reloading it one-handed. And scrambling up the silver walls, four creatures that can only look human at a glance - The white eyes, the pallid skin, claws and sharpened teeth as they hiss. Against the noise of the chainsaw, one hisses. "You can't hide it forever, Ashy Slashy!"

"You guys just don't take a hint do ya." He mutters, as with a violent motion, the breach of the gun is closed - And is loaded once more.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had been in Bludhaven for a number of reasons all revolving around the elimination of monsters, no less. Rarely do these things come under Justice League attention but it had recently when an old Drive-in Movie Theater lot had become the sight of a major monster infestation, they'd turned the old parking lot into a veritable feeding ground of their filthy and chaotic needs.

Wonder Woman had come to end them. And end them she had. As luck would have it this location was not that far from where Ash and his car/trailer are parked and when the winds rush through the fields she catches a hint of the sounds, of his voice and the voices of those after him...

Diana turns and starts to run at that tremendous speed she tops out at and with a powerful leap she clears the tree line and lands again to survey the situation as she sees it about fifty yards ahead of her...

What Ash will come to see now, a few moments later while he loads his gun, is the monster responding to him in a mocking sort've way one second, and then a THUD and a BLUR of speed... as Wonder Woman plays through the creature with her round shield! She lands in front of Ash's car and turns around to look back at him atop his trailer, sword and shield at her sides. She recognizes him, but she doesn't greet him as of yet.

Ash Williams has posed:
There's a few things to know about Ash. One of them is that when something kills something he was intending to kill, he doesn't take it personally, or even let it ruin his rhythm. When the creature he's about to introduce to several grams of angry lead goes flying, it just leaves him free to turn around - A burst of sound from his chainsaw as it slashes through the chest of a deadite, and then the noise of the weapon biting into flesh as he lunges for the creature, running it through. And even as viscera and gore sprays over his shirt and arm, his shotgun is laid against his shoulder, pointing back.

The woman behind him leaps, and with a pull of his trigger, those sharpened teeth and white eyes meet two catridges - And the deadite is sent flying off the trailer, sans head. The sole remaining creature glances between Ash, and Diana... And in an instant, the change is gone. Her skin dirty, her eyes a murky blue. If she weren't standing on the trailer, she'd seem like she has nothing to do with all this. "H-Help me!" She calls out, backing away from Ash.
    Ashy Slashy withdraws his chainsaw from a now-limp deadite, and shakes his head. Weary. "This again? You're really gonna do /this/ again?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana knows that this man is capable of defending himself, clearly he gets himself into situations like this on the norm... at least the two times she's run into him has involved these disgusting hellish creatures and the man has seemed all but too calm with regard to it, considering how others would normally act in a situation like this. Sure he looks tired, but he also looks experienced at this... such as the chainsaw and shotgun experience clearly indicates.

Still, when that last deadite turns into a false form. Diana steps up onto Ash's car and she walks onto its hood... for whatever reason her armored boots do not even dent the hood however!.

With a whoosh of air that last woman calling out for help is suddenly ensnared by a golden glowing lasso. It laces around the woman in several rings then TIGHTENS and squeezes the woman's arms to her sides.

Diana, having slid her shield away, is now pulling on the other end of the golden rope and walking toward the woman who'd just cried out for help, tied up by the divine power of the lasso of truth. She looks from her captive to Ash. "Now is the time to ask this thing, any questions you might have." She tells him in her thickly Greek accented English.

Ash Williams has posed:
Ash seems ready enough to advance upon and finish the woman while she's pleading for help - Regardless of whether or not Diana believes him - But then she's kind enough to restrain the deadite. "Nah. Say what you want about the deadites." He mutters, not even bothering to reload his shotgun. After all, taped to it's end is a wicked looking dagger. A sudden jab with the gun embeds the blade in the head of the deadite, and when it's withdrawn, the creature crumbles around the lasso. Clearly, they /don't/ like the dagger. "But lyin' to me ain't really their thing."

He clears his throat once they're all dead, a glance down at himself and how his immortal blue shirt is again covered in all kinds of unpleasant. Not the mention the mess in the parking lot. "Hey, uh, thanks for the help and all, but you didn't need to put yourself in danger like that." An awkward smile, "Wouldn't wantcha to get hurt trying to save me from getting my hands a little dirty." His chainsaw finally cuts out. "-Er."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana watches and doesn't step in or stop him, she knows that these creatures are not of the natural earth and not of the right world. These creatures are foul abominations created by dark magics or ancient evils... they deserve nothing short of death to end their existence on this plain.

When he stabs the creature through and it crumples down, she unravels the rope and its light fades as she whirls it back into her hands and then starts to ravel it back up by sliding it through her leather wrapped palms. She eyes him, the filth on his clothing and the unsettling appearance of that chainsaw.

She then eyes the deadites on the dirt and she eventually just shakes her head as the cool winter winds blow her dark hair about her bare shoulders. "I have trained for a thousand years to fight dangers far more threatening then these little worms." She responds to him, her eyes going back up and over to him. "I came because of the congregation at the theater park... I do not, however, know what caused them to group there. Or if simply laying them to rest is enough to make sure that more do not gather in their place..."

Ash Williams has posed:
Euch. Nothing like being messy. Ash stretches a little, trying to get his back right, before he answers. "Thousands of years, huh? Not often I meet a gal as old as me. And yet still as gorgeous as as a summer field." He begins to approach her, steps slow and deliberate before he gestures. "Guess there's some kind of comfort in knowing that the evil hunting me is just one of many, huh? Want a hand down, beautiful?" Since they're still atop of his trailer, and it's probably not the nicest place to be.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Not that Ash's car probably hasn't had worse things happen to it than someone walking around it on top of it... Diana doesn't really openly react to any of the compliments, she's heard quite a few in her day after all! "Just a little over one thousand, not thousands... plural." She says, just for clarification's sake of course!" The lasso is reattached to her hip and his hand is regarded before she shakes her head. "Thank you, that is kind but I can manage." She is a strong and independent woman after all!

Diana drops easily from his car and lands on the soft grass where she starts to look around at more of the chaos' results. She turns back to look at him then. "It has been some time since we last spoke. I can see that your luck with avoiding these... wretched monsters has not yet improved..." She pauses then. "How do you cope with this? Is it a constant threat toward your well being?"

Ash Williams has posed:
"Still got me. Think I'm somewhere around six hundred. Sure as hell feel it." Ash somewhat awkwardly slides down the front of the trailer on his ass, and lands heavily on his feet, before he's willing to address his deadite problem. "Yeah, well, it's either that or die, and I'm not good with that. Can't say I've got the healthiest way of dealing with it - Booze, normally." The boot of the delta is opened, and his chainsaw is detached and tossed into the boot, where it sits with a few comics, a long length of rope, and a few other nicknacks.

"Figure it's gonna get me one day though, which is why I wanted to chat with you. 'Cos if it gets me, it's gonna get the book back one way or the other, and that's gonna get messy for pretty much anything human." Ash looks at his trailer. "S'messy in there, but if you wanna beer I'm pretty sure I've still got a six pack in fridge."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana, of course, just has to look into the trunk of this man's car... how could one not do so? She's not entirely sure that he's a 'hero' either so she's just got a pique of curiosity strike her mind and her eyes glance inside it... its about what she expected though, maybe even less unsettling than she expected it to be!

She looks away from the car then back to the man who owns it and she stares at him flatly. "A book?" She asks him. "What book?" She heard the way he spoke of it and its implied importance and then she looks back to the mobile home behind his vehicle before she looks once more onto him. "I do not drink." She says to him then. Which wasn't entirely true, she does occasionally, but not that often. "Alcohol has no effect on me. And there are plenty of other drinks far more enjoyable to taste than beer."

Ash Williams has posed:
"How do you cope?" Turnabout being fair play and all that. Ash makes his way to the side door of the airstream, unlocks it, and hauls it open. And it's messy, but not /messy/. Shotgun cartridges, empty beer cans and clothing for the most part. "Gotta unwind somehow." To the minifridge, where a beer is taken from the six pack, opened, and a long drink is taken before he puts it down and answers. "Necronomicon ex Mortis. The book of the dead. See, I'm kind of wrapped up in that whole thing. So, if ole' Ashy ends up taking a dirt nap, you've gotta find wherever this trailer is, and either bury the whole damn thing or burn it down to nothing. Then there's only one left."

Wonder Woman has posed:
With sword and shield still on her back, Diana's eyes roam over the horizon of the field that they're in, beside that parking lot that she'd just cleared of the deadites and other foul beasts that had taken up residence within the abandoned property of a bygone era of entertainment.

"Rarely have I a moment of downtime, admittedly." Diana says in response to him as she looks about the horizon. Its the sound of him entering his lovely abode that makes her look back in his direction and she turns to take a step or two to let her eyes look around inside the trailer. She's not exactly impressed, but one would probably guess as much!

Diana's eyes look up to him inside of it now. "The Necro... nomicon?" She says, remaining outside the door that Ash had gone through. "I have heard of it." She then admits, due to her long history of protecting and restoring antiques around the world, she'd learned quite a lot about rare artifacts, books in particular. "It is a summoning book of spells, is it not?" She glances around inside his 'home' again. "How did you come into possession of such a grimoire?"

Ash Williams has posed:
Ash laughs, as he falls heavily onto a worn couch. Being a hero is poorly paying work it seems. Another mouthful of beer, "Crap pay, no breaks, and something is always trying to kill you. That's why we do this." A gesture around the trailer, before he chuckles. "Which time. Found it in a cabin with my buddies and sister when I was young. After it killed all of 'em and took my hand, I burned it. Ended up being sent back in time, and had to go steal it from a castle and then fight an army that the damned Kandarian Demon woke. Then I slept for a while, and then this bitch Ruby took it, then it copied itself onto my buddies face, and then after I shoved my fancy dagger up Kandar the Destroyer's ass, I went to the deadlands to get the book back from the Dark Ones before they made things a whole lot worse for everyone." And that's the history of Ash Williams in brief.

"The book of the dead's a weird thing. Written by one of the Dark Ones, it's part-spellbook part-history part-prophecy. And you'll find me on page 43." He re-beers himself.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana stands outside and since its not a very large space it doesn't really stop her from continuing to have a conversation with Ash, heck her shield probably wouldn't even fit through the door if she tried to enter the trailer, at least not without some shimmying.

"That is... quite a tale, Mister Williams wasn't it?" She does believe thats the name that she got from him and her memory is generally impeccable so she has faith that it is. "And that is a very powerful book to be such a burden on you alone. I know people..." She starts then, glancing around his trailer briefly once more before she looks back to him where he's seated on his sofa.

"Powerful people. They may be able to assist you with this tome, take some of the weight off of your shoulders. It has clearly... taken a toll on you, if you do not mind me saying. A person who has fought as long as you have to keep others safe, deserves some aide from others who can provide it."

Ash Williams has posed:
"Love to say so, sweetheart, but this thing kills anything that gets in it's way. Not saying you and yours can't defend yourself, or you don't know what you're doin' and all. But the writing's in the book. I'm the chosen one, which means that this 'til I die, I've gotta be the chosen one. And I ain't laying out more body bags for people who wanna help neither." And with that, his beer is finished, and it's tossed in the general direction of the bin. "'Cos these Dark Ones, they're the real kick to the crotch. The Kandarian Demon's just a pain the ass that's gonna keep me busy until they make their next move. And I'm not one to believe in destiny, or any of that but..." But he's lived through the exceptional. Taken on the incredible. And he keeps surviving.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's slim pointed chin seems to be lowering a millimeter every time a little more detailed about all of this is given to her from the source and her dark eyebrows are raising up a little higher. "Kandarian... Demon?" She asks the man then after he speaks and then she gently shakes her head and glances away to the northwest where the parking lot is. "So it is this book that likely drew the monsters here, which is..." She looks back to him then. "Naturally why I have found you here as well."

An exhale is released then, a nod follows. "That makes sense. Though you would have had an entire army to fight tonight if I had not been alerted to this situation. So... Chosen One or not, I believe it is in your best interest to contact the Justice League whenever you have a foe that is unreasonably challenging for you to face, and I will be thusly dispatched to aide you with it in its disposal." Diana seems confident in her solution to both of their situations with this, a resolution like she might pitch in a meeting -with- the Justice League.

"You can contact us at the Hall in Metropolis. Our information is... everywhere, online and otherwise."

Ash Williams has posed:
"Apparently." Ash answers, shrugging. "Not sure I'd trust Ruby either. And I dunno about that. It don't smell no more, they can't really figure out where it is. The Dark Ones, too. It's like a big game of hide and seek with the fate of the universe. But they /do/ know that I've got it, so that's where they're lookin'." The finely aged hero chuckles. "I'll call you if I need ya. Promise. But I've had to take down an army or two by myself in my time, and it's not as hard as it looks." A glance outside again, before he notes. "That being said. Should get the old girl moving and then get a bit of shut eye. Thanks for being my guardian angel, gorgeous."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The Princess of Themyscira nods her head a single time to the man's words. "That is good to hear at least. I look forward to helping you stop these monsters from further plaguing... anyone." She gives another glance around then before she steps back from his abode's entrance. "A wise choice, you do not wish to linger here, I do not believe."

A moment later and there is a loud whine of a strange sounding energy source, winds kick across the field and rush across both of them while causing the grasses to shake in the dimly lit surroundings.

Diana glances back toward the field in the direction that the winds came from. "It would appear my ride has arrived as well." She says, though there's literally nothing out in the field, at least nothing visible.