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Latest revision as of 18:31, 10 January 2019

Never know what you'll run into near a subway, or a bullet train.
Date of Scene: 10 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Fairchild, Kaelyn Silverleaf

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Is waiting for a train right now, while she's doing her best to <Blend In> that's not very easy when your tall, curvy , and have flawless skin and facial features. Even with a trench coat and a hat she kinda sticks out while using a phone grumbling to herself " Last time I listen to grunge about disguise info. "

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
A busy day at the hyuperloop, this made a bit crazy with the occasional offload and onload of people on the train. A group of people wander past one of the support pillars, the same number wander on, pluss one, a big one, this appearing to be a draft-based centaur of a woman, a very large redhead as it were....

This gets a few mutters, but in a world loaded with tons and tons of metas and the like. Kae doesn't stand out a huge deal, other than well having a whole clydesdale draft horse for her lower quarter.

Kae makes her way to one of the coffee shops and pauses at the bar, waiting, then when it's her turn, she slides a large coffee mug over to them and grins at the barista, "Fill er up." she says, tail lashing a bit as she idly scritches the inside of her back left hock with her right hoof...

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Is on her phone when she smells that intoxicating smell of the worlds number one drug... Coffee she turns and blinks before she rubs her eye's again " Iz..dat". She blinks and walks closer she can't help but stare. Then it happens that thing that happens when she's shocked excited or well-overwhelmed which can happen more than you think when you're a genius.. " Holy crap it's a centaure... by all the molecules a real one". She can't help but get closer

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
After a bit of talking, finally the large mug is being filled with well, espresso... Cafe Mocha to be precise, and Kae of course pays the upcharge to fill the massive thing... She then turns slightly, kind of well noticing the gawkers but knowing her current condition, lets the gawking happen...

Kae slides to the side to let other folks make their orders, and when told her coffee and snack would be brought to her, Kae meanders to a small table near by, before folding her legs under her and sitting/laying down at the table to relax...

The woman pauses a moment, and draws out a computer, settling it on a table top and beginning to peruse the internet for now.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Blinks she doesn't wanna, but she stands in line for the coffee, she can't help but look back at the girl. What's surprised to her is how normal people seem to be here.... then again she's never been to this city. She glances around at the don't care going about my day of people and isn't sure what's more shocking that or the centaur. After a while she moves over and chews her lip before she can't help it " Ummm excuse me can I ask you a question ?".

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae looks up from her computer curiously, green eyes studying Caitlin curiously. "Sure, ask away?" She says, voice having a slight Irish accent. She takes a sip of her coffee, before turning slightly and tugging a book, a really old looking book from one of her bags, and sets that on the table too, while entering information on it into the computer, She is however looking up now and then at the person who wanted to ask her a question....

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Goes to open her mouth closes it . goes again shakes her head closes it before she sighs "Science, alien or Magic? I gotta know " she says before she sits down " Cause you look AMAZING " .

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks a few times and laughs "Magic, oooh boy definately magic, and definately not permanent..." She says and shrugs slowly "Momentary inconvenience, so I've thrown up a kind of 'somebody else's problem' Magica field to keep folks who see me kind of well not likely to go bonkers or act up...." She says and shrugs... "Best way I know to keep doing business as normal."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild sighs " Of course the finger wiggles stuff ". She grumps "I was hoping for alien or something I could study. " She looks around "Wait so you have a spell that makes people not care how you look? " You swear her eyes are starting to sparkle " Can you cast it on other people? "

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae laughs... "Well not so much finger wiggle stuffs... Still right now, I have a decided genetic profile that isn't human, isn't horse, doesn't very whether yout ake a sample from the upper body or the lower.. Kind of it's own thing with traits of both. I do eat normal human food, doesn't bother me one bit, so I'm not chewing on grains and the like." She says and shrugs... "And if I don't force my form back, when what caused this problem in the first place finally fades out, I'll just stay a centaur... " Kae then smirks "Not the worst thing in the world to be, but I think this world's better suited for folks of the bipedal nature."

At the mention of the spell thing, Kae shrugs "Probably, or make an item that does that, or an item that makes a glamour... a hologram if you would.. save the glamour won't show up on a scientifical scanning impliment..."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Thinks " Hmm a hologram would be a good idea, " She thinks for a moment " but still " She sighs " Magic would be nice.. it's hard for me not as hard as you though but I'm kinda easy to notice and tall which can be an issue". She nods though " yeah the world is built around the average and were a two-leg race.. So how did you end up half and half".

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks and shrugs "I wouldn't worry about being about 2 meters in height... try being 3..." She says with a smirk "Oh and weighing almost 2000 pounds... " Kae then ummmms "Just an accident.. some imps broke into my store, stole a bunch of items and made kind of a magical bomb.... it went off, I was caught in the middle and this is what happened... TO be honest, it's not as bad as what happened to some others, I was able to get them taken care of and am still working on one more.... " She says and shrugs... "Just a really really big accident."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Blinks and frowns "wow okay I'm heavy well more than normal but I'm not that heavy " She frowns " Wait Imps are a thing. Wait magic is real I learned that a while ago so yeah why wouldn't Imps be a thing.. sometimes i think I was happier before I learned what's behind the meta-screen ".

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae laughs "Lots of magic around if you open your eyes and look... Folks can be born into it, but nice thing about magic studies, if you study it the right way and work hard, you can become good at it... Don't have to be born to it." She says and smiles a bit. "Then again, there are those who are born with the affinity too... Same with Metas, lots of different types out there, if you look around, you'll see em... There's more than folks might want to think about..." She adds and grins a bit.. "Speaking of course, of all metas, including mutants, etc... many aren't even heroes or villains or super anything, most just live a normal life..."

Kae shrugs "I own a store in Bludhaven Summerville if you prefer... Lots of magical folk there.. A whooole lot... lots of store for the arcane too... Most are real." She adds and shrugs... "Just gotta look for it.

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Chuckles " I'm a scientist, I specialize in Cross genetics and dabble in chemistry " . She looks down " I did this to myself " She waves at herself " But some other people got caught up into it too so I'm trying to fix it " she sighs " just need to get a place to settle down and take the time to fix it , I was doing a stupid like a lot of people and looking for the magic quick fix.. but their is no magic quick fix is there... magic is like science it takes a lot of work and effort.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae oooh's and ummms... "So is there a problem with being 2 meters tall then? What is the nature of the changes you wrought in the others?" She asks curiosly.. "Bein' a lil taller than others and whatever isn't probably that bad, so before you go about changing them back and forcing something else, ya might talk to them and find out if they -want- to be changed back?" She says and grins a bit... "Stacking wrongs isn't allways a good thing, right?"

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Sighs " if being a little taller was all it was, " he says softly " I wish ". She sighs before she grabs a spoon twists it into a tiny little ball then untwists it like the thing was made out of butter. " It was Pandora's box I opened and now I can't shut the lid, but I wanna burry it and make sure nobody else can find it " .

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head "So yer very strong too... Again, think about what you need rather than maybe want? You can help folks the way you are too... But all that's your decision." she says, and glances to the spoon that was destroyed, and suddenly it's back to the way it was, and perfectly functional... "Best not to mess up their metal silverware they get cranky." she says with a smirk, taking a pull on her drink...

"Anyhow, there's a saying, what can be done, can be undone... You might want to look at your studies and such, see what got you to this point and maye that is where your fix should be." she adds with a bit of a smile. "if you're looking for a way to make it so you can do things without folks knowing yer a meta all the time? Well that can probably be handled with glamour and magic, or with technology too...."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Thinks " Do you have a charm or something I could wear that would make people like No notice? " She wonders " Maybe unless I talk to them or something " Something I could take off just in case? " She taps her chin " If I combo it up with a holo-matrix I think that would really work well". she smiles " As for those affected by my mistake if they wanna change back is up to them.. but they should have the option to change back since they didn't have a choice to become what they are " .

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods.. She digs through many pockets and offers a card to Caitlin "I Don't carry stuff like that around with me all the time, but you might go here... It's my store;.. I can perhaps build you locket or some charm that will render you the way you want.. I might can even work a transfiguration, take it a step past a glamour. Least a very minor physical transfiguration.. Buuuut, here's the deal on that... the item would have to be on your person to work, if it falls off and isn't touching it won't work... So like a necklace, or a bracelet or some such...." She says and oohs... "But I'll need you to come to the store so I can better figure out what needs be done. Allright?" She says with a smirk, then her computer beeps and she sighs, starting to put things away. "I have to meet someone with this book here and make a delivery... I'll see you around... If you need help with your disguise, just go to the address or give me a call.. I can build something for you then..." She says and lifts her fore-half off the ground, now sitting much like a dog, before getting her back half up.. She bends over now and picks up her things and puts them in her backpack and saddle bags... "Just figure out exactly what you want, the more complex the magic, the longer it will take to make the enchantment for ya..."

Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin Fairchild Takes the card and smiles " thanks " she beams brightly as she looks over the card ' If you ever need a science genetics thing I could help.. and the charm would be a huge help.. especially since tech can't counter it that's the point " . She smiles and nods before standing up herself " thank you I'll check out your shop."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smiles "Magic can counter magic though... It can bring an all new can of worms and all... Just a bit of a warning. However, a small enchanted item shouldn't draw really much attention from anyone, they're actually quite common." she adds and winks a bit... "Ya be good, good luck in your research... I look forward to seeing you." She adds and her long tail lashes once more and she turns, waving a hand upward. Suddenly a ripple kind of pops into existance and opens up, showing another scene on the other side, before the huge tauress steps through, and as she does, the ripple zippers close.