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Red and Gray in Gotham
Date of Scene: 26 January 2019
Location: Gotham City - The Narrows
Synopsis: Red Hood comes across Zombie-Girl and some demonic things - and of course he has to flirt with her.
Cast of Characters: Zombie-Girl, Red Hood

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl is walking down the streets in a long ragged looking coat with a hood up. It hides her pretty well, but what it doesn't hide is her lack of fear about being in such a dangerous warren of crime and violence like this, especially odd being that she's such a small looking thing. She carries herself though like a woman on a mission. Up ahead she spots a man in a red vest with a can of spray paint in his hand who seems to be marking up a wall already covered in graffiti.

Red Hood has posed:
It had been a pretty boring evening of patrol for Red Hood. While Gotham can have it's really busy evenings, with Batman having all of the family out on patrol, it's sent most of the minor villains into hiding or scurrying into the shadows - leaving mainly the power players that think they can handle the Bat, and those that are too dumb to realize the danger they're in.

Guess which one building taggers fall up under.

<No sign of Firefly. Or Killer Croc. Hell - not even a Professor Pyg. Looks like the petting zoo's hiding.> he rumbles to himself, before noticing the tagger. It's better than nothing. And it's practice. And as Jason moves along the rooftops to prepare to pounce, he brings himself to a halt as a second figure shows up. Pausing where he was in the shadows, Jason sizes the figure up. Woman, judging by the shape. Small. Perhaps mid-twenties. Can't make out a face - but is that a grey hand? Maybe just a trick of the light. He makes no move to pounce yet; he watches to see what she's doing first.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl goes into a crouch. She's not as practiced in the art of stealth as someone trained by The Bat, but it's enough to keep this distracted thug from noticing her presence. As she sneaks closer she can get a better look on what he's doing. In red paint he seems to be making a very complex symbol that seems more arcane and archaic than would generally be seen from the high school dropout ilk that choke the back alleys and street corners. When he's done with the symbol it briefly shimmers. The light rain that pitter-patters against the surface of the brick wall sizzles and evaporates in the short time that its illuminated. The smell of sulphur is carried up on the updraft and to the rooftop to where Jason is skulking. That's when the woman leaps out, she throws her coat aside to show that she's dressed like a gothic college wrestler. "Gotcha!" she yells and throws her shoulder into the thug's back. With how he is thrown against the wall and bounces off, its almost like he was hit by someone twice her size.

Red Hood has posed:
The artwork draws Jason's attention, as he watches it come into being. Reaching up to the side of his helmet, he taps the side of it to start a camera going. Easier to record it for Babs to decipher when she has the time to do it. It shouldn't be a big deal - that is until it shimmers and glows and that smell of sulphur manages to get through his helmet's filters. "Hell." No, literally.

That's when the girl roars and shows off, and there's a raise of Jason's brows underneath his helmet before she's yelling and charging at the guy. <Gotcha? I bet she yells out the name of her attacks, too.>

As he bounces off the wall, Jason can only wince, though it causes him to gauge the girl more seriously now, but he waits. There's no attack until the man turns to face the girl hero. It's time to size her up and see exactly what she's capable of.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl steps backward. She's a novice hero for sure, all shouting and bravado. She grabs the man by his shirt and hikes him upward and off the ground like he were filled with straw. Despite the display of inhuman force, she doesn't notice his hand go into his vest and pull out a .38. In his awkward position of being held aloft by the small woman, his options for aiming are limited. But there are three quick claps as he fires directly into her stomach. This doesn't seem to bother her too much, despite the luminous green fluid that pours from her wounds and splats on the ground. "Ow?" she says as though she were remembering what she is expected to say when one is injured. She grabs the gun in her free hand and squeezes it. The metal deforms under her grip and becomes something much less gun shaped.

Red Hood has posed:
When a gun comes into play, Jason starts to move. And he's too slow to get out his own batarangs - the guns would be a nicer option, but Bats has been on him about his kill count as of late. That is until the shots ring out. Leaping from the rooftop, Red Hood descends, that is until he notices that the woman - shot three times at point blank range, didn't even flinch. And she's bleeding green.

<Animal - Vegetable - or Mineral?> comes the quipped question through Hood's helmet as he watches the gun get turned into a piece of modern art. "My bet's on alien."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl keeps the graffiti artist pinned to the wall. She turns to look at Red Hood. Like her "blood" her eyes glow a luminous green, and what looks like spectral flames lick out from them. "Zombie," she answers. "Well that's what I call me anyway."

  She eyes up the new arrival, realizing that it's another "mask", then recognizes who it is. She's taken abit aback. Why would someone of his caliber be slumming it with this little infernal street gang? "Can I help you?" she asks.

  Nearly forgotten the man up on the wall lets out a laugh. "Oh, you heroes don't know what you stepped in," he says despite his situation. From the other side of the alley three more men approach, all clad in red vests. One carrying a baseball bat, one a shotgun, the third carries no weapons but has a scar of an infernal symbol like the one one the wall burned into his chest.

Red Hood has posed:
"Zombie? Been dead, done that." Jason responds, giving Zombie a look over once. "Seem pretty well put together for one. Not even a shamble." His tone is flat, yet one could hear the tease in it. It's supposed to be a compliment. "So, what's the deal? Little Banksy here wannabe got some magic paint?" he asks, eyeing the can paint that he had been carrying, before the kid gets to talking.

"Adults talking adult stuff here, we'll get back to you in a minute." he comments to the street kid, that is until the others start to show up.

And beneath his helmet, Jason smiles. "Oh yes. I'm terrified. And here I thought my night was going to be awkward flirting with a dead girl." And his hands fall to his sides, where his weapons are. "Pleasant night for a stroll, ain't it?" he calls out. "I was just about to ask my new friend here out to dinner, but it seems she's already full."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl pulls the man off the wall and shoves him back against it... hard. His head smacks against the wall hard enough to knock him straight out. ZG lets him fall into the wet, filthy ground of the alley. "Regular Wal-Mart tier paint. But it's not the paint but what you do with it. But you'll have to ask our little urban cultists here about that."

  The man without a weapon cracks his knuckles and answers her "Cult? Nah. Freedom. See boss has shown us a new way. Hell on Earth, that's the true freedom. Freedom to be who we want to be." With that he smiles as a seam opens up on the crown of his head and peels back in each direction. Like someone cut him in half lengthwise, the two sides of his body come undone. The upper part of his body becoming one giant mouth with teeth like steak knives. His arms lengthen, pop, break, and gain another bone with allows another joint of movement. His hands tear off and fall to the ground, a sickle-like blade emerges from the stumps of his wrists and grows out to over three feet each. He leans down on these new biological weapons, now on all fours.

  "Well okay then," the Zombie says.

Red Hood has posed:
"I'll keep that in mind." Jason responds, before he turns his attention to the goons. "Don't recognize them. Playmates of yours?" he asks the girl next to him, before the cultist starts to transform himself into a monstorous creature. Turning his attention to the gun holsters, Jason draws out the pair of metallic 45s. "That's officially something you don't see everyday." he comments dryly.

"Sure, he has Bat Shark Repellent, but Bat Holy Water? Naw." he rumbles, his attention turning towards Zombie-Girl. "So this is your party. Who are our special guests?" he asks her, as he's already whipping around his pistols to fire off several shots at the Hellhound.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl charges past the transformed thug and shoulder checks the man with the baseball bat, he is sent off his feet and skidding across the slick surface of the cement. "Dunno. They've been tagging up the Bronx, stinking it up with sulphur, generally ruining property values," she responds. "So about the awkward flirting," she says with a wry smile.

  But she doesn't have much time to follow up on that thought. The transformed man makes a sound like a herd of pigs in plastic shredder when shot at. Pieces of flesh fly off of him, but whatever is going on with him as made him more resiliant. He swings one of his sythes around and catches the Zombie in the gut and slams her against the wall. It cuts through her until it nearly hits her spine. Rather than making death gurgle as one would expect in such a situation, she seems rather nonplussed about that.

  "Getting annoyed now!" she yells out and grabs the fire escape over her head and uses the leverage to wrap around the monster's new extra forearm. She bears down hard until there is the crack of bone. This has an unfortunate side-effect through from her turning around that causes a lot of her innards to become outards, as she's been sliced open.

  "Okay, so that probably ruined the flirting," she says looking down.

Red Hood has posed:
As he fires upon the transformed man, he feels Zombie shoulder past him and Jason smirks. "I do like a girl that makes it up close and personal." he responds to her, before she's suddenly chucked against the wall, and eviscerates her across the middle, sending ichor and innards spilling out.

"You know. Not supposed to go spilling your guts on a first date. That's a total third date activity." he rumbles. "We're going to have a talk about that later." Now, him spilling his guts? He's not willing to test how far the Lazarus Pit's healing may have taking him. As the arm is snapped, Jason moves, charging forward.

Just to get cut off by the shotgun kid. The boy levels his powerful piece as Jason and prepares to fire. Realizing what's about to happen, Hood drops to his knees to avoid the shotgun blast above his head, and it rattles him as he brings his fists into the man's solar plexus, bringing him into a doubled-over state and follows it up with a sharp uppercut.

"Need a moment to pull yourself together?" he asks as he moves to draw away the demon hound from Zombie-Girl. He whistles sharply. "Hey! Fido! Chew toy, right over here!"

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl swings herself up and onto the bottommost section of the fire escape at the same moment that the man with the shotgun is taken out of the fight. The man with the baseball bat slowly makes his way back to his feet. The guts that fell onto the ground ignite and burn away into a fine powder. The same flame licks from the wound on her stomach, which seems smaller than a moment before. "Just... a bit," she says holding an arm over her stomach.

  The demon hound peels its midsection in half again and lets out a howl which is loud and high enough to cause Zombie-Girl to have to clap her hands over her ears. His spine, whips out and wraps about Red Hood's ankle and attempts to reel him in to the snapping torso/maw of the beast. The baseball bat thug tries to capitalize on Red Hood's ensnarement, but Zombie Girl wrenches a bar off of the fire escape and chucks it at him like a javelin. It connects hard with the hand holding the bat, shattering the bones there. He falls to the ground howling in pain.

Red Hood has posed:
"Take your time, I have all night." Jason starts to quip, just before he finds himself snagged by the spine. "Dammit!" he snaps, realizing he allowed his flirting with her to distract him for just a second.

And second's matter. Dropping his pistols, he's starting to reach for something in his belt when he sees the shadow over him. Jason brings his arms up up to prepare to take the strike from the baseball bat wielding man. But it never comes.

Looking up, he sees the man wallowing in pain, and that Zombie-Girl had the rescue. "Thanks for the assist!" he grunts, ripping out what he was looking for. A powerful tazer is placed against the spine. And he releases 10000 volts into the creature's spine directly, looking to stun it at least momentarily.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl replies, "I'm a quick healer."

  The creature lets out another howl of pain when the electrical charge surges through him. The spine releases, then flops and whips about blindly. It strikes at the fire escape that Zombie-Girl is standing on, and tears a few of its bolts out from the brick that it was fastened to.

  "Crap crap!" she yells and grabs hold of the railing for support. She scrambles up onto the railing as the whole thing lurches to the side. Below the beast swings its bone sythes about in blind anger. It carves out grooves in the brick four inches deep.

  "It's stupid time," she yells and launches herself off of the railing. As the vertical maw of the beast snaps open and closed in anger, Zombie-Girl is just lucky enough to catch it when its open. Her feet land on what would be the inner shoulder area of the beast if he still had a normal anatomy. It tries to close around her, but the inhumanly strong woman has better leverage from this vantage. She pushes out into a near split, pushing its jaws open wide. Its spinal-tongue wraps about her waist and tries to yank her free, but she's just wedged in too well.

Red Hood has posed:
"You quick with everything?" comes Jason's quip as he gets the beast to release and scrabbles back - just to realize that Zombie-Girl's doing something - that he would totally do himself if she hadn't done it first. She gets settled into place and starts to pull, he realizes that he needs to do something to keep the creature distracted from the woman trying to rip it apart.

Grabbing the shotgun that had been dropped, Jason closes in, and moves towards the base of the creature - finding the tongue. Shoving it against the flatest part of it, he grunts. "Taste this." And pulls the trigger, firing a blast into the flash.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl arches her back and pulls upward. When the burst of the shotgun tears through the spine and she pulls upward it is torn off and hangs limply about her waist.

  "When I need to be," she responds before a grunt. "I'm sorry this happened to you, but you took this upon yourself willingly. Not even an exorcism can help you now," she tells the beast. She follows this up by pivoting on the balls of her feet so that she is upside-down inside its torso. She shoves her hands down into the inside of its "throat" that is around the area of where his waist was. She begins to pull. There is the squelchy sound of skin tearing followed by the crack of bones breaking.

Red Hood has posed:
When Zombie-Girl goes upside down, Jason listens to her little speech, and when he hears the tearing and cracking sounds from within, he realizes what's happening. Stepping forward to where she is, his arms move, wrapping around her lower legs. He grips her tightly. "Tell me when to pull!" he calls towards her.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl says, "Don't pull, push!" She kind of flicks with her head to show that she wants to be forced more to the ground. The skin of the beast splits and the jaws are torn wider and wider. Its animal screams of pain become strained gurgles when its own black blood begins to choke it. The long bone sythes reach out and imbed themselves in the brick wall on each side of the alley in an attempt to keep it held together. But the combined strength of both heroes is greater than that of its demonic vigor.

  "just... a little... more," Zombie-Girl says with each hand in a deathgrip of demonic flesh in her attempt to cleave the beast in two.

Red Hood has posed:
"Push. Got it!" Jason gives a grunt and sets his feet, shoving the Zombie-Girl forward into the creature as he growls. He does have a little extra strength from his own rebirth as he pushes against the woman to try to force her the rest of the way in.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl bellows and tears. One thing though with her plans is she doesn't always think them through to the end. So the creature is torn in two pieces which are tossed against opposing sides of the alley, but what she didn't plan on is what would happen following that. She will meet a very sudden and rough face plant against the pavement unless Red Hood is quick enough with pulling her back before she can headbutt the ground like a champ.

Red Hood has posed:
When he feels the resistance gives, Red Hood pulls, slipping backwards as he tries to lift Zombie-Girl away from the ground before she hits the ground, though it causes him to fall backwards. Hitting the ground, he finds himself with the woman on top of him in the ichor and remains of the ripped apart creature. At least when his head hits against the ground, it's cushioned by his helmet. There's a grunt of pain as he finds himself looking up at her.

"So. Come here often?"

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl snerks and pushes herself off of him after a few beats. "Sure, any time I'm following up on infernal cults, she responds and sits on the wet ground. The wounds on her stomach have closed up to the point where there are just a few angry dark scars on her stomach. Even those seem to be vanishing as her supernatural power returns her to the condition at the point where she first rose from the dead.

  The sound of dress shoes crisply clicking off of the pavement is heard approaching at a steady, but unhurried pace.

Red Hood has posed:
"Nice trick. I'll have to see about learning it. You know, in case I ever come back from the dead again." Jason starts to say, before he hears the clicking of dress shoes and he gives a slow groan as he moves to roll over and push himself to his feet. "Sounds like we have company coming." he comments towards Zombie-Girl as he gets to his knees and grabs one of his pistols.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl clammors back to her feet and gets into a fighting stance.

  The outline of the figure standing wrapped in shadow clicks his tongue. "I'm not here for that. Anyway, you look tired and it would hardly be fair for me to take advantage of that. No, just here for a little housekeeping." He extends a hand until its out of the shadow. The cuff of a leather jacket can be seen, along with a fist with a silver ring bearing like likeness of a demonic looking face. The eyes of the ring illuminate and the jaws open. The two halves of the defeated demon glow and burn. That glow is drawn toward the ring and like a vacuum cleaner is sucked into the greedy maw of the ring. Once every bit of infernal power is recovered the jaws slam shut and the light in the eyes extinguish. The halves of the demonic creature carbonize, and are caught in a breeze and begin to blow away. "I shall tell my men to give you both a wide berth in the future. It shall save us all these unfortunate messes."

Red Hood has posed:
"Oh, this night just keeps getting better." Jason responds as he watches the figure approach, and then she starts to make her commentary. "So. Got a name to go with those legs?" he asks as he prepares for well - anything - except for the whole sucking up the demon. That's even better than what Damage, Inc. can do.

"Yeah, well, why don't you give all of Gotham a wide berth, lady. Because if you think I'm a pain in your ass? Wait til you meet the Bat."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl asks, "So what, you're in charge of those idiots stinking up my turf?"

  The figure in the shadows chuckles lightly, "Oh, I didn't know my humble little group was enough to warrant a response from The Batman. My name? What answer do you want? Call us Legion for we are many, yadda-yadda, It's a tired line isn't it? But I'm nothing if not agreeable. I'll tell my men to steer clear of Gotham... for now. I tell them that we must be measured in our goals. But you know how it is, they've had nothing their entire lives and now they want to grab life by the balls in one handful. What's a leader to do right? But eventually we will have to cross paths. I intend to bring the paradise of Hell to all.

Red Hood has posed:
"Yeah, well while they're grabbing life by the balls, check the gag reflex." Jason responds, before he looks towards the woman and then gives a grunt. Of course he's an idiot, so he makes a move to try to bumrush the woman, "Been to Hell lady, heard that Yerp gives it a one star review."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl looks to Red Hood, "Yeah, been there. Got sick of it and left. Zero out of ten, would not recommend." She looks back to the mysterious figure and says, "And what about the Bronx?"

  "The staging ground for my redemption of mankind. No, if you insist on interrupting my operations there then I will defend my own."

  "Uh-huh," Zombie girl says sounding unimpressed. "Sick of talking." She rushes at the man in a burst of motion. She pulls her fist back and swings wild at his head. But when she should have collided with the man she instead passes through him like he were smoke. She biffs it hard on the pavement. "Son of a bitch coward," she says turning over into a sitting position. "I think I broke my nose."

  "I have more important things to do than show up in person. A simple projection spell. But I believe we've made everything clear. Are we done here?" the figure asks.

Red Hood has posed:
After trying to bumrush the figure and finding himself passing through and then Zombie-Girl's attack slamming into the wall, Jason snorts. "Okay. That is lame." he rumbles, before his attention turns towards where the projection is. There's a sharp frown. "Yeah. Well, considering that you can't be here and unless you want to watch me chat up the the lady here some more like some freaky perv, I'd say we're pretty done."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl resets her nose with a crack, "Yeah. what he said."

  The figure bows. For a brief instant a handsome face that is almost bordering on gaunt with two small horns on his forehead can be seen. But the figure turns to smoke and blows away, leaving an even stronger scent of sulphur than was already in the alley. As a parting gift the infernal symbol which was marked on the wall chars and flakes off of the wall. The "turf" no longer being claimed. At least for now if what he said meant anything.

Red Hood has posed:
There's a frown beneath the helmet, before his attention turns back towards Zombie-Girl as he waves his hand to dissipate some of the smell that hangs heavy in the air. "So if this is what you do on a weeknight, totally have to wonder what you'd be like on a date night." he says with a small snort of a laugh.

His eyes travel over her. "So, it looks like you can heal the wounds, but the clothes, not so much. Need a jacket or something?" he asks her as he moves to adjust his helmet back into place.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl stands up and points, "I have a jacket." She points to the long coat that is currently in dirty puddle. "Huh, okay yeah so it's probably not much good like that." She puts her hands behind her head and says, "But I don't have to much worry about the weather. I could stand bare-assed in the middle of the Antartic and not have an issue." She wipes the ichor off of her stomach. It looks as though were not gutted just moments ago, not a sign left of injury. "But thanks for the assist," she socks him lightly in the shoulder in a friendly gesture. "Didn't think I would get an assist from an A-ranker though."

Red Hood has posed:
"A ranker? What, we have grades now? I'm clearly C-list." Jason offers with a chuff of laughter with a snort as he offers a rolls of his shoulder at the punch. Of course, while she's stretching out, Jason uses the helmet cam to get a few pictures to send to Barbara for processing and adding to the Batfiles if she's not already there.

"Me, I don't usually have an issue with the outta towners visiting - but I'd watch out for some of the others. They don't play nice in the sandbox known as Gotham." he offers before pulling out a grapple gun to prepare to head on his way.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl is very unknown, hasn't even been on the news. There is a Youtube video starring her, but it's not gotten more than a few thousand views. So if there is a file on her, it wouldn't be much. "Well.. I'll keep that in mind. Uh, thanks!"