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Latest revision as of 22:24, 27 January 2019

Birthday date.
Date of Scene: 24 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Rogue

Gambit has posed:
The box was carefully wrapped in green paper and had a yellow ribbon tied around it in a large bow. Not one of the cheap ribbons either but the silky cloth sort that you /have/ to untie rather then break. The contents of the box as equally as elegant. Green shoes with four inch heels. There is a dress in the same green, the sort that appears to be held up mostly by magic and prayer. A JAde comb for her hair... and finally a simple note that reads "My place, 8pm. Remy."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had received the dress and she'd smiled at it and looked it over. The note as well. "Such a poet." She'd muttered.

As the time had come she'd made her way to his place, but she didn't have the dress on. She did have in its box with her though. She knocked on the doorway to his room and then popped it open with a gloved hand. "Heeeey." She says. "This is gorgeous, but there's kids all over this place. I can't walk around in somethin' like this." She says as she moves to step into his room, wholly unaware of what to expect inside it.

"Their tiny little teenager heads would explode!" And now that she's officially not a teenager anymore, she can complain about teens like a real proper adult.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau has apparently fully intended to dress for the occasion. The tuxedo is a rich midnight black, pure silk by the way it moves agienst his body. His hair is pulled back into a tight pony tail and that wicked look dances in his red on black eyes. "Well in all fairness chere, dat was part of de plan." He says wickedly. The place is lit almost entirely by candlelight, probibly over a hundred of them, casting the room in a sensuous glow. Finally the smell of roasting chicken with rosemary and garlic fills the air.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is clearly dressed not exactly to impress as she has a black Xavier's school hoodie on, zipped up, a pair of gloves and some dark jeans. She'd hung out with friends earlier today while accepting a cake made by others within the school to help welcome her back to the school and celebrate her birthday. Its treatment she's come to expect at this place, but its not treatment she's entirely used to after her less than ideal childhood.

Rogue looks around the room at all the candles. "Wow." She says. "How long did it take ya t'light all'a these?" She has to ask him. "I probably would'a caught the place on fire if I'd tried..." Still holding the box with the dress, she looks at him and she smiles. "Ya look dashin' as ever. You're quite the romantic, Mister LeBeau."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins wickedly, saying "Flattery will get yah everywhere chere," then he kisses his own white gloved fingertips and touches those ame finger's lightly to Rogues lips, as if transferring the kiss. "actually only took 'bout t'irty minutes... and a 'alf dozen burned fingers as de match burned down." He gestures to the bedroom and adds, "If yah wanna get changed I'll pour de wine..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shows a light smile to the gloved finger touch and she then looks down to the gift in the box and up toward where the direction of his room is. "Fair enough." She says back to him as she slips by and moves on toward the room. "How'd you get them t'give you an apartment out here at the lake anyhow?" She asks, looking around the candle-lit room. "I'm so jealous. Cause now I gotta leave amongst all the loud people runnin' around in the hallways." She's teasing of course, part of her really loves the family atmosphere of the school.

She slips into the bedroom and lets the door slip closed behind her as she starts to rummage around in there to change attire.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit, "By attrition." He says playfully, raising his voice the way some people unconsciously do when speaking to someone in another room. "Ah didn't ask, Ah jus' moved all mah stuff in." he says with a grin, "Always bettah ta beg fohgiveness den ask permission, dat's what mah papa used ta say. He takes a bottle of white from the wine cooler, pouring two glasses. "Ah've missed spending time wit' yah chere. T'ings been so busy lately."

Rogue has posed:
It only takes a moment before she reemerges with the dress on now and her gloves till on as well, pushed up past her elbows. "I feel like Jessica Rabbit." Rogue says then with a light smirk as she steps back out into the candle light. "But hey, thats not that bad is it?" She poses for a moment to look fancy and attractive. "I'm not bad. I'm just drawn this way..." And then she shows off a big grin and steps back out in the room and out of the doorway of the bedroom.

"Well, you made the right place chosin' a room out here in this fancy boat house. Though I'm sure you give the parents who stay out here a right fright when they see ya." She plays with her gloves a little, trying to get them to fit better... which is an ever frustrating experience for the southern belle. "And yeah, things've been really busy. I mean... there's a god dang evil twin'a me in the basement... inside a block'a ice... How weird is that?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a bit, "Ah imagine de fact people keep making Star Wars jokes would be de worst part of /dat/ situation, He says with a grin, smirking a bit as he looks the woman over with approval, "An JEssica Rabbit ain' got not'ing on yah chere." he adds with a smirk. "Besides, 'er waist was de same size as 'er neck, an' Ah work to 'ard foh mah date ta eat t'ree bits an' say she full." He hands her a glass of wine, taking a remote out of his pocket and starting soft music playing. "Dat said, if yah 'ungry, de soup an' salad is ready, and de res' shoul' be along shortly."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue accepts the glass of wine and she smiles past it. "I look forward to buyin' my own wine next year, ya know... legally." She says before sipping from the glass and then walking over to the table he has. "You've done a remarkable job with all'a this. Really... You're spoilin' me and I don't know if I deserve it..." She glances over at him then as she sets the wine glass down on the table.

"I got a temper on me, ya know, and I lash out at people... you included, without a lotta reason t'do it. Sometimes I wonder why anyone hangs around me at all. What with that... and with... ya know." She looks down at her gloved hands then and after a second she just lowers down to sit on the edge of a chair.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smiles a bit and sets his own wineglass on the table next to her's squatting on his haunches in front of her to look her directly in the eyes. "Yah a beautiful woman chere, inside an' out. Yah got dealt a rough 'and. But if dare is one t'ing Ah've learned in dis life chere is dat yah 'ave to play de 'and yah dealt. Yah do dat expertly." He touches her cheek with his own gloved hand, caressing it with his thumb, then he stands and moves into the kitchen. "So our firs' two courses are a grilled vegetable salad an' a cream potato an' cheese soup." He offers, setting the plates down and sitting across from her. "Yah are absolutely stunning, Ah know Ah said dat already, but it still true.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't reply to the initial compliments, but she does show him a somber smile at them. She then watches him go and retrieve the dishes and bring them to the table which makes her reposition herself more properly in the chair's embrace. "This is... very fancy." She says to him then. "I did some fancy meals while livin' in the city, but, I'm ya know... Impressed." She shows him a quick smile then before she takes another sip of the wine.

The stunning part makes her smile again as she sets her glass down once more. "I had a guy in Kansas City once tell me that--after hearing me explain my mutation to him--that I was a 'forbidden fruit'." She flashes a wicked grin. "That made me laugh. He was a nice old fella... playin' a guitar out on the street. I gave him a tip but he told me t'take it back. Said I'd need it more than him. He was right... at least back then."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit, "Funny t'ing abou' ol' men an' Cajun's chere, we get ta say what we actually t'inking. Foh old men, dey old an' jus' don' care. Foh Cajuns, we charming enough ta get away wit' it, non?" he smirks wickedly and tastes the soup smiling slightly. "When Ah was a youngin', we 'ad dis 'ousekeeper named Mrs. Pottswort'. She decided no sane woman in 'er right mind would 'ave me, so Ah bettah learn ta cook."

Rogue has posed:
"You're likely right about that." Rogue replies to the first part as she gathers up a utensil and partakes in some of the food, sipping wine and listening to him as he speaks. She pauses to grin lightly at him.

"Your own housekeeper huh?" She asks. "You grew up such a spoiled little rich kid by the soundsa it." She's teasing of course, the grin on her lips showcase that. "I woulda liked t'meet this Missus Pottsowrth. I got all manner'a questions for her... Ya got her e-mail address by any chance?" She asks, tilting her head and continuing to grin across the table tot he Cajun man.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau's tone changes, affecting a voice tone of a Southern black grandma, "I ain' got no time for none of them silly computer things, and that goes for one of them phones you put yo' pocket neither. Help me Jesus if someone wanna talk ta me they can just call me on the house phone or march there hieny ovah 'ere an' talk to me the way the good Lord intended. Face ta face.." He trails off grinning, though it's easy to imagine the 'woman' continuing to rant in that vein non-stop for several minutes. He shakes his head a bit, adding "We evah go down dat area, Ah introduce yah. " he promises with a smile, "An' Ah grew up aroun' t'ings chere. Call it privilege if yah like, but it always wit' de sword of Damocles 'anging ovah mah 'ead."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sits up a little straighter as he does his impersonation and she just grins at it. When he finishes she dips her chin in a single nod. "Very nice." She says, using her right gloved hand to reach up and brush some of her white hair out of her face on that side. She then reaches for her wine glass again.

"Last time I went thar far south it was t'try'n get my dog back." She pauses then. "Jinkies, not Aces. Jinkies... my childhood dog. Found out he was taken in by some family down there. Called'em, and the lady said I could have him back if I came'n got him. Went all the way down there and I guess her kids had decided otherwise. Then they called the damn cops on me cause they recognized me as the 'witch' who put Cody Collins inta a coma."

She draws in a heavy breath then and slouches a little there-after. With a head shake she continues. "Anyhow, never got t'even see him. Had to hit the road with the police comin' and all."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau snorts slightly and shakes his head, "Yah know chere, somet'imes Ah wonder if our kit' an' kin aren't nessicarily de brightest bulbs in de lamp." He says, eating slowly and obviously enjoying his own cooking as well as the company. "LAs' time /Ah/ wen' back ta NAwlins dey gave me de 'ole prodigal son welcome... Woke up de next morning wit' a dagger stuck t'rough mah pillow an inch an' a 'alf from mah skull.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just pauses her forking of the food to raise her eyes up at him after he says this about his last trip 'home'. "Thats... wretched." She says then to him. With a shake of her head she glances down again. "Next time... ya take me with ya and if they try'n pull that sorta crap, I'll take that knife and wad it up inta lil' ball, then jam it up the nose'a whomever dared t'do such a thing. And that'd just be the start..." She smirks lightly at him then, takes another sip of her wine and she motions to the food. "Missus Pottsworth was wise t'get ya inta cookin', Remy... this is really good. Like, 'Why don't you run a restaurant' kinda good."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs a little bit, shaking his head. "It's not dat good. Jus' de way Ah see it, Ah've got ta eat mah own cooking more den anyone else, so Ah may as well make it taste good." At that exact moment, a kitchen timer "brings" and Remy steps back to retrieve the main course, Creamy Tusckan chicken over rice. He places this in front of her and smiles, "So aftah dinner, Ah was t'inking we c'n curl up on dat sofa ovah dare an' maybe watch some movies? Or whatevah yah'd like ta do. IT is yah day after all.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches him rise up then and move to retrieve the dinner's main course. When it arrives she mouths the word 'Wow' out at the sight of it. "That is... impressive. I screw up makin' a hot pocket in the microwave..." Especially lately since she's been so focused on school and the Avengers gig prior to bouncing from it. "This is great." She tells him then, looking over to the sofa and the nice big television on the wall.

She looks back over and up at him then and nods her head. "Dinner and a movie is perfect. Way better than goin' out and sufferin' through the cold... So I'm all for it." She then offers him her mostly empty glass. "I'll take a refill, kind sir." She says to him with a sly grin.

Gambit has posed:
He grins wickedly, "As yah wish chere." He says lifting the bottle and refilling her glass to the top, "But jus' so yah know if yah get yahself all liqueured up, Ah am not such a good boy dat Ah won' let yah take advantage of mah virtuous an' beautiful body." His tone entirely playful as her refills his own glass and raises it to her. "Here is ta you chere, y vous passez une demi-heure au paradis avant que le diable sache que vous etes mort."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches her wine glass get filled back up to the top. She grins at his words and gently shakes her head. "You're a glutten for punishment, Miste'ah LeBeau." She replies to him then. "That much I'm certain of." And she takes another sip of the fine tasting wine before she sets the glass down beside her dinner plate with the fancy chicken course on it. "And I am quite sure the Devil wouldn't even give us thirty minutes before he put an end t'the fun." She says as she starts in on her birthday dinner with fork and knife. She pauses though to look up at him again.

"He tends t'do that, ya know? Just as things get real good... poof... he cackles and goes'n makes them real bad..."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, having had more then his own fair share of ups and downs in his life as well, "Mah papa used ta say dat men plan an' God laughs. But personally, Ah look at it as a lesson. Ta appreciate de high moments when dey happening. Sure dey c'n be snatched away, so suck de marrow from de moment while yah 'ave it. treasure de moments and de people yah sharing dose moments wit' It's de 'igh times, like right now, dat make de low times bearable an' give yah a reason ta fight t'rough dem."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes a second from the food to listen to him and she follows his words up with a upturn to the corners of her lips. She then reaches a gloved hand up to take up her wine glass again and raise it up to him for a toast.

"To the good times then, Miste'ah LeBeau." She says to him then, awaiting his return gesture of the same then she'll draw the glass back to sip from it once more.

Her eyes then drop back down to her food and she shakes her head. "I'm not jokin' neithe'ah. Someday I'm gonna make you open a restaurant... you do the cookin' and I'll be the eye candy that draws all the customers in." She gives him another sly grin then.

Gambit has posed:
"Only one problem with dat chere, yah know what an insanely jealous man Ah am. All dose fools oogling yah? Ah might 'ave to break a few arms every night." He says it playfully and with a wicked grin that says he's joking. "Besides, Ah prefer ta see people enjoy mah cooking. Yah don' get dat in a restaurant.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs softly at this and she shakes her head from side to side. "Jealousy doesn't suit you, Remy LeBeau." She replies to the older man. "You've got too much of a calm cool reputation t'be sullyin' it with talk of jealousy."

The last of the chicken is mostly consumed before she leans back in her chair and pushes the plate forward. Her right hand slips down to her stomach and she exhales. "I'm stuffed." She declares, glancing down at herself. "Not sure I'm gonna be able t'fit in this dress if I eat another bite." And then she instantly looks up and smirks at him. "And no pervy jokes about that, neithe'ah!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau covers his heart and manages an absolutely scandalized look on his face, "Mon chere, foh yah ta even t'ink dat Ah would /dream/ of makin' such a comment... " then he drops his hand and grins, "Pretty much tells me dat yah know me implicently don' yah?" he asks clearing the plates and coming back. "Still Ah 'ope yah can fin' room foh desert.." he says, bringing in turtle lava cake ala mode... The ice cream melting under the molten chocolate and caramel.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's hands are in her lap as he returns, she'd been grinning and shaking her head as he'd left. "Yeah... clearly so." She'd said after him.

But when he returns with that fourth course she just leans forward and gets a closer look as its brought near. "Good lord!" She declares. "That is... amazin' lookin'." And then she groans which is soon to shift into a whimper. "Fiiine." She reaches out to take up another utensil, a clean spoon this time. "But only cause ya went t'so much darn trouble on my account. It'd be rude t'say no to this fine... art that you've crafted for me." Her voice sounds like she's teasing him, but she's being sincere, something he's likely learned about her sassy attitude.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins wickedly at her, "Well since yah goin' t'rough so much trouble on mah account.." He says, and cuts a small piece and offers it to her lips in a slow sensuous fashion, teasingly and tauntingly playful. "And besides if yah can' fit in dat dress aftah dinner... Ah 'apply ta offer yah somet'ing else ta slip into.. or out of..

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches him dangle that bite of food around in front of her face and she draws in a breath... then she hears his words and she has to instantly exhale that breath back out sharply. "You're encourageable, Mister LeBeau." She says back at him then. "And this is why I know ya don't have a restaurant... cause ya couldn't feed all the pretty women who come inta it, without makin' their boyfriends jealous." She snickers lightly before she leans forward to accept the offered food with a tentative bite. She has to fear the side effects of knocking people out cold if they touch her, after all... So tentative if the name of her game when it comes toy being near to others.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau feeds her that bite, still grinning wickedly and says, "An' yah chere are free to encourage me all yah cre to." He then takes his own desert, setting her's down and grinning slightly. "Seriously dough, been a pretty good birt'day so far ah 'ope.." He asks even as he waves his fingers and in an act of prestodigitation causes a long velvet covered box to appear in his hand. Not a ring box of course, but definitely jewelry."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nods her head after she leans back. She smiles after swallowing the tastey dessert and then raises her hands up to the table's edge, but she pauses as she sees the jewelry box. "I thought the dress was the gift." She said then, her voice quiet as she eyes it. After a handful of seconds she reaches out for it to be handed over. "Ya didn't have t'go t'this much trouble, ya know? I'm a pretty casual lady... I don't mind just hangin' out and, ya know, laughin' and havin' fun. You're treatin' me like... some kinda Princess, like Jean." She glances up at him and grins. "I'm not used t'that."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smiles a bit, "Well chere, if we gonna make dis work, whatevah yah wanna call dis t'ing 'tween yah and me... Yah bettah get used to it." He stands and walks closer, opening the box to reveal a necklace. It's very sparklely, with chips of diamonds and rubies and emeralds and saphires and amber... "When Ah saw dis, it made me t'ink of yah... A million lil pieces, none of dem perfect. Some of dem even a lil flawed... But all of dem beautiful.." He steps behind her, his own gloved hands draping the chain around her naked shoulders, moving her hair gently to fasten the clasp..

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stares at the item in question as its unveiled and she listens to his rundown of it which makes her smile and lift her right hand up to cover her mouth, and touch the tip of her nose. Mostly because it made her tear up a bit.

Ultimately she lowers her hand down, having composed herself again as she's TOUGH and thats what she tells herself internally. She then releases a little laugh and smiles lightly as he moves to put it on her. "I've never heard a more accurate, and sweet, summation'a everything about me. Its all true, and I love it." She glances over and up at him then.

"Thank ya. You've outdone yourself. Really." She uses a gloved hand to squeeze his wrist firmly but not OVERLY firmly... because she is TOUGH after all!

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau leans down and kisses her hand softly and then says "Ah've got anot'er present of sorts for yah chere.." He says softly, but with a tone of seriousness to it too. "But Ah need yah ta trust me. Trust me wit' yah 'ole being. If yah can' do dat, it's okay... jus' say so, yah won' 'urt mah feelings... but if yah do... close yah eyes."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's fingertips touch the sparkling bit of jewelry after he places it on her and then she just leans back in her chair with a smile and softly shakes her head. "Its not easy havin' someone talk like that t'me and not instantly expect some kinda trap." She says back at him then before she draws in a breath and releases it sharply once again. Her eyes close and she raises her right hand up to toss her hair out of her face on her right side, scooping it back behind her ear there. "Okay. I... am tryin' this trust thing! Don't make me regret it, Miste'ah LeBeau..."

Gambit has posed:
It only lasts a few seconds. Really it could have been a dream in another life. Have you ever touched the screen of an old TV right after it's been turned off? A slightly fuzzy electric feeling that makes your hairs stand on end. It's like that... but it doesn't mask the unmistakable moist sensation of lips touching her naked flesh. Just a soft gentle kiss where her neck meets her shoulder.

Rogue has posed:
She's definitely quick to open her eyes in a way that is shocking and showcases the rush of blood inside of her body at having felt him touch her. He didn't fall over, but still. Its surprising and she seems... stunned by it.

But that soon fades and she moves to stand up. "Ya big dummy!" She says at him then as she reaches up to put her left gloved hand on his chest and push him away. "Ya know what happens when ya do that. Ya end up dead! Or basically just as good as dead!" And now she's stepping away from him toward the sofa area of the room. She's mad, sure, but only because she doesn't wanna go through that same kind of terror that she did when Cody Collins hit a permanent sleep after they kissed six years ago.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shakes his head slightly and says "But Ah didn't." He says softly, not approaching. He knew she might have a pretty strong reaction to this, but... well he wants this. Wants it with her. He holds his hand up and takes his glove off to let her see his hand. It's a got just the barest hint of a faint glowing across his skin. "It's a barrier. Thin... only a few molecules t'ick... but it is dare..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes look to his hand and this supposed barrier. She can see the power that he's using, her vision is good enough to see that well. She stares at it a moment and then looks up at him. Her arms fold together across her stomach and she softly shakes her head. "Thats still dangerous." She then finally says to him. "I mean, ya can't control that kinda thing foreve'ah. It'll lead t'issues. Like if you forget t'do it or somethin'. If ya get all... used t'suddenly bein' able t'touch me like I'm some kinda 'normal girl' then suddenly... 'Hey guess what. She's not a normal girl. She's a mutant freak who eats souls outta other people's bodies'."

A heavy sigh leaves the southern belle then and she glances away from him off toward the left. She moves then to pick up her hoodie and to put it on, her shoulders were cold.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, "It's not a perfect cure chere. An' Ah'm undah no delusion dat it is." He walks up closer to her, doesn't touch her but close enough to do so. "We couldn' make love, non. WE couldn' lay in bed toget'er all night. An' Ah'm not tryin' ta do anyt'ing like 'old yah 'and in public even." He steps in front of her to look in tose brilliant green eyes with his hellfire red ones. "But here, in our private moments. Ah c'n do dis. Ah c'n 'old yah 'and as we watch a movie. Ah c'n kiss yah, if yah let me. We bot' freaks chere. We bot' damaged beyond any normal persons expectations... But let us be normal here. When we in 'ere, let everyone out dare be de freaks.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gets her hoodie back on and adjusts it on her shoulders, then draws her hair out so it that the long white/brown locks trail down behind her shoulders, she leaves it unzipped though as she just had cold arms... its winter after all, even furnaces can only do so much.

"Its... impressive." Rogue relents then after she hears his words. "I don't fully see it workin' the way ya might hope, the way _I_ might hope, but its impressive, yeah?" She crosses her arms again across her stomach and walks toward the center of the living space toward the sofa.

"We'll see how it goes, I guess. But if ya drop dead, I'm never gonna forgive ya, Cajun." And with that said she turns to sit down on the edge of his sofa, her fancing dress pooling around her legs as she draws it across them to get more comfortable.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods a bit grinning playfully. Perhaps just a little surprised that she didn't like fly out of there at mach 1... "Alright den chere, what'll it be... Ah've got Netflix, Hulu, or we c'n put somet'ing in de DVD player..." He reaches over gently, lets her see that handtake on that faint pink glow then strokes her cheek with it.. "It's yah day.