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Latest revision as of 06:15, 6 February 2019

Special Double-SIZED Giant Extravaganza!
Date of Scene: 01 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Wade is super nice and might be hired, while Jean is ALL FROWNS and Logan puts the bro in bromance
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Deadpool, Phoenix

Wolverine has posed:
    A few hours into the evening and things are quiet at the mansion, for once. The snow on the ground muffles sound, lending an eerie calm to the night that seems all the more curious with the many people on the grounds and the many lives that are carrying on in the old manor house. A few lights are still on. The rec room definitely has some people in it as the flickering light pattern from a television being on can be seen in the distant window.
    Yet outside. It's too cold. Too damned cold, with the temperature dropping below zero and most of the school's population avoiding it as if the ground was lava and the air carried the plague. Though the Canadians... they're hardier stock when it comes to the cold. Since the school's resident one is outside on the stoop, smoking his cigar and doesn't seem to care at all about the chill even with him wearing just work boots, jeans, and a black hoodie.
    For a time Logan enjoys his stogey, holding it between two fingers as he looks across the driveway. A few hours ago things had been happening, and just one hour ago the Black Widow had taken her leave. So for now the Wolverine is lost in thought.
    That is until his nostrils flare and he frowns to himself.

Deadpool has posed:
"Hollllly frozen testicle Tuesday," says a voice worthy of additional frowns. He's just flung open the door from the warm interior of the man mansion proper.

No scent is needed, no glance: the voice declares exactly who it was. One particular best pal!

There's no immediate attack: though, of course, there could be at any moment, but checking on Wade suggests not. He's wrapped in not just one, but three blankets, one of which is a soft pink colored snuggie. (Then again, he's wearing it backwards, so does that make it a robe?)

"Hi!" Wade says, cheery, as if everything were just fine, and bounces the few steps over to attempt to just plop down there. He does look entirely like himself: in that he's in his usual red and black suit, aside from the bundled blankets. There's some duct-tape on the back and side of his hood in the rear cranium: a recent repair to the suit.

He also smells like recent laundry and fabric softener, and Oreos. And ammunition.

Mmmmmmm: tasty /violence/.

Wolverine has posed:
    Under his breath the rumbled reply from Logan is barely audible though chances are Wade'll catch it when Wolvie says, "For fuck's sake." The cigar finds a place in the corner of his mouth as the mutant rests his hands on his knees and then /pushes/ himself slooowly to his feet as if the world's ills propelled him so.
    Rounding to the side, Logan affixes Wade with a glare and a barely constrained sneer even as he shifts away from where Deadpool's going to be plopping down onto.
    "Wade." Close enough to a greeting, "The hell're you doin' here? Did you..." A pause, his brow furrowing as he sniffs the air then he adds, "Did you... do yer laundry here?"
    He steps away and onto the walk that leads up to the front door. "The hell, Wade?"

Deadpool has posed:
"Noooooooooooooo," Wade draws out, defiantly, lifting one finger to waggle it side to side. "I did it at the Avengers Mansion," he explains in a snooty manner, as if that made it all acceptable.

"I filled in for you while you were /away/," Wade announces, stretching out his legs on the stoop. "Sort of. I can only 'bub' so many times before it just doesn't feel genuine anymore. It's not the real thing. No snikt-snikt." Wade makes gestures with his wrists in a reasonable emulation of the gestures that accompanies the claws.

"It's been ages. Little snikt-snikt for an old buuuuuuuddy?" begs the quirky mercenary, putting both elbows on his knees, chin settled into palms, that cup his face /just so/.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Yeah, this is the first I'm hearin' of it." The topic of the laundry is shelved for now as Logan stands there looking down at Wade (not for the first time) and he furrows his brow, trying to parse out the real from the nonsense of those sentences thrown almost vindictively from Deadpool's multiple thought processes.
    "Hold up." He even lifts a hand as if trying to hold off that stream of consciousness and points at Wade, "You actually sorta stayin' here?" Since he hasn't exactly had a security brief. So he does pull out his cell from his back pocket. "Or you just bullshittin' as normal?"

Deadpool has posed:
"I'm stung, deep in my heart of bleeding hearts, that you would consider that I would not be entirely honest and up front with really really /really/ wanting to see some snikt-snikt," Wade answers, rapidfire, but without any physical motion at all. He's a statue, sitting there in his snuggie and blankets, chin on his palms. His eyes are huge -- sort of. The mask still shows the wide-eyed, innocent fawn look. The rest of his appearance just ruins the innocence thing.

"Look, see," Wade says, moving one hand off his chin to tap his wrist. His image inducer comes to life, granting him the appearance of a particular gruff and hairy Canadian. (Hint: it's not Deadpool. Deadpool is the opposite of hairy and gruff.)

"Best replacement fill-in /ever/," explains the merc in his own voice. He realizes he's ruining it with his blankets, belatedly, and stands, throwing off the blankets (and wriggling out of the snuggie), and tries again. "All th' bullshit. Bullshitshitshit-shit," in a better imitation of the mutant, with a glower as well!

It's not perfect and Wade is not holding focus long enough to actually imitate as well as he potentially could. "I wasn't hired, but that hasn't stopped me from submitting applications," sighs the merc.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean is dressed far more fittingly for the weather this time around, a coat, and warm pants, boots on her feet and gloves on her hands. She was actually looking for Logan, and is rather pleased to see him in the backyard. Not that she didn't have an idea, Jean is such a cheat when it comes to those things. Always 'coincidences' with her when she looks for someone specific, but the smile on her face wanes at the sight of Wade.

"Logan...did you invite an old friend over?" Jean asks, in a cheerful tone, before adding in a less cheerful tone, "because I told Mr. Wilson what I make of his unexpected visited to our school already, so he couldn't possibly have come uninvited..."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Look, Wade." Those two words are delivered with a weight and intensity, positively dripping with a growl in the undertone. "Not that there is ever a /good/ time fer you ta be around. Not that there will ever be a /better/ time for yer particular brand of crazy. But I can legitimately tell you that this is a damn bad time for you ta get on my last nerve." So quick, from the first to the last in the span of seconds.
    "Mebbe you had some free rein runnin' around because other folks don't know how ta handle you. But I got no such hesitation nor compunction about if not puttin' yer dumb ass down then makin' it so it takes you freakin' weeks to pull yerself back together."
    Then there it is, the /SHING/ of metal sliding across metal as the claws pop from their housings, slicing through his knuckles and catching the moonlight in that snowscape. He just keeps standing there, hands down, expression abruptly serious...
    And that's when Jean comes on around and her voice reaches the Canadian mutant. Quick as that the claws retract with a /SNAKT/ as he turns to automatically bring her into their circle. "Yeah that's what I reckoned. Figured there /might/ be some crazy reason you people are allowin' him the runna the..."
    But then he seems to draw up short, expression shifting a little as if something had occurred to him. Which it had.

Deadpool has posed:
"SqueeeeeeLiu (talk)," Is the first reaction to the snikt. He leapt to his feet right away, engaged, in a sort of frenzied manner, reaching for one of the hilts just behind his head. He wanted to fight, really. That was the purpose to a lot of this. But then Jean makes her appearance. And Wade swings moods unpredictably.

Wade immediately turns towards Logan when Jean makes her declaration, with a very clear 'OH MY GOD BACK ME UP DUDE' stare that is common to any set of dude-bros when a woman accuses them of something that they probably did. ... But the code is to look to a buddy for help. Wade is doing it big time. And since the image inducer has him copying Logan at the moment, the eye-widening reads a lot better than the mercenary's mask might have.

All that means that he caught a whole lot of watching Logan think of something. "Okay. What has occurred to you? I must know. I'm on the edge of my seat. If I were sitting. I'm not now, because the edge of the stoop is cold and I already mentioned the frozen testicles, so I'm not sitting again. But what is it?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean looks somewhat patiently at Wade as he makes his case to Logan, at least with a glance. Jean is very good at reading those.

"I think what has occured to Logan, Mr. Wilson, is that you're tresspassing, rather than having been invited over..." Jean puts it in such rude terms.

Wolverine has posed:
    The telepath might actually pick up hints of what inspires Logan in that moment, a flicker of images of old memories, Wade in the past and on old missions, his excessive talents though coupled with such an... unfortunate personality. But there's some esteem there, despite what he presents.
    So when Logan rounds back to Wade he holds up a hand. "Shut it fer a sec." As it cutting him outta the conversation EVER works with Wade. But then he looks towards Jean, hands resting on his hips as he affixes her with his gaze.
    "He might actually be able ta help with somea the things goin' down." He looks back and talks about Deadpool as if the man wasn't even there, "The Sentinel in Russia, somea that mess. Or the Iceman deal." He lifts a hand to rest it against the back of his neck, looking at 'himself' but not really.
    "You send Wade ta do somethin' he's good for at least gettin' a reaction."

Deadpool has posed:
"Well, I'm not a /vampire/," Wade answers Jean brightly, as if that were even at all relevant. "I don't need to be invited to show up and favor everyone with my presence," Wade says glowingly.

Logan informs him that he's out of the conversation, and Wade reacts.... actually very well to it, not offended. He hums to himself a little and returns to the blankets he flung everywhere when he tossed them off of himself, shaking one out.

No, he doesn't stay silent for long. "I had a thought, too. Like, I get how you said no assassination teacher. I still think it's a good subject, but I have another idea of something I could teach," rambles Wade unhelpfully.


Phoenix has posed:
"That so...?" Jean muses at Logan's suggestion, crossing her arms while looking over at Wade rather skeptically. "Well...if you do want to help, Wade, we could use all information you can get about those Sentinels...it's a bit alarming, to put it mildly." At least Jean didn't go as far as to say an existential threat, which it totally is.

"I know, Wade, you barging into my office had me redo the entire review of grades for an entire marking period," Jean notes, not sounding amused one bit.

Jean appears to glower through Wade as he mentions Sex-Ed, and without lifting her gaze of destruction from Wade, she asides to Logan, "say, Logan, does Wade actually know what I can do to him, if he just managed to provoke me enough...?"

Wolverine has posed:
    "Those who can't do..." Logan says off-handedly, though still pointedly /NOT/ including Wade in the conversation. He's still looking sidelong at Jean as he murmurs, "But ta be fair, we might be able ta get some results."
    And then in his mind, << Also usually good to keep Wade on your side. He wasn't always the right bastard he is today. >> With those thoughts some old images of memory accompany them, but hazed from the raggedness of his past and the rough way his mind grasps them.
    In answer to Jean's question though he smirks a little and says, "Yeah, prolly not." He shakes his head and then finally turns back as if NOW Wade was back in the conversation.
    "Look, Deadpool. Things are rough all over, and if you really do give a shit about anything we do yeah. We could prolly use a hand."

Deadpool has posed:
"/Wade/," Wade corrects Logan when he calls him Deadpool, as if it mattered. There's been times when he's corrected in the opposite direction. It's all just what his brain currently goes with. All up in the air.

"Of course I care. I didn't harm any students or anything. Maximum Effort Good Behavior," Deadpool says, lifting his fingers to push one pointer finger into each cheek in proper kawaii pose. It doesn't work with the current image of him as Logan whatsoever. It's probably terrifying. He realizes it, and shuts off the image inducer. And does the pose again. "There. I know, right?" he asks nobody at all. The voice in his head was getting insistent about it.

"Sentinel. Robot things. Sure, I saw the video. Looked like it would leave a mark. As in, just a mark, and no more corpse at all. You want info? Sure. I've got contacts. You wouldn't like to know who I'll ask. But sure, I can ask. I mean, I'm no Tony Stark of tech info, but I can get shit on a drive or whatever and YOU can make what you want of it. ----Or a piece of one, if they come apart. I haven't fought one, so I don't /know/ for sure. They're pretty big. But I like challenges."

"Does what you do involve a giant spanking paddle? I already was given one, but that's not a firm 'no'."

Phoenix has posed:
"Nice one, Logan," Jean just has to say, reaching to dap him against the shoulder. She liked that joke, and the fact Logan was making a joke. She's used to seeing him more often than not on the serious end of the spectrum.

Then Wade talks, and one can immediately see how Deadpool garnered himself that rep as the Merc With A Mouth. And what a mouth. Jean is actually a bit stunned, not expecting any of that.

Doing her best to ignore his comment about a giant spanking paddle, she outright shifts the topic, "is it true that you managed to get some information on the Black Sleep? I heard you provided something to the Avengers...didn't know you were even looking into that. I'm surprised."

Wolverine has posed:
    Now it's Logan's turn to step back and let Jean take point in the conversation. He folds his arms over his braod chest and rests his weight on his back foot, casually looking back and forth between the two. But when Wade actually hits a point in his rambling that makes sense the Wolverine lifts his voice. "Jean's right. We need intel."
    He tilts his head and quirks an eyebrow, not knowing the part Wade might have had with helping the Black Sleep situation from earlier in the month. "More than deactivatin' robots, but we do need bits of em. Pieces, or any schematics if you can dig up where those might be."

Deadpool has posed:
"YES. I got information. And then I sold it. About the sleep thingy," Deadpool says, snapping his fingers. He's easily distracted, obviously. Very obviously. "I do not even fucking remember who I ended up telling. I was here for two /days/ in a fucking lawn chair though trying to wait to get invited to tell you people, though. I'm seriously a hero of patience," he chatters, pulling his phone out of one of his belt pockets. It's bright magenta with teal streaks and a Lisa Frank vomit of stickers on the back.

The big one is a rainbow dolphin. It's kickass, why are you smirking?

"Lisa Frank Dolphin is my current spirit animal," Deadpool prattles unnecessarily while he does something with his phone. "Yeah, okay. I had a spike in my head yesterday, so let's not trust my memory right now. I found out something about the lady that said she fixed it. I did good. Doesn't matter anymore though. Some info is super time-sensitive. Like returning a DVD on time. I just dated myself pretty severely, didn't I. Logan knows, though, doesn't he? The time before the internet and immediate click porn?"

"Schematics? Eh. Mmkay. What about kidnapping a scientist? I bet they have those," suggests Deadpool, but his tone suggests he won't mind being told 'no, don't kidnap living people', like f'ing USUAL....

Phoenix has posed:
So the more Jean listens, the more she winds up being confused, on the plus side. If Deadpool did manage to get any sort of information about the lady who was fixing the Black Sleep, then he managed to do something nobody else did, including JJJ who was just whining on his Bugle about why the heck that lady is in Norway of all places. "Okay...maybe you have useful skills beyond just killing, and joking while killing," Jean grants to Wade after some contemplation. "You get us that info about those Sentinels, and I'll consider finding a position for you..."

Jean pauses, looks at Logan, then back at Wade, "but Logan gets to kill you if you endanger any of our students, sounds like a good deal?"

Wolverine has posed:
    Sidelong to Jean, Logan tells her. "Nah that's what he wants. Better threat," Logan abruptly lashes out with an open hand and /WHACKS!/ Deadpool on the side of the head as if trying to secure the madman's attention. "Wade, if you don't hurt any of the students, I'll try and kill ya. Regularly."
    Back to Jean he says, "I'll explain later. But yer doin' good. It's like siftin' fer gold. Every now and then you get a nugget that might make sense."
    With that advice offered he tries to get through soooo much of what Deadpool is saying. But he keeps up for the most part as the man wends around towards the end and he nods a bit.
    "How about this, /Wade/." He pauses a moment to see if Jean is with him in his thought process as he relates it to Deadpool. "You find what you can find, get us somethin' actionable. Then we'll go see what we can wrangle up together."

    // A Team-Up Issue! Special Double-SIZED Giant Extravaganza! //

    "Things go well we'll come back and see where it takes us. Too much goin' down and we're only hearin' about it second hand. Ya get me?"

Deadpool has posed:
"That just tempts me to endanger because I---" started the merc's mouth, before suddenly Logan's pulling his attention. "I feel like maybe you're not on the same page as me with our Bromance when you do that," Wade answers. He took the blow hard, and flexes his jaw with a soft crack sound as he orients on Logan.

"Just a different issue and rating of the bromance." But the offer seems to have worked. "On the regular? Sweet sweet snikt snikts in my life again? And a 'position'? I have some ideas," purrs Wade flirtatiously. He winks a little to Jean, but his amorous focus is on the Canadian. Just to be obnoxious? Perhaps.

"I want a special Double-sized Issue," Deadpool says aloud, making so much sense. He can see it, can't they? "And I'll settle for one with clothes on. But sure. Then we can both kidnap scientists. A whole buddy thing. Maybe torture. Not necessarily for /them/," 'tempts' Wade. He picks up the other two blankets, and attempts to offer Jean the snuggie. She looks cold. His demeanor is caring.

Phoenix has posed:
To say that Jean isn't quite aware of just what's going on would be an understatment, she knew before, she had an inkling moments ago, and now she's pretty sure she lost it. At least Logan seems to be aware of what is happening, maybe he can explain later. Sure she could just have a look-see in Wade's mind, but who wants that? She could catch a virus for all she knows.

Looking from Wade to Logan, and back to Wade, she eventually mutters, "just so I'm clear, you'll try and get us intel on those Sentinels, right? That's all I'm interested in at the moment, the rest, you guys can figure it out...no room for a woman in a bromance," she groans, and seems about ready to turn back into the house.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Get somethin' we can work on, then we'll see what we can see." Logan says as he folds his arms over his chest again, taking up a place beside Jean as they converse with the Merc with the Mouth. "Alright, now get outta here, some people are sleepin'." As if that should make a difference to Wade, but it's something.
    And hopefully that might set Wade to action, enough that Logan shifts his attention briefly towards Jean. The only answer she probably gets is him raising his eyebrows as if to accept the weight of the world that has now fallen upon his shoulders.

Deadpool has posed:
They're turning attention away from him. OOooo. The merc puts the unwanted snuggie over his shoulder. And then rubs up and down the length of the handle of one of his swords with his fingers. He's tempted to push more.

But you got the job. Sort of.

I could teach. Give BACK to the community or whatever.

Or you could stab him.

I do like stabbing.

"Fuck. Yes, a job. FOCUS," Deadpool tells himself. And strokes the hilt one more time, and then tosses the snuggie towards Logan, and goes bounding off across the yard.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean does let Logan wrap up this conversation with Wade, she doesn't know how he managed to navigate it, but it seems like he did better than her. She does smiles appreciatively at him, and then for the first time, she uses her power as Deadpool would hear Jean's voice in his head while she turns with Logan back towards the Mansion, <<remember Wade, if anything hits the papers about weird stuff happening at Xavier's because of your antices, I will find you, and you will not like it when I do. Just a friendly reminder, we're discreet, remember? You're more blatant than a nuclear holocaust. We can't have that.>>