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Latest revision as of 03:01, 16 August 2017

A Pack of More
Date of Scene: 15 August 2017
Location: West Harlem - Mercy's Garage
Synopsis: Erica brings Derek down to meet Mercy Thompson.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Erica Reyes, Derek Hale

Mercy Thompson has posed:
How's the song go 'closing time - time for you to go out go out into the world' and that's about where Mercy Thompson is at.

Well, for closing time, that is.

The front door of the garage has been locked up tight. A sign sits within the window of the front door that reads 'Sorry, We're Closed'. However, the actual garage port is open upon the side of the building. The wide segmented door is pushed up which affords a nice view inside. Movement might be seen within as the owner of the garage slowly gathers up her tools, her gear and any other items to put away. The work benches within the actual garage are mostly empty, though one holds a notebook and a bit of scrap metal upon it. The scrap metal is mostly in a pile, but a small portion has been built into a skeleton of something. It's hard to determine what the build is going to be, but it's small and it's round.

For Mercy, she's dressed in her typical day to day outfit for the garage. Blue coveralls, steel-toed boots and hair pulled into two braids.

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica shows up as she said she would, blonde hair in a perfect tumble of curls. Short cropped leather jacket over a deep red tank top with some sparkle, snug denim capris and strappy sandal heels. She's got her phone in one hand, her thumb quickly texting. She will take up a lean against the side of the wide doorframe. "Well hello, pretty lady."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Because Erica called ahead there's a couple of things that sit out beyond the tools of her trade.

Mostly refreshments. There's one bottle of beer, /for/ Mercy, and a bottle of water, soda and even iced tea. Hidden beneath a foil cover sits a plate of chocolate chip cookies. No one can ever say Mercy isn't a good host.

Even before Erica speaks up the coyote already know she's there. It takes a lot to sneak up on Mercy and so, the mechanic pivots slightly upon her heel towards the doors. A smile of greeting briefly lifts her mouth upward at the other young woman's greeting, even as Mercy says, "Evening, Erica. Come on in. There's tea, water and soda. The beer is mine." She adds with a modicum of humor to her voice for those last words of hers. "Cookies too if you're hungry."

Several folding chairs will be pulled off of a wall and slide towards the bench that holds the food and drink.

"Thought you were bringing a friend?" Asks the dark-haired woman, even as she unfolds each chair and sets them upright.

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica wasn't trying to sneak up, because sneaking up on people that have enhanced senses.. tends to go pretty poorly, in Erica's history. Besides, sneaking in high heels is just too much effort for no reason at all.

Her phone is slipped into her back pocket, as she steps into the garage proper. "So did I. He's checking on something, it's got him running behind. And men bitch about us taking too long, right?" There's a smile, as she slides into a chair after choosing a soda. "Thanks. How's business?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Once Erica is inside and settled with her soda, Mercy will reach for that cold bottle of beer. A neat twist of her hand will pop the cap and when Erica speaks, Mercy takes a quick sip from her own bottle. "Yes, men." She agrees, even as she continues with, "But hopefully he can make it here. If not -" Well, perhaps another time.

The question about her business earns a crooked grin from the woman, which twitches a corner of her mouth upward; though that expression doesn't necessarily reach her eyes. "Booming. Which is a good thing. I'm always busy."

"What about you?" The mechanic then asks, her head tilting slightly to the side now, "You going to college? Or something else?"

Erica Reyes has posed:
"Well, I'd like him to at least meet you. Though I warn you, he can be a bit of..." There's a grin that's like a flash bulb, there and gone. "A sourwolf. But he doesn't mean it. He's just.. that way. Though he can be also wildly charming." There's a shrug as the blonde opens her soda.

"Yeah? That's great, I'm glad. I hope you're not too busy to enjoy things, though. That's always the downside." She's quiet a moment, a tip of her head. "Just taking a couple college classes online, right now."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Sourwolf or no, I'd like to meet him too. And it's not like I haven't ever run across an alpha who wasn't always touchy-feely and warm and huggy." Is Mercy's prompt response, amusement evident in her voice, "Besides, it's always good to make nice with the Alphas around your city." Mercy continues with, her words cut off for a second as she takes another sip. After that second sip the bottle of beer will be set back upon the top of the work bench, even as the older woman pops a hip against the edge and leans there.

Her mention of not getting to enjoy things earns a soft snort from Mercy. Work is hardly the thing causing her to stop from enjoying things. There are other matters. So many other matters. Not that Mercy is going to mention that. Instead, at the mention of on-line courses causes the coyote to perk up slightly, "Oh? What are you taking? Core credits or something more excited?"

Erica Reyes has posed:
"I'm sure there are alphas somewhere that are touchy feely.. but I don't know how they would stay alpha for long." Erica ponders, taking a small sip of soda. "But yeah, it's a good idea to know all the players, you know?" There's a hint of a smile, a toss of her head to move blonde back out of her face.

"Just the basic stuff you have to have to start with." There's a hint of a flush in her cheeks, her jaw sliding to the right until it pops in an odd expression. "Because of things.. well, with being a werewolf, I went and got my G.E.D., so the online stuff is just to try and help get into a 'real college'. You know?"

Derek Hale has posed:
The throaty sound of a large American V8 heralds the approach of Derek. It's equal mix thunder and the throaty purr of some large animal. Or maybe a dinosaur. It's not turbo charged so there's no obnoxious let off valve, but there's still the sudden gunning of the engine just before it's turned off. Boys will be boys, right? He's dressed for the night...as he always dresses. Black ankle length boots, blue jeans, white tank top, and a black leather jacket. One odd thing is that he wears sunglasses today. Why, you may ask? Because he can and feels like it, obviously. Why ask why when how is so much more fun, after all? It doesn't take the brooding man long to find the open garage door. The dark haired alpha peeks his head around the corner to make sure they're there before he makes his way in, careful to avoid any standing liquids. Because oil is hard as hell to get out of carpet. He doesn't hop in the conversation, even though he heard a bit of their chatting before entering. Instead, the wuff stops a few feet from them. "Good evening," he says in a cordial voice.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Hey." Begins the coyote, her eyes still upon Erica, voice softening somewhat, "You got your G.E.D., be proud of that. Things like that become harder, especially in the beginning. Don't downplay the accomplishment." The mechanic continues with, having seen the faint hint of a blush upon Erica's face and whatever her scent might hold from that emotion. "Let me know if you need any help with those core credits. I think I still remember a bit of college math and english."

Of course, by then the sound of that motorcycle is heard. If Derek was trying to sneak up on the two women his plan has definitely failed. In fact, when he peers around into the garage he'll already find Mercy's gaze towards the doorway. Mercy waits until he enters and offers his own greeting before she gives a nod in return. "Good evening. Care for a drink?" She asks, a hand motioning towards the soda, tea and water, as well as foil covered plate of cookies. Once that's said the coyote straightens from her casual slouch and steps toward Derek, a hand offered to him. "I'm Mercy Thompson. Owner of this garage."

And weirdly in this particular instance the floor is oddly clean. Very few oil spots can be found upon the concrete floor.

Erica Reyes has posed:
Brown eyes lift to look at Mercy. "I just hate that I panicked and got it, versus trying to stick it out and graduate from school. I know werewolves who managed. " She shrugs again. Her head tips towards the open door just a moment, a hint of a smile. "Oh, it's not that the courses give me trouble. I'm just trying to find the best way to get a degree."

Erica knows the sound of that Camaro all too well, and her heartbeat will flutter, just a moment, at the sound of it. "Derek, Mercy. Mercy, Derek." She tilts her head back to give her alpha a quick grin. "Hey."

Derek Hale has posed:
Derek's hands come up to slide off the sunglasses, folding the arms up and slipping them into the inner pocket of his jacket. With very minimal amount of David Caruso channeled there. Because it's really damned hard to remove sunglasses without channeling a little bit of CSI Miami's frontman. Once Erica makes the introductions, Derek holds his now emptied hand out to Mercy in greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he tells the coyote before giving the little blonde beta a bit of a smile in greeting. A wolf of many words.

Mercy Thompson has posed:

That earns a faint crimp of Mercy's mouth. The small spike of amusement that can be seen upon her features, smelled within her scent, even as the two shake hands. Mercy's hold is firm, but not crushing or jostling. It's a quick one-two-three and then she's letting go of his hand.

"Nice to meet you as well, Derek." Turning slightly upon her heel Mercy moves back to the work bench that Erica is sitting near. She doesn't quite turn her back upon Derek, but neither does she keep her gaze upon him. She's just cautious with her movements.

A third folding chair will be set out for the Alpha should he wish to sit, and even if he doesn't Mercy still resumes her casual lean against that work bench. "Erica here helped me in a sticky situation a few weeks ago. Three would-be thugs thought I was an easy mark. Erica helped bring the trio down before the police arrived."

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica snorts. "She totally could have handled it herself, but I felt it would have rude to not help out and keep her face pretty." There's a smile there, before she sips at her soda. "They were punks who had no idea what they were getting into. Men who try to force women are not men at all." There's a shrug. "She let me skip out before the cops got there, too. I can just be the mysterious blonde." There's a chuckle there. "I need a cape or something."

Derek Hale has posed:
Derek nods to Mercy once again before letting go of her hand. "Sure. A cape and mask. I'm sure you've got the knee high, high heeled boots and black body hugging leotard in your closet already. You can even wear your panties on the outside and be a Super something," he comments before moving to the tableau of refreshments, picking up a water bottle and twisting off the top. Taking a sip, he turns to Mercy. "Is that a common problem around here? Random thugs doing thuglike things?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
A soft snort can easily be heard from the coyote at what Erica has to say. "You helped." Mercy states, emphasizing again Erica's aid with the thugs. "It doesn't matter whether I could have handled them by myself or not." A smile is given to the other woman, even as Mercy's hand reaches for her half drunk bottle of beer. She'll simply pull it close to herself versus actually drink from it again. Instead her attention is back upon Derek Hale.

His description of Erica the Superhero earns another look of amusement from the elder woman. It's, however, his question about thugs and their thug-like things that causes the dark-haired woman to flick a look towards the door of her garage. "This is Harlem, of course." Sardonic humor touches the coyote's voice now, even as her gaze turns back to the Alpha, "But the situation Erica and I got into wasn't here in New York. It was up in Bludhaven." Her head cants to the side slightly, "So, it was more in your neck of the woods I fear."

And just to make sure the cookies are seen Mercy reaches over and removes the foil cover. "At least, that's where I assumed you, Erica and your pack call home?"

Erica Reyes has posed:
"Just call me modest about my efforts." Erica says lightly, amusement in her expression. "You know I have the knee high leather boots. I had to have them, because they're friggin' hot. I just don't wear them for random strolls around town, because stilletos, Derek.. not meant for miles of walking." There's a chuckle there, a faint nod that backs up Mercy's story. "I'd never seen them before, so they were probably not true locals. I would have told you if I'd recognize anyone causing trouble. " Because she's a good beta, usually.

Derek Hale has posed:
Derek nods a bit. "Yeah, there, thugs often do thuglike things until someone punches them in their thuglike noses. Or stomps on them with heels. You know, whichever winds up being more fun at the time," and with that, probably the most words he's spoken all day, he drains the bottle of water before comfortably crushing it up in his hands, forcing the cap on and twisting it while it's compressed like a pancake. Uses less space that way. And the horrible sound it makes causes most people aural distress. He's that kind of person. "I'm not sure how big a pack I have,or will have, but it's where we're from."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Not meant for walking.

That's enough to earn another quirk of a grin from Mercy. "It's why I like my steel-toed boots." Murmurs the coyote, before her words trail off slightly when Derek speaks, but more importantly when he crushes that bottle. Her hearing is exceptional and that crinkle and crack slash sharply against her coyote senses. It's enough to cause the woman to shake her head after the bottle is finally flattened to a pancake.

"A little overkill there?" Mercy asks, even as she tilts her head towards a garbage can that sits across the room. And with that said Mercy's attention splits between the two. A faintly puzzled look is given to both wolves, "How big is your pack?" Mercy finally asks, "I've seen other wolves up that way - I had figured they were part of your collective." When Mercy says 'your collective' her attention is back upon Derek for that.

Erica Reyes has posed:
Erica tipsher head to the side, a red laquered fingernail tapping her chin."Hmm.. no, no, I don't think I stomped on them with my heels. I was wearing one of my favorite pairs of heeled boots, too." There's a quick smile at Mercy, before there's a dull glare at Derek for crushing that waterbottle like that. She knows he knows that sound is annoying.

Then Mercy is asking about the pack, and Erica falls quiet, blanching just a little. Brown eyes glance at Derek, before she's chewing on the inside of her bottom lip. "Mercy doesn't do packs, from what I gather." Trying to help, Derek!

Derek Hale has posed:
Derek raises a brow at Erica. Her statement...if he were any other wolf, he'd take that the wrong way and make a joke about it. But, as is, he just shrugs and sets the empty bottle down on the table, to be taken to the trash later. "Force of habit. I go through a dozen of them a day, so all crushed up, they fit in a Walmart bag." The more you knooooow! "So far, the grand number is," he pauses, "two, if you include myself. The other is the Heeled Wonder," because she probably already knew that. "I have no desire to grow a large pack at this time. So you're safe from my recruitment pitches for the moment. The perks are pretty amazing, though."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Erica's slight pallor earns a look from the coyote. A concerned question in the other woman's brown eyes. She's not exactly sure what she said there to warrant that slight loss of color to Erica's face, but there's a silence question as to why.

Not that Mercy gets to ask why, not when Derek is responding to what both of the women have said.

His words cause Mercy to nod, "Hey, all packs started out small. Whether you want to become something larger is something you and Erica will have to decide." Then the coyote's gaze turns to Erica, "And Erica is right - I don't usually get involved in packs. Or rather I'm not looking to become a pack-member, but I'm happy to be an ally. Shifters have to stick together." Again her gaze is back to Derek's form now, a crooked grin up her features, "Perks - speaking of those, if either of you ever need some work done on your rides come on down here. I can give your the friends and family discount. That goes for everyone in your pack, should you get more."

Erica Reyes has posed:
She had paled because.. well, Derek tends to be a private sort, and can be prickly about it, especially questions about his pack. Whether Mercy believes him that it's only the two of them or not.. well, that's up to the shifter. Brown eyes look at Derek, a brow arching as if to say 'Really?' at the 'Heeled Wonder' bit. But she's quiet on pack numbers and the idea of ..recruitment. She doesn't fully believe Derek's lack of desire for more pack, but.. she's content to be Derek's pack, at the moment.

Erica does, however, chuckle. "I don't get to decide if the pack gets bigger. It's not really a democracy, and since I can't actually turn someone..." There's another of her shrugs.

Derek Hale has posed:
"I'll keep that in mind. I'm pretty sure I need some sort of work done to it," Derek says, referring to his car. He is mechanically inept. He's rich enough to pay for competent people to fix his toys. And, well, he has an iron foot and probably burned out the clutch. Or the rear end. There's no telling, really. "Sadly, I don't have any business, so I can't return the favor. I'll just make sure to pay you to fix my car when I break it," a pause, "or when others break it," a pause as he looks at Erica, "or when other things decide to break it," like when a werewolf decides to send a message...but carving a message in the hood. Man, that was expensive.

But, after a moment, his phone beeps. "Ah, yes, I do believe it's time I get going. Sorry to dash so quickly. Things to do and all that," he says before nodding, and well, bowing a bit, at Mercy. Then, out comes the sunglasses as he slips them back on to protect his green eyes from the setting sun. "Come along," he says as he starts walking, not even addressing Erica or Mercy with that. Who is he talking to? It's obvious as he expects the blonde beta to snap to when called. "Get in the car like a good girl, and no complaining this time." Argh, me caveman. At least he didn't drag her out by her hair. This time. No, seriously, he's done that to her before.