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Latest revision as of 04:48, 5 January 2019

Pied Piper: First of Many
Date of Scene: 02 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Multiple mages meet to discuss #BlackSleep.
Cast of Characters: Loki, Wiccan, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Doctor Strange, Raven
Tinyplot: Pied Piper

Loki has posed:
    Recently, a 'ping' for a meeting has gone out, to a number of gathering places throughout North America. (After all, time zones are important - nobody wants to meet in the middle of the night from the other side of the world.) If other meetings have been elsewhere, that's not relevant now: what is relevant now is that the meeting location proposed is located in Sunnydale, at the Enchanted Grounds.

    It is still unclear who called for the meeting, and touching one of the runes to teleport to the location doesn't answer that question either. There are a few patrons, including a 50-something dark blonde, handsome male mage seated at one of the tables in recline, feet propped on an invisible magical foot-stool, sipping a thick dark heated drink, and skimming a book he brought in with him. Blue eyes do move over those that arrive, with an absent distracted quality.

Wiccan has posed:
Seeing that it was vacation still from classes, Billy was more than happy to follow the 'ping'. What he didn't quite realize yet was that the teleportation rune would take him somewhere practically in his own backyard! As he arrives and looks around, noting others, he runs a hand through his hair and mutters, "Probably should have changed clothes..." as jeans, a hoodie, and a puffy coat aren't very impressive. Or magical.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
When she got the ping kind of came at a suprise. Kae was in the back trying to figure out, again, how to figure out a whole massive magical misshap that happened to her, namely the lower body of a fully equine nature...

The red-head sorceress/artificer, now turned centaur mutters and turns a bit "In my shop?" She whispers and just then, one of her apprentices comes skipping in. "You have guests!" She says, and Kae peers at Wendy, Wendy's got holly laced into her hair, also a red head, but she's got pointed ears... "Yeah Yeah." She says and Kae laborously turns and begins plodding up the stares... "Soo aren't built for this..." She mutters, meanwhile Wendy walks behind her master/turned half sleigh horse, and mischieviously jingles some bells behind her...

Kae can actually be heard from the back room this time "Ooh quiiiiiit!" She says, and then can be seen walking through the back door, which well grows big enough to fit her transfigured frame, and after she passes through, shrinks back down to normal door-size and all. Comfort is a must afterall.

Kae glances back at Wendy, who's grinning from ear to ear. "Glad yer liking this." Wendy then responds "Well, as far as giant wild-magic thematic releases go, it could have been a whole lot worse..." Kae pauses a moment and sighs "Touche..."

After Kae mutters touche, a small well kind of smoothly articulated dragon? Maybe? Looking close one might notice runes down the center of its back and the fact it's eyes are smooth-poshished amethysts with internal faceting, shows up, the little creature perches at the mid part of Kae's lower back. The little cat-sized createre sits on hits haunches and perches there, sitting upright and all proud for having accompished something.

Kae clops her way up front and looks to Loki? And another curiously now, she tilts her head to the left and puts hands on her hips. See, Kae's basically a draft centaur at this point, all the way down to huge white-feathered hooves, much like a clydesdale.. Or probably exactly like one more to the point.

Kae umms "Well hello? Anything I can do to help?"

Loki has posed:
    With teasing amusement, the older blonde mage to Billy's left, still seated, queries with a teasing, relaxed tone, "Feel better?" The mage abruptly melted his own attire, magically, into a similar casual selection to what Wiccan is wearing. The mage chose dark jeans, comfortable boots, and a zipper hoodie of muted gray-green. No puffy coat, though: there are some limits. "Might want to move to your left. That seems to be the arrival spot," he adds, with a slow sip from his mug, finishing the contents.

When directly approached by Kaelyn, he looks into his drink. "A refill? Yes," he replies smoothly, offering his emptied cup to her, assuming her question is related to service, since it is clearly her shop.

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan's brows shoot up but he takes a couple of steps to the left as suggested. After all, that could get awfully messy...or dangerous. "I suppose I should have realized that a magic meeting would be more formal," he starts, dark eyes looking around at the shop. "This place is cool..." is offered as he thinks aloud but then turns at the sound of the jingle bells and...horse hooves. "Ok, and you are even cooler!" That's said to Kaelyn as she emerges in all her Centaur glory.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers at the cup, and looks over to Wendy, then back to Loki "What do ya want precisely? Drink wise?" She asks, and motions to the menu on the wall behind the coffee bar... "Wendy will mix it right up for you..." She says and then umms and looks down "Current condition won't let me get behind the counter all that easy I'm afraid.." She adds.

She, then turns her head slowly, long equine tail lashing, and then jingling, as Wendy had tied bells to the end of it while Kae wasn't paying attention... Kae winces a bit and sighs... "Really?" She says, looking to Wendy, who responds "Sleigh horse..." Kae blinks and sighs, deflated a bit...

"Yeah, really cool, or maybe warm, surface to mass ratio of this lower body makes me have issues some times dealing with the place being too warm..." She suggests and shrugs... She then looks back to Loki "Ok, so my shop is being used as a meeting space for lots of magic-dom.. No problem with that, in the future gimme a lil warning please?" she asks and gives a strained smile...

Kae then stands in front of the cafe counter and sets about preparing some platters full of snacks and the like, litterally able to reach over the counter and to the back parts and into fridges when she needs to, or just use magic to get the stuff.... "I'll put out some snacks I guess..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The spot the blond mage had just mentioned was almost instantly filled with another ripple in the ideas of space and time and stepped through the mystical looking glass was a man in a dark green and brown garb. He has a fur lined hood but it lays against the man's back, showing off his spectacular chrome dome.

    The manservant of Raven and former Sorcerer Supremes does take off his thick leather mitts and pats the snow off of them before puting them into pockets that instantly look like they are not holding anything. "Good evening Kaelyn." The wizard says as he looks up to the redhead, and then around to the others gathered. "Billy! I have not seen you in some time." Then Wong's brown eyes linger on the oldest Mage in the room... second oldest maybe, Wong is quite advanced himself. "Where do I know you from?" The man inquires as he finds a seat, eyes locked onto the blonde. "Did, I just, hear a jingle bell?"

Loki has posed:
    "A refill on what I already ordered. Is it not clearly Lapsang Souchong with infusions? This can't be that difficult; never mind, then," answers the blonde mage with a motion of hand to brush away his need to order another drink, a little dismayed, but with a sort of regal tolerance. It lends a little more age to him, but that melts away again soon enough, as Wong distracts him. "Leon Wakefield. I've come overseas for this. ---- You are Wong, I think?" guesses the man with a slight squint and smile towards Wong.

    Kaelyn's annoyed comments about him not warning her gets a slow and amused stare. "You're suggesting I called this group together? I'm just having tea. Or, I was."

Wiccan has posed:
"Ok...don't use vernacular..." Billy murmurs to himself as the Centaur comments on his compliment to her. There's another glance or three around and when he was about to say something else, someone appears where he was standing! Good advice to move to the left! The blonde man gets a nod for that before he grins at seeing who it is, "Mr. Wong! I know! It's been forever! But then Dr. Strange was so busy and then all this happened...I mean, I didn't know if I was allowed to stop by or anything, but I the books you guys lent me and I'd love to return them and get some more." Because magical studies are often more interesting than his college courses.

"Yes, I think it's on Ms. Centaur's tail? It's festive, I guess..." but his holiday was over much earlier in December.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae gives a rather equine snort and looks to Leon curiously for a bit, she then shrugs and smiles "Wasn't in the room when you ordered, but sure, I'll be happy to aquire it for you." She says after finishing up the snack trays. She then motions to the tea wrack, a metal tea-ball lifts off its tray as just enough tea-leaves comes out of one of the tins to fill said ball. Next a pot and tray appears next to the centaur, floating in the air as water seems to fill the pot out of no where and the tea ball lights lightly inside the pot. Kae then puts the lid on it her self, and sets a small cream container on the tray, and a container with dimerar sugar in it as well. She sets the tea tray on her lower body, and peers at her dragon.. "Shoulder..." She says, and the little creature chirps before hopping up to Kae's shoulder, before she puts the snack trays on her lower body as well. May as well use her condition, right?

Kae makes her way over to the group, puts the tea pot and tray down next to Loki/Leon, and the snack trays out as well.

The now rather extremely tall redhead raises an eyebrow and asks "Anyone want a drink as well?" She asks "On the house today.."

As Wong arrives she offers a smile and a bit of a bow. "Good seeing you again Wong, I take it with the summons you aren't here for your normal order? May be a little early, but I have that here as well.." She says and smiles slightly.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I am." Wong says with a lift of his eyebrow as he lifts one shoe to beat the bottom of the sole with his hand to clean it of the clumps of snow. He does the same to his other foot before addressing Leon once more, "I could have sworn you look liked someone I once worked with. Ah. Oh well." Wong says before finally settling into the chair and looking back to Billy.

    "You are always welcome at the sanctum, just because Stephen is gone doesn't mean you aren't welcome." Wong says with a sad sort of sigh before twisting his head at Kaelyn while straining his neck upwards to get a look at his sudden suspicions, "No, not the normal today, but I must remind you, I promised we would teach you transmogrification at the Sanctum, you didn't need to rush ahead in your studies." He says with a rare charm in his eye.

Loki has posed:
    "I can only hope that memory is a positive one, then?" Leon replies smoothly to Wong. He then heard Kaelyn saying drinks are free. "Ah! You have robbed me of buying them drinks? Well played," he teases some to Kaelyn. He accepts the new tea, rubbing fingers around the edge of the cup to stir it. Or to add something of his own. There's some sleek sleight-of-hand going on that is very subtle: particularly so, when he is otherwise speaking.

"None of you are our host, then?" Leon questions of the group, still sitting in a reclined way. "Perhaps he, or she, has become occupied with something important; hopefully not with a nap. We can only pray that is not the case. But I suggest we speak, even if he or she cannot make it. Each day we wait, fewer of us are able to meet."

Wiccan has posed:
"Well, if it's no trouble, I'll take a mocha cappuccino..." while Billy's coffee orders are usually more hipster/elaborate than that, he doesn't want to be a total douche about it. He's even digging into a pocket to pay for it when it's said that it's 'on the house'. "Oh, thanks!"

There's then a slightly sheepish look to Wong, "That's...good to know, thanks. I wasn't sure if I should only come there when summoned or if we had lessons or things, but I've been saving up all these questions and kind of didn't know who to ask." But now...watch out, Mr. Wong!

Leon's mention of the lack of a host has him looking pensive, "You know, I saw an old movie like this. All these people...it was set in the 50's or something...were brought into a dinner party and no one knew who the host was. Turned out that the host was really blackmailing everyone and someone killed him and the whole movie was the dinner party guests...and the butler...trying to figure out who was killing people. It was actually hysterical." It's then that he realizes that he just sort of went off on a tangent. "Sorry..."

Raven has posed:
    The shadows in the room seem to shift and flicker- though it is not entirely a darkened room, the lack of light in some areas is just enough to be noticeable for those paranoid enough to be watching for occurences out of the ordinary. They congeal, in some ways. The waivering forms that should be as stable as what casts them begin to coalesce into the shape of a particular bird on the floor of the room.

    Erupting from the darkness is the cloaked form of Raven. It is abrupt, of course- Raven appearing as such is not entirely a mellow experience in this instance. She has teleported a minor distance, but isn't trying to be subtle about it.

    She arrives near Wong- who had shown the initiative to bring himself to the meeting. Raven waited until there was a point in her research that pausing wasn't disastrous, and then brought herself at her own pace. Despite the sudden entrance, Raven does not have much to say, in the immediate.

    "Good evening."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smiles at Wiccan and shrugs "Well it's at my place, though not doing the summons, I'm trying to make a good hoast of my self." She responds and then motions to the trays "Have what you like..." The spread? A hoast of cheeses, some artisan styled, some spreadables, crackers, sliced sausage, and other things as well... Mostly things folk can snack on either heartily or light and enjoy them selves.

Kae now glances to Wong "Umm yeah,s o totally not an accident in self transfiguration, more mickied and transfigured via a bunch of imps stealing a ton of reagents and potion base, and enchantible bases, sticking them together, adding a 'theme' and 'detonating' a magic bomb.... I was at ground zero... Wendy was a bit further away trying to get folks clear..." She says and umms

"And well since lots of folks are around, might looka round for them.. Imps wanting in on the 'Holiday Spirit' litterally using these stolen things to make small areas of holiday-themed wild magics... One of the reason I've not been able to dispell the effect, so many artifice and potion based being detonated all at once, makes for a wierd magical matrix, and a whole ton of power..."S he adds and shrugs... "Anyhow, after having messed with it a few times, and changed the species of my lower part about half a dozen times, I've come to a couple conclusions. It'll wear off in time, and I'd rather not see what else I'll accidently turn my self into when I mess with this magic's affects." She says and smiles a bit.

Then Rachel arrives and Kae nods a bit "Hallo... Snacks on the tables and stuff, help your self to tea, or if you want coffee made, ask Wendy, the elf behind the counter, she'll happily brew you something up, or mix you a home made soda." She says, Kae's tail lashes, accompanied by a jingle, a giggle from Wendy, and well Kae sighing.. "Ties it where she knows I can't get at it easy." She mutters...

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "You're not wrong Mr Wakefield, haste is key in this situation." Wong says with a casual hand taking Kaelyn by the hand as she passes and he slips a folded note into her palm. Obviously he is trying the play the polite acquaintence and also not embarrass the poor girl further. With the hostess close he whispers that he'd like a cup of tea as well, but he can get it himself if it would cause her inconvenience.

    Wong looks back at Billy and nods, with his eyebrows getting furrowed, "That was a good movie, but lets focus Billy. We may very well be the earth's last hope against this invasion."

    "Ah, Mistress Raven, fortune favors our cause." The servant says though his words do have a hint of surprise as he wasn't sure if she would leave her studies at all.

Loki has posed:
    'Leon' looks with curiosity to the arrival of Raven, but if any emotion shows, it is relief. "Welcome; good evening. I venture a hope that you are the one who called us here?" he questions to her, hopefully, before the lower part of his face is masked by his relaxed sips. It may certainly appear that he was ready to step forward to initiate the meeting, but if the one who called them has appeared, all the better. "If so, you have missed little; we were just about to get to discussing it, I think, but hearing from the central protector would be a wonderful start, being the invitation extension or no," Leon says, tilting his head to Raven.

Wiccan has posed:
Kaelyn's explanation about the impish magic has Billy's eyes widening, "Whoa, really? I mean, maybe I can help trace..." he starts but quiets as another steps into the gathering. The way she's greeted has him moving to take a seat and Wong's words about possibly being the 'last hope' has him staying quiet. He might, however, take out his phone to take some notes.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smiles at Billy, and then nods to Wong at the note and all. "It'll get handled, just keep yer eyes open out for things that might like look like a holiday fuse bomb thing.... If ya see one don't mess with it, try and clear folks out and stuff, the minute they're messed with at all they go off.." She says and rubs the back of her neck "I really need to get one that's not been set off to figure out how to make sure they can be diffused...." She adds and then Kae glances around again before well sitting much like a dog...

This of course makes Wendy giggle and Kae huffs... before she glances to the others "Soo anyone know why we're being asked to meet here? I don't get out much..."

Raven has posed:
    "I'm not hungry." she notes, and though it's only a matter of hunger, she seems to be turning down both food -and- drink. As well, the fact that there's a centaur in the shop isn't necessarily bothering or confusing her. That seems to be very difficult, mind. Raven is as stone-faced as ever, her tone dreary and monotonous. Some people light up the room, Raven makes it just a tad darker.

    "We have been asked here because of the Black Sleep. Someone or some -thing- is preying on people the world over. It's not a mundane matter, and it is by far something that we can abide by the mundane world solving on its own. I did not call this meeting, but I may know the most about it so far. At least, from what I can see."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Wong falls silent as he watches curiously as Kaelyn takes a seat and keeps his face stoic though he may find the oddity of the situation a bit comical. He makes sure to look at Billy to get the man's reactions and then Leon as well, the man he doesn't trust but doesn't make a move against the suspect man. Wong lastly looks to Raven and nods, giving his mystic weight to back his mistress. She isn't wrong, they must be the ones to step up and do something.

Loki has posed:
    "I have some information myself, but please, do start, and enlighten us with anything we should know first?" Leon encourages, tone warm, supportive to the current Sorcerer Supreme. He certainly isn't lighting up the room by any real measure, but he isn't adding the darkened tone Raven has. By contrast, he's sunny. If he's being mocking, it isn't obvious or directly snide at all. There's a very good actor behind that.

Leon weaves his fingers around his mug, a thoughtful pose of embracing the warmth. There's a patience to the older man, and in the following slow way he brushes back the side of his shoulder-length dark blonde hair behind an ear. "From my understanding, these people's minds are imprisoned," he says, to Raven.

Raven has posed:
    "That's not entirely correct, nor incorrect. It is more like they are being... Siphoned. Their consciousness isn't being taken anywhere, but in order for it to be accessed the... Tether needs to be severed." she states- the only thing visible of her features being her face, of course. "The complexity isn't severing the tie; It's finding it, and doing so on a grand scale... And that is as if the only issue is that some people are sleeping in a little too long. Priority is finding out -what- or -who- is causing this... And stopping them. Before anyone says it, that is easier said than done."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae glances from person to person curiously... "I can try to do a few tests on them here... I have a workshop anchored and protected about as well as I can do so, kind of in its own lil pocket verse... " She says and rubs the back of her neck some, efore wincing a it, shifting some and getting her tail out from underneath her self... She winces again at the jingling and takes this opportunity, now that she's sitting, to try and reach her tail and the bell.. Finally she lays her lower half down, ends up twisting turning and finally kind of half way on her long back, but she gets the bell and unties it...

Wendy styfles a snigger, Kae goes back to sitting up, Lower half fully layed down, but trying to look as if this were common, or at least not to be embarrassed about that situation... "Sooo, they're having their consciousness syphoned? Or they're being imprissoned? A bit of both? " She asks curiously and rubs at the back of her neck again as she tries to think things through. "I have a lot of resources, I can do research on the subject, minor issue though, I'm primarily an artificer by trade. While I have to have a lot of spells at my disposal my focus has tended to be toward enchantments, other worldly entities, and these kind of things I'm pretty rusty at." She pauses "Though, it seems lately, I've been getting more practice."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Wong slowly climbs to his feet and walks across the space towards the back of the shop and he holds his hand up to keep Wendy from telling him no and he simply makes his own cup of tea before going back and taking a seat once more. "I do not have any idea who this foe is." Wong says from around the brim of the cup he holds to his face as he breaths in the steam and fumes.

Loki has posed:
    "I wonder. Pocket dimension gives me a thought. What would happen if we relocated one of the suffering people off of the planet? Would they die, or might that break the connection?" Leon asks, thoughtful. "Have you tested that, or the range of this siphon? I did notice if they die, that does seem to break it." He pauses, and laughs softly, "Via an accident. I didn't kill anyone, of course!" Leon doesn't linger there, as if it were clear that he would never do such a thing.

    "Separately, I am fairly certain I know who's responsible. But it's dangerous to throw around names without exact proof. We'd need a whole team of mages and potentially some elaborate rituals and artifice work to undo all of this, if it's what I suspect it is. So, I can check on the identity to get an exact target, but not while I'm splitting attention on severance ritual work." Leon appears thoughtful. "As, obviously, we need to use a format of magic that allows us to use low numbers: as more and more fall asleep. Hence, ritual, to channel from fewer casters. Would you agree?" the older mage asks, around to the others, in the manner a master would suggest to students: but it isn't with any snide quality. If they have input, it's welcomed.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks at the mention and nods slowly "What kind of artifice you want? Old school? Or some of the new stuff I'm making?" she asks curiously. Carefully she reaches into her pocket, she has a fanny pack, no pants after all, and tugs out her cell phone. "Artifice in a pocket device... "Looking closely at the phone, it's less of a sam sung and more of a witches pocket casting device... IT's -hugely- enchanted, one would dare say the whole thing is solid artifice, just so compactly woven together it can't be separated from any other modern cell phone... Kae sets that on a table... "Soo lets see, depending on the spell matrix, there's a number of things we can do.. I can also make it, allow one wizard to do the ritual by them selves, or let several wizards from just about any where these things will meet be able to perform a multi-wizard ritual from well, pretty much anywhere on the same plane... " She smiles "What if we were all to link these together, and cast the ritual from a place of power per mage?"

Kae shrugs "Just a few ideas... Anyhow, these gadgets have a lot of functions, big one, portable ritual circle... They store spells, rituals, items, magics..... " She finally stops "Ok so, soo not a sales thing, anyhow, see if something like this would work, yer all welcome to look it over."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "The sooner we act the better. With as many people as are asleep, chances that any of us succumb to the spell grow every day." The man servant says as he lowers his tea glass to rest on his lap. Wong does raise an eyebrow at Kaelyn's device and is honestly surprised by the capabilities of it. Then Wong perks up and looks back at Leon, "You have a theory or do you actually know the source of this attack?" Wong inquires, his back straightening as his curiosity peaks.

Loki has posed:
    "I'm guessing that's a 'no', we have not tested outdistancing the siphon. I'll test that, then," Leon says, with a somewhat dismissive tone about it. He doesn't need to go into detail at all on something he considers a trivial test, such as taking someone out of range.

    "It's not a theory," Leon answers Wong. "But investigating very directly may alert this entity, so we're going on... just very solid evidence. I've seen this before. I age well," says the self-admitted elder mage.

    To Kaelyn's device, Leon doesn't touch it, but does cast a quick little spell of identification. He doesn't hide that at all, it's clear he did it. Perhaps he's not a mage that cloaks his spells.

    "Let me clarify. What I think will be needed is a way to connect to all of the victims of this. So we will need a web. For example, if out-distancing works, we may need to do it efficiently. How would you suggest reaching ALL these people all at once? That's what needs to be worked on, in my /humble/ opinion."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods slowly... "I might hav esome artifice that can help... We're often times reparing enchantments and making a lot of others here... We have a couple devices that allow us to look at he weave of a given enchantment... It could perhaps be altered to see this spell? Specially if I have the means of studying it passively or someone can study it passively and give me a more finite nature? Otherwise the device could be used to try and ascertain the nature of the enchantment on the victiems them selves? If we can see the weave of this thing, perhapse we can see how these all link together and maybe could come up with a means to unravel them all at once? Btu that will require quite a bit of artifice, perhapse a small carrier device on each victiem that's then activated all at once... " She says and rubs at the back of her neck.. "Dealing in hypotheticals here... Thing is, once activated, it's -going- to alert the person benifitting from all of this, it will probably hurt... a lot too..."

Raven has posed:
    "I am never one to say that research is not particularly usable." There is a momentary pause that follows that. When Raven speaks, she tries to make it as meaningful as she can. "I also typically find the direct approach to be the most reckless. What we do not have, though, is time. We cannot wait any longer. I think, perhaps, we cannot -research- any longer. -If- you know who or what caused this, then I think that information is relevant. What little time we have to investigate needs to have a proper target. Then, as much as I dislike the tactic... The direct approach may be our only remaining option."

    Another pause, as she looks over those present. "Fighting something on this scale might not be pleasant. I do have, though, a rather solid theory. It, whatever it is, -gets- something from the victims. The worst case scenario is that they empower it. Which means that while those of us that can combat it are- whatever esoteric non-literal yet somehow double-literal version of that word it may really be- those of you who are better fashioned to severing ties on a grander scale do so, as quickly as possible. The distraction we provide, at first, may present a chance to weaken it such that we are more than a distraction."

    This almost sounds, of course, like a plan.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Wong remains silent, allowing his mistress to have the floor and then he looks to Kaelyn and then Leon, and finally Billy. He says nothing, just observing and doing the duties of a servant as best as he can. He will protect the sanctum, that much is certain as he failed at one job, he has two left, he can not fail again.

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan finally speaks up, especially after Wong looks to him again. He clears his throat but then offers quietly, "I'm still pretty new to the whole 'ritual' thing, but if you tell me what you need me to do, I can do it." Maybe. If he believes he can. "I might be able to help with the web. I might need to see if I can see all of the people who are asleep though." There's a thoughtful look that seems rather confident. "If you don't think that it might call attention, I should be able to do that. I might need to get to at least one of the sleepers for a starting point."

Loki has posed:
    "We're talking millions of people. So we'll have to group them somehow: not an item for every person. I mean, I can do broad batch teleporting of say, an army, but not if they're spread out everywhere, that's just exhausting," Leon says, setting his cup down, and removing his feet from his odd floating footrest spot. He dispels it with a slight gesture.

    "Fine, a bit more, then. The threads lead into the dreamlands. So it's apparent to me who we're talking about. But I will do two things: I will test the distance item: perhaps even if we can't get everyone, we can get a broad section out if it works, to weaken or distract him. Second, I'll check the dream realm again. Good? Good. I'll send word out in the same way we were called here. I have some sleepers--- 'Billy', was it? I'll be in touch shortly."

    With a simple little nod and smile, a strong teleport spell takes hold, and with a rather beautiful ripple of the air, 'Leon' the mage disappears enigmatically.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummms "Then a more powerful item mystically linked, and about 7 other items linked to it.. Design it to break the connection its self... Bsically bubble anyone under the full affect of this leaching thing of yours... This sleep... Set it up right, can probably affect everyone at once... But it'll only do it for a little while... Maybe an hour or two? Maybe? Then the items will be out of power.... But we're talking global scale magics.... We'll want to put the main item on a powerful ley line nexus, and the other 7 on seven more. When time, activate it and unleash the larger spell nexus..." She says and rubs at the back of her neck some.... "Best I can do on really short notice, but shouldn't take a whole lot, except materials to make these things...."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Wong stands up, and takes his cup over towards the sink and then with a nod to Leon as he leaves, Wong turns to Kaelyn, "Get me a list of the ingredients you will need. I think in your condition it would be faster if I did the shopping this time." Wong says extending his note pad out and a pen. Where did he pull it from? Anyways, Wong quickly departs and gets to work while the world slowly continues to close in.