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Latest revision as of 18:27, 10 January 2019

Getting To Know You Part 2 - Actually Getting To Know You
Date of Scene: 08 January 2019
Location: New Asgard
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Hela, Loki

Thor has posed:
    The people of New Asgard had been tested once again with the ill magic of the black sleep taking from them their people as time went on. More and more of the people were felled and a place to tend to them had grown up in the center of the market where they would gather. It had been touch and go for a time. The runecrafters and shapers were each seeking their own answer to the malady...
    Yet it was only when Loki had returned with the news and a way to address those lost to the sleep, only then when he gave them a way to fend off the darkness that they began recovering. And then, but the other night, the sleep was broken entirely. The portal and barrier that had been constructed by the spell-casters of Asgard were no longer needed now that the people were free of the predations. And such is the way of Asgard that upon a victory...
    There is a celebration.
    Tankards clank. Laughter is heard. Warriors grasp hands and arm wrestle to see who is truly the mightinest amongst them. It is a raucous wild thing for a people that had been deprived of a reason to celebrate for a good chunk of time. And Thor, the Thunderer, is there with them.
    He had said a few words at the beginning. Just to tell them what had passed and that they were now free. He had also joined in with the celebration. But for now, he was at the edge of the crowd letting his people celebrate without having to worry about their liege hovering near them or over their shoulders. He leaned against the side wall of the Broken Antler, out of view for the most part...
    Though he did have his own tankard of ale, to be fair.

Hela has posed:
It has been ages since Hela last partook in this kind of celebrations among fellow Asgardians. In her earlier days it was a regular experience, with her more often than not the center of such a celebration. A triumph here, a triumph there, as Asgard's reign expanded with new realms conquered. It has been a very long period of near solitude since Odin had banished her, and blocked her, restricted to Niflheim and no more.

But now she's returned, and it was most natural to partake in the celebration of her people. Even if most of them are utterly clueless to who she is. Respecting Thor's status, as agreed, she does him the courtesy of stepping into the Broken Antler without her crown. Good thing too, she never did like the name and it's ignorant implication. Still, hard to begrudge the unknowing.

As she comes in, Hela soon gets a tankard of her own, and before she takes a sip she calls out, "Asgard prevails once more, when it's destruction is sought...maybe things are falling into place." It's unclear if she speaks to herself or another, but soon her voice booms, as she asks, "where is my brother, the King?" It's not a demand of anyone specific, but rather the first to answer, and as one might expect, her voice is commanding enough that she's soon pointed in the right direction.

Her cape billowing with her sharp movement, Hela raises her tankard at Thor when she approaches him, "hail, brother."

Thor has posed:
    The word had gotten about to the people, Hela's status, her identity. Though the eldest of the shapers was still not old enough to recall who she was, it was enough that Thor recognized her and that she had a place in New Asgard. And, to be fair, there are few more welcoming people than the people of Asgard when they are celebrating a victory.
    She had been taken into the celebration, been cheered at word of her efforts and exploits. Apparently some thought she had aided in the defeat of the Sleep, at least so sayeth Thor, perhaps at the word of his brother. Yet there is no hesitance in her acceptance. She may have even well found herself a suitor or two in the people who looked upon her for she was indeed a comely woman still despite that subtle feeling of unease she brought.
    Yet when she advances on Thor in his own little corner off to the side, his smile grows a touch and aided with a sardonic tilt as he gives a nod to her. "I bid you greetings, Hela. You seem to be making a fine impression amongst our people."

Hela has posed:
Hela doesn't share small talk with anyone, and addresses any proclaims of affection with a sharp glower and proceeding on her pass towards Thor in silence.

She takes a swig off the tankard, before remarking, "the mead is much improved," and smirking, she adds, "as well I should. How fared you against the sleeping curse? I hope it did not strike you at all. I kept an eye on you throughout."

Thor has posed:
    "It preyed upon some of our people," Thor says solemnly as he turns his good eye downwards towards his tankard, swirling around the remnants as he remains in his place off away from most of the people enjoying themselves. "We had difficulty tending, until Loki came and gave us the solution of transporting our afflicted."
    His nose crinkles and he waves his free hand to the side, "But then he worked with our shapers and crafted the barrier that saved the settlement from such." He looks back, "Thus here we are. Good fortune having granted us safety."

Hela has posed:
"So Loki is the clever brother?" Hela asks half in jest as she samples more of the mead, her eyes looking over the celebration about the hall, drinking it in as much as she does the mead. Whether she states it or not, she had missed the atmosphere. Celebrations in Niflheim tend to be a bit dreary and somber. Though now with Valhalla, at least she has a place to go partake in real celebration when the mood strikes.

"Good, I am glad to hear it went so smoothly for Asgard." Her gaze shifts to Thor, "now then...we still have some catching up to do, last time wouldbe beasts decided to interrupt a royal discourse."

Thor has posed:
    One hand flares to the side as if brushing those words away or... accepting them. "He has e'er been the one with the ideas, though at times they are not what one would entirely call sound. But he is sharp as a blade and with his mind just as fast." A nod is given, "Without him at my side..." He shakes his head as he looks up and around, gaze drifting past towards the reaching spire of their half-finished fortress castle. "Much would have been lost."
    That said he then nods as she shifts the conversation and he pushes off and away form the wall that was supporting his weight. "Aye, we have much to discuss. Come, we can walk and talk." He motions with the tankard towards one of the side doors.

Loki has posed:
    Loki has been doing an exceptional impression of someone with empathy that cares about other people. He makes an appearance in a subtle way suddenly out from behind two female Asgardian warriors who are speaking of the Black Sleep, to smile at them in his often overly imperious way ... and to absorb the onslaught of sudden compliments and appreciation for his efforts in protecting New Asgard.

    Loki wouldn't miss a party related to something he did: though how long he's been recognizable as himself and how long he's simply relaxed within illusion to overhear things may be questionable.

    Loki's voice drifts at a lull of voices, as he 'humbly' answers a question, "Of course you may. It is always an honor to protect our people as your Prince; I await hearing your poetry regarding my deeds. Our history should vibrantly continue within our new home, the arts not fall stagnant. I am ever a patron of creativity..."

Hela has posed:
"Ideas are a fickle beast, some glorious, some utter failure. But creativity comes from thought." Hela nods at the invitation to have words in relatively more privacy, but first she drinks the rest of her tankard, before slamming it to the ground and extending her hand in waiting, "another!" Once she's handed a fresh one, she proceeds to follow along Thor towards the side doors.

Catching just the last bits of what Loki is sharing with another, and not looking back to see who is doing the talking, Hela snorts, "the arts...it tells our history alright, so long as our ruler chooses to acknowledge it, swiftly it can be undone, and even changed outright to something else..."

Thor has posed:
    With words carried on elegant wings, Loki's voice reaches Thor and Hela even as they start making their way away. The Thunderer's smile is wry as he catches the exchange he has with the poet but he does not interrupt. He simply, from afar, lifts his tankard in his brother's direction in a distant salute as he smiles with a warmth that's easily given.
    From there he continues to walk with Hela and he says, "It is one of the perils we have from being such a long-lived race." He shoulders open the door and allows the cold breath of the evening's air to catch them yet he presses on. "I am reminded of what I often tell those of Midgard when they ask how we of Asgard can maintain our thoughts, our memories over the span of centuries."
    He tilts a glance at Hela as if asking if it was acceptable for him to continue, and unless she objects or interjects he continues. "But I tell them that our greatest weapon against the years, and one day blending with another is that we all. As a people. We are all tellers of stories and that is how we craft our memories. It is a boon to us in some ways. And I am sorry to say that it has done you ill, sister."

Hela has posed:
"Indeed it is..." Hela chuckles at the thought of a Midgardian daring to question an Asgardian about anything, than again, Thor's perspective is quite skewed compared to hers. His relation with the people have Midgard has certainly been most different than hers, but she's learning, ever since she broke free and adjusted to New Asgard on Midgard itself.

Hela doesn't stop Thor, and does, actually incline her head to concur with his words, "that is our way. Lessons, memories, and great glory passing on in poems and tales."

She drinks from her tankard at the acknowledgement of the ill that was done to her, "I am glad to hear a King of Asgard take ownership of that. Even when the worst is done, punishment is rendered, but seldom is anyone's deeds ever cut from history to be as if they never was...there is no greater insult to one's deeds and achievements." She turns to look back towards the doors, the anger she still feels over what happened to her is evident. "I used to be celebrated and revered, and just like that, forgotten and removed, as if I never was, and never done a thing..." she turns to look at Thor and smirks, "your Mjolnir knows otherwise, though, no lies will ever erase what it knows."

Thor has posed:
    "It is unfortunate what passed, Hela." Thor moves on out into the night. For now he husbands his drink, taking just small sips now and again as they move off onto the paths that have been cleared of the fluffy snow that only started falling some few hours ago. "But take this as what it is. The turning of Ragnarok. A cycle perhaps. A chance to start anew."
    He looks back and waves as if indicating the settlement as a whole, "Perhaps it is here that we set the groundwork for our children, and those that come later, we are truly at a time where we can build and create and leave them something eventually when the years fade from even us."
    Turning back to their path, "Time will tell and I feel there is more story for us left to compose."

Hela has posed:
Hela turns back to look at Thor, and then continues to walk along his side, "no one should ever be made to suffer such an insult." She drinks some more, as she observes the falling snow, immaculate flakes descending peacefully after the plague of the Black Sleep has been rid of to give a serene look to all about.

"A new start is what we've taken, no doubt, we made a pact and I will honor it, as will you. No need for new wars for the Asgardian people, enough has been suffered, and with the threat of the Black Sleep removed...no ill awaits our people in the near future." Hela seems to share Thor's positivity for the most part, "there is certainly more to tell, as long as there's life, there will be death. It is an unbreakable part of existence."

Thor has posed:
    "You know," Thor pauses on their stroll and sits down on a lengh of a stone wall that offers some protection from the elements with its angle and the cliff-side beside them. "When I was young, there were times I imagined I had an older sister." He cocks an eyebrow as he looks to the side curiously delving into his thoughts.
    Back to her he tries to at least bridge the idea of childhood without perhaps touching on the awkweardness of their shared father as he says, "Loki and I, we trained with several older warriors. One of them was named Sif, and she was wild, a little older than I. When I was eight and she... ten, she had already mastered blade and axe."
    A small snort comes from him as he loos down at his tankard, "The three of us ran around the city and had our adventures, and in some ways I thought it was feasible she could be an elder sister." He looks back up at Hela and says with a smirk, "Little did I know..."

Hela has posed:
"Curious..." Hela muses at Thor's recollection, "were it idle imagination, or perhaps insight that tore through Odin's spell?" She seems fascinated by the idea. "That is impress, at the age of ten? Sounds like a woman bound to join the Valkyrior...did she thought?" Hela aks with interest, when she made a call for the Valkyrior she found how their numbers dwindled when so few answered. They used to be an impressive host. She intends to restore them to their ancient glory as well.

But as Thor's previous notion merges with the story of Sif, Hela snorts, "an inspiration from another than...happenstance. Given the circumstance, I'll have to very well take it."

With a childhood story shared, she finds it only fair to share one of her own, "there was one who saw to my training, Sigrid, she was the finest warrior amognst the Valkyrior at the time, and she had inspired me so...I beseeched of father to let me become a Valkyrie just like her..." she shakes her head and laughs at the memory, "I was five at the time, and yet unaware I was destined for far greater, attaining Godhood, and now I get to command the Valkyrior...I'm sure five year old me would be proud."

Thor has posed:
    At her question Thor smiles a little as he shakes his head, "Nay, she is still with us. Though her efforts take her abroad and out amongst the nine realms more often than here at home." He sets his mug down and to the side so he can fold his arms over his broad chest, gaze distancing with nostalgia.
    "To be fair she is one of our best warriors, but..." His brow knits as he looks upwards towards the stars, though they be hidden partially behind the heavy overcast of clouds. "I fear she is not adjusting to what has changed for us. At least as well as I had hoped."
    But then Hela shares of her own past and he tilts his head to listen. At the last he curves a small smile and exhales what could be a laugh if it was given more life. He shakes his head, "It is strange to imagine where the worlds and roads would take us. If Malekith had not survived the battle here on Midgard who knows where we would be e'en now?"

Hela has posed:
"It is a tough ask to adjust to this," Hela notes plainly, "even if you've not suffered as much as I have..." although from certain respect, it might be easier to cope with having come out of imprisonment, where literally anything is better. "If she is one of our finest, I should like to sparr with her, for I was the finest during my reign as Odin's Executioner." As Thor speaks of possibilities, Hela empties are tankard and smashes it to the ground, "if Odin were wiser, Asgard would still be the epicenter of glory about the cosmos, and this Malekith would have been devoured by my darling Fenris."

"I require more mead, let's head back to the merriment."