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Latest revision as of 06:22, 6 February 2019

War of Light - Prologue
Date of Scene: 01 February 2019
Location: Space
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Star-Lord
Tinyplot: War of Light

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
It was just another day or night in Space, depending on how you look at it. There had been rumours swirling around the last several days of something big going down. The whispers from the "lower decks" of the criminal underworld was that it had even the Guardians of the Universe and the New Gods rattled. That had to be big.

    Usually Hal Jordan was in Space Sector 2814, but as a senior member of the Green Lantern Corps, the Guardians had sent him on another mission. Try and get to the bottom of these rumours. They had sent him to the butt end of this Quadrant of the Galaxy, Knowhere. Entering the Pub, walking not floating, Hal Jordan looks for someone who may know something. Most everyone buries themselves in their drinks and ignores the arrival of the Space Cop.

Star-Lord has posed:
Space Cops can be useful, if you treat them with kid gloves when it comes to the real galaxy. Or so the Guardians of the Galaxy leader has said to his fellow Guardians when he asks why he keeps tabs on the Lantern Corps.

Still, when rumors are abound of disappearances and even the Space Overlord wannabes over on Oa are stumped, you know somethings gonna give.

It happens that Star-Lord himself has come to Knowhere... though unlike Space Cop, Peter is given plenty of time of day by the denizens as he asks around.

By the time he's at the Burnout, he's a bit resigned as he makes his way to a stool and plops down, "A Supernova Special, barkeep, and keep them comin'." Peter declares.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    A lot of grumbling and dirty looks follow Hal Jordan as he walks further into the bar, towards the barkeep. It was obvious from the expressions and spitting going on that the Green Lantern Corps was not well liked on Knowhere. "Good day sir." Hal says with a forced smile. "I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may?" Hal nods sideways at Star-Lord, and says, "Rough day?" Referring to the drinks, and keeping them coming.

    Unbeknownst to Hal, one large being in the back wearing a black cloak seems to be watching Hal even closer than most. The only thing that you can see under the hood of the cloak peeking out is the edge of an elongated mouth with very sharp, yellowed teeth ringing the mouth. Those with excellent hearing can hear the growl emanating from this creature's mouth. Those in the know shy away from Bur'Gunza, carefully.

Star-Lord has posed:
"I almost want to say no, just to see your reaction... but I'm not going to be that much of an a-hole. What can I do for you, Space Cop?" Peter offers in a friendly -if sarcastic- tone as he downs a sip of his Supernova. After a moment, he turns his head to look at Hal and raises a brow, "No more than usually, really. Though everyones on edge lately, so it's a bit of a drag."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Ah yes, I've heard that about you." Hal Jordan smiles, to let Star Lord know he was kidding around. "Watch out for those drinks though. Too many make you loopy." Hal looks back at the barkeep who ignores the two men, and seems to be wasking glasses in the side sink. Sighing, Hal turns back to Star Lord and says, "I'm looking for information mostly. I've received some disturbing information regarding a few missing persons cases, and two counts of B&E and theft of 1..."

    Hal raises one finger, his ring hand, and denotes "1". "...a Tome of "Black Magic" from Kenvacna III, Space Sector 333, that was stolen from an ancient temple to an ancient "God of Death" that was originally discovered in what turned out to be the remnants of a spacecraft several million years old." A pause. letting that sink in. "2..." Hal's index finger goes up, two fingers now, "...some ancient artifact from Mynias IV in Space Sector 2694, that was supposed to be able to "Speak to the Dead", but hasn't worked for eons."

    It was at that moment that Bur'Gunza leaps up, tosses his cloak to the side, and brandishes an ion rifle. The nozzle begins to glow as it is preparing to fire at Quill and at Hal!

Star-Lord has posed:
The growl had set him on edge already, so his hand had been inching towards the element guns on the other side... but then Bur makes a clear gesture of hostility, and his other hand taps the control on his belt... and suddenly Star-Lord is flying up into the air as his Jet-Boots send him towards the rooftop.

Luckily, he's had plenty of mental time to prepare his reaction, so when the nozzle starts to glow, both element guns are already out, and Star-Lord is aiming around Bur'Gunza.

It takes a moment for it to start appearing, but an ice wall starts to form. These are no projectiles, but rather a projection to freeze the air around his hands, preventing him from firing in the first place... or at least backfiring it, "seriously. Just trying to have a drink and you gotta pull that out?" Peter quips.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Death comes for all of you!" As Bur'Gunza attempts to spray the room with the Ion Blaster, people scream and start to scatter. When nothing happens, Bur'Gunza howls in rage! Looking down at his hands, he slams them into the nearest bystander, a Rorcian, shattering the glass but also damaging the Ion Blaster, which snaps under the strain.

    The Rorcian goes down, unconscious. Moving forward, Bur'Gunza grabs a table, and flings it at Hal and Quill! It shatters against an emerald wall this time. "Got ya'." Hal says. "Just what we need. Bar fight! Nice trick by the way." Hal says, nodding to the guns.

    Suddenly, a Kree in ragged clothes gets caught in the crossfire, a blaster cutting a hole in his chest a foot in diameter. Without a sound he falls to the ground. A Gordanian, his lizard-like skin glistening from a splashed bluish-green drink, roars in outrage, and turns towards Quill and Jordan, his left hand holding a holdout blaster, the blaster that had just killed the Kree."

Star-Lord has posed:
Already flying, Peter had already done evasion to get out of the way of the table from up high when the emerald wall came up.

By the time he noticed the holdout blaster though, it's a bit late to turn the guns... so instead, Peter hits max acceleration on his jet-Boots and just flies right into the Gordanian, intending to ram him right into the nearest wall by a shoulder check.

No time to talk it seems.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Aiming the blaster next at Quill, Grange, the Gordanian, prepares to fire...and instead is met with 79 kgs of muscle and body, accelerated by his jet boots! You hear a loud, "CRUNCH!" as the lizard hits the wall, and a "THUMPH!" as his body next hits the ground, his eyes closed and his tongue "lolling" out of his mouth. For now, Grange was out of the fight.

    Hal Jordan is now floating above the bar, his eyes scanning the room, and keeping an eye out for others who may want to attack them. Several bar patrons are running, while a few others seem to want to take a moment to crawl under tables. The barkeep has disappeared behind the bar, and it has become chaos

    Right now, there appear to be one target left. Bur'Gunza.

    Grabbing the nearest thing to throw, which happened to be a knife that had fallen out of the Kree's belt, Bur'Gunza notes that Quill is distracted by Grange, and throws it at his back! This time though, a wall of emerald energy stops the knife before it hits the disracted Quill. "Watch your back!"

    Jordan turns his ring on Bur'Gunza, and yells, "By the authority of the Green Lantern Corps, you are under arrest! Stop now, or else!" Hal's ring glows, but from the look of things, the creature wasn't stopping. There was something about Bur'Gunza's eyes...they were all black, and a dark, inky mist seems to be rising from them. Was that normal? The voice screams, "Death is coming! For all of you!"

Star-Lord has posed:
"Eh, I could take it." Quill quips as he turns off the Jet-Boots. With the Gordanian out of the picture, there was only one left.

Turning to one side, one of his element guns is aimed dead center for the forehead of Bur'Gunza, and an Earthen spike with sharp edges flies through the air at him.

It's a quick kill shot, and it's easily seen as Quill looks to be trying to put him down quick.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "I bet you could!" Hal says to Quill, while keeping his eyes on Bur'Gunza. When Quill fires the kill shot, Hal notes the aim, and says, "Wait...what are you....?" But it was too late. The impact is immediate, as Bur'Gunza is struck by the shot from Quill. It his him with a loud, "CRACK!" and Bur'Gunza crumples to the crowd. The black mist disappears instantly, and Hal moves towards Quill in anger.

    "You didn't need to kill him, I had it under control!" Hal was not happy, and by the look in his eyes, he was deciding whether or not to take Quill down next. However, the next sound they both hear is the sound of a groan coming from the area that Bur'Gunza was now occupying. Hal turns in the direction, mid air, and says, "Wha...?!?" He looks at Quill. "Did you miss?"

Star-Lord has posed:
"Space Cop, the sooner you realize it's kill or be killed here, the sooner you'll actually get some respec-" Quill had his eyes on Hal as the Lantern was angrily about to turn on him... and Quill was clearly not having any of it with the way his brows squinted just slightly; this was a man not intimidated by the Green Lanterns.

Then Bur'Gurza groans, and the next set of words dies in his mouth. Probably a good thing too, with the tension.

One element gun is aimed at Hal, and the other at Bur'Gunza, as suddenly the dead man is not-so-dead, "I don't miss at this range. Something's got him animated, Space Cop." For the first time, Peter seems to be taking this seriously, by his tone and mannerisms. Bar brawls are a dime a dozen after all.

Reanimated corpses are not.

His helmet is neurally activated, and Star-Lord gives the thug a full scan; thermals, tech, electromagnetic, ultraviolet, among others.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Ignoring what Peter Quill was saying, Hal Jordan floats over to where the moaning of Bur'Gunza...and Grange, was coming from. The tension between Quill and the Green Lantern does evaporate as quickly as it had appeared. "Interesting. It looked like a kill shot from here, as well, and that impact with the Gordanian was pretty close to a killing blow as well."

    The scans reveal that a living, breathing alien was there. Both Grange and Bur'Gunza were registering as alive. Bur'Gunza has a class 3 concussion, which would leave him unconscious for along time, and the Gordanian had several cracked ribs, a broken arm, and a collapsed lung.

    "Well now. That is interesting." There was a dark oozing blood from the head wound in his forehead, a perfect shot. The "earthen spike" was cracked in half, right beside the resting left arm of Bur'Gunza. "Either that was spontaneous invulnerability, or something else is going on here." Hal looks sideways at Quill. "Did you see that black mist and his words? Sent chills down my spine, and I've been to Nekron's realm."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    After the discussion with Peter Quill had ended, Hal Jordan envelopes the two bad guys, Grange the Gordanian and Bur'Gunza in emerald energy, and with a last salute to Star-Lord, heads out of Knowhere, and towards the Guardians pirsoner facility on Takron-Galtos.