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Parting is Such Sweet S--Oh Who Am I Kidding
Date of Scene: 03 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Emma turns in her resignation from Xavier's school. She also meets Rachel, her Goddaughter from a future timeline. Who knew? Sam is entrusted to care for the New Mutants. And Logan is just plain mean.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Marvel Girl, Cannonball

Wolverine has posed:
    The X-Men's mansion is impressive. Tall, stately, seemingly indomitable. And yet it has weathered ill times and dire events, but it endures. Though it does not do so without effort. It takes many man hours to maintain considering the nature of the faculty and its student body. Sometimes large portions need to be rebuilt, remodeled, and for those events some of the more talented individuals or even craftsmen are hired.
    This time of year, however, sometimes things just need to be handled as quickly as possible and for that... well then the handy men on hand will just have to suffice.
    "You ever fixed a roof before?" Logan's gravelly voice hollars and shakes the heavy twenty foot ladder even as he holds onto it making sure it remains steady and doesn't jounce. "Yer gonna need a better cutta wood unless this is just yer idea of a band-aid."
    Helpful as ever, the Wolverine looks on. And, to be fair, he smirks a little.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott's wearing a THICK hoodie, even in his youth he would have said THICC, but this is not the time for meme speak. "You know I'm not even on the ladder, but I can see you shaking it. Cut it out." Scott yammers as he finds the hammer and nails he placed in the toolbelt around his waist and takes a single nail to put between his teeth. The hammer is clutched in his left hand while his right goes about setting the piece of plywood over the hole and getting it held in place with his knees.

Emma Frost has posed:
    While Emma Frost has been around to attend to her classes, she immediately departs the school property and has been keeping to herself. There have been a few greetings in the halls but no conversations. All in all, pretty typical Emma. Only this time, the reasons are all but typical. Circumstances have changed and decisions had to be made.
    She is looking for Jean or Scott, both of whom she feels will be able to deal with the information she is about to share. Unfortunately, Jean was no where to be found. Which left the boy scout leader of the X-Men.
    A quick mental scan of the property let her know where to find him. She comes around the side of the building, dressed for the weather but still in all white as seems to be her preference.
    Her boots crunch through the snow as she approaches Logan at the base of the ladder, glancing upwards to the top. "Logan, Scott." She doesn't waste time making small talk. "I need to speak to you, Scott, if you have a moment. It is in regards to tendering my resignation."

Wolverine has posed:
    To Scott, Logan's voice reaches him though a bit muffled by the wind up on the roof as he hollars, "M'not shakin' nothin'." As if annoyed at the idea. But a space of a few moments later and he shouts back, "Though, ta be fair, I'm tempted now."
    Of course he holds his place while Scott works above. But his nostrils flare slightly and just before Emma makes her appearance he turns his head in her direction. Catching sight of the blonde in whie he gives a nod of greeting. But it's when she voices her need for a meeting he cocks an eyebrow in her direction.
    He shouts up the louder, "Hey, Slim. Emma's here." No judgement for now, nor ribbing. More curiousity perhaps.

Cyclops has posed:
    "I heard. I'm not deaf." Scott says down towards the ladder holder and company. The man's red glasses flash from above as he peaks down and gets his footing set up so he can get back onto the ladder from the shingled roof.

    He shimmys down rather quickly, but never unsafely, always three points on the ladder at all times. Like the manuel said. He finally steps off the bottom rung with a nod to Logan and then he looks back to Emma and frowns, his hood flapping up in the breeze to press against the back of his head ceremoniously. "Should I assume this is your two weeks notice or do you have other immediate appointments?" Scott inquires, shifting from carperneter to a cog in the faculty machine quickly, despite his attire.

Emma Frost has posed:
    For a moment, Emma looks at Sctot as though he just suggested she drink swamp muck. "I would never be that uncouth. I will be working out my two weeks." She reaches into her jacket then stops, shaking her head. "I will leave the letter on your desk later." After all, a rooftop is nto the place for him to be keeping a nicely typed form that should be placed in a file somewhere.
    "I will leave a list of recommendations for my replacement as well." She doesn't want them to let just anyone taking over her classes, even if she is choosing to depart.. "I have the full curriculum for the rest of the year in place. They simply need to follow what is outlined." Controlling to the end.
    "At the end of the two weeks, I will be returning to the Academy of Tomorrow as Headmistress."

Wolverine has posed:
    Arms crossing over his broad chest, Logan takes up a place in the background, letting Scott and Emma have their tete'a'tete, since he doesn't have any real input to ofer. He does spare a glance towards Scott to gauge the man's reaction and then it's right back towards Emma.
    Never one to entirely forgive a grudge he lifts a fingertip towards his chin and scritches at the stubble on his chin before finally offering some measure of his opinion when he tells her, "You need some help packin'?" The words delivered as if it were clear he'll be glad to see her on her way.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott isn't quite as harsh as Logan when he finds out Emma's leaving, no he seems to be a bit more reserved and doesn't show as much of an opinion one way or another, that is until he asks, "Do you have the same financial backers at the Academy?" Scott asks, his head canting and his fists finding his hips for a moment before he outright crosses them before his chest.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma gives Logan a withering glance, somehow looking down her nose at him despite their height difference. "As I have no desire for my belongings to smell of cigars and cheap whiskey, I will pass on your generous offer."
    The body language of the pair makes it quite obvious how they are feeling about her returning to her old haunts. Her lips twist up in a wry smirk. "That is none of your business." Yet, she doesn't leave it at that. Though there is a lot of history, she has been doing her best at their school to help the children. "However, I believe you will be pleased to learn that I hold controlling interest in the school this time. While my associates will be backing the institution, they will not be in power and I intend to remove their people from the academy. It will be my school and mine alone."

Wolverine has posed:
    Flaring his fingers on the elbow that's resting on a higher up rung, Logan looks away as if dismissing the insult as he mutters partially to himself something along the lines of, "Might end up smellin' better then." But the Nose Knows.
    He does, however, look over at her and though his growliness about their past is clear, there's also a modicum of concern as his brow knits. He doesn't voice anything further, however. Just knits his brow and looks either past her, or to the side, as if this was just getting in the way of so much more.
    Like fixing the damn roof.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott rolls his eyes behind those glasses, not that she could see it, but Logan and her could both FEEL it in his motions. "You're either blinded or a fool." The leader says with a turn of his shoulder to the white queen and with a sigh, he looks back to the ladder. Yeah, there's an actual current problem that needs to be addressed, not deal with the HFC's future problems. "You can make a real difference Emma, here, now, -but- if you're going, you're going to be more of a pawn for Shaw and the Hell Fire Club than ever before." Scott warns.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I have never been either of those things and I have not become one in recent days," Emma points out simply. She knew there would not be approval but she wasn't seeking it. This was what was best for her students, those she had left behind with a poor decision. Not the decision to come to Xavier's. This was something more personal and much more stupid. Yet, it was something she had done. Regrets did not help matters. Only action.
    "I will not let them have my students. That is why I'm going back." She seems as surprised as they might be with her admission. For a moment, her features aren't quite as blocked off, aren't quite as cold. It is a momentary glimpse at woman within the ice. "I don't know what they have taught them in my absence. I have no doubt it will need to be undone. I hold no ill will to this school or the X-Men in any way. But I cannot leave the children at their mercy."
    Just as quickly, that glimpse is gone, like ice creeping up on the glass of a window and hiding what is on that other side.
    "With my return, ilnes will be drawn. The Hellfire Club would do well not to make an enemy of me. I know too many of their secrets." Then she glances toward the roof and back at Scott. "Do you have any other questions or would you prefer to continue insulting me? Wait. Don't answer that." She looks pointedly at Logan. Then back to the pair. "If there is nothing else?"

Wolverine has posed:
    The Canadian mutant watches the back and forth between them and frowns as he keeps on leaning there, looking down at the tip of his boot now and crunching into the dirt and icy snow remnants with it. For a time he chews the inside of his cheek thoughtfully as he eyes first Emma, then back to Scott to consider the man's words as he delivers them harshly to the White Queen.
    Then, curiously, he lifts his chin and murmurs. "Do whatcha gotta, Emma. But you start gettin' in over yer head then you c'mere and get help if it comes ta that." He then pushes off and away from the ladder, arms folding over his chest.
    "Might suck, but might also be the best thing for the students if worse comes ta worst."

Cyclops has posed:
    "Your students were always welcome here Emma." Scott replies, but he sort of understands now, "If you must go, go, don't wait for the sake of 'politeness to go help your students." The thinner man says with a stoic kind of nod towards the woman in white. "If you'll excuse me, I have to keep my students safe and warm." And with that, Scott begins to climb the ladder once more, simply trusting Logan will secure the ladder once again as he ascends.

Emma Frost has posed:
    The trio of teachers are outside of the school in the elements. There is a twenty foot ladder that is extended up to the roof. Logan and Scott had been working on roof repairs before Emma approached. It seems Scott is climbing back up the ladder after some discussion.
    "I will keep that in mind should it become necessary," Emma says as she gives a terse nod to Logan. There is so much more at play here but they seem to understand at least. She's secure in that knowledge and is not going to give away anymore. One monent was all they get.
    As Scott moves to climb upward, she gives a more Emma-like smile that isn't really one. "I wouldn't leave my students here without a teacher. I doubt you have anyone who could take over my courses adequately without notice. I can do both until there is someone in place here. I have already scheduled my first meeting with the current faculty at the Academy of Tomorrow. I doubt they will be enjoying the experience. Classes will not resume until next week."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan, for his part, stays at the base of the ladder with his arms folded over his chest. Though, to be fair, he does steady it once Scott starts to clamber back up its length and makes his way towards the rooftop. It's only after Emma's walking away and perhaps takes the corner that he'll look upwards and raise his voice enough to be heard by Cyclops. And perhaps Emma if she's eavesdropping.
    "You got a real way with the ladies, Cyke. Real charmer there. Makes me wonder why yer still single." But his features are twisted a little, more snideness in the tone than humor.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Speaking of Tomorrow, Enter a Flamming bird coming back down from actual space! it's her thinking place. Rachel, of course, arrives wreathed in Bird shaped flames, choosing to land on a pile of snow she, of course, does a quick scan that Emma would clearly sense. Rachel's clothing starts to morph the moment she lands as she walks towards the trio.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes jogging up, seems Sam, has taken to getting some exersice outside, and starting out back, he has done a decent run so far before getting towards the front of th house. He will pause seeing the others and jog up before stopping and nod to them in greeting as he has was taught decent manors "Ma'am, Sirs." He nods to each.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott disappears from Logans view up onto the roof for a brief moment before his gloved hand becomes visible over the side and a certain finger is extended from his fist, no words, just a gesture that is pulled back afterwards. Then there's a great ball of fire and a great jog of exercise.

    He doesn't address Emma again, figuring she'll go drop off her resignation in proper and basically be out of the school for a long long time. Scott does look back down and frowns towards Logan, "What's going on down there now?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma was almost around the corner of the building, her business done. First she senses Sam approaching then something much more bright gets her attention and she stops walking. It isn't actually the fiery corona, not at first. It's the mind that is coming into range, although mental shields keep her from seeing who it might be.
    As the flames appear in the sky and the woman lands, her clothing changing into something that is not standard clothing except perhaps in a certain type of club or two, the woman in white stops to look openly at Rachel. Hard to miss the resemblence even though she is younger. She feels the push of power against her own mental shields and shores them up tightly.
    She looks over at Logan and says in a droll tone. "Now there's two of her?"

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan, smirking, looks up to meet Scott's gaze as he says simply. "Oh yer daughter's here." And he points towards Rachel's approach. He steps back and turns to the side even as Cannonball's jogging up. Arms crossing over his chest, the Canadian gives a nod towards the youth. "Guthrie," Offered in way of greeting.
    But it's when Rachel starts to wander over that he says sidelong towards Emma. "Scott and Jean's kid." That part is left to hang there for a time.
    Then he adds. "From the future."
    Another pause lingering as he adds, "So yeah. There's that."
    When Rachel is close enough, "Hey, kid."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Speaks back to logan forgetting this logan doesn't know her " Hey old man ". She pauses and turns her eye's looking straight towards Emma , She really is the spitting image with one or two changes. Her eyebrow shoots up " Emma frost " , Emma Can feel her clearly lifting up her own shields though it's more like a giant ball complete with spikes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and as Rachel appears. He will nod over to her in greeting, but look amongstt he people here wondering what is going on but not asking yet. Instead grabing his water bottle from a hip holster and takes a sip.

Cyclops has posed:
    "Shut it Logan." Scott says from way above before he starts to climb -back- down the ladder with less precision and less care and therefore less safely, but he does get down and looks to Sam "Sam." Is all Scott says, with a frown, likely by Rachel once more. The two telepaths could tell his mind is going a trillion miles a second any time he looks towards Rachel. Nate and Nathan were bad enough, now there's a girl. And she looks like Jean a few years ago. Good God Scott is losing it. "Rachel, right?" Scott asks as he hasn't actually been introduced.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Oh how positively fascinating," Emma says as she turns back to the small group, eyeing Rachel now that she knows her birthright. Daughter of Jean and Scott in the future.
    As Rachel's shields snap into place, she smiles. It isn't a nice smile. It's more like someone might smile just before a satisfying smash of a bug that has dared enter their abode. Thanks to Scott, she has a name as well. Rachel.
    She reaches out mentally, finding that the shields are formidable yet sloppy. The girl needs training and quickly. <<Now I am curious how you know me though we have not been formally introduced.>> she says to the girl in a sacchrine sweet tone telepathically.
    Even as she does this, she glances over to Sam and gives him a terse nod in greeting. "Mr. Guthrie. Since you here, I will share the information with you. I have tendered my resignation from Xavier's, giving two weeks notice. I expect you will take care of the New Mutants."

Wolverine has posed:
    Gesturing with a thumb, Logan motions towards the ladder even as he starts to walk away from the group. "Sam, Scott's gonna need yer help with the ladder and the roof. That is if he's able to stay conscious through this whole conversation." Sure there's a bit of admonishiment in the tone, but not too much.
    That said he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket and starts to step away, walking along the brick pathway and heading towards the back door leading inside to the kitchen. Once he reaches the door he rests a hand on it, spares a glance for Emma for some reason, then opens it and steps on inside.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks over towards Scott " Daddy " She says though that tone is anything but happy to see him, young girl has that I'm mad at you face jean does. Meanwhile, though she's having a second conversation.

     .oO Hello godmother. I'm from another time it seems, maybe another timeline I dunno I've only been here a few days Oo.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will step over to the ladder to hold it for Scott as Logan heads out. At Rachel's words he will look up being ready tp catch Sam if need be." to Emma he will say "Ah always try my best to look out for them, but if Ah may ask, where ya headed and why?"

Cyclops has posed:
    At the word from Rachel, Scott misses his footing and slips down a rung on accident. He catches himself on the next one with a groan and him hugging the ladder with his arms and chest. It's that feeling when there's an extra step you didn't know was there, but several times worse. He sighs quietly before he finally climbs the last few rungs and touches feet down on the snow and dirt.

    "Thanks Sam." Scott says before turning to Rachel and starting to speak when he spots Emma coming back and he frowns. "Emma, I would appreciate it if you would, not." Scott motions with his hand towards his daughter, already being protective and he's just met her, and she's awfully grown up already.

Emma Frost has posed:
    That response has Emma narrowing her eyes slightly as she considers. <<Godmother?>> Oh now that is too much to just let go by and she cannot help herself. She should. But she can't. <<I feel that were I your Godmother, I would have taught you to make better shields. While strong, you have numerous holes that need to be fixed or a skilled telepath would take advantage.>> Even now, she's trying to teach.
    While this is going on, she is keeping her attention on Sam outwardly. "I have chosen to return to my academy as Headmistress." It wasn't that simple but long explanations were unnecessary in this instant.
    Then the admonishment comes from Scott and she gives him a slight glare. "Guilty without evidence? For shame, Mr. Summers. I wasn't doing anything...improper." The last word added after a brief pause. "I will say that Jean needs to train her quickly. Strong abilities. Shields with holes like Swiss cheese."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Turns Pink! and looks like she got chastised or maybe it's Scott nearly passing out again that sparked up her anger again as she crosses her arms she almost stamps her foot almost.

     .oO I know I'm trying.. just my powers their so much stronger since I got here. I can't put them up like I used to Oo. Though Rachel will mutter under her breath " If I ever see her " to Emma's comment about jean. She also peeks at sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over to Rachel some concern showing for the young woman, and says "Yes, ah believe Rachel will be ding very well given a bit of time. Base line is rather high. " He will pause, and look over to Emma, and says "Going back to your academy? Are we to be aligned and will you be renewing connections with the hellfire club?" If so, could you see if you can reign in Selene.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott lets Sam ask his questions, as it's up to Emma if she'll answer them all again and the man in the red glasses gives Emma a look of disapproval at her words before he looks back to Rachel and with a hint of a frown he apologizes. "Sorry Rachel, this is all entirely new to me... A huge surprise." Scott explains as if there's not people around.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "We will not be at odds, although I will be returning to my place in the Hellfire Club. However, the Academy will be mine. Not theirs." Emma gives him a long look, not letting her controlled mask fade in the least. She isn't going to give him that peek she gave to Scott and Logan earlier.
    "If you will all excuse me, I do need to get going. Scott, I'll leave the paperwork on your desk." She glances to Rachel. "A pleasure to meet you. I am certain Jean will help you as soon as possible. If not, you may seek me out should you wish."
    She looks back to Sam. "If you need my assistance, I will be certain you have my number."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Watches Emma starting to leave but she can't help it she reaches out with her mind.oO Thank you I will. But don't forget what's in the mirror isnt' your enemy Oo.

     She looks back to Scott and crosses her arms and looks at him " How do you think I feel. You died".

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will nod to Emma's words, and pays them thought yea thats the reason he is quiet, not that he has no clue what to add in between the one and future father daughter conversation.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott turns his head when Rachel crosses her arms and then he thinks it over further. "Hey, I'm not dead, I haven't ever died. Pretty sure." The man says with a sternness he hasn't had the opportunity to show Rachel, "You can't blame me for something I haven't done yet." Scott says with a look to Sam and a frown, "Have I died?" seems like, Emma's allowed to leave as she's got work to do and he'd rather not have her influence around Rachel more than he has to.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks down at the ground and scuffs her food " I - I know your not my dad, I don't even know if this is my timeline, but " she sighs " I would like to get to know you". She looks at the sky " My father ...He died when I was little after the mansion was attacked".

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over and says "Not that Ah know of, but Ah died once and came back not the funnest experience, I suggest avoiding the whole death thing when ever possible." It is said as a joke but seems to have a ring of truth to it too.

Cyclops has posed:
    "I could still be your dad." Scott says with a frown and a look to Sam as if to tell him to shut up before anything comes out of that face hole. "I kinda know what it's like to not have a dad around." Scott says, opening up about a past that he never ever talks about, not that Rachel would know about that.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles softly at sam as he jokes though she nods towards Scott " I'd like that, I know about grandpa and where he ended up it sucks" she says softly she looks up a little bit before she looks back twisting " I know i just met you.. but could I hug you? "

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will give Scott a what look for a moment, but adds "Hey, even a different time line dad is a a good thing. Ah would give alot to see even an alternate version of Pa, for a short time.

Cyclops has posed:
    Sam and Scott share a glance but Scott surrenders to Rachel and takes a step forward in the sun, "I- I can try, but I'll go ahead and say, I'm sorry." Scott says as he approaches Rachel and opens his arms, doing the odd robot dance where he's not sure which arm should be up or down or both up or both down?

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Awkward not awkward she doesn't care she's getting to do what she dreamed of for a very very long time, she didn't have many memories but hugging her father smelling his smell that was one of them. So she quickly moves into scotts arms and closes her eye's almost merging that memory with this one getting a touch of peace from all the hate and anger she's felt for the past several days.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will hmms and figure it is best to give the two a moment, and he will start up the ladder to give the roof a look for a moment. Being a flyer makes ya a bit easier with heights than others.