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Latest revision as of 05:57, 6 February 2019

Sitting by the dock of the lake
Date of Scene: 31 January 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Erika and Pixie talk trauma and recovery by the lake. Interrupted by trouble elsewhere.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Souvenir

Pixie has posed:
Sitting at the edge of the dock is Megan. The winged mutant swinging her feet and looking down at an item in her hands where they rest in her lap. The young woman's shoulders slump a little as she contemplates it and turns her gaze up to look out over the lake, soaking in the quiet.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir was jogging. She slows, considers, then slowly makes her way toward the dock. Softly, she ventures, "Hello," stopping, smiling, waving a bit, waiting to see if she is welcome.

Pixie has posed:
Looking over, Megan lifts a hand. "Hey, out for a run?" She asks and leans her shoulder into the post on the dock. She watches Erika and sets the object she was holding aside. "Was the gym full of students?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir wanders over slowly and settles on the dock next to Pixie. "Kind of, yeah. So I didn't feel like dealing with it. Now and then, someone gets the bright idea to toss a ping pong ball or a sweater or something at my face. Sucks." She kicks at the air. "How about you?"

Pixie has posed:
"Just getting air." Megan says idly. Her dagger is out, resting by her side on the edge of the dock. "Thinking about things, you know. Been traveling a lot lately. Takes some getting used to-settling in again." She keeps her eyes on the lake as they talk. "Gotta be rough, at least everyone learned quick that touching Rogue can suck. They don't even have to touch you to make your day harder."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Yeah. And there's only so much I can do back to them. Frustrating." She hmmms. "I haven't been visiting my family much either. I like them, but they worry me. So that's a thing."

Pixie has posed:
"Worry you?" Megan asks. "Do you...want to talk about it?" She asks and looks over. "I know a bit about family troubles after all." She offers and leans back on her hands with a soft flutter so her wings don't over chill.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms. "My parents have always been into some illegal stuff. Nothing.. violent or anything, but you know. Organized crime is organized crime. The retirement plan isn't great."

She hmphs, staring at the water. "Then they tried to teach me to be better than them. Only, like.. it works, and then what?"

Pixie has posed:
"Ah. That does put you in a rough situation. Are they...do you worry you might be on opposite sides of the conflict one day?" Megan asks and watches Erika curiously. "It seems like they must hope you'll have a safe, happy life. Do they know about all of this?" She asks and gestures toward the school.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir considers and shrugs a bit. "I'm not too worried. They're fences. They don't fight, and it's all about money. But one day, their racket is going to get turned around. And then.. I don't know, I guess I won't see them much anymore. They honestly think me being a mutant is kind of cool. So they're really supportive of me in that way, right?"

Pixie has posed:
"Do you call them, or video message at all. It might be at least worth trying if you don't. I am at zero contact with my da, and my grands. But that's really best for everyone involved I think." She picks up her dagger and looks at it idly. "It's good that they love and support you. I'd keep loving them from afar-even if you don't approve of their line of work."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "I call them, sure. I can't stay the night at home, is all. They don't have a bed I can actually sleep in. It's kind of a weird place to me now for some reason."

She considers Pixie and her dagger. "What about you? You seem like.. something.. is bugging you." She glances at the dagger, but decides not to actually point it out.

Pixie has posed:
"I had to kill something recently. I don't take lives, and in this case it looked like someone I know and like-" Pixie blows out a breath. "I know it'll pass but I keep replaying the whole thing and it happened so fast." She turns the dagger over. "It's a part of my soul, just a little bit of it. But, I stabbed it into a living thing and it died. It just feels...wrong to me."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir frowns. "Yeah. That's pretty nightmare. Take care of yourself. Try to get extra sleep. I'm not sure what else to say. I was creeped out for weeks after the vampire. It just kind of slowly fades, I guess. Until then, well. I felt like I was being really crazy to everybody. Probably was.

Pixie has posed:
"I'm just riding it out. I know it passes, I've seen the others deal with stuff too." Pixie sets the knife back down. "It's just rough right now and it feels so invasive. I don't know if the others would get it. They're very "Good Job!" and "You did great!"" She huffs and looks to Erika. "You were attacked by a vampire?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nnods. "Yeah. I went home to visit my parents, and we were late getting out of town, and there were nails on the road. I had a crowbar, an assassin souvenir, and a wooden number two pencil. Then the vampire yanked the crowbar out of my hands."

She frowns. "I actually got in a lot of trouble, because assassins learn how to keep a flat affect after stuff like that. So I creeped people out. Then there was that whole use of force thing. But, you know. Vampire." She shrugs helplessly.

Pixie has posed:
"Sounds like it was a really rough time. It's lucky you can do what you do. I'm not sure I could stop a monster like that. I kind of wish I could feel cold about it. It would be easier than-you know. I'm not used to killing." Pixie says and gives her wings a stir again. "Did it last long, the after part of it all?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms. "About three weeks or so. Maybe a little more. The volume kind of goes down a little bit every day. The first week is the hardest one, that's the one where you're acting really weird and driving everybody crazy. After that, it's just.. being really jumpy and super careful and not wanting to do some things that aren't even logical. But you can work around that. And a few weeks later I was pretty much back to normal. Still not too happy about vampires though."

Pixie has posed:
"Oh man. I hope I can get myself under control quickly. I'm trying. I want to-" She looks back toward the school and blinks. "I want to do a lot of things, but that was someone else's thought and I think I see fire." She picks up the dagger and looks to Erika. "We should check it out."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods and stands. "If you can give me a lift, otherwise, I'll be a minute." She checks her bag quickly and grabs one or two odds and ends, dropping it in her bra before turning to the front gate.