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Latest revision as of 18:27, 27 January 2019

Up in Flames, Down in Ashes.
Date of Scene: 20 January 2019
Location: Westchester County, New York
Synopsis: Some New Mutants, Teachers and Advisors are there for the rescue of a family in need!
Cast of Characters: Kid, Cannonball, Magik, Souvenir

Kid has posed:
     There have been several incidents of late of wild fires popping up out of nowhere in the forested areas of Westchester County in the country side. Luckily due to the snow and quick response of fire fighters, they have never spread far or fast. Each has occured near a residential area normally. The cause of this fires had not yet been determined by authorities.

However, people with the means or resources, such as people from Xavier's may have detected the presence of a mutant in each area...a particular young one at that. This same signature has since flared up again deep in the woods. Though any who end up in the area would find out there not quite alone

Well it was bout time Kid got out there..he was part of a group that was supposed to find meta's and mutants with uncontrollable abilities and get them aid. The large gorilla had driven a jeep through the woods (best not ask where he got it), and heading towards a location within. Evidently there was a mutant around these parts who was having a hard time keeping their cool recently. He didn't get all the details, but it was enough. Kid wasn't sure WHAT he would find...and he kind of went solo, but oh well. Live and learn. Once he felt he was close enough he began walking...at first anyways, debating in his head how to even go about doing this!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is coming along the sky, trying to get a birds eyes view. Sam is blasting along in his protective field. On his back riding him like a run away rock is Illyana. He calls back to her "I think we are getting close to hte last reported reading, you getting anything?"

Magik has posed:
As strange as it may look, this isn't the first time the pair has travelled this way. Stepping discs wouldn't be able to get them the aerial view. If there was smoke, they should be able to spot it from up here. Illyana is actually sitting on Sam's back, hands on his shoulders as they roar though the air. She didn't bother armoring up since his protective field will keep her safe for the time being. "I don't see anything." She is watching as they pass. "I know they said this is where Cerebro last saw the mutant." She glances over to the side, narrowing her eyes as she spots something. "Wait, I think I see a jeep over there parked but nothing else yet. But they said the mutant was young right? So they shouldn't be driving. Hopefully there isn't a flare up that puts this hiker in danger." Since she's going to assume it's a hiker. After all, giant gorilla with high intelligence isn't the norm for her assumptions.

Kid has posed:

What a deadly and hihgly jinxable word.

There was indeed a flare up. A small one, as one can see a small burst of fire. Small enough that it would not be noticed by those far away in the suburbs, but close enough for Samuel and Illyana to witness. This flare dies though...but several trees where now on fire. And in the epicenter of those trees...a black plume of smoke was rising, an old large wood cabin was now on fire. The scent of burning wood fills the air...and embers drift outwards.

Kid being on the ground and close does see the flare up. But he had an additional sense about him. He sense...fear...panic, worry. A rush of adrelaline fills him and he begins to run on his knuckles towards the source of these emotions.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie starts heading towards the cabin. He angles down as he calls out. I will come in along the roof wall, and take out the east wall, as we "Land." He says as his lands are ussually a bit dramatic, if not harmfull at least.

Magik has posed:
The way he says that has Illyana frowning slightly. "I thought you had gotten better at those over the years!" Better may just mean that he hits what he wants now when trying to stop? She knows the field will protect her from the impact but she braces nonetheless, tightening her legs and leaning down to put her arms around Sam's neck. "I'll jump off after we hit, see if I can spot him."

Kid has posed:
As Samuel streak downwards, he would find himself comming in hot! Quite litterly. Despite the flash only haveing happened a few seconds ago, flames were rising out of the various windows, they were on the roof. Hell, instead of the typical red's and yellows, the flames seemed to regularly turn to blue and whites in bursts and flashes. Though the fire had spread fast, the house was still standing...indicating it was sturdly built at least, or maybe something else as play.

Samuel, and likely Illyana before making there crash entrench, may catch sight of Kid. He was wearing a sweater, pants and boots. The hood was up...so at much from above he just seemed like a big man. A big man that a few seconds before their landing busted straight through the front door and into the home.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is planning on brreaking the building up enough hopefully anyone inside can find their way out much easier. He will call back "Ah can, but wanting to make a clear tunnel through."

Magik has posed:
As Sam blasts through the wall, intending to create ventilation for the flames as well as allowing anyone on the inside to get out, Illyana jumps off of his back as she summons the soulsword. It isn't that she wants the sword but it's the armor that goes with it, silver and covering her entire body as she falls the ten feet to the floor in the middle of the fiery cabin.

At that precise moment, the front door is broken down by someone. Apparently they weren't the only ones trying to play hero here. She looks around quickly, trying to spot the mutant that has caused the blaze.

Kid has posed:
    The thick black smoke deep in the woods were continueing to rise. Thicker, darker, the embers scattering. If it wasn't for the snow they landed on the fire would have been rampant. But now even folks far off might be able to see the smoke. Time was of the essence.

The mutant wasn't immediately visible. But there was screaming comming from upstairs and down stairs - it was a very large cabin! And unfortantely, Samule and Kid thought it was a good idea to bust large holes into the cabin. As they did, the flames take in more oxygen and burn even higher.

Smoke was filling the air, obsucring vision, which made seeing even MORE difficult than it already was. Thick enough one might feel like they can choke on it. And could potentially hinder theire ability to find the folks.

Kid sense some new minds, and had gotten in in time to vaguely see the two people...and the hole in the wall they left - sends out a telepathic message o O ("There is....7...maybe 10 folks beside us? They are spread. Hard to tell") clearly he had no qualms in using his telepathic abilities to communicate, though he didn't seem to be targeting anyone in particular.

Beyound those in the room, folks call out as loud as they can "HELP WE'RE TRAPPED IN THE BATHROOM. PLEASE HURRY!!!" and "Mike...oh my GOD MIKE WHERE ARE YEA!" and even a "Salley...salley I can't hold it back much longer. Get Out! Get the Kids and Get out" these messages are joined by chorus of kids and teens, maybe other adults...it hard to tell in the roaring flames.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie blinks a moment, and hearing the voice in his head. He will recognize it, and thinks "Kid? Get me a lock on where they are, and we will get on where thy are and get them out." Over his com (And yea Erika would be on it) "got a friend here helping us, he is going to direct me to them, if ya can't hear his thoughts will relay where they are. 7-10 people in here we need ot get them out.

Magik has posed:
Unfortunately, Illyana is one of those select few that telepathy doesn't work for. "Copy," she says over the comm unit. She doesn't try to say more, needing the oxygen. The heat isn't really the issue thanks to her armor. Yet, she does have to breathe. Dropping low, she turns in the direction of the closest voice she heard and crawls that way, hoping to stay below the smoke level. She seems to be heading for the bathroom.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sits astride a huge chopper with snow tires, racing through the trails following tracks. She pops open the comm channel on the radio she's wearing. "Roger that. I'm close." Winter coat and pants, heavy boots because of the weather, black helmet, biker winter gloves. Probably lots of stuff underneath, but she's not cold-proof. She pulls in and pulls off the helmet, hanging it on the bike, surveying the scene. "I've got a firefighter sock and an EMT sock, but no breathing mask. Totally should have thought to grab one if I knew where they hid them, because burnination. Got a plan here?"

Kid has posed:
    o O ("Do I sound like a mother trucking GPS? How the hell am I supposed to do that?") his 'voice' had a rather violent connotation to it. The high emotions from the people here...well he wished somedays he didn't feel other people to say the least. Kid never used his telepathy to be THAT exact before, he wasn't even properly trained. o O ("Whatever, will see what can do.") Being near enough to Samuel to hear the radio though, he sends out a suggestion o O ("See if they have a basement door you can open. sounds like some of the yelling is comming from below. Going to head down there myself") as he heads for the basement he adds o O ("...let see...some folks upstairs for the record Sam..I think.")

And indeed if Samuel listened carefully there was running and scrambling going on up stairs, and the yellowing and panic has not ceased to stop. As if folks heard them down stairs they bang loudly on the ground desperately.

Illyana took the smart route of going low to the ground. As she did, she would find she was going in the right direction. Once soggy carpet was becomming soggy - it seems whoever was trapped in the bathroom had figured to try and keep it flooded. But near the flames, the water just evaporated instantly. Not even having a chance to properly boil.

On the outside where Erika was, more and more of the flames that where visible lose their red as they turn to blue. The ice and snow on nearby trees where melting. And she would even witness part of the upper half of the cabin collaspe on the western side. This collapses would cause the entire home to shudder in it's frame

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie tears off a sleve of his uniform, and soaks it int he melting snow. he then wraps it around his mouth, his goggles, protecting his eyes, (yes finnaly makes sense for him to be wearing them). He thinks and says words together "Souvenir, be prepared for triage at the tree line, and let us know if the fire starts spreading. Magik, you take first floor, I have second. Kid, if ya find someone get them out towards the back end of the house. If you can feel the other minds, and feel ours try to tell if they getting closer to one another or farther away. If your feel yaself dropping call out so we can get to you."

Magik has posed:
As she gets close to the bathroom, Illyana calls out to those inside. "I'm getting you to safety. It might not seem like it but trust me!" With that, she reaches out for a stepping disc. One moment she is laying on the soggy carpet, then next she is in Limbo. An instant later, the disc teleports her directly into the flooded bathroom with the occupants. "Everyone! As close to me as you can get! I will teleport us out although I'm going to suggest you all close your eyes. There's a brief pitstop in between."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Roger that." She makes sure everything is ready, then moves the bike to what looks like a better triage spot. One big reflective tarp is pulled off the back and spread out and readied. "I don't like how those flames are turning blue. Did we get a gas line or something? Ready on the driveway." She steps back and takes the gloves off, pocketing them and revealing the light rubber gloves underneath.

Kid has posed:
     o O ("Can we think normally for a moment? The hell is a Triage?") comes Kid's thoughts. He none the less was barreling down the stairs in search of any occupants below. He searches the basement quickly. He would pink Illyana, but seems it didn't register for her, but at least he'll be able to ping Samuel, and was ready to do so. He even used the ping system to find the try and find the folks down here. o O ("Come on, whose done here...just...come out or something") pieces of the first floor were collapsing and he narrowly dodges some...but he senses a mind and he begins heading towards this mind.

When Ilyanana did teleport into the bathroom, there was a group of 2 teenage girls, and a young boy. One of the girls had four eyes (litterly). But she along with the other teen and the boy quickly grab ahold of Illyana without question, squeezing tightly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will think back. "Think MedLab, Souvenir is our Dr. McCoy, Cranky guy played by DeForrest Kelly, not the Blue Furry one. Magik is our Scotty she can beam them out if she finds them. Your Worf, and Ah's a Photon Torpedo. " He stays low moving to door t door knocking on them listening for replys. "And yes, Ah know ah am crossing generations."

Magik has posed:
Illyana wrapped an arm around the youngest of the trio, holding him close. "Close your eyes." And with that, the stepping disc teleported them out. Right into Hell. Literally. Hopefully they were listening and not looking. It is only an instant and then they are teleported out to the triage area where Erika is waiting for any patients. "Cannonball, anyone else I need to port?" she calls out on the comm.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir raises an eyebrow. "Means bring hurt people to me so I can patch 'em up. If I knew we were gonna to have a dozen casualties, I'd have pulled out all the stops on cool stuff I ain't supposed to touch."

She immediately moves to check the kids for injuries. "Hiya! Souvenir, here. Anybody hurting? If you're all good, can you stand over there and make some room?"

Kid has posed:
Yes, they listen, all of them. Though the teen with no eyes had protectively put her hand over the young boys eyes, just to be safe, knowing that sometimes the young don't listen. They are all relieved to be out. The girl with four eyes opens them and hugs Illyana tightly, while the other says to quickly to Sourviner "We fine. Thank you, thank you, thank you." The boy stays near his sisters, as they give Illy some room. Though the one with four eyes, has her two lower eyes glow suddenly "....behind a wall, that needs to fall...two lives interwined...begin to die..." and she gasps suddenly having trouble standing, infact she suddenly seems confused. The young boy had some third degree burns and showed them to Erika "It happened again..."

As for Samuel, his knocking and checking work. At one door a rough voice calls out "Thank god, please hurry." Another says near him "What about Mike and..and the others!" she shrieks. Samule got indeed got the ping being near these two. But there was a much fainter ping farther away...near the collasped section of the house.

Down below, Kid barges into a locked room. And in there was a another child, about 8 or 9. There was also a whole hell of alot of fire. Though they didnt affect the boy, Kid's sweet was begining to catch. o O ("Found the source...going to try and get him to calm down. Hows it looking up there?") he begins to approach.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to gather those he finds on the top floor, and says "Grab ahold of me and hold on wrapping his arms around them, and then with a rour he is blasting up and out through the hole he made earlier. "We got someone over near the collapsed section Magik, can you port in and get them out, if Ah og in liable to bring it down the rest of the way onto them. He circles moving to drop the folks off he saved, and to Kid "Keep me in where you are, If comes down to it, I can come in and grab you and the source and get out through the inferno with us not being hurt.

Magik has posed:
"They're all mutants," Illyana says as she teleports to Limbo. "One of the girl's seemed to have a vision or something. I'm porting to the location which coincides with the one you mentioned." With that, the stepping disc appears and she teleports to the area where the wall is about to collapse, looking for two intertwined lives. When she spots the infants, she grabs them and is gone a moment later, hopefully before anymore of the structure collapses!

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir frowns, moving to lie the burned boy down and put burn dressings on, making sure he keeps the burns held up high. "Cryptic prophecy, two behind a wall that has to fall. Okay, awesome. We're holding out here." She looks around. "Somebody stay with him and make sure he stays talking and all, okay?" She makes some room for the next load.

Kid has posed:
As Samuel grabs the couple - assumedly the mother and father. The mother tries to get out shouting the "THE KIDS!!!" desperately. The other man though holds onto her and says "...there no more we can do" in a heart broken voice, and with those words the fire expands exponetioaly as if he himself was holding it back. And soon enough Samuel takes off and touches down, in time to see the house engulfed in an evidently blue infernal. Immediately the teen daughter brace them as they land away from the fire and ask "How bout Mike..Sarah...Yin?" the parents just hold them tightly and stay by there other boy, thinking they lost three members of their family

On the bright side, their worst nightmare is about to be relieved. First is Illyana, she amanges to grab the twins just in the nick of time as the temperature gets hotter and hotter. As she blinks out, the structure collaspses further beind here, the entire roof gone. But the twins were safe in her arms and breathing the fresh air.

As for Kid, he didn't answer Samuel...he was silent, not comming out immediately. For his part he dashed in around the same time Samuel ported out. Having grabbed the boy in a tight hug. He mutters "It's alright, just going to have you sleep a little while" the boy scared and crying soon enough begins to fall asleep. As Kid drains the last person, the blue fire turns the typical red, the flames die enough to at least be escapeable. And with that Kid bust out the basement door, knuckle-stumbling forward, his mind flareing back up o O ("Hot hot hot hot!!!!!") he drops the kid near Erika none to gently - and begins rolling in the snow. His weater and fur where on fire due to close proximity...but least the rolling was putting it out.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will land to check on Kid, and try to make sure the gorilla he considers a friend is ok. Once everyone is at last in no danger of getting worse. Sam will talk to the father giving him the speach about Xaviers school, and wishing to help him and the family learn to control their abiliies, and be able to live without worriy of things like this.

Magik has posed:
For her part, Illyana passes off the infants to Erika for evaluation. Hopefully they will be well enough that their parents can be reunited, likely wanting to hold their babies. All of their children, for that matter. But the armored woman stays out of the way in the background for now, letting the others deal with things.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir rushes around, dressing burns, checking people. "Okay, these burns here need a hospital stat before they get worse. All the emergency stuff is dealt with. Everybody over there is A-okay as far as I know. I don't have the portals or the seniority, so that's over to you. Let me know if there's anything else I can do here, otherwise I gotta to drive back and get so so grounded." She gives a thumbs-up. To the parents, "Everything is gonna be okay."

Kid has posed:
One Erika finishes her evaluations, they are certainly holding their babies, and all there Kids for that matter quite closely. They thank Erika, Samuel and Illyana....though they are weary of Kid, and worried about the fact that Mike - the one brought out wasn't responding. Kid just tell them he'll wake in 8 hours give or take, before letting Samuel take over. They listen and ask him questions seeming unsure. But overall...today was a good day. No lives lost.