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Latest revision as of 22:29, 27 January 2019

By Royal Command
Date of Scene: 25 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A random meeting of a spy, a hero playing spy, and a goddess slumming it.
Cast of Characters: Captain Britain, Black Widow (Romanoff), Hela

Captain Britain has posed:
A splash of water could do wonders for the soul, but time was of the essence. While the man's left hand brought paper towel to his cheek, he examined himself in the mirror. The blood continued to spiral down the drain as the water rushed. He cast a careful glance towards the door. He was still alone.

His right hand held a phone. He contemplated shutting it down, but instead, simply decided to remove the battery. The phone quickly went into the waste bin. The battery, he kept with him for now, tucking it carefully into the pocket of his black tuxedo jacket.

"Hold his calls," he said aloud as he glanced at the door, which was locked from the inside, with the former owner of that phone still unconscious, but propped up onto the toilet.

Then, he passed through the door onto the more private second story, where he could look down at the gambling below. As he walked, he dropped the battery into a separate waste bin and picked up a Martini from a passing waitress.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Down at that party there is a mix of people. The rich and famous. The posh and sophisticated. The criminals that hid well behind their maskes of propriety. That was how things worked in a place like this. The decent were mixed with the villains, difficult to discern one from the other.

In the crowd is a lovely brunette with the pale blue eyes who is garnering some attention though she seems to be more interested in the flute of champagne she is nursing instead of the people making small talk around her. She did her part, smiled when she needed to, laughed at the stupidest of jokes along with the rest. Yet she wasn't what she seemed either, hiding the truth behind a tech mask that hid her features.

Natasha was keeping up an eye on one of the gentlemen as he worked his way through the crowd. He was an arms dealer, one with a nasty reputation. For her part, she was to observe and report when he left. Simple enough.

Captain Britain has posed:
Moving through the crowd, this man was not your typical spy. Actually, he wasn't even a spy at all, but when Her Majesty came calling, yes ma'am was the only phrase that came to mind.

The man was not as much of a celebrity as his sister or poor unfortunate brother, but in this company, some knew him. The height, girth, and blondeness of his hair certainly made it easier to identify him.

With the body guard indisposed, Jakob Lensky would be a far easier task. He was already off to a far better start than the last three attempts made on him. Presumably he had someone on the inside, which is why Brian was recruited.

How he was to extract the man, well, he was given free reign. Of course, if he were caught, he was on his own. No wonder he never decided to join the service in an official manner.

The problem was, just how does a 6'6' man sneak up on anyone? Well, why try? Instead, he made a b-line for the man, and offered a hand, "Ah, Mr. Lensky, I was hoping I might run into you. The name's Braddock, Brian Braddock."

Hela has posed:
There is one woman who seems distinctly out of place with her goth inspired getup, that is somehow accompanied by one of Markovia's tycoons. He actually seems to be showing her around the casino, despite how much she doesn't look to belong. She has a rather striking makeup, and her fingers are covered with rings, some of which are full finger rings with sharp tips. There's also one pendant hanging around her neck from a leather strap. She nods along at the explanations she's given, looking at the crowd, there's certainly affluence about. Brian Braddock, however, gets something of a lingering look from her.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Where did his bodyguard get off to? Not that it matters really. Natasha isn't trying to keep track of the bodyguard. Her target is Jakob Lensky.

It's unfortunate that espionage circles are so fond of their secrets that they don't coordinate their ventures. Her Majesty wants the man extracted. She is supposed to be following him to a source of arms that he is dealing. Thyey are at odds without even realizing it.

She takes another sip of her champagne, her attention drawn tho the goth woman on the arm of the Markovian blue blood. Now that's unexpected in this room of slinky dresses and too much plastic surgery.

Captain Britain has posed:
"Ah, yes, Mr. Braddock, good to meet you," said Lensky. The man spoke with a thick Markovian accent, but he was clearly fluent in English. He didn't seem nearly as friendly as the obvious Englishman. But at least his curiosity was piqued, "what can I do for you?"

Brian had noticed the Goth, how could one not, but he was not concerned by her. It was none of his business who other people brought, and what they planned to do with them after the night's public activities.

Offering a hand, Brian shook with a very firm grip. "I've heard that you're the man to see when I need something moved from one place to another. I and my company, Braddock Industries, would be very appreciative if you could help us move something that," and he leaned in and lowered his voice, "would probably be best not moved."

"That's quite a grip you have there, Mr. Braddock" Lensky said, thinking about the request. He stroked his goatee, and cast his gaze towards the brunette with the sparkling blue eyes, "but, I do not know you. I cannot help you."

Brian was not terribly happy about that response, but he hide it well, very well for someone who wasn't trained in such things, "then come on, and know me better man. What's your game, baccarat, poker, blackjack, craps...?"

Hela has posed:
The goth woman shares a few more words with her host, her gaze rather eeriely shifting towards Natasha as she takes more than a cursory note of her. Almost as if she could tell, but of course, that's not very likely. Her gaze soon shifts back to Brian Braddock and Jakob Lensky. One could almost make the mistake of assuming she was a player in the invite only game of spycraft that is taking place within the casino.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Not knowing she is under the scrutiny of a being more powered than she can imagine, Natasha likely does stand out to a goddess. She's been the cause of much death in her time and she defies it, looking an age that is much less than she actually is.

She does move to the roulette table, knowing that is the weakness for Mr. Lensky. She takes up a spot to the side, getting handed a stack chips to play.

Captain Britain has posed:
Mr. Lensky indeed does have a weakness for roulette, and gestures towards it, and the brunette who had sat down. Curiously, as Mr. Lensky approaches, two people get up and leave the table. Either they are showing respect, or don't want to be associated with him. It was so subtle, it's hard to tell. But something was up with that. Just, what was it?

Mr. Braddock will follow, taking up a seat near the centre of the table. He'll casually place some Markovian currency, and the girl at the wheel says to the pit bosses, "500,000 coming in." In this crowd, that's hardly unusual, especially when you factor in the exchange rate for Markovian Kruna. That was closer to $30,000 American dollars.

Mr. Lensky does the same, and again she calls out. Seems he's putting a cool million Kruna on the table. Not that either man is betting it all at once. Mr. Braddock decides to play the outside, while Lensky places smaller bets all over the table. There's currently a seat available next to Lensky, and another next to Romanova.

Hela has posed:
Watching as Natasha heads to the roulette table, soon followed by Braddock and Lensky, the goth woman leans in to whisper into the ear of her affluent host, who walks her to the table.

He also seems rather fond of her, as he checks her into the game with 500,000 of his own, before leaving her be and going about his business.

Elle, for her part, looks intently at each of the participants, before stating, "forgive me if it's my first time, the game just seems so exciting." Her accent pointing at Scandinavia.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
A few bets are placed by Natasha before she sits back, crossing one leg over the other as the slit in her skirt allows a view of the shapely limb. The dress is black, floor length with a daring neckline. Basically, the standard fare for this particular casino, though colors seem to be varied.

Yet the ones that stand out at the table are the blond Adonis chatting with Mr. Lensky, and the lovely goth who just joined the game. "It can be if you are willing to take chances," she murmurs to the other woman in an Italian accent. She glances to Brian, giving a quick assessment of him and realizing he is one to keep an eye on. Something more than she can tell going on there. Just what is it. Yet Elle? She doesn't pick up anything amiss with her.

Captain Britain has posed:
Picking up on the brunette's Italian accent, even if the group are conversing in English, Brian says as he collects his winnings, "Mi sono perso nei tuoi occhi," or that he has become lost in her eyes. He of course continued to play the odds. He bet the same amount again, and still on the outside. Whenever he lost, he would double his bet, repeating it until he won, and when he did, he would return to his original, safer starting bet. Of course, every once in a while, he would make a much larger bet for the thrill.

Mr. Lensky doesn't take losing lightly, and immediately begins placing more chips across the board. "It can be a harsh mistress, but she is worth the pursuit," he said in his Markovian accent, which shared many similarities with Romanian. He would lost several rounds, but whenever he won, he would be back to his original amount, or more.

Hela has posed:
"I enjoy taking chances," Elle muses at Natasha's tip, but also turning with Natasha's attention, to look more between Braddock and Lensky, and between the two Braddock is certainly easier on the eyes. As the game proceeds, it seems Elle has an affinity with black, all her bets coincide with the color, but then from her goth outfit, it's almost to be expected.

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian continues to amass more and more chips, slow and steady, wins the race and all that. He does suffer a loss here and there, but they're mitigated by his strategy, and every time he veers away from it, he still manages to win. Playing the odds is always a good way, but it's hardly sexy.

Lensky on the other hand, may not have Brian's good looks, but he does have a certain pizzazz. He gets down to nearly zero, and goes back up, yo-yoing. On the high point of one of those yo-yo's, he decides to cash out. "Huzzah, ah, what fun, thank you," he tips the dealer, even tips Elle and Brian for bringing them luck. "Nice to meet you Mr. Braddock, perhaps we can do business. Meet me in the Oras Vechi tomorrow, at the tower courtyard."

And then turning to Natasha, he asks, "but for tonight, would you care to join me, my dear. I have tickets to La bohème."