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Latest revision as of 06:02, 6 February 2019

Around the town in MidTown
Date of Scene: 31 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Beryl

Kid has posed:
    It late afternoon, the sun has long since set, and heavy snowfall is covering midtown in white. Though far from quiet, it not as crowded as usual, people either taking to the cover of the subways or protection of stores, quickly rustling from one to the other to get food, return to work or what have you. Snow plows were already out to clear the streets and salt the roads to keep the city safe for those that call it home.

    Course, considering the ridiculousely high crime rate for the area considering how popular it is, safe is sometimes a rather relative term. For some, like one large gorilla, safe ment people keeping the hell out of his way.

    Wearing heavy boots, and a thick hoodie kept up, Kid was walking down the sidewalk. Most kept the gorilla his space, and hegave them there. He occasionly stops to look into an electronics store and all that they have.

Beryl has posed:
A young woman who is wearing a simple gray sundress is gazing into an electronics store from the street. The cold doesn't seem to be bothering her a bit. She has long somewhat-curly red hair and green eyes (that seem to be faintly glowing) and has a gem attached to her forehead that is also gloiwng green. She then turns her head as the gorilla wearing a hoodie and boots - it's an interesting sight. She just gazes at the gorilla - not really sure what to make of it - or not sure what it is.

Kid has posed:
    Kid stayed there looking into the store for several long moments. But as he felt someone watching him - just that innate sensation of eyes on him, he turns his head to look at the young woman. He bares his teeth at her and signs 'what are you looking at?'

Beryl has posed:
Minoke blinks as she tilts her head. "A device is speaking for you?" she asks softly, blinkblinking. "That's more curious - I was just looking at some of the gadgets in there - some are made with very interesting metals." She walks up to you, apparently having no fear. "It is very neat that you have a device to speak for you. Is it because you are naturally unable to speak? I have heard that some people have speech impediments... I sometimes have trouble speaking."

Kid has posed:
    Kid snorts and flicks Minoke in the gem, when she gets a bit to close for his likeing. He signs "Was more asking why the hell you were stareing at me. I can speak just fine...just don't like too." he glances into the store once more and continues to sign "Not that interesting. Mostly aluminium, gold alloys, copper, and tin. Quartz too, but that is a mineral not a metal."

Beryl has posed:
Minoke bleeps at that flick - you might suffer a small electrical jolt, but doesn't move backward. "Yes, there's also some silver in there." She smiles. "The electrical flow of some of the devices is interesting too." She stares at you - then steps back a bit. "I am curious as to what you are - one of the mutants I've heard about?" She seems to be asking genuinely - not quite sure what to make of you.

Kid has posed:
Kid hardly reacts to the shock. He felt plenty of them before. But at least Minoke finally takes a step back. Her line of questiongly gets a raised brow from underneath kids hood. He looks her up, than down and back up as if to say 'What idiote am I dealing with'. He cracks his knuckles and begins to sign once more "Well...yes, and no. That gets a bit uh....complicated. Simple version is no. I am not a mutant" After all mutant typically donated humans, not other sapiant creatures like himself. "So what are you? Let me guess, elf from another world?"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke ponders. "Fair enough. I apparently do not have the right word." She wishes she could connect to the Internet like a cellphone to try to find out what you are but most of the 'smartphones' won't work for her. Then you ask a counter-question."From another world? Yes. An elf? I don't know what that means so probably not." She then blinks. "Oh - so you'er not human. I see. I'm probably even stranger."

Kid has posed:
    "Well not surprised. Nothing strange about me" Kid signs. "Though it seems I got a strange life. An elf is uh, this pointy eared human looking things mostly. Though a wood elf is sometimes green" he signs. He was soooo going off dnd fantasy trope hallabalo. Kid licks one of his canines "I am a gorilla." he says to finish up her thoughts on what he is. "So what ARE you than? Your not a human, your not an elf, but you have to be something"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke ponders. "I believe the word 'gynoid' could be utilized," she muses. "A gorilla, huh?" She ponders. "I believe that is normally a large primate - not generally known to be intelligent. I suppose there are exceptions all around." She nods slowly. "I've never seen one before. I haven't been here very long."

Kid has posed:
     "In otherwords you got no clue what you are" he signs. He gives pause as he takes a moment to register what Minoke just said. Kid blinks slowly, owlishly before he begins to sign "Well your not wrong, not completly anyways. The common gorillas are definintly not so intelligent. Gorilla City Gorillas though are a whole other animal - humans didn't even know we existed till we decided to tell them. I am not an exception, but a norm." he signs. And something he rather likes. Being abnormal isn't always all that cracked up to be.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "I see. My memory is damaged. I don't remember much of my past before I woke up near the space station Knowhere." She sighs softly, clicking her tongue. "So there's two different varities of gorillas - that is interesting knowledge."

Kid has posed:
"Three" he signs in correction "Besides my kind, yea got wester and eastern gorillas...and a few subspecies in each" He rubs at his belly despite the sweater before he goes on "Heh. Well that may not be such a bad thing. If you ain't got no past, than you got an entire future at your finger tips" but than he seems curiouse "And... No where?" he asks with some confusion "Weird name for a space station"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "Yes. I think it's a pun. It's a giant robot head or something. Knowhere - I think you spell it with a K." She then glances at you. "Are you hungry? What do you eat? I could try to help you find something - though my needs are... rather different."

Kid has posed:
Kid snorts and signs "Nah, it just something I do" he glances into the shop a moment "Sides can handle getting food just fine. Meats a favorite, but veggies and fruits do to" he shrugs after that sign before adding on "But eh, long as you know where to go, feeding ain't much of an issue." though now he was curiouse "And...what do you eat?" having left one part of his diet out

Beryl has posed:
Minoke blinks. "I just need to recharge with electricity." She hmmmmms softly. "And some metal for repairs when I get damaged." She then pondres. "Everyone's bundled up so much - is this temperature undesirable right now?" She ponders.

Kid has posed:
Kid shrugs and signs "Guess so. It do not bother me so much" he was covered in fuzz after all. He just had a hoodie - which was relatively light clothing. He signs "Humans do not have much uh...fur to insulate them from the good. Pretty thin skinned too. So yea, they like to be warm"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "Right. Humans seem ill-suited for this climate. I guess it's a testament to their technology and ingenuity that they can live here at all. I just wihs I could find someone who could fix me... I have osme glitches."

Kid has posed:
     "Quite the opposite. Humans are generalists. If there is one thing a generalist can do, is adapt to a variety of climates. From frozen mountains to scorching deserts and everywhere inbetween. Sure the tech helps, but they been doing it for a long ass time" he signs, giving credit where credit was due. Though at Minoke statement he hmms and signs "Try Stark Towers" is what he goes with pointing to the big building.

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "Yes. I am working on it with them. I'm even a probationary member of the Avengers. It's... I hope it'll work out. There's a lot of smart people and yummy metal in there."

Kid has posed:
"Well than that all I got. Most I do is hijack stuff. And build stuff. But fixing a person? I am more adept at messing a person up" Kid stretches after signing that "Wait...your part of the Avengers? Heh, well that was unexpected"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke grins. "I can sculpt metal." She smiles softly. "It's my main talent. Give me a piece of metal, and I can mold it into anything. Perhaps I could help you build something." She grins widely.

Kid has posed:
Kid hehs "Maybe. But material ain't cheap." he signs before rolling his eyes, clearly not likeing the idea of paying for stuff. "Anways, best head off. The other rillas get antsy when I stay out too late"

Beryl has posed:
Minoke nods. "Well, I should get back. Everything's starting to look weird with all this white stuff around - I wouldn't want to get lost." She smiles. "My name is Minoke, by the way. I don't think we did that part of hte social greeting."

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "Kid" is all he signs in reference to his own name. He signs "Well, see you" and with that he heads off. He wasn't much for drawn out good byes.