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Latest revision as of 18:25, 27 January 2019

The Avengers' New Beep
Date of Scene: 20 January 2019
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Beryl, Wasp (van Dyne)

Beryl has posed:
The Avengers Mansion. Minoke looks down at the paper she's holding, which has the address. The Captain came over to the place she was staying and offered her to come visit to see if she wanted to try it. So the red-haried woman with the gem on her forehead walks into the place, looking all around, marveling at the beuaty of her surroundings.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
The foyer of the mansion is in and of itself bigger than some New York apartments. The whole building was designed on a grand old scale, meant for receiving notables and the upper social strata of New York's cultural elite. Though there isn't much in the way of visible security, there is a constant sense of being monitored all the way past the security gate up to the mansion's gathering room. It's a strange, even eclectic combination of hardwood and Persian rugs with modern televison sets and stainless, state of the art appliances tucked away. Lived in, but well-kept.

There's little warning except a buzzing noise and then, abruptly, a petite woman with a heart-shaped face and pixie cut brown hair *pops* into view in front of Minoke. "Security said they were sending someone up!" she declares, a bit un-necessarily. "Welcome to the Avenger's mansion, I'm Janet van Dyne, but call me Janet, everyone does," she says with effusive, boundless energy. "C'mon in, no point in standing around in the doorway. You're Minoke right? Steve-- Captain America, silly me-- said you might be coming by." She tries to loop her forearm around Minoke's to bustle the other woman furthur along by sheer dint of personality. "It's so nice to meet you. Where are you from, Minoke?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke yelps as suddenly Janet appears in front of her - she had no warning - it's very hard to sneak up on a being with 360-by-360 sensors. "How did you _do_ that?" she finally asks, staring in shock at the woman who tries to pull her along... and it probably didn't go well at first, for Minoke is a bit heavier than she looks. She finally starts to follow along. "From... somewhere out there," she statse softly, gesturing vaguely upward. "Planet Colu... but I hvae no idea where it is. I just have that name. I've had some memory problems... I was in an... accident a while back."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Oh it's just this trick I have, everyone's got something," Janet tells Minoke. She seems undeterred by inertia or physics, and the slight little woman can't weigh more than a hundred and twenty pounds if her shoes are wet. "Oh, an accident! You poor thing," Janet clucks, sympathetically. "I've been in a few accidents. Nothing like that where I had amnesia, of course, that'd be terrible. Just slept it off, right as rain in a few days! I bounced back pretty fast though, I think all of us do. Not as much as Steve, of course, but y'know, it's healthy living, good eating, that kind of thing. Planet Colu, is that far away? I mean, I know stars are all far away, but is that *really* far?" she inquires, chatting blithely and seemingly not to give Minoke much of a chance to get a word in edgewise.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke tries to get a word in, but Janet is whipping up a verbal storm. So she decides to just be quiet and let Janet talk for a while. She's smiling a bit, as she follows along. Finally, when Janet takes a breath, she blurts, "It's very far away - but I don't know where it is - and no idea how I'd get there if I did." She decides not to mention that she's an artificial life-form right now. "So... are there living quarters here? I don't have a place of my own..."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Oh, sure! We've got everything," Janet assures Minoke. "You name it. Full kitchen, pantry, cellar, all that jazz. Everyone has a room upstairs, of course, you're welcome to stay here. Tony even crashes here sometimes, usually when he's drunk or whatever," Janet says with a roll of her eyes. "I have my place over in Chelsea but I like staying here with everyone. It's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and hang out with a bunch of friends. Oh, and you'll see others around, like Jen and Jessica, and Carol. It's not *totally* a giant boy's club, no matter what Tony says," she assures Minoke. "We can make sure you've got a roof over your head at least, and a comfy bed to sleep in. Steve's big on the 'three hots and a cot' thing, but I think that's less about the Army and more about the fact that it rhymes," she titters

Beryl has posed:
Minoke blinks. "Well... I guess I should mention my specific... needs." She sighs softly. "I'm not..." She then frowns. "Not quite sure how to state this, but I'm not... like you. Not... organic. I am an artificial life-form - I've heard the word 'gynoid' might be applicable." She smiles faintly. "The only needs I really have are electricty.... and in case I get damaged, some titanium to fix myself. I won't cut into your food supplies..." She trails off. "Can your beds support a lot of weight? Like... enough for... six adults?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet doesn't seem the least deterred by this shocking revelation. "Oh! That's neat!" she beams at Minoku. "You'll get along famously with Vision, then. He's a ... gyn.. oid? No. That doesn't sound right. If girl robots are gynoids, what are boy robots?" she inquires of Minoke. Her curiousity is fleeting at best and she's already escorting Minoke past the kitchen to the rec room around the corner. "That's a *good* question about the beds. I don't know anyone who's a hard enough partier to test it though," she says, touching her tongue to her upper lip thoughtfully.

A beat. "I'm kidding! No one here's that wild, not even Tony these days," she tells Minoke. "I get it, you're made of metal, need a sturdy place to sleep. Do you need an actual bed, or just like a flat place to lay down on?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke shrugs. "Beds are nice to sleep in - I just need to rest somewhere. I can't just go 24/7... well, I could, but I was created to emulate people and a rest period helps to keep my mental images sharp. Oh, sometimes I'll need... a large basin instead." She smiles faintly. "Oh... OH!" She then blushes as she realizes that her comment about six people in a bed could be construed as lewd. "Well... part of me does wonder what normal food would taste like - but I've tried. There's literally no way for me to enjoy it. Now, there's these little candies that people don't even value," she states, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a few pennies. "So... do you need an idea of what I'm capable of?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet glances at Minoke's palm and whistles soundlessly. "Pennies," she tells Minoke. "And I think they're literally worth less than they cost to make. I don't even know where you *found* those, but I think you're welcome to any you find on the ground?" she suggests.

She releases Minoke's arm once they're in the rec room and seats herself daintily on the back of the sofa, feet swaying in the air and legs crossed at the knee. In jeans and a pillowy sweater, she doesn't look particularly heroic at the moment. "I'm sure Cap's got a good idea of what you can do," she assures Minoke. "Tony might be interested but I don't really know much about robotics and stuff. It'd be lost on me," she promises Minoke. "But no one here can do exactly what the others do, so we all find a niche to fit into. I'm sure Steve's already got some ideas in mind for you!"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke smiles as she looks at you. Her body changes into a liquid emerald goo for a few seconds, then she reforms - looking like you, though her eyes are still green and glowing. "Hello!" she chirps, mimicking your voice. "This is a thing I can do." She smiles as she looks at you. "I know I'm kinda strange but I do hope I can find my place here."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Woah!" Janet blanches in surprise. "Holy crap, that's cool!" she marvels, and comes off the sofa to peer closely at Minoke. She reaches out and tentatively tries to prod the gynoid in the shoulder, testing to see what she's made out of. "Man, it's like looking in a mirror. A... disturbingly freaky mirror."

"...I look good though!" she approves. Unconsciously she shifts her weight, as if she *is* looking in a mirror and trying vainly to see the other side of her reflection's face. "That's a really cool trick. I'm sure we can find a way to make that useful."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "It's not perfect... it's hard to hold a different form... changing the eyes is particularly tricky for some reason. If only there was someone I could have repair my heart..." She sighs softly. "Oh well." She smiles faintly. "So - how did you just appear out of thin air there?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Hmm? Oh!" Janet preens as the question focuses attention back on her, and she moves back to her perch atop the sofa back. "Well that's my shtick, it's shrinking and flying," she explains. "I like it. You see the world a whole new way when you're tiny. That's why they call me The Wasp," she clarifies. "So it's handy for getting around quickly, not being spotted, sneaking up on people. I'm too delicate to get up and mix it up in a fistfight, so this works out well for me," she says, hands spreading with a theatrical 'so there you go' gesture. "That's more Jen and Cap's thing, anyway, getting up close and personal."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "Not sure who Jen is - but... I'm literally made of solid metal so... I could probably take a punch. That explains that tiny thing I picked up before you suddenly expanded. I remember that now. Just didn't connect you to the tiny thing I saw beforehand." She smiles faintly. "So - Captain America's not in right now," she states, stating it as an outright fact, not a question. "That shield of his... it's... the most wonderful thing I ever saw. I could follow it for miles."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Jen's the Incredible She-Hulk," Janet clarifies. "She's kinda hard to miss. Seven feet tall, legs for miles, built like a brick house. She's hilarious though, you'll love her, you can't even stay mad at her for looking that good without even needing to hit the gym," she laughs. "Most common superpower, amirite? I think I'm the only person on the team who *needs* to work out, except for Tony," she amends. "And he needs to work out more, if anything else. Getting a little flabby in the midsection since he and Pepper--" she makes an oblique 'hooking up' gesture. "That relationship ten pound gain, it's a real thing, lemme tell you."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "Okay..." she states as she returns to her normal appearance. "I don't need to work out either - but I bet you didn't want to hear that. But maintaining one's body is very important. I'm certain that the She-Hulk has to do some maintenance to keep hreself in top shape. We all do."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Lucky," Janet says, enviously. She hops off the sofa and clasps her hands. "Well, listen. I'm not really the final say so on manning the roster. Cap's the best we've got for that sort of thing. I mean, we'll all talk about it as a team, but he's really the guy who handles bringing in outside talent. Meanwhile though, Cap says you're cool, so can I put you up in a guest suite for the night? I'm sure you'll catch him pretty soon, he's almost always here unless there's something Really Serious going down on the government side," she explains. "Is there anything else you need to ask that's super pressing?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke smiles. "A guest room will be cool. And if you have other places to be, I won't hold you." She gets up to follow along with you. "I just have one question - this is a good group of people, right?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Oh, the best," Janet assures her. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't trust 'em. Best team I've ever worked with! C'm'on," she says, beckoning. "Let's get you settled into the guest quarters, and then I need to get back to work myself."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods as she follows you to the guest room. She smiles as she looks at the bed and furniture, completely disregarding the kitchen area. "Very nice. I'll get settled in here." She doesn't seem to have any belongings with her. "I will see you later, Ms. van Dyne."