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Latest revision as of 17:58, 27 January 2019

Just snagging lunch.
Date of Scene: 15 January 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rage, Cannonball, Iceman

Rage has posed:
It's the afternoon and Andrea is heading into the kitchen to make herself something to eat. The fridge is opened and out comes some materials for a spiniach wrap. Humming to herself as she goes, the teenage popstar is dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a baggy Xavier's sweater along with a pair of boots for the weather. A pair of headphones dangles from her neck, playing one of Dazzler's classics.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie walks in from the garage srea and heads to the sink to wash grease from his hands. He will nod in greeting to Andrea.

Iceman has posed:
Someone's in the kitchen with Andrea, someone's in the kitchen, I knoooowwww..

There's already someone at the large commercial fridge. A pair of sweatpant covered legs and derriere stick out of the fridge as Bobby Drake is singing.

"Sandwiches are beautiful, sandwiches are fine -
I like sandwiches, I eat them all the time.
I eat them for my supper and I eat them for my lunch;
If I had a hundred sandwiches, I'd eat them all at once!"

He pulls back from fridge, his arms loaded with various packages of deli lunch meat, condiments and vegetables as he carries them over to the island counter where a loaf of french bread is already cut and splayed out. "Now, Igor, now we make the Frankensammich, muhahhaha!" Then he notices Andrea, "Oh, uh, hey!" Some example he's setting here.

Rage has posed:
Brow lifting upwards, Andrea looks amused. "Your falsetto and range needs work. Try building your vocals out of your diaphram so that they won't sound as nasaly." She edges past him to the fridge to root out some lettuce and tomato. "How many layers are you looking to go on that bad boy?" She asks curiously once she hips the door shut and ambles to the counter to begin putting her wrap together, which will then soon be grilled.

Iceman has posed:
"Meememememe." Bobby puts the ingredients on the channel and a hand flies up to his chest. "Oh my god, you've totally ruined my self-confidence and millions of droplets in the shower are my adoring fans." he offers with a laugh as he starts to lay out the meats and cheeses. "Oh, let's see. Is there a world record for sandwich height? That." he says with a smirk as he starts with a basement of mayo and deli mustard.

Rage has posed:
"Hey Winston, what's the world record for sandwich height?" The phone on Andrea's hip chirps, followed by a British Accent: "A resort in Kerala, India, was behind the creation of the tallest sandwich ever made. The colossus measured 50 feet tall. This sandwich is no midnight snack!"

"Well, there you go. Fifty feet tall." She finishes her wrap, then puts it on the grill, grinning at him. " You sing in the shower, huh?" She giggles. "What type of music do you sing? Don't tell me you're singing my stuff in there. That'd be awkward."

Iceman has posed:
"Psht. I clearly sing the classics in the shower." Bobby responds. "Rubber Ducky, Splish Splash. You know." There's a grin at Andrea with that as he glances at the bread. The meats and the cheese and veggies. "Hmm. Don't think we can do fifty feet, but I can probably Dagwood it up pretty well." he admits as he continues to build. Meats and cheeses are next.

"Do guys really say that to you? I mean.. is that the cheesiest 'wanna date' line that a superDisneystar could ever get?" he asks, lifting his brow with a laugh. "I could show you my worst. But.. you gotta promise not to laugh."

Rage has posed:
"Actually, guys don't really ask me out. Being a superstar celebrity brings a level of intimidation. Normal guys don't think they have a chance with me, so they just instead say mean things about me online and photoshop me in lewd situations. I also don't go out of my way to date other celebrities, because I'm not a fan of their habits, the type that go up the nose you know? That and tack on the fact I'm an out there, in your face, unapologetically mutant, well? That's the turn off right there." Andrea says as she watches her sandwich cook. Glancing back at him, she grins. "Sure, lay one on me. Make me swoon, Bobby Drake."

Iceman has posed:
"I mean, you're cute in your own way. I can't see why people would be scared of you. Sure they don't know about the whole werewolf thing?" Bobby asks teasingly, as he works on chopping lettuce and tomato before she makes her challenge. There's a moment's thought before he laughs, and then clears his throat, putting his hands behind his back. "Excuse me, miss, but I believe you misplaced this."

And when he brings around his right hand, there's a perfectly ice-formed sculpture of Cinerella's glass slipper.

Rage has posed:
"They're scared to be rejected, because they assume I must be a snobby, stuck up celeb who looks down at normal guys. That, and how can I even trus ta normal guy to ask me out without ulterior motives? Like wanting my money, or.. whatever..." Andrea trails off as he presents her with an ice slipper. She looks at it, then back to him, then lets out a soft giggle as her cheeks flush. Her eyes roll upwards. "That's /actually/ really good."

Leaning over, she picks up the slipper and looks at it, then says to him in a cool manner. "So, baby, on a scale of One to America .. how free are you tonight?" Her fine brows lift upwards.

Iceman has posed:
Bobby's brows raise, and he breaks into a laugh. "...wow. Did you have writers put that one together for you?" he asks her, his attention suddenly completely on the sandwich. Ignore that red coloring in his cheeks as he works on the sandwich.

The slipper is exactly like one would expect from ice. Cool and slick to the touch, it still has a little frosty cloud coming off of it. "Anyway.." he murmurs. Now she sees the problem. He's got no defense when he's the one approached.

Rage has posed:
"Nah. I saw that online actually. Was posted on social media and I was tagged in it with a few of my friends. It always made me laugh." Andrea takes her sandwich off the grill and wraps it in a napkin, carrying it to a table to settle in with a bottle of water. "I can't any credit in coming up with it myself." She slices the wrap in half, then blows on one end. "Does yours work though? Whipping out a glass slipper on a girl?"

Iceman has posed:
"I haven't tried it yet." Bobby admits with a laugh. "It's cheese. Pure and utter." There's a shake of his head as he finishes his sandwich building and takes out a knife to cut it in half. "Girls close to my age don't really go for it. I mean, they want the whole - he's so cool and serious and stuff. Well. I have cool downpat?"

Rage has posed:
"Singing about sandwiches doesn't really scream swagger to me. You may control ice, but ... I think you got to work on the cool part still. You kinda scream little brother friend zone. Like, for me?" Andrea hums in thought. "I like a guy that is confident enough to just straight up ask me out. Someone that I can talk to about life without making it about my celebrity status. I think personally the best pick up line is: 'Hey, want to get lunch sometime? My treat.' And then go from there. Something simple."

Then, with a grin, the popstarlet says, "But /your/ pick up line should be something like this: 'Hey, know what my shirt is made out of? Boyfriend material.' Hm?"

Iceman has posed:
There's a laugh at that as Bobby considers. "Should I be writing these down?" he asks as he starts to work on his sandwich, before he considers Andrea. "Well, you're only sixteen. And really, you are more like a little sister than I want to date you material. Plus, I probably couldn't afford a good date at the moment."

Rage has posed:
"Well, I've been dating Mason Steele for sometime now and wolves are loyal. So.. you know how it is. If you got two mutant popstars with ten years of history between them, they're obviously going to shack up. Sides, someone has to keep him out of trouble." Andrea smiles at him with an amused grin. "And I love him. Been in love with him since I was twelve, even though at times it's been rough, toxic or destructive. But, I've accepted him for who he is."

Iceman has posed:
"Whoa whoa, wasn't asking you out!" Bobby says, putting up his hands in a little defense. "Was I giving off that vibe? I totally didn't mean to give off that vibe." he then blinks, wide-eyed. "You and Mason. Why I never." There's a small smirk at that. "You know, Spears and Timberlake did the same thing, if the rumors are to believed."

Rage has posed:
"I know you weren't asking me out, but just filling in some blanks incase you were curious if I was single. I just don't broadcast it." Andrea grins at him. "Unlike Spears though, I'm not going to shave my head and attack a car with an umbrella." She laughs softly to herself. "You should hang out with him though. He could use a guy friend. He doesn't have many here since Tyler left the school."

Iceman has posed:
"You sure he won't?" Bobby asks in amusement as he takes a bite from the sandwich. More like a chunk. He does have a rather healthy appetite. "I don't know, Lorna said something to me the other night that kinda struck home. That she could always trust me to be here. Maybe I am that much of a home body and should work on going out more. Maybe you know, actually try to find a date." he shrugs his shoulders.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes back into the kitchen, he was called out as he had to answer a call. He looks more releaved than he did when he steped out and is putting the phone away, sighing in relaxation.

Rage has posed:
"You can go out without having to date. Sides, if you /really/ want to spice your life up? Roll with Mason for a night." Andrea grins at him widely. "It will be an experience. His celebrity life is far different than mine. Where I enjoy laying about in my pajamas watching TV, he likes to party. And by party, I mean he likes to /party/." Tilting her head over to Sam, she gives him a nod. "Afternoon, Mister Guthrie." There's a level of respect here in her tone.

Iceman has posed:
"Party?" Bobby raises his brow at that. He's not sure if that's the type of partying he wants to do. "Eh. I can try about anything once." he admits with a laugh. "But, you know, will probably have to file paperwork in triplicate with Scott to 'have fun'." he says with a smirk as he finishes off the first half of the sandwich.

"Heya cornfed." Bobby offers to Samuel when he returns. "Andrea here is doing her best Sally Jessie Rapfel on me."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles, and says "Well, someone has to warm up the ice ciccle." He grins a bit and moves to get a drink "Sorry about darting out like that Ma, thought one of the little ones was having an early pwer.

Rage has posed:
"Definitely make sure you get your shots also before you head out with him. You'll probably be eating sushi off a naked woman's body and I doubt the catering service would be supplying her." Andrea says dourly, then takes a bite of her wrap. After a few chews, she swallows it. "I would like to say I was more of an Ellen. I can dance."

Iceman has posed:
The comment draws in Bobby's expression. "No, then I don't think that's my kind of night out." he admits with a shake of his head. "More of a stay at home and link up my game system and take out the junior students on the latest first person shooter." There's a smirk at that as he starts to wrap up the other half of the sandwich to prepare to head off. "I need to get in some exercise this morning - you know, work this off." He holds up the sandwich like a trophy.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit at hearing about the party, and says "And I thought some of the things for Lila was odd, but then again, about half of the time, we were the only humans there.

Rage has posed:
"Well, since he's came to Xavier's and we started dating again, he's toned way down, but I bet he'd love a night to cut loose again. I almost feel bad. Sometimes I feel bad.. like I'm holding him back from having fun." Andrea says as she rubs her hand along her forehead in thought, then brushes her fingers against the scar along the side of her head below her ear. "I play DDR." She says in regards to video games. "The new version that came out, was like a twenty year anniversary version. I play it."

Iceman has posed:
"Nothing wrong with a little DDR." Bobby responds, though when Andrea mentions Mason toning down and then touching her scar, he frowns. "I'll talk to him sometime, though." he finally allows. With that, he finishes wrapping the sandwich. "I should get going. See you later."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmmms, and says "Stevie, still working Ballet for the training, or she moved up to some more of the modern dances?