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Latest revision as of 22:39, 27 January 2019

A horse of course
Date of Scene: 26 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Aphrodite

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Doctor Stephen Strange, the man was taken out of the 'hospital' he was in and dropped off by the same angel that rescued him from 'hell'. Dropped off here at a place the angel said was a place that could help his memory. So here he is in the Sanctum Sancturm with the amulet he isn't sure how he go still around his neck and his mind still on fire as if everything around him should be helping him to get back to where so many people said he was, said who he was, but it's not. He's just angry and alone.

    Stephen has found a room in this nutso wild house and has claimed it as his own, it's just a basic bedroom that he's using because he found out, his apartment on the other side of manhattan is no longer his. Hasn't been in several years. He's missed out on so many things. He thinks he was in a coma that long, but people keep telling him how special he was, things he already knew, and how helpful he was to everyone. Stephen scoffs at the idea as he slumps into the chair in his room and holding a tumbler of scotch in his hand it dangles between his finger tips.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Been a long day and at the end of it, well Kae's decided to bring Wu's order in personally. The woman-turned draft-centaur wanders up to the mansion door, looking at it curiosly, and raises a hand to knock on the door... The thuds are quite loud, and well rather high up...

After knocking the truly gigantic redhead turns to look back at her large pack, this containing most of what Wu asked for, the rest of it, is in a shoulder bag with a large number of visile silver runes, like it was made to be particularly secure...

Kae then turns to look back at the door, hoof idly pawing at the doormat as she tries to pass the time She then ohs and activates her bracelet, this kind of making her somehow be the same size as usual but take up less space... how? Probably crazy spatial enchantments in place...

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The doors open by themselves, allowing Kaelyn to walk right into the central hub of magic in New York. It's build on ley lines and upon some rather storied ground. The Sanctum being where it is is no accident. The building seems like it would accomodate Kaelyn in her new size without any issue, with large vaulted ceiling and with the foyer opening up rapidly into a large room with a double stair case on the outsides of the room and a staircase going down near the back. It's huge.

    Kaelyn though, would feel an odd sort of urging from the brownstone building to go down this specific hall and down a few doors to a rather unassuming looking doorway, if she were so inclined to follow such whims.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae pauses and blinks. She looks at the floor then calls out "Hey Wooong, I brought you your order..>" She says, before unhooking the two large bags on her back. She sets them down, then puts the smaller bag on the pile... "I guess they'll be fine here.." She mutters, then gets an itch.. "Well I've heard of spider senses tingling, even met the man once, but this? It's a little rediculous..." She says at the hair raising on the back of her neck and well her long equine back too.. "Oy really?!?!" she says and sighs "SOoo can't wait to get my self fixed... " She pauses.. "That sounded bad, horse not a dog..."

Kae then wanders in the direction her little feelings are pushing her, heavy hoof falls probably echoing a bit...

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Behind his door Strange's head pops up as he hears the sound of something he should have expected in this looney bin of a house. "Is that a horse, inside of a house, in greenwich..." The surgeon says to himself, standing up slowly but still not sober enough to not need to use his hand as a way to steady himself against some furniture.

    "I swear I will loose my mind again if there is a horse inside this-" Strange says as he swings his door open and comes face to --- not face with a not horse. He sees a hairy chest like a normal horse has and then... He slowly looks up and yet his jaw stays in place as he gets an eyefull of a rather stunning woman. "Nope." Stephen says before turning back around to his room, leaving the door open on accident as he walks back towards the decanter of alcohol on a small table and sets about pouring himself another drink.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae pauses and stares at Strange "Uhh good to see you again too?" She asks curiously, then glances at the alchohol... "Umm Strange?" She asks, blinking a bit.. Something's really off... She wanders into the room, showhow not having to duck... "Soomething the matter?" She asks.. Then glances down "Other than the obvious fact, I somehow gre a horse..." She adds and shrugs slowly.

Kae then tilts her head "Wait, this isn't yer normal room... Issit? Least last time I was here, you were in the library, but I'd think in such a big house wouldn't you normally have one of the master bedrooms?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange continues to pour himself a drink and his eyes are wide as saucers as his hand's shake wildly from the fear, adrenaline, and the nerve damage. "You grew a horse..." Strange says, lifting the tumbler to his lips and taking a HEAVY drink before pointing his index finger at Kaelyn, "I do not know how to even begin to respond to that miss... " He motions for her to give him a name to call her.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head slightly and ummmms "Yeaaah, happense with magic.. You know, too much magical energy going off at one time can lend one to having some rather strange effects leveled on one's self.." She goes off into other magical terminologies, including more specific artifice ones and stares at Strange, slowly starting to stop.. "Aaand I don't think you have the foggiest clue what I'm talking about... I take it you have no clue who I am then?" She asks.. Yup, she catches on quick at times...

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Believe it or not, but no, I don't know anyone with a horses --- behind." Strange says, his hand shaking still as he points at Kaelyn still, waiting for her to give him her name. "No- I do not know you." Stephen says. His hair is a mess and his face is quite unshaven. "I am starting to get really annoyed by everyone talking to me as if they know exactly who I am and I am stuck here with a mind that is several years out of date." Stephen says with a heavy sigh as he walks back to his chair and slams his body back down into the plush wingback.

Aphrodite has posed:
With little warning there are three loud raps on the door of the Sanctorm. Outside standing with a small smile is one of the most beautiful women that exist currently. Strange may know her as Siren, but everyone else knew her as Aphrodite, and she was here for a few reasons. The first it had been so long since she has 'seen' Strange, and wanted to visit her now old 'friend'. Second she wanted to double check to make sure the suggestions went through as planned.

So she stands outside not really able to get past the strong magics without bringing tons of alarms or worse. Besides why break into somewher where she would be invited it as breaking and entering is a mortal crime, and she was many thing though mortal was not one of them.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smirks "Well I'm Kaelyn... Umm oviously at one point we worked with each other in the past.... And yes, I made a litteral horses's ass of my self..." She says with a slight smirk "No problem with those kind of jokes, I kind of draw a bit of a line at My little pony ones though..."

Kae hears the knocking and tilts her head "Wooow more guests... " She then looks back at Doctor strange.. "Soo you lost yer mind, litterally."

She taps her chin... "Finding things is something I'm pretty good at, I might could take a crack at finding it again... That is if you want, and all..." She offers.. Then she glances back at the front and turns to wander out of the room, tail lashing a bit as she looks down the hallway... "Umm should I get that or will the Sanctum do it..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange doesn't answer any of Kaelyn's questions as he thinks they're all asinine. He barely even lifts his hand towards her back as he waves her off, "Do what you will, I don't know a single thing about this house." The former/future wizard says with a frown and another deep drink of his scotch.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae is still talking to her self as she clops back off to the right and heads toward the door... "Now how to get his memories back, there's a dozen ways I think..." she mutters and taps her chin... "Sympathetic magic works great though.. I think..." She says and almost trips over the pile of goods she brought in as she skids to a stop there, now just nudging them... She then moves a bit, stepping over them and uses a back hoof to slide them further out of the way, before she turns her attention to the door..

She then simply opens it.. "uhh, yeah, hi?" She says, ducking down slightly to see whoever it is at the door.. Yes, there's now a knockout of a redhead attached to a giant draft horse now peeking out the door at a goddess?

Aphrodite has posed:
As soon as the door opens Aphrodite pushes her way in. To her surprise there is a large horse in the way, but she is a bit stronger then she looks so even the large horse would not be difficult to push aside as if it were just a thing in her way, as she rushes in. "Darling!" she exclames in a worried tone.. "Are you here!" as she moves further in. She must know as she heads right for his location.. "There you are I was so worried.. Those nasty school people hid you from me!" she stops at that and turns looking right at Kaelyn with one of those warm, but very tight smile.

"And who is this? I did not know you had such tastes.. Down right Zeus like." and gives her a nod. Her outward appearance is warm, and kind.. But the eyes looking at Kaelyn are very sharp, and piercing.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    In his room, down a hallway to the left, Strange perks up in his chair a bit before he looks to the doorway. "Siren?" Strange says aloud as... that's someone he seems to have a memory off. Seemingly the only person he remembers from before the crash and after he became a wizard. But at least he recognizes someone. "I've been in a coma. Or so I'm told." Stephen says, shuffling his way drunkenly into the foyer, and he leans against Kaelyn's horse body so he doesn't fall over. "I am not sleeping with this horse-lady if that is what you're insinuating." Strange says rather abruptly with a glance to Kaelyn's head several feet above his own.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummmms... "I'm uh, Kaelyn... I was bringing supplies to Wong as I run a magical supplies shop and such?" She says, blinking at the whole tastes and zeus like and she blinks a few times... She's then leaned against and errrs.. "Yeah, so this horse lady thing is like very new to me too? I doubt I'd be sleeping with anyone in this state?" She says and shrugs slowly "I think it would be more than just a little wierd anyhow, and there's a severe size difference..." She adds... More babbbling ensues and she then ohs "Yeah, sooo I think there's a chance of getting Strange's lost memories ack or something?" She says and looks at Strange agains curiously...

Aphrodite has posed:
Aphrodite waves a hand infront of her face.. "You have not called me that name in a long time.. Though that explains a lot." she adds swiping the drink out of his hand. "You remember nothing, then how do you know your not?" she asks with a small grin. She turns to face Kaelyn, and looks at her seriously as she is being leaned on. "Well.. Then you must know who he was then. Who he could be.." she flicks a hand "Or not be.." she still seems to have her guard up towards Kaelyn, but isn't trying to stare her down. "Let me guess he is all" she puts a serious look on her face, but it looks a bit like pouting.. "I can't remember anything.. Everything is bad, and depressing.." and looks at Strange.

"Do you know how lucky you are? You get to see it all over again.. The duel suns of Agamoto, the peeks of Midguard." she shakes her head, and looks at Kaelyn.. "You have got to agree with me on this one right?" she saunters over to her, and holds out a hand.. "Siren is my name. Or it was." if ya take her hand her grip is really strong though kind of unconfortable not painfull. "Tell me you have at least told him something."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The thought causes Strange to pause. He looks down at his empty hand, wondering where his drink went and then he looks back up to the back of Kaelyn's ear and he frowns, had he been with this woman who acted so friendly and yet she's saying this is new to her too. He doesn't know.

    Stephen steps away from Kaelyn and Siren and walks over towards the rising stair case so he can sit down on the third step and he puts his hands on his temples. He stays silent as he listens to them talk and yet his thoughts are so loud and obtrusive it seems like the two women are half a world away.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae umms "Yeah that, and I think he doesn't like my jokes." Says the female of equine persuasion... "Anyhow, I think I can use some sympathetic magic and some other magics to start restoring his memories, but it's gonna take a bit of time... I'll probably need some things of his he doesn't have memories of... Things connected to major events in his life that' he's lost... Not everything but some so I can possibly work the spell... "She says...

"LIke maybe some threads of a robe, or a small item, or anything he might have strong connection to as well... Something that can help call thoser memories back... Some of which will be consumed some wont by the way..."

Kae glances to Strange curiously and then to Aphrodite "I've not been to Agamoto, nor these peeks of Midguard, or maybe asguard? As I remember my lore and all, Asguard is the place of the norse gods, Midguard is here..." She says and rubs at the back of her neck again, before putting her left hand on a 'hip' or more likely her lower horse upper shoulder area.. It works the same though...

Aphrodite has posed:
Aphrodite looks at Stephen go, and nods. "Oh right... I always get those places confused.. I guess that would be the alps or something here." she stops and turns to look at her. "What if he doesn't want them? A great burden has been lifted off him. If he wants magic I am sure I can ask father for something." and eyes her when she speaks of her father as if she knew that she might already know.

She turns and walks towards Strange and looks at him. "He is still skilled as a Doctor, and we both know he can adapt quickly.." she just shrugs, "Considering what he would go back to it would be a much safer path." Turning she faces Kaelyn.. "Would you force him then?" she walks towards her again.. "Cast the spell anyway.. Or would you give him a choice? I know I would, but thousands of years.. what do I know?" and finishes it with a wink.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen looks up and then after listening to Siren's words, he looks towards Kaelyn, his deep tiresome grey eyes looking like they've already beared the weight of the world several times over, and yet, she might remember seeing those same eyes, willing to go the distance again and again and again. He is very tired and he doesn't know why, or that he even is. But that is the fate of the sorcerer supreme. Stephen has no words in this moment, but he's not as helpless as Siren may be making him out to be.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "Well yes, he does have a choice... Buuut." She looks to Strange... "You want your memories back? Remember what you've lost? You have done a lot of people a lot of real good, and could continue to do so for folks... And do more good than you would as a surgeon... But that's up to you.. It won't be easy, on anyone to restore your lost memories. And I have no doubt there's both good and bad in there as there are with everyone... Soo..." She says and crosses her arms under her bust, a fore-hoof pawing at the floor "Up to you. You want me to attempt to bring em back? " She asks curiously... "You don't have to answer now by the way, you can think it over... Time isn't really an issue in this little undertaking."

Aphrodite has posed:
Aphrodite smiles, and holds up a finger. "But that was a yes." and she just smiles a Kaelyn. She turns and looks at strange, "Right now no-one doubts that you want back what you lost, but there is time. Just don't agree to anything yet." she says as she starts heading to the door. "There is another way.. When your ready to see it just call my name." and she smiles at him

Turning to look at Kaelyn as she passes she looks her right in the eyes.. "Remember you made that deal, and with whom you made it.. Cast it before and I will be upset." then turns and walks out of the Sanctorum as fast as she had arrived disapearing as soon as she crosses the frame.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen's eyes follow Siren's as she leaves and he frowns, before he looks back to Kaelyn while he still sits on the stairs, "I have no earthly idea what just happened. Do you?" Stephen asks before he interrupts, "Of course you don't, you're a centaur. Now, what were you doing here again?" Strange asks, as he feels swamped and overrun with information and a level of bizarreness he never expected from today.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers at Stephen "I'm also a full blown sorceress.. Trained in it my whole life. I can help..." She says, and then tilts her head "And before you say you don't believe in magic, remember you'd be saying that to a centauress, in a house that regulates its self and does many other wierder things." She says with a slight smirk... "Anyhow I was offering to restore what you've lost.... Your memories?" She says and tilts her head before smirking. "As far as why I was here? I was delivering magical supplies that Wong ordered... I run a magical supplies shop... I find lost things, track down antiquities, make enchantments, artifices, spells, and the like for people."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Alright Kaelyn." Stephen says, standing up from his spot on the stairs and not even coming close to looking at her level in the eyes. "Say you restore my memories and I am some great and powerful wizard, which I still don't believe, do you expect me to pay you in some way? Because I don't have a single penny to my name."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae pauses and stares at Stephen curiously "Nope, on the horse... Err house." She says.. "Yes a bad joke, and I'm fine with that." She says, winking cheerfully... Kae tilts her head... "Anyhow, more to be gained just Money." She says with a slight smirk. "SOo anyhow, ya don't believe yer a wizard huh? Soo if I pulled off some crazy magic feat right now, would you be more inclined to believe?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Just because you do magic doesn't mean I can do magic." Stephen says with a scowl towards the four footed woman. "But, your persistance is no joke." Strange notes, with a hand going to his chin and brushing against the beard there. "How long will recovering my memories take?" Stephen inquires as he takes a few steps back from Kaelyn, upwards on the stairs to put his eyes on level with her own. Several steps.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae taps her chin a few times "Well pends on how many of the things I can get, I'll talk to Wu..." She says and then tilts her head.. "Tell ya what, what iff you did magic right here and now?" She asks curiously, smiling a it impishly... "A really simple spell, but I bet you won't have a problem doing it if I tell you how?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen crosses his arms below the amulet he wears around his neck and he squints at Kaelyn, unbelieving visible all over his face. "What kind of spell? I don't want to end up with another set of legs." He feels he needs to spell that out for the woman, but she's been rather immune to all of his personality, so while he's starting to appreciate that she's trying so hard, he's still an asshole out of ego and fear.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae laughs "No, I wouldn't wish this on anyone not willing to go through it... You know how hard it is to be an 1800 pound horse person in a world built for people averaging only about 5'10" and barely 175?" She then lays her lower half down, folding her legs under her.. "C'mere.. this won't do anything except make a bit of light ok? So there's a ton of charms and whatnot out there, most of them are just to allow a person to focus... Some spells require a strong somantic component, because that's what the caster wants them too... Magic is really about will and belief... " Kae then smirks a bit "Soo, suspend your disbelief for a bit... OK?" She then pulls out a piece of paper, and draws a design on it, it's really just a pentacle inside a pentagram and all, she writes a rune at each point... Then puts a little what looks like a yin-yang symbol in its center... "So I'm pulling from a few magic practices here, but this is what I want you to do... Take a deep breath. Center your self.. Just try to relaxe, think of something that makes you happy, relaxes you. anything, bring up that image... hold it in your head to try and get your self as centered as you think you can be... Then I want you to touch the little symbol and simply recite "Lumos Levite." Yes we're using Latin, but it works just fine... It should make a floating sphere of of light... " She says with a slight smile... "This paper is in no way magical" She points tot he spiral notebook she pulled it from... "The design gives your will direction... You just have to, after you center your self, will the light into existance as you touch the symbol and recite the words. OK?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen moves down back to the floor and even sitting on her horse Form, she's nearly as tall as he is still and he will do exactly what she does, at least physically. He puts his hand on the paper, closes his eyes as he tries to think about happiness and calmness and centering himself. Things he's not really able to do at the moment with all the turmoil around and in his life and head.

    "Lumos Levite." He says perfectly, an eidetic memory helping beyond words could describe when it comes to be a wizard. He tries to summon, to will the light into being and with his eyes closed, he thinks he's doing it until he opens one eye to see, nothing in his hand. Stephen then snaps his eyes up to Kaelyn and he sighs softly, "Not sure what I expected there."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae smirks.. "Cause yer not believing... Ya remember what it was like for you to be a kid right? The wonder? Seeing your favorite movie and all? YOu seem to have an eiditic memory and all... Recall some of the lighter moments of your childhood, try to ring up the belief and wonder you felt then, then keep that in you when you recite the words again." She says with a grin... "Nobody gets it right the first time... But you'll want that belief, that belief will give your will direction.. THe other thing is, you need to -want- the spell to work, yer gonna -want- that little sphere to come into existance."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen takes a deep breath and sighs while staring deadpanned into Kaelyn's eyes. He closes his eyes slowly again and reaches back out to the paper to touch it with his left hand. The man seems to take several more moments this time, breathing, and slowing his own heart rate in exercises he learned back at school and work. Stephen thinks back to his favorite movie as a child and a frown flashes across his face for a brief moment and then a fainter smile. "Lumos Levite." Strange says once more.

    Once again, Stephen is not able to summon the light, but Kaelyn would have felt an odd sort of warmth from his hand where it touches the paper, but nothing more than that. A sign that the magic is still there, but it's locked behind several things the doctor is trying to work through.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins a bit... "Very close... I could actually feel ya drumming some magic up... So what issit that's on your mind right now? Bothering you so much?" She asks curiously.... "Ya got really close there..." She says still grinning. "Tell ya what, on top of all the other stuff, you pull this spell off, I'll buy you a whole bottle of your favorite wine? or drink.. Scotch, whatever... How's that?" She says, trying maybe to cheer him up a bit with that. One thing abotu Kae, she doesn't know what 'give up' is.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Honestly? There's a hell of a lot on my mind." Stephen says, falling backwards to sit heavily upon the stairs, just in front of Kaelyn. "I'm in 'my' house that I don't recognize, with friends that I have never met before and everyone keeps saying how great I am when I-" Stephen lifts his hands to look at them shake and how they are horribly scared. Stephen stops talking and lowers his hand and stands back up hand starts to move to pat Kaelyn's shoulder but he stops just before he touches her and instead steps past her and moves towards the hallway he came out of.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae surges to her feet... She then umms and blinks "Well the idea was to get it off yer mind..." She mutters as he runs by... She then turns and follows after, picing up her paper along the way... "Strange?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen turns and almost smashes into the front of Kaelyn's large form and with an eyefull he takes a step back to look up to her face, and somehow he feels even smaller, "Yes?" He blurts out, maybe trying to be hurtful, but he's also incredibly frustrated and alone. Even though there's a giant girl here trying her best to help him, he's still alone in all this, unable to see that others care.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
"I know ya really don't know me, but understand this. Yer not alone. You have a lot of friends, and I know you don't remember em, but we're there. Don't turn away when someone reaches out to you ok? Talk to Wong as much as you can, when others come around, -talk- to them... Just don't shut yer self off..." She says and tries to offer a reassuring smile. "I'm not gonna say I know how you feel, but all of us have felt more than a little lost at times. It's time like these where you need to find a support group and lean on them, ok?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "And you expect me to lean on you?" Stephen says, the frown still present as he keeps looking up to Kaelyn, "There's only strangers around me, it's hard to trust someone when you don't know or recognize them." Stephen says with a shake in his voice that wasn't there before. He thinks about reaching for that trust, for a sign, but he can't. He's always stayed on the fringes of relationships and even friendships, it's always safe away from everyone.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae laughs "Honestly? I'm an aquaintance... We've worked together a couple times, and I supply you with a number of items through my store.. If you think I'm trustworthy enough you're welcome to. If you ever wanted to get out of here you'd be welcome to come to our store, but I assure you, it and the apartment is no less strange than this place. We do have good coffee though..." she says with a grin.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "So I'm not even friends with the biggest weirdos." Strange says more to himself and he sighs softly, taking Kaelyn's hand if she'll let him and with a soft squeeze he admits, "If you care this much, I'd like to get to know you better. On this side or the other side of my amnesia." The surgeon says with a soft sigh before he lets go and is suddenly not sure what to do.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins.. "Here.." She says, pulling a thermos out of her saddle bag.. "Hyppocrass.. Kind of a mulled wine with herbs and a little honey... It's also warm. It should help you get some relaxation in." She says. "And honestly, I know you don't remember, but I'm gonna tell you, You've done a -ton- of good for folks... It's about time one of those folks does some good for you, Ok?" She grins. "Just relaxe, Wong, my self, Umm Syren.. Though she had like a goddess vibe to her, probably all want to help you. I'm pretty sure every other mage in magickdome wants to as well."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange takes the thermos and twists the top off as he walks towards his room and takes a sniff of the contents. "Smells a bit strong." The man notes as he finds his way back to his chair and slumps back down in it and then keeps talking to Kaelyn. "I worry it's simply just mystical friendships I have, not like a true friend, instead of simply, a work associate." Stephen says, curling his arm to bring the thermos up to his lip and takes a small sip of the wine.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head "Smells strong cause it's in a thermos, you have the lid there, poure it up.. Oooor drink it straight." She says and grins a bit... "Well if you consider me a friend I guess that makes me a friend. Lean on Wong heavily though... He'll do everything he can to help you. There's real loyalty... I can't tell you what all I went out to find for him so he could locate you... Some pretty big and dangerous things to aquire..." She motions back in the direction of the main lobby... "You can lean on me too if you like.. Also, when you're feeling a bit better, swing by the shop. Have wong bring you ore..." She says and tugs a ring out of her pocket... "take this, touch the gem. No incantations necessary, and wave your hand in front of you, it'll open a door way to our arrival area. You can step through into the shop with this, juuuust make sure you don't let this into the wrong hands ok? Last time something like that happened, I ended up with an 1800 pound derrierre..."