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Black Sky: Master and Pupil
Date of Scene: 02 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Elektra finds herself at Richard Dragon's feet, asking to take up where she once left off: As his student.
Cast of Characters: Dragon, Elektra
Tinyplot: Black Sky

Dragon has posed:
It was quiet at Dragon's dojo. The good thing about it, is that it was in the quiet side of the neighborhood. Where it looked rather...eh on the outside, but on the inside? Fit for a true Grandmaster of the Martial arts.

It was a four story building that Dragon owned and operated. He trained here. Meditated here. and it's VERY clear he's put a great deal of effort into it's construction and maintenance.

There's something very...Japanese in it's design, with pull-cover doors and even a small garden-style area on the second floor. But right now? Right now Dragon was on the third floor, dressed in his garb as a Martial Arts Grandmaster, sitting cross-legged as he meditated, and focused on his chi. He appears to be alone.

For now.

Who knows who might stop on by?

Elektra has posed:
Elektra had been finding that it was one thing to decide not to be a weapon for the Hand, and completely another to know what she would become instead. So far she was finding the process of reclaiming memories and other extraneous bits of her former life was a slow process, but in many ways a welcome one. It was allowing her to decide what to keep, and ultimately who she would be instead of all the things she had been formed and forged to be. Stick. The Chaste. The Hand. Even Matthew in some ways - had all tried to turn her into their own visions of what she should be.

Ultimately, being allowed to make her own choice, a thing that Matthew had finally seen was the only answer, had broken those chains and left her... this.


It didn't mean she still didn't haunt the alleys and rooftops, though. Those were still her home. And it was because of that that she had stumbled upon Dragon's dojo totally by accident. Or, if you believed in deeper things, perhaps she had been drawn there with purpose.

Whatever the reason, it is elektra who drops by, a clambour down the fire escape and opening a window, the board framed thing protesting with a small whine as she raised it, and again when she closed it after herself after climbing inside.

Dragon has posed:
Dragon turns his head slightly after he hears the sound of Elektra opening a window. The shift of chi was apparent. When you've trained for as long as Dragon has? You notice the subtle changes in a place as quiet as this.

He doesn't seem to make a move though. An enemy would attack, not observe. Though...it's also possible that they just haven't reached him yet. Normally a friend would announce themselves, but he knows most of his friends are also ninjas.

Or students he trained. Is this that time where he uses the classic test of 'if you can sneak up on me, you have attained a vital victory'?

Who knows.

Elektra has posed:
She's a silent sentinel for some time, observing the man that she has kalidescope memories for. He is both her teacher and her enemy in them, or perhaps it is that he is always her teacher. She had learned from that attack in the penthouse. And, too, she had chosen not to attempt to deliver a killing blow. It was another thing that she did not understand about herself.

Watching him, though, Elektra can feel the calm of the room. Knows his breathing as different from Matt's - even if they were both here meditating. Eyes closed, she would know each from each and not confuse them. She also knows he waits. That there is not an iota of fear about the man who sits there not so deep in his meditation that he is unaware of his former student.

It is the lack of fear that draws her forward, and has her come sit across from him, taking up a like stance, cross-legged upon the floor, hands lightly rested upon her knees. Eyes closing as she waits for his acknowledgement.

As the teacher would say you are done when you come upon me unawares, the student would say there is shade under trees even in noonday sun.

Elektra isn't sure why she sits, waiting for him, she only knows that the calm within her says it is the right thing she does. That this is why she has come, were she only to have known it.

Dragon has posed:
Richard was, admittedly, perhaps slightly surprised at the woman who used to be his student's acknowledging of the calm presence of the room. Elektra was her own woman once again. She was free from any who would dare take away her free will. Richard sympathized, and eventually, he speaks, his voice as smooth as silk and calm like the waves.

"Elektra Natchios." Richard knows exactly who it is before he even opens his eyes. "I must admit, I am surprised to feel your presence here." he opens his eyes to look upon his former student. "Do you know who I am?" he asks, as if in some hope that she has remembered him. "and also, would you like some tea?" he says in a very homely way, as if he doesn't view her as an enemy, but as family.

Elektra has posed:
Her lips curl over a smile, though her eyes remain closed. Her fingers, with their perfectly manicured nails, are nothing but relaxed on her knees. There is not a breath or a movement that would suggest enmity, or that she has intent to strike - but then again, she's a killer trained beyond the level of many, such things can be deceiving...

His words, though, they draw forth a memory, and Elektra opens her eyes upon the whisper of, "Master. You were my master once. And then we fought." She speaks of her youth, and the recent attack in the penthouse - two disparate events separated by years, but perfect bookends to how she knows this man. "Tea would be lovely."

She, too, says it as though it were such a simple matter. As if they'd already discussed and difused all the questions between those bookends and come upon an answer.

Dragon has posed:
Richard smiles in a friendly and warm manner to Elektra, before he slowly rises to his feet. Good thing he prepared the tea somewhat in advance. It was brewing while he meditated. He's been craving Oolong tea for some weird reason, he doesn't quite know why.

But about a moment later, he returns with the coffee. "Once, yes, I was your master. and you, my student. You learned quickly, perhaps the fastest of all students who came before." he seems to smile. "But amusingly, it was the philosophy of battle that you struggled with." he hands her a tea with a smile on his face. "Here, drink up."

Elektra has posed:
The tea is taken tho-handedly, and bowed over in thanks as she accepts it from her former master.

"I remember," she says quietly. "I did not understand. There was so much anger. I remember this need to do things. To kill. I did not know why." And, in truth, it wasn't the killing she enjoyed, but the challenge of it. The release of tension as she accomplished a goal. Each death considered not only a task but a personal statement that until she had finished the job, ate away at her soul leaving her restless. It was the boredom that was left behind that kept drawing her back.

As yet, Elektra had not felt that urge. That boredom. The thrill of need. She did not know if this was a temporary or permanent state, but she was learning to accept it and not question it.

The Elektra that sits in front of Dragon is calm and peaceful in a way that she had never been before; it was a thing not of controlling one's emotions and hiding them so successfully that they read as truth, instead it seems to permeate the core of her.

"That was long ago," she says simply. "Everyone wanted me to be something. Even you." Though of all her teachers, he had perhaps asked the least of her by way of trying to shape her into his own ideal. There was some of that to be certain - his philosophy one he tried to impart, but it was not the directed intensity that Stick had always employed.

Dragon has posed:
Richard smiles gently to Elektra as he sits back down, crossing his legs in a experienced and smooth fashion as his hand rests in his lap, the other sipping gently on his tea. He smiles as she recalls the memory. "You needed to prove something to yourself, you always told me. I liked to think it was to see if you could beat the best the world had to offer as a way of thrill. But your specific thoughts, as always, are yours and yours alone until you choose to share them."

He seemed to admire how she finally accepted (seemingly) his greatest lesson to her: The Calm. The Peace. Passion should never be mistaken for strength, and Elektra fought with emotion, her greatest weakness.

"The only thing I wished for you to be was better than who you were yesterday. What kind of person that was or is, was only ever up to you." to watch her grow. But he smiles. "You have already grown much though, through trial and circumstance. Though, I am curious: Have you visited me by happenstance and reminisce, or is there a purpose? Not that I don't enjoy seeing your smile."

Elektra has posed:
"Happenstance," Elektra admits with a smirk, her lips remaining over that gesture as the tea is brought to them and sipped. "I supppose I could have lied and said I sought you out with purpose. In truth, I was enjoying the night and found you."

The tea is lowered to her lap, and held there, warming at the chakra of her solar plexus.

"If I had to say, though, maybe it is you who found me. You were waiting." Again that smile plays upon her lips. "I am glad that you were here. I think it may be an answer."

A pause.

"Do you know the question?"

Dragon has posed:
The chakra of Wisdom. Or truth, depending on one's perception of the phenomenon.

Dragon sees it clear as day. It was a beautiful thing to see, from a Master who trained her in all the ways she could wish. "Perhaps it is. Though, it is said that thunder knows when to strike before it is loosened from the bow of the sky. In truth, it's possible that Dragon did indeed know he would be eventually visited by his former pupil, but he is no arrogant man who assumes such things, or is special enough to receive such a blessing.

He takes a sip of his tea, before he lowers it to the small plate beneath it. "A rose by any other name. A question for an answer, or an answer for a question? Sometimes, one cannot know the difference. But, I believe you wish to make a request of me. One that is not easy to give. Nor should it be."

Elektra has posed:
It wasn't until that moment that she was aware of what it was she would ask. There had been a small burgeoning blossom of tension that rose within her, and with his words, expanded and dissapated all at once.

"I am ready," she says simply. "When I was not before. I would seek to learn what I once refused."

Her gaze lifts to meet his, calmly, "If you will have me?"

Dragon has posed:
Richard seems to sip his tea for just a moment longer, before he looks her right in the eyes. He seems to listen to her request in full, taking her extremely seriously. Before a soft smile appears on his face. "Then, as your teacher, I accept you."

He brings his hands together, fist to palm, and he extends them to Elektra lightly without breaking the contact. This was the symbol of acceptance into the School of the Dragon.

"My pupil."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra does not break that eye contact as the gesture is made. Her palm curls about the bottom of her teacup, while the other hand forms a loose fist at the handle, and she echoes the gesture he gives, the warmth of the cup moving from her and away.
