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Liberated Beer and Black Credit Cards
Date of Scene: 14 August 2025
Location: Wednesday's building, random gothic store, then Wednesday's Manhattan penthouse apartment
Synopsis: Wednesday meets Boris after drinking some liberated beer and commpanies her on a shopping trip. Then Cupcakes
Cast of Characters: Oddity, Erddrache

Oddity has posed:
Manhattan is typical a rather busy part of New York City so the fact that Wednesday is somewhat stumbling out of the buildings where her penthouse is may go unnoticed by most. Upon her form is a black and light green gothic lolita dress complete with black stockings and high heeled mary janes. She stumbled over to one of the potted trees and grasps onto it as she tries to get her balance once more. Her eyes a little bloodshot as she looks about and they are rather glazed as well.

Erddrache has posed:
And not helping matter is a soft rumbling felt through the ground. The tell-tale sign of one mutant - Boris. As per usual, Boris went to extream lengths to cover himself up, he was dressed in an oversized jacket that looks like it was made from two seperate coats! He wore a black hat that covered his forhead and the back of his neck, and his jacket was zipped up to hide the bottom half of his face. One of his legs appears thicker than the other within his jeans - being as that he is hiding his tail. Beyound that...he wore what appears to pure white polished metal boots.

But of course the young...man? Teengaer? We'll go with mysterious dwarf - sees the drunken girl. He shakes his head grumbling something in german before heading over to her and says in a thick and deep voice "Ummm excuse meh, bit are sie alright? Sie look vight zee hid wee bit tae much ta drink" he sells offering her his thick arm for support - and the ever present rumbling was still going on

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday looks to Boris as she says "I wanna go shopping... but the ground is all shakey... and I... I will be fine... just need to go shopping." And her clumsy drunken steps begin to lead her towards the direction of 5th Avenue. Her hands grabbed onto that thick covered arm and tries to drag him along to keep her company.

Erddrache has posed:
"Vat is....oh...ummm guess vee are goink" Boris was about to apologize for the ground, but suddenly he is pulled along. Great, well at least he has finally been able to get a hang of NYC city since moving her. But he is begining to understand why americans have such strict laws about drinking. "So...ermm, vat are vee shoppink fer exaclty?" he eyes the various stores

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday continues to walk with him as she says "I dunno... just stuff... things I want... I need to cheer up.... and shopping is the only way... I... I know how..." Her steps guiding them towards a Gothic and steampunkish store. And a smile returns to her lips as she looks over the inventory. She begins to grab one of everything in her size, letting the shop girl gather up the clothes to put behind the counter as she stumbles over to the shoe sectiong. Her eyes look to Boris as she asks "Did you wanna get some things... since you are helping me?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris blinks slowly "Errrmmmm....shoppin is nit vee best way ta cheer folks up. AH mean...vell whit iz wrong?" he asks, always being a bit mature for his age. At the question about him wanting some things he raises his hands almost urgently "Oh ummm nae, no vank sie....ah umm nit hauf...ermm" and the ground shakes even more than before. He bristles his hair standing on end "Nae vank sie....ummm bit dose shoes are nice!" he points to a pair of heels with a spiral design on the sides "Might look goof on sie" he says tring to change the conversation

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday sighs as she remembers why she is drinking and explains "I... I asked out someone for the first time and... well.. he likes someone else... so now I wish I never even like... sad something to him about it... I am so embaressed. I just... I want to forget this feeling...." A weak smile is given to the shop girl who is helping her with the shoes before she focused back on Boris and says "I don't mind getting you shoes if you want em. Just have them grab a pair in your size. And... shopping is the only way I know how to like... cope with this stuff. I needed a break from my artwork... just... too much blood on the canvas right now..."

Erddrache has posed:
The short individual grunts "Ah kin understaund vat feeling all tae well" he says almost a bit...off. He momentarily seems distracted and sighs deeply. But he than offer he a small smiles "Bit...vell, we try ta move on...vough nit always easy!" he exclaims. He thans looks to the shop girl and waves a hand off "Errmmm...no vank sie..." he taps the floor carefully "....ah rather nit risk falling through floor" he says. A pause and he explains "Ah be...very heavy for my size und dese boots mitigate vat"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods softly and says "Alright. I will keep in mind. And... I just... it happened yesterday so like... just still such a fresh wound... I am too embaressed to even go to class... hence my shopping binge..." At least she seems to be sobering up. All of the shoes she tries on are high heeled, though she only seems to like a handful of them on her feet and motions for them to be added to all the other things she picked out.

Erddrache has posed:
"Yeesh...vat explains alot!" Boris exclaims. He looks at the various shoes "....bit aye, ah usually binge eat" he pats his stomech and it sound more like someone was knocking stone agaist stone "Still dae ven ah can. Proably nit healthy.....also vat school do sie go to anyways?" he wonders. The dwarf suddenly blinks "Oh, vere are mah mannerz! Ah be...Boris Breitbarth" he seems about to offer her a hand...but than quickly folds them behind himself as if trying to hide them

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday giggles at the sound of stone on stone and says "I was thinking about making cupcakes after this. Are you able to go up in an elevator?" She looks to the hands and smiles. She says "I am Wednesday Sparrow and I um..." She leans in and whispers to him "I go to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. My first year though. I am still getting a better hold of my powers." She leans back and smiles, then rises to her feet once more and takes out her black credit card, offering it to the shop keep to slide it to pay for the bags of clothing and bag of shoes she bought.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods "Aye...ah can. Usually" he scratches his head "Ummmm...mabey?" it been awhile since he has used an elevator. He than blinks and says quietly "Oh...so sie are of vee mutants too....how long sie been mutant?" he wonders - though there was a notable uptick in rumbling and Boris seems all the more nervous "Ah nit really....erm talked wif mutantz, or normal volks vreally" he admits. He takes a few of the bags and boxes to carry - likely out of habit

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday responds to Boris "I was born this way I think to be honest. And nothing wrong with talking." She gathers up when Boris doesn't and begins to head back to her building. The doorman holds the door open for them and she beelines for the elevator as she asks "Why don't you don't much with either? Are you worried they will have trouble understanding your accent?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris grunts "Nae nae, nit worried aboot vat at all" he says. "Und well...." he rubs the back of his head and he seems suddenly very uncomfortable as they enter the elevator as he tries to find words to explain himself. The entire structure shakes violently. It made some of the other folks get off for obviouse reasons. Boris closes his eyes as if to shut out the world "....well ven yer raised somewhere vere...mutant are hated...sie learn ta distrust mutants. Und vee circumstances vere mah power activated vere nit vee best...und et caused alit of other problems" he rubs his upper arm. "...all dis mutant buisness fer me..started mabey 4 months ago" he shakes his head, it seems it has been nothing but trouble for him "ANyways vat sie plan on doing now?"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday exits on the top floor and makes her way to one of the penthouse apartment doors, unlocking it with her keys as she says "Well... my father hid me away before he died to be honest. He wanted to protect me from those who hated mutants. And only 4 months ago? I... I can't imagine what kind of adjustment that is. I am dealing with a lot of firsts to be honest. I suppose you can call this apartment called my tower I guess? In school for the first time. Having friends for the first time as well. It is a lot to adjust to for me." SHe sits down on the over stuffed couch, sliding out of her heels as she asks "What caused you to change?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris says, "Et was" Boris admits as he closes the door behind them. If he pa knew he was in a complet stranger home....oh he would be murdered! But he really wasn't thinking of this. "My....family ah guess moved us here efter vee change" He sighs.

"Well, it was a rainy day und ah was headink ta school. A truck hydroplaned from goink ta fast...flipped onto et side und kept goink. Big wan. Und well, et hit me" he visibly winces and touches his ribs "Und, vat is ven ah guess my mutant abilities became active. Over da first month...ah became vat ah am now....many days ah do nit even recognize mahself in vee mirror"

He takes out a wallet and shows her a picture - its a family photo of a mother, father and a normal looking teenager. And well he looks /nothing/ like he used to except for some facial similarties "Dat used ta be me""

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday takes the offered photo and looks at it before she looks back to him and says "I am sorry it made you change. I am not sure how I would have... reacted to such changes myself. I am always been... off a different block as father said. An odd duck. It use to drive him nuts that I could see mother and he couldn't. And now they both linger about from time to time. Though... do you dislike the... new you as it were?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris is quiet a long moment...he must have been thinking hard as all sense of rumbling ceased. ".....yes" he finally answers. "How can ah nit? Friends left, moved ta a new strange place, folks got a divorced since ma hates mutants, cannea even go oot witout worrying aboot gettin beat up by some damnable gang, let alone just do...normal vings like eat a damn corn cob" he sounded quite resentful. He looks to Wednesday "....vat iz yer power anyways....sight beyound sight?" he wonders of her "Or somevink else?"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods softly and says "I am sorry all of that happened. I really don't know normality I guess. Father was strict about my powers so I never got a chance to practice. And besides the seeing ghosts, I am a psychic. I can read minds but others know I am there. I can phase through a wall, I can create Illusions, move things with my mind, astral project and I can create a shield. I just... am well... odd compared to most. Father always called me The Oddity. So... just like.. I dunno. The nickname at the school is Spooky."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris says, "Mines is Eddreche...et means earth dragon in english" though considering he was still covered up, that may or may not lend credence to his looks. "Ah...ummm how say...swim vrouh earth very fast, kin control et too. Et also constitutes vee bulk of mah diet. Kin heal faster den normal...and ummm" he seems embrassed again and stops there. He rubs his gloved hands togeather "....wat was vat aboot makink cupcakes? Mabeh ah help""

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday smiles as she says "Well I think that is pretty nifty. The swimming through earth and all. And controlling it. I have limits with what I can move with my mind. And... I think cupcakes are a good idea. Any specific flavor? I have various recipes." And she gets up, making her way into the kitchen. Her fingers dancing over a tablet on the wall as she pulls up recipes.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris says, "...I cannea actually eat cupcakes. Most store bought stuff has some form of corn-based byproduct in et." he rubs the back of his head "So yea. Bit et still fun ta make, und ah love vee smell of chocolate! If dere a way ta avoid corn...or anyding dat looks chlorphil, we should be good, hopefully" he comes up and flies up a tad bit, enough to see the tablet easily - which ment he was floating a good foot off the ground. "Hmmmm....oh dat was looks good!" he points"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday looks to Boris as she says "I was going to make it from scratch. I prefer to make it from scratch honestly so maybe you can eat them? Do you know what ingredients have the corn base in it?" She smiles as he points out the cookies and cream cupcakes and says "Those are some of my favorite. Are you able to eat oreoes still?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris says, "Well if et iz from skratch, et should be fine" he says in thought. He eyes the cookies and cream cupcakes "Hrmmmm...ummm....ah do nit even now vat an oreo is" he admits. "AH really do nit git oot often!" he says with a low and somewhat embaressed chuckle."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday giggles softly and murmurs to him "I think you will like them, it is a chocolate cookie with creme filling. I don't think it has any corn it it but you can read the packaging of them before we make those if you want. I have some in the pantry on the third shelf on the right." She begins to grab the flour, sugar, eggs and all the other things to make the cupcakes from scratch as will as the mixer and the mixing bowls.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris heads over towards the cabinet. COntrolling his metalic boots is one thing he has had ample practice with....out of nessescity and rises up a bit higher so he can reach the shelf. He reaches in and bring out the cookies and looks over the incrediants "Bah. High fructose corn syrup..." grumbles about americans putting corn in everything. But none the less he floats back down carefully and brings the cookies over "Well...mabey et willnea hurt ta try em anyways" his nose twitches as he can smell the oreos.

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday frowns as she says "But I don't want you to get sick. Hmmm... perhaps we could just make turtle cookies. I can make the caramel from scratch for it. And it is a chocolate cupcake with pecans. And with caramel frosting. What do you think?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris considers this a moment "Sure, et could werk!" he seems very excited and the rumbing ground suddenly returns as the dwarfs excitment grows. "Ah say lets do et! Oh, bit ah should call mah pa...mind if ah use yer phone?" he asks

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday giggles at his excitement, helping distract from her upset from yesterday. She floats her phone over to her with her mind and unlocks it before she offers it to Boris as she says "Go ahead, I rather you not get in trouble. And if he wants the address you can give it to him. Should be on one of the envelopes on the counter." And more ingredients are grabbed and she begins to make the caramel from scratch.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris takes it very very carefully between his fingers. "Vank sie!" and he turns around taking off on of his large gloves. In the corner...one can see what looks like bone plating on his hand before he turns to fully cover himself. A few beeps later and he is on the phone.

He is of course speaking in German. To anyone that can understand - Boris is explaining where and who he is with, and what he is doing. His father does not sound very happy about this and the two go back and forth several times. But it none the less ends with Boris reading over the envelope to give the address.

He ends the care and actually curses a bit in German. After putting his glove back on he shows Wednesday the phone, seems Boris accidently cracked it "Errm...sorryah kin replace vat"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday takes the phone back and says "I can just buy a new one. I'm loaded Boris. No need to fret. I take it your dad was pissed?" Her eyes glancing to him as she stirs the caramel in the pot, making sure it comes into the full flavor and thickness it is suppose to.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris says, "Aye...he does nit trust strangerz in a strange land. He worries alit" Boris explains "It was it easiest move...but me dinks he will settle once he knows dis place iz real und makes sure ah am actually here." of note Boris seems to have been avoiding the windows. None the less Boris takes it upon himself to wash any dishes that are no longer evil, and helps pass along others that may be needed. This is likely the closest he has been to normacy in a long time."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods softly and says "He can come up and look about if he really wants to Boris. I don't mind but he has to be nice and not make you leave early. We still have to make the cupcakes and bake them and all." She begins to start of making the caramel frosting, slowly folding in the freshly made caramel and says as she hands the pot to Boris "If you like, you can taste the sauce I made before washing it since I know I didn't get all of it in the frosting." And the she sets one of the mixers to low and lets it mix it all together. And in another bowl she begins to mix in all the dry ingredients for the cake.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris says, "Oh he iz nice...once sie git ta know him. He tends ta go wif hiz guts...he'll decide if he likes sie witin five minutes of meetink sie." he explains. And unable to resist the offer, he taste the saurce "Ohhhhhh! Vis is good!" he exclaims "Cannea wait ta try vis on da cupcakes...." he gives a pause "Hey Wednesday...wat did happen ta yer folks anyways?" he wonders taking another lick of the sauce"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday's smile falters a little but she manages to have a softer version remain as she says "Oh... my mom died while giving birth to me and... my dad he... he died in a plane crash about a month ago. They are still about. But most people can't see them like I do." She begins to slowly add in the liquid ingredients into the mixing bowl and turns on the mixer to a medium as she uses the spatula to make sure everything mixes together. She then says "It is almost like he isn't gone but ghost hugs don't feel the same as the ones he use to give me. Not really sure what I will do now. I mean... I sold the company cause I don't know how to run it. And trying to wisely invest my money but I like my accountant handle most of that and he gets a little bit of a cut of anything that profits."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris says, "Oh...oh, ah be sorry ta hear vat" Boris says in thought. He turns off the water having washed any of the used bowls, spones and what have you. "Nit sure vat et would be like ta have ghosts fer parents...but least ye git ta see em" he says trying to find a bright side. All things considered, he did seem the superstitious type and so dosn't seem to doubt the idea of ghost. A buzzer rings several times, seems someone on the ground floor wants to come up"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods and says "yeah... I just.... I miss the physical contact. And I just... I never got to know my mom physically. And me seeing ghosts is why my Dad kept me home and had me taught by private tutors." She presses on the intercom and says "Come on up. It is the top floor. The code is 2319. My apartment is at the very end of the hallway." She begins to pour the mix into the cupcake wrappers in the cupcake baking in and begins to put them into the oven.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods "Aye, Ah kin understand vat ta some extent" he admits. He eyes the cupcakes his nose twitching. He looks exicted at the prospect of having something besides rocks "But hey, at least sie kin still talk wif em. Fer most folks once vere gone...vere gone fer good" he says. Food for thoughts.

It would be a few minutes before Boris father shows up. After all he had to go up quite a long ways and get to the right apartment. Though he wasn't quite sure what the code was for...and so there is a resolute and deep knocking on the door that comes three times

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods and says "I think everyone turns into ghosts. Just not everyone can see them ya know?" She then flits from the kitchen to the front door. A smile curls her lips as she opens it up and says "You must be Mister Breitbarth. Please do come in. I am Wednesday Sparrow." And once within, she will close the door behind him and make her way back to the kitchen as she says "We are just making cupcakes."

Erddrache has posed:
Mr.Brietbarth as the pictured showed and can now be seen was a very large and rather intimidating looking man. He had a full beard and a piercing glare upon first sight. He looks Wednesday up and down before grunting out a rather friendly "Et iz...how sie say.... good to ummm Meet you Ms.Sparrow" he says formlly. But than he was looking Boris over carefully actually walking over and physically patting him down and making sure he was okay

"Pa! Really...now? Kom on...she is nice, sie know?" he says not wanting to make a bad impression. He looks to Wednesday "Heheh...well, as sie git right dis is mah pa." he states a bit red in the face.

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday giggles a bit and watches fondly as his father embaresses him and says "Nice to meet you as well. Would you like some coffee or tea? I also have bottled water if you prefer." She opens up the fridge and grabs a bottle of water for Boris, offering it to him as she holds a coca-cola in a glass bottle for herself.

Erddrache has posed:
The large man grunts in a similar fashion to Boris "Coffee vould be fine" he says. He looks to Boris "Nice ta see mah Little Eddrache is makink some friendz now." he rubs Boris on the head "Isnea vat right Pebble? Sie know he iz afraid of man-made heightz? Ah be surprise he..."

"Pa!" Boris interupts and quickly stumbles out the words "Vat iz nit true! Et jist so happenz vere less stable iz all" he says defensevley, and now he was beat red from being called Pebble. He quickly begins to down the water

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods and begins to grab stuff to make coffee in the coffee maker. She smiles brightly to Mr. B as she says "I am glad to have a new friend too. I don't have many to be honest. And he hasn't gone near the windows. So perhaps that is helping? I know I sometimes get vertigo when I look directly down." She giggles at the beat red and looks up to Mr B as she asks "Did you want to look out? I also have a balcony that you can go out on. And it is enclosed. More like a sun room really I guess."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris says, "Bah, he iz jist being a wimp" Mr. B says "AH even used ta throw him aff of roofs und he was fine. Nevar complained ven" he says "He instead vould raise his wee little handz und shout oot 'agin papi agin!" he says with a laugh. The man went from intimidating to a giant teddy bear. Seems he likes Wednesday

Boris face palms in the mean time the ground shaking in tune with his embaressment

"Little pebble, no need ta bring veee buildink down" he says gently before looking to Wednesday "Neither does mah Eddrache saddly...and probably. Cannea be afraid of what sie do nit see aye? Bit no vank sie, might be a sniper out vere efter all" and he was apprently paranoid too."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday smiles at Mr. B's words and says "Well, when we are children, we are more ignorant of fear. But as we grow older, we start to realize what causes such things instead of us besides the boogeyman." She presses a button in the kitchen and the blinds close shut and the lights begin to lightly brighten as she says "There now no need to fret or worry." A smile curls her lips and she slides on the oven mitts and draws the two tray of now baked cupcakes out and places them on the cooling rack.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris says, "Vis is true, well seems sie hauf a good head on yer shoulders Ms.Sparrow" Mr.B says with a chuckles and gives her a nod of appreciation when she closes the blinds. As for Boris he walks over and plucks one of the piping hot cupcakes taking off the wrapper. It dosn't seem to even register as hot to him as he begins to eat it. "Ohhhhhh, Vis taste fantastic Wednesday!" he happily munches more "Und ah nit afraid!" he re-iterates seeing to stand firm on this...even if he did seem a bit more at ease witht e blinds closed"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday smiles to Mr.B and says "Thank you I try to. Just. I am still getting use to being without my family and it takes some adjusting." She blinks a bit as Boris eats the still hot cupcake and says "They haven't even cooled for the caramel icing silly." Giggles begin to pour from her lips and she says "I never said you were afraid. But the height up here is rather daunting at times."

Erddrache has posed:
Mr.B chuckles "Do nit mind him, he kould swim in moltin iron, let alone eat a hot pasterie" he claims. "Hiz favorit is red hot iron" he shakes his head. But than looks to Wednesday and frowns "OH...mah apologiez. We undastaund how sie feel...we are dealink wif a broken family ourselves"

Of course Boris already told Wednesday about some of this as he says "AH already telt her Pa." he looks to Wednesday "...und iceing taste better ven melting if sie ask me!" he does nod thought at the statemnt of the daunting height

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods and explains "Boris made mention of how you are now divorced due to your ex-wife's hatred of mutants. I wish people would understand that we are just like them but... just have powers to help possibly save them and not all of us are bad. But... they will believe what it is they wish to." She looks to Boris and giggles a bit as she says "I am glad you like them and can eat them." She looks back to Mr.B and asks "Have you thought about him coming to Xavier's school. It is mostly us mutants there and I know my friends would probably get along with him. I was just... taking a break from campus cause I am trying to buy and eat my heartbreak away."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris says, "Young lady. Sie should nit be skippink sie lessons because of a vee heartbreak. Et is no excuse, sie hauf bright future und clear the means ta do much good" Mr.B says, clearly he held education to a very high degree. He eyes Boris "We are nit divorced...jist nit togeather. We are...tryink ta werk vings oot. Ah am sure vat vee next visi.."

Boris grunts "Like da other two visits? Dat she so 'happened' ta miss?" he says sourly. "We all know da truth Pa...she nit comming back" Mr.B sighs clearly he is a man trying to keep a family togeather but looks to Wednesday "Hmmm...et is one school ah have considered fer mah son, we hauf just been having some trouble wif the...system sie kin say""

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday blushes and explains "Class starts next week for me. I am not skipping I promise. I was more just needed a break from being on campus. A boy I got brave enough to ask out told me no and he is interested in someone else and he isn't even sure if the girl likes him back." She offers a hug to Mr. B and says "Well I think you should have him transfer in. I might be able to see if they can push the paperwork through but I think being around more like myself and him would be very good. And the teachers are so helpful too. They are helping me get a better handle of my powers."

Erddrache has posed:
Mr.B nods "Ahh, very good" though he was a gentle soul he seemd a bit off put by the hug from a girl he hardly knows. Even Boris was canting his head in a bit of wonder - all things to learn and get used too. He coughs "Vell, vat iz better, hopefully classes vill go well" he states "Und, help vould be appreciated" he admits. Boris nods "Et vould be nice ta be back in a skool" he admits

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday slips out of the hug blushing and says "Sorry just... I miss hugging my Dad. He would do it everyday he came home from work and you are about his height. Apologies if it was weird or like... whatever." She picks up her cracked phone and begins to type on it as she says "I'll try and see if I can nab a meeting for you with the officials. Just all the paperwork done and such. I am in my senior year now. And it is my first year there too but... it is a good school and very safe for the most part to be honest."

Erddrache has posed:
With Boris distracted by eating more cupcakes, it seems Mr.B was the one paying attention. "Et iz no problem...we are jist not used ta american customs is all" he says, assuming this was normal. "Und vank sie very much, such a mettink vould be apprecaited" he says with sincerity but give pause "......wat do sie mean safe fer the most part?" he peers with that hawk like eyes of his

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday looks up to him and says "Oh sometimes the students prank one another is all. But it is more people who are close friends. No one ever gets injured. It just causes a lot of noise is all. So far the campus seem very safe besides the occasional girl cannonballing off of her flying horse into the deep end of the pool and soaking everyone in the area. As I said harmless."

Erddrache has posed:
Now this grabs Boris attention ".....a girl....kinnonballink....off a flyink horse" he looks to his Pa and his pa looks back and than they both look at her. They were definintly rlated. The father speaks first "Velll....ah guess vere hauf been odder vings in vee world all vings considered" he admits before Boris says "...hellz no, ah nit ridink a flyink horse" he says still on the horse thing clearly

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday giggles and nods as she says "Yes my new friend Dani did the cannonball and soaked BoomBoom. They had a... water fight more or less while I spoiled the horse with sugar cubes. It was how I first met them. I was just wandering about the grounds.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods slowly "Hmmm, well if vat kin happen in a week...mabey go soon" he says with Mr.B nodding in agreement "Aye, et would be good fer sie, vough ah will need ta se et before sie go...jist in case" Mr.B looks to Wednesday "Still vat must have been a fun und interesting day. Ah kin only imagine how vee classes and vat nit are like!"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods and says "I am sure they would let you tour it and everything. It is a large grounds. We have a swimming pool obviously and the library is amazing. There is also the rec room and many rooms inbetween. Besides the on-campus dorms of course." She finally grabs a cooled off cupcake and smears the top of the icing before she takes a small dainty bite.

Erddrache has posed:
Mr.B nods slowly "Hmmmm, soundz....expensive" he notes "Bit, a good education facility oftin iz. Und a large libarary...hahah! This pebbel" rubs Boris head excitedly "Vould love vat! He quite the book worm...und Boris...vi do sie still hauf sie outer clothes on? Vee are guest in somewans house, ah raise sie better" noticing Boris was still in his coat, gloves and all

Boris seems to try and amke himself smaller and tries to deflect the topic away "Aye, ah love readink! Nit much of a swimmer vough...ah tend ta sink like a stone. Ummm vat classes do sie take?" he wonder trying to ignore the 'evil eyes' from his Pa and actually begining to squirm

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday shrugs softly and says "I can cover the cost if that is your only fret about it." She looks to Boris and says "I take Home Ec, and a few others right now. And I don't really swim either cause I burn too easily. But I still wander about with my parasol."

Erddrache has posed:
Mr.B grunts with quiet dissapproval, but none the less stays cordial "Vank sie....but ah am sure vee kin figure oot a way ta pay our own way." of course ha also wanted to make sure the school really was safe...especialy with the 'Friends of Humanity' being about. His eyes never leave Boris

Boris finally reliquishes unable to handle the stare down. He quietly remove his coats, gloves, hat, etc, and just goes down to standard clothing....he was so red in the face it shown through his beard. He could easily be mistaken for a full grown man. "Ummmm....well sie Home Ec classes are payink aff!" the ground was really starting to rumble now, to the point pots and pans were begining to clank and move.