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Latest revision as of 17:51, 27 January 2019

Comics, Pizza and Beyound!
Date of Scene: 14 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Cannonball

Kid has posed:
It was a quiet afternoon, with college just starting back up, many would be nerds, geeks and comic/game fanatics where visiting Phantom Comics. Good place to hang, catch up, see if that new eddition of DnD came out or check out the latest comics. The store was large, but still had quite a few folks inside.

One of those folks happened to be a very large and brutish person. At first glance he didn't see particularly odd save for the fact he wore a large sweater as opposed to a proper coat considering the snow outside and chilly temperature. His hands where in his jean pockets, hood up obscuring his face. He was in the sci-fi section scanning for anything interesting

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking in dusting the snow off his pizza joint uniform. He looks over nodding to the guy who runs the shop, as he must know him. He heads towards the sci-fi section as well, and gives the big guy a once over out of habbit perhaps.

Kid has posed:
There was simply something....unfriendly about the way the big fella holds himself, as if he was ready to punch anyone who rubs him the wrong way....and he looked more than capable of doing so. Though he seems to give pause and actually makes a motion of sniffing the air, his head turning towards Samuel as he smell pizza comming off of him. It at this point where...one will either realize Kid was a gorilla...or was one hell of a beastly mutant if they happen to get a good look at his face. He looks Samuel up and down and signs 'You smell like food'. Some folks understand sign language, some don't, guess he'll find out

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will blink and while he does seem caught by suprise he does not seem off guard for but a moment, but as the gorillia is making hand motions and not grabbing for him he takes that as a good sign. The motions eleberate and sam says "Ah'm sorry, don't speak sign language, can you understand english?"

Kid has posed:
Kid seems somewhat less aggressive...rarely does he get calm replies or anything like that. He pulls up his sleeve slightly and seems to fidgit with some gadget on his wrist. Once down he slides the sleeve back down. He signs once more "Yea, kind of hafta to get around this place" he claims. This time though, there was a synthetic voice, bit quiet, clearly male, that sounds off as Kid signs. He signs again "Said you smell like food." he glances back to the comics "....think they got any MechTech Supreme here. Can't seem to find that comic series anywhere"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit at the last question, and says "I think they got a couple copies of the new issue left, I have them getting a few of the sci fi titles for me. And Yes sorry about the smell, Ah deliver pizzas for the place next door a bit of a job hazzard Ah guess." He will offer the man/gorilla a hand in greeting "Ah'm Sam."

Kid has posed:
Kid let out a growl as Samuel reaches a hand towards him, bareing 4 large and sharp looking canines. Seems he leaned much more towards animal...or at least may have had some tendencies. Seems he wasn't going to be shaking any hands. He does answer back at least "Jua...though much used to Kid. Either works." he looks back to the comics "Eh, smell better than a dumpster at least...what yea titles yea getting for yourself?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will pull his hand back, letting the other see there is no hostile intent." He will say "Well Jua, I don't mean any threat guy." He will tell a few of the local sci-fi titles, mostly space stuff, but a few others. "New in town or just passing through?"

Kid has posed:
Jua nods listening. He signs with one hand "It is...habit. Sorry." though he does seem to light up hearing a few of the titles. "Will definintly try a few of those! Comics are nice, though sometimes it feels like I am living in one. Know what I mean? The stories that could be telt." he stands straighter...seeming larger, but he was notably calmer seeming now. "Eh, passing through. Been here a few times. For various reasons."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods he seems to study the creature, as if checking his memory for something "Perhaps coming through to talk to Dr. Henry McCoy?" He will ask. Sam oddly does not seem to treat Jua different than he would anyone else

Kid has posed:
Just cants his head at Samuel...and notably turns down the 'voloum' on his watch. "Isn't that some blue furry fella...at that umm...school?" yes, Jua has been to the Xavier Institute before...not as a student, but he was there for a few days and got to learn about a few folks on staff.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "He is a genetist, and expert on mutant genetics, Ah thought you might have been in the area to talk to him.

Kid has posed:
Kid looks back to the comics and signs "...don't remind me. Hate sciencetists." his eye twitches and he visibly shudders. "But no. And for the record...no I am not a mutant." a pause "....technically speaking." he than crosses his arms in thought "Well wasn't born a mutant far as I know to be more accurate." he waves his hand almost dismmisively before signing "Guessing...your one?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms a bit seeming to ponder how to answer this one but will decide on being at least partially honest. "Yes, Ah went to school at the same place Dr. McCoy did. If you ever need a doctor, Dr. McCoy is a good one and understands a bit what it is like to be looked at strangely and folks wanting to poke and prod him." He will look Kid over, and says "Alien? genetic Experiment?" He asks, and says "No offence, mentioning your not a mutant, guessing you could be human, woh was changed by some means, but feeling like your something different than that.

Kid has posed:
"Will keep that in mind. Think last time was there, was treated by some fella with wings for alot of stab wounds. It's a pretty wild school." he signs and than clarifies "...Wasn't stabbed at the school mind you. Wonder if Tyler still there" he frowns missing his friend.
    He signs "But no and yes...partially. I am a gorilla, like Grodd. And evidently a relatively normal one. Turns out there an entire city of psychic gorillas, who knew."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to that, and says "Not something Ah have encountered but with some of the things Ah have seen not as suprising as other. "Don't think Ah have met a Tyler, but Ah was away for a bit myself. " He hmms and says "How about ah buy ya something to eat and we find a place to talk more... appropriate?"

Kid has posed:
"Meat. Love meat..." turns out he might just be a carnivorous gorilla. "But sure. Where we going to go? And by the by...if this is anything funny, I will tear your head off" considering his not so nice demineer on first meet...that may or may not be a joke, but he did have a friendlier air about him. "Eitherway, I can relate on so many levels." he does pick a few comics...and gives pause "...uh...random question...have you ever played one of those TableTop games?" he signs.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and at the threat, he says "Nothing funny, and if it was, just letting ya know would be expecting ya to try." He does not say whether he thinks he could or not. "Ah havs seen a few but never got into them, to be honest, never really had the time." He admits "Burger's sound good? Ah need to tell my boss, think ah need the rest of the day off."

Kid has posed:
Kid grunts and signs "Ahhh...fair enough, was thinking they might be fine. But sure, burgers sound good. Ah'll wait for yea outside...it is getting...cramped in here" the place has gotten more busy, but it hard to really call it cramped. But either way he was heading for the cash register.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will pick up a few books, and will grab the game master book for one of the games, what the hell, might not hurt. He will put them on a counter beside the cashier, and say "Put these in my box, will grab them end of the week. He looks over to kid "Be right back."

Kid has posed:
Kid nods. He doesn't say anything back, not even sign...seems this part always made him nervous. As he pays with cash for his items, his hands alone were a startling sight considering they were massive compared to a humans and quite hairy. And well the cashier was more startled than Samuel was, that was certain. But none the less he silently stood there untill he was given his change and quickly leaves the store before there was any more commotion. As he said, he'll wait outside.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has probably been here wiht a few odd folks in the past. He will stick his head into the pizza joint say sometihng and then come back to lead you to the burger joint. As he walks in the manager, starts to walk over giving Sam and kid a look, and Sam holds his hands up to the man and says "ah promise sir, there will not be a mess, and there will be no scene like the other time." He sighs and softly under his breath says "Bring one guy into a burger joint his first time in society and they think your gonna wreck the place every time ya come in."

Kid has posed:
"Well on the bright side...this is my second year in society, so no worries there" Kid signs with a toothy grin. He let down his hood, seeming to vastly prefer the less crowded and open space of the joint compared to the comic shop. But than he signs "Wait, what did you do?" he asks as it dawns on him what Sam just siad

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will make a large order, and get his recipet to wait while it is done." He will looks at the other guy as he sits down. "Friends and Ah, found this guy who was sorta part bird, part person, who had been raised by a mad scientist. We were trying to help him, and he was a bit more wild animal than person, at least when we tried to bring him in here. He loved the burgers and chocolate shakes though.

Kid has posed:
"Part bird, part person eh?" He signs while settling back "Guessing he got spooked real bad by the place." Kid glances around "Let me guess...jumped table to table, didn't really attack anyone...but needless to say he didn't know what was safe and all that, right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "Na, probably would have but we were able to keep him held down long enough to get him outside, and back home, but well we did trash the booth pretty bad, heck was this booth Ah think." He looks at the booth and a moment of sadness passes across his face.

Kid has posed:
Kid feels the wave of saddness. He was quiet a moment as he looks over Samuel "What happened to him? You have that look like someone died" he says. He picks at his canines as he asks this...he seemed aloof as if unsure how much he should venture down this rabbit hole.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to te other man and says "Birdbrain, is doing ok least last time Ah had a chance to check on him, but yea, we lost someone. The mad scientist, tried to kill one of my friends, and another jumped in the way to protect her. We did not notice it in the fight, thought we had won came through another adventure unharmed, and we found out the real danger in helping people against some of the crazies.

Kid has posed:
Kid rolls his shoulder in clear agitation. "Did yalls at least kill the mad scientist?" he asks, dodging around the fact Samule friend has died in a rather heroic fashion....or perhaps avoiding it. "And what, did this fella track yalls down? What happened?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "No, we do not kill folks is not our way, to be honest though probabl did a bit worse to him than kill him. And He probably did die from what we did." He says shaking his head a bit as he thinks about it. "The guy was trying to make a slave race of animal men, Birdbrain went back to help his friends, we went with him. Got in over our heads, saved some of Birdbrains friends, but it was a messy thing. Ah should have made sure we were more cautious."

Kid has posed:
"Should have just killed him than" he rolls his shoulder. "And...our way?" he raises a brow at the statement. But he doesn't linger long as he signs "Eitherway, sorry to hear about your friend. Death sucks. Scientist suck. That a pretty straight forward conclusion."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "My friends and Ah, there were some who wanted to, but our friend who died would not have wanted it. We thought to imprision him." He does not say where "There are some decent scientists out there, but yea there are some who forget to have humanity, and I don't think that is a trait just of humans, but is easier to explain it with the terms we have."

Kid has posed:
Jua nods slowly for a moment. "Right...you some sort of cop or something?" he asks. He looks out the window a moment "Heh. No need to specify the terms bud. At the end of the day, it just a code with a meaning." a pause is given "Incidently though, if it was not for mah Pa, the idea of humanity and humans would be very odd" he admits

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit at this for some reason, and says "Pas are good for that, mine taught me what it ment to be a man in the ways that mean something. Standing up for those who need it, taking care of friends and family, being a man of your word. Ah miss him every day." He admits.

Kid has posed:
Jua nods slowly and signs "Mines taught me about tech mostly, talking, even using my abilities, though he didn't have any powers himself. Used to play games with me all the time and uh..." his signing slows "Well, he would stay by mah side untill I fell asleep, everyday. He would tell me stories about far off lands, about what happened in the world. He let me dream, gave me hope." he looked down cast "...ah miss him every day too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "We have to keep on each day and do our best to make them proud." He says and moves getting the fod at the number is called. He will set it down and seems he ordered a large selection of food, burgers, chicken nuggets, fries, drinks and such. "So, what do you do Jua?"

Kid has posed:
"Rob stores, mug people, commit murder and other various felonies according to this weird thing called 'law'." was he...joking? It was actually fairly difficult to tell "Otherwise...uh, do work at an auto-mechanic every now and again. Also in 'school' well the other rillas at the Embassy want me to get a proper education. Something about being a potential representive due to having the most experience with humans. Blah blah blah blah blah." Criminal, mechanic and apparently representitative. Each section done with a straight face.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie studies the man a bit and says "School is a good thing, Ah am helping back at my school, while taking some college classes myself." He will say "So learning their way of things?"

Kid has posed:
"Feels more like a cage" he signs with a low growl. "Being stuck in a room, being told what to do, what and when to study, as well as where to be. Study this useless crap, investigate these phenomons, curfew at this time. And than tests upon tests to make sure you learned what they want you to learn." he uses one hand to eat a burger while the other signs. "They call it basic education....and I sit there wondering why the hell I need to know any of this crap. Just give me my tools and tech" he slouches back, every bit a reblliouse teen it seems....though perhaps not in the same context.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie starts to say something and his phone rings. He pulls it out and looks at a message. "Looks like Ah need to go handle some things, but give me a call next time your passing through, we can talk some more, and maybe I can loan ya my omnibus of Mechtech supreme.