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Latest revision as of 06:01, 6 February 2019

The new, the experienced, and the choice.
Date of Scene: 31 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Domino, Nyx

Domino has posed:
As the girl sleeps in the passenger seat she misses the high speed chase of the police showing up to the scene. The driving in the wrong lane, near misses, all of the fun things that just happen when running from the law. No this starts in a large warehouse. It is still dark, but it doesn't look like it will be that way for long. Currently Domino has already carred Nyx inside, and has taken off her mask setting it on the table infront of her. Which has folding chairs, which is where Nyx has currently been deposited, around it with a few plates, and other things for eating.

The warehouse itself is rather empty. There are only a few walls on the nearby exterior wall though the rest is wide open. Inside those walls, are the bathroom a small closet that would look as if someone was stuck in there recently, and a cot like bed. The place looks extremly spartan as there is really nothing hanging from anywhere except the part of the nearby wall that isn't covered by the walls mentioned earlier.

On that part is a small desk with tons of photos above it. On the desk is the TV that is currently turned off, but above it are tons of pictures of Diana. She might look like a stalker if you didn't see what was on the table. Finally on the table.. the thing that prevents her from looking like a stalker is a large, well kept, anti-tank rifle. It looks like it would shoot through anything, and would be very clear it isn't admeration she is feeling.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha is oblivious. She probably would have freaked out a bit during the whole wild police car chase. The thing about the traqnuilizors is she is still human enough that they are very effective. Considering she is not that big of a girl it didn't take a lot and you extra dosed her before driving off.

Dropping Sam off in the chair didn't wake her, though eventually sitting there slumped she will make a snrrrk of a noise and start to stir. It isn't a sudden process though because it is still in her system. More of a lethargic shifting and some quiet noises. It isn't until reality sort of sets in with those last memories of Diana and the giant Ape that addrenaline floods her system.

That burst of adrenaline causes Sam to jerk upright in the chair and fall out of it onto the floor. "Gorilla!"

Domino has posed:
After tearing open a ration pack Domino hears Samantha waking. Sitting across from her at the table she pulls out another, and a bottle of water. "Relax kid.. Those two are long gone for now.". What Samantha would wake up to is Domino sitting across the table with a cold look in her eyes. She is eating the ration quickly as if she knows she needs it, but doesn't taste it. She does stop eating to slide a ration pack with a rolling bottle of water behind it.

"Eat it will regain your strength, first time is usually draining.." then goes back to silence to finish eating. She is armed there are several guns on her that you can see as well as the large one behind her. Though she seems not to notice herself not really offering a lot more information yet.

Nyx has posed:
To be fair Samantha never even saw you. The last thing she remembered coherently was a giant Gorilla an Diana looking incredibly fierce there. Then it was lights out. Now she is waking up to a stranger in a warehouse, one with whole lot of guns and some sort of military rations. There are several slow blinks from her spot on the floor before she carefully regains the chair.

"I.. who are you and what is..." Sam blinks and looks around "Where am I... who are you.. and what do you want?" the water bottle and rations are retrieved but she puzzles at the rations packaging, mostly watching you.

Domino has posed:
The lady doesn't stop eating but puts a gun on the table though not pointed at you. She does stop eating for a moment and looks at her, "We use our inside calm voice here. Or we get darted, and try again later." he voice is very smoth.. calm as it was before. She didn't need the girl freaking herself out, and was trying to be honest here at least.

Seeing that obviously didn't help she puts down her ration.. "Look you are safe this." she holds up the gun "Is a dart gun.. its for your protection." her voice never leaving that calm even tone. Though she does sigh, maybe it was a better thing she didn't remember she tries again. "My name is Domino, and currently I am the only thing keeping Diana from finding you, and tossing you into a cell somewhere. Nice to meet you."

Nyx has posed:
The young woman's eyes go very wide at the sight of the gun being set on the table. Though the clarification of it being a dart gun is somewhat of a relief. "Domino." Sam says mostly to herself and then Sam nods and opens the water bottle carefully. Inside voice. Lady has so many guns.

"I.. thank you?" Samantha finally adds then "I really don't remember what happened after Wonder Woman showed up?"

Domino has posed:
The lady nods at Samantha calming down a bit more, and returns the gun to the holster see she can be nice too. She does nod a bit, "I had to extract you quickly. That distraction would not of held her long, and she would of returned." she shakes her head at that one.

She sits back and focuses her look on Sam with a cold look that seems to just look past you. "Tell me... why did you do it? Why steal ATMs, and those ATMs? The bank piss you off or something?"

Nyx has posed:
Okay that is a very good question. Though now Samantha feels a wee bit self-conscious when someone asks her why she robbed ATMs out loud. "Well uh." she takes a sip of water and tries to gather her thoughts. "I wanted the money. I didn't want to rob the bank during the day and have a run in with the cops or tellers or customers. I figured at night and all I wouldn't have so many complications and robbing an ATM is really a victimless crime. I mean don't they have insurance for that stuff?"

The girl's attention is shifted back to the rations and then she manages to open it having looked at your open package "Are these military rations like the movies?" because yeah Sam has never seen them or all these guns in person.

Domino has posed:
Domino nods quietly listening, "Yea I got them in my time with the..." she stops and thinks about it.. "You know we really weren't what you would call a department." and gives a grin though more cold then happy. "But sure you didn't want to face down innocint people.. let me guess killing poor Bob was a bit too much for you?" and shakes her head at that one.

Domino could smell the hesitation in her actions, and didn't think she could kill someone first time out.. though she has been wrong before. "Relax.. it is fine it doesn't really matter now. Before you might of been fine leave town for a bit, but now.. Welcome to the life of the criminal kid." she gives a bit of a scoff at that. "Sucks for you it was Wonder Woman that showed up, or ya might of gotten away with just a beating."

She stops again, as that was a lot of information and she isn't used to talking that much. She stands, and moves to the desk. "So why did you want the money? I mean that is a lot of money and you stole multiple. What did you need that much money for?"

Nyx has posed:
There is a frown there "I only wanted one of the stupid things. The first one exploded in Dye and I mangled the next one and a half.. I figured I had the right way to open this last one." there is a big heaving sigh from Sam.

"Wonder Woman.. was she bored or something.. why does she care about ATM thefts..." deep frown from Samantha "I dont need a lot of money I .. well shit I just don't have any money and I figured this would work once I realized how strong I got." evil genius is definitely not Samantha. "You know hit one and not worry about money for a good while..." Then something you said sinks in and she pales "Who is Bob and I didn't kill anyone did I?"

Domino has posed:
Domino sighs, and nods. "Well I got good news and bad news.." and looks over the rifle now as she talks to see if it got damaged from the last use. "Well you can run, but they will find you. I have learned not to underestimate Batman's hunting skills." she turns, and looks at you. "You can turn yourself in.. Though I assure you the prison they will send you to isn't for normal people." she looks hard at the table.. "I have been there once.. It is not a place you wish to be." though looks back at her.

She walks over the one of the shelves of the desk quietly thinking about it. "Or.. You can fight. It won't be easy, but if ya do it right it doesn't have to turn you into a villian."

As she talks she pulls out a large bag from the door, and lifts it to set it on the table. It is obviously money inside, and a lot of whatever it is. "Money is no issue on this side.." She notes nodding to the place she got this, and another like it inside.

Nyx has posed:
"I'm not a villain." well she is a criminal but not a villain. Sam seems to agree with that. "But I don't really want to fight Batman or Wonder Woman. That sounds totally crazy..."

Her attention shifts to the bag you put on the table. There are a few blinks and then she looks around the warehouse skeptically and back to you. "Why do you eat.. uh this?" she takes a testing bite of the ration. "If money isn't a problem.. and why are you fighting .. I mean what are you fighting?" and Sam seems confused.

Domino has posed:
Domino nods, when she says she isn't a villian. She gets it heck she was there at one point, but it was always easier to say that when you think you have a choice. "You don't even know..." she sighs a bit and the dart gun returns to the table. As far as the rations they taste like whatever food was written on the front, all mixed together on cardboard. "First I like rations.. they are good source for energy especially after exerting yourself, and why spend money when you can take what you need?" she looks around the place.

She holds up a hand, "Alright though we have delayed this for as long as I want to.. You kid are a mutant, or something.. Maybe some radioactive aligator bit you or something, but you got powers. This means whatever you were you are a villian now." she watches her to make sure she doesn't need to use the dart gun before she continues. "I am trying to take down the game.. Trying to stop them from putting people like you in a hole somewhere." she gives a bit of a shrug, "They may call me a villian, but that is what they need.. So badly they will turn even you into one."

She puts down a recorder.. You would hear Wonder Woman speak.. "We can walk away from this, just go our seperate ways." then Domino.. "Okay." so at least it isn't you she is short with. There is a loud crashing noise then Domino.. "I see you show your true colors."

Domino watches you the whole time.. "They are the ones turning villianious, and there is no-one to even slow them down.. That is why I fight."

Nyx has posed:
Sam rubs her right hand lightly at the comment about radioactive alligators "Nothing bit me... but I don't think I am a mutant." there is a flick of a look at the dart gun and then Sam takes another bite of the rations settling in to eat.

"I definitely don't want to be arrested or put in a hole." another bite of the rations and then she focuses on the recorder and listens. Sam's brow furrows as she tries to make sense of the sequence she hears. "Shit... did that hurt it.. sounded like it hurt."

"I.. look maybe I can just go home and not rob anymore ATMs. It isn't like they know who I am or where I live or anything. I really ... I mean it is good you are fighting to fix the system.. because the system is stupid broken and not fair at all.. I don't see how my getting involved can help though."

Domino has posed:
Domino stands, and nods. "Of course.. you just want to go home." she nods at the bag. "Take it.. Door is right there." she points. "Of course I give you less then 24 hours before you are locked up. I would spend it to get as far away as posible. Then slowly ration it off.. Might buy ya a week if your lucky."

She takes a seat and chews on her ration relaxing a bit. "It is too bad you don't realize you don't have a choice now." she smiles a bit. "Too bad too a mutant with your power could of had a chance too. Maybe with some training even gotten themselves out of this hole."

She just shrugs at that and quietly eats her ration and leaves it up to Sam on this one. She doesn't seem bugged at her leaving, or staying so the question falls more on her now.

Nyx has posed:
Neither Sam or Domino really have any idea of the actual power. I mean Sam had no idea she could even do energy blasts like that. "Uh..." she takes another bite of the rations and stares at that very full bag. There is avarice in her eyes.

That comment about 24hours makes her cringe though and it shows. "Why would they bother looking.. it was just an ATM and I wasn't on the camera... not really. Also how could they find me.... and" there is a frown she is starting to get frustrated an edge of anger bleeding into her voice "How could I get out of this whole mess.. you can't fight the Justice League or the Avengers..."

Domino has posed:
Domino does notice the stare and grins a bit. "ATM's have camera's, and she saw you so she will not forget any detail. Do not underestimate them or you will be cought." she stands, and looks around. "Do you see them breaking in? No.. I have hidden you, and can continue to hide you though I doubt you would want to stay here" she sits back down as she finishes talking

She leans forward. "But that anger... that will help you survive this remember how unfair this is, and who put you into this situation." she gives a shrug, "Because your right, I can't.. If you learned the skills I believe we could."

After a pause to let that sink in she looks at her seriously, "I am offering you a chance to get in sure you will have to work with some bad people, I will not lie to you here, but we choose how we live in this situation they forced us into.. not them."

Nyx has posed:
Really the most criminal thing Domino might be guilty of this week isn't kidnapping, it is trying to bend a very impressional teenager into being a weapon of mass destruction. "I... " and Samantha trails off. "I don't understand how fighting superheroes will fix any of the problems with the system... I mean yeah it's broken... rich people take literally everything and leave us nothing... it is all rigged but peole like Superman stop alien invsions and shit. How is fighting the Justice League going to change a thing Domino."

"I ... who would . Who are the bad people and seriously so what I fired some kind of energy thingee but we are taking the Justice League .. they fire energy blasts too!"

Domino has posed:
Domino again holds up her hand, "Calm... Listen I will try to break it down simply as it is a bit more complicated. Remember when the stores were all mom and pop stores? Sure some of them weren't bad, but you could go anywhere else through the whole country." she shakes her head, "But it is replaced by organization.. It is human nature.." even shrugs to that. "I am not saying these stores are worse some are better because they can organize, but their reach spreads till they want everyone to fall under their system." she nods to the door. "Same thing happened to them.. Break up the system they fall back to their little corners world still gets saved when needed. You are free to go back to a normal life, and no-one is ever the wiser."

She gives the wait symbol.. "I get you doubt we could do this alone, and you would be right. That is why we play the sides against each oher.. That is why we work with these people no hero ever would." she looks at her. "And we don't even have to directly conflict with some"

Nyx has posed:
Sam remembers the gun on the table and takes a deep breath. This is all so. So very much. "I... damnit." she settles and listens as she takes a chug of water. The rations are a bit dehydrating or maybe she just needs something to do while you talk.

"I don't disagree.. big corporations and billionaires are the problem. They created this mess where my generation has no future and everything is rigged. I'm not smart enough to figure out a fix for it though.. I'm strong and I apparently shoot lasers... but I am not a tactical genius or anarchist."

"Who are you suggesting I work with .. you some sort of ex military lady with a lot of guns and who. What people no hero would work with. Are you part of some sort of group and this is the recruitment pitch?"

Domino has posed:
She shakes her head, "no you are not a tactical genius by any means.." she agrees, "But.. who you would be working with would be me. Occastionally there might be some other people who show up, but just because we have the same goals. Some are past military friends, though rarely.." she didn't mention that was because only three people survived other then her.. though those were much worse times.

"If saying your part of a group because of that makes ya feel better then fine. I think you could help that is why I saved you from that woman.. It won't be easy, but if you do well short term it will be worth it, and long term as I said get you out of this mess."

She puts the gun away as you keep looking at it so much it almost makes her nervious. She stands and looks around, "Time to decide.. are you going to try to make it on your own... Or should we get started on your new identity package?"

Nyx has posed:
Samantha leans forward planting her elbows on the table and pinching the bridge of her nose between both thumbs as she closes her eyes. It looks like she might have a migraine of the whole stress of this may be really getting to her. Considering the circumstances maybe it is both. Who would blame her.

When you break it down she:
1. Ran into a Gorilla and Wonder Woman
2. Woke up in a warehouse full of guns with a super intense radical anti-system and anti-hero lady
3. Got fed a whole lot on how she is utterly and completely fucked unless she signs up to fight a war with the scary lady.

So yeah migraine of something would be completely understandable.

"FUCK!" she finally shouts and pushes the chair back and grabs the bag of money. "This is all crazy.. I ... no.. I am going home and .. I am not signing up for some war .. the system is completely stupid and unfair and .. but I am not fighting the Justice League and Avengers with someone with guns..." Sam does not even get the fact she is the gun in this case.

Domino has posed:
Domino nods, "I figured you would say that.." she grins, and stands. "I guess there is no need for the antidote now." and turns starting to walk towards her desk. "Don't worry kid.. Little gift from the military." the vision of Domino might waver a bit. "You will have a bit of a headache, but most of this you will forget.. I can't have you spilling the beans to Miss Wonder can I?" she gives a cold smile.

"If it helps it was in your water.. Strong stuff, but takes a while for the seditive to kick in.. and has a wierd side effect of dehydration." she adds turning to face her. When ya wake up I you will be on your own.." she puts a hand on the bag of money, "It looks like you end up losing it all again.." and gives a little wave to her before turning.

She had a lot to get ready to drop her back off somewhere that wouldn't lead back to her. Thankfully she was able to wrap it up before it became too obvious, and was just glad the girl was too young to realize she was being rushed. It was too bad really, but there is always plan B.. She siles as she pulls out what looks to be one of those auto-shot things, and injects her with a GPS tracker. "Just incase you remember more then you should." she says aloud before moving to return her to the street somewhere back where she found her.

Nyx has posed:
Everyone should really enjoy this brief window when tranqs and sedatives are effective on Nyx. The system is a self learning and already adapting one, it just hasn't had a lot of time or materials to work with next. Nascent and barely 'born' but this will not be a repeatable trend for long. Really Domino is amazingly she was the first one ot try this whole routine with Nyx.

When things start to waver and blur Sam frowns and then her eyes widen as the bag slides out of her hand "Wao... wait" making a swipe for the bag. She misses and her hand through the table like it is tissue paper, okay how strong is the girl. The thud when she hits the floor again is becoming routine as everything fades away for Samantha.

When Sam wakes up in an alley near where she was kidnapped she groans and just stares at the sky confused. "What... the ... fuck.. was.. all ...that."