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Revision as of 06:36, 6 February 2019

Summery Winter
Date of Scene: 03 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Cannonball, Phoenix

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott gave his estranged, unknown, time travelling, alternate future daughter a deep and long hug. He decided it was going to be an embrace for as long as the girl needed one. He's able to do that as a father, or at least as a mutant helping another mutant, but it does feel, unusual. "You're safe here Rachel." Scott says, not sure why, but it felt like something she needed to hear.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Nods softly "en, " She affirmed. She spends a bit longer than she needs to but it's a really nice hug to have her head and listen to his heart. She can read his mind but hearing his heart is different somehow. Though she does steal a look towards sam though turning a little pink.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie continues to give them their time. He examines the hole trying to place who made it. "Go to school here think we are going to have to give anyone

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie conties "Give anyone who completes classes her a minor in construction and electrical with their degree.

Cyclops has posed:
    So high up, Sam's words never quite make it down to Scott, who's busy giving his girl a dream come true. He's holding her like only a dad could. The most awkward father to ever walk this earth, even going so far as to sway a little bit, just to be a good father.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles before she steps back she lets him off "Thank you " She says softly, but she looks over and glances at the hole " I can fix that if you want it's pretty easy, I used to build a lot in the future for the groups."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has started wuorking on patching ti first rhe beams to o

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has started wuorking on patching ti first rhe beams to o

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie first the beams to give the room structure and stability.

Cyclops has posed:
    "I think Sam would appreciate the help. I know I would." Scott says with a faint smile as he pulls back from the hug and allows Rachel to do her own TK thing.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Explodes a bit as she steps to the side Wreathing herself in that Firebird shape before she moves her hands and suddenly all kinds of beams and boards start to float upwards.. as well as the nails and various other items needed to fix thing! she floats a few near Sam to help him .oO Here you go sam Oo.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott stays on the ground and crosses his arms, thinking the whole time that there's no way anyone could deny that she's Jean's daughter. No way. However there are some features about her face that do scream Summers, but you have to squint to see those. The X-man leader smirks and thinks having her around might not be such an awkward thing after all.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Thanks to her powers she helps to fix that hole in jiffy, dosn't hurt she can be like 5 people at the same time.. placing the boards and beams and putting in the nails at the same time. She beams a huge smile at Scott while she's doing that. Like a tiny girl going look look praise me!

Cyclops has posed:
    "Certainly a huge help." Scott says up towards Rachel as he leans his hands against the steel ladder and leans it back and away from the building to let the extension come sliding back down to reduce the size of the hammer, allowing it to be much more manageable. "So, you're a telepath and a telekinetic. Anything else you can do Rachel?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Thinks " Well I have all kinds of psi powers. I can make stuff" She waves her hands and her outfit switches back to the one she had before.. the one she based on jean's outfit. then she Twists her hand and forms a hammer out of thin air " Making stuff by moving mater around.. I can fly, shoot blasts Umm Fire based stuff. Honestly, I dunno since coming to this world my powers the've gotten stronger way stronger more than I used to have".

Cyclops has posed:
    "So, not a lot of 'Summers' in you is there?" Scott asks, just trying to make sure, it seems Jean's genes tend to be the dominant ones, which, isn't surprising really. She's the quiet strong type where Scott is the brawny strength type. He leads by doing, Jean leads with incredible power. Seems their daughter would be more like her mother. Scott's not even mad.

Phoenix has posed:
"I actually wear a different one these days, but it's a close, if, quite more risque take of Marvel Girl costume," Jean interjects as she walks outside and joins the others, on the exterior or smiles and calmness. Inside? Well, maybe she hasn't quite settled on the jarring experience of having a younger girl who looks two drops of water removed from her, calling her 'mom'. But her focus soon shifts to Scott, a very awkward if not somewhat sheepish smile on her lips, "I see you got to meet Rachel..." she puts it plainly, as if there was no big deal about it.

Oh, she'll be having a conversation with Scott. In private. Maybe on the Moon, just to be sure.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks over her should " I dunno " She says softly " I dunno what part of me is her and what part is you " She says softly " You booth kinda died when I was MOM " She says surprised everything stops moving, and she looks over , turning pink when her mom says it's a bit risky.. She shouldn't she's an adult, but somehow it still makes her feel shame.

Cyclops has posed:
    Jean shows up and Scott's awkwardness at being a father skyrockets through the stratosphere. "Jean." He says, his face turning redder than the Grey's hair and his glasses combined. He looks down at his own feet. "It's actually my second time meeting her. First time I passed out." Scott says, his hand going up to tug at the collar of his hoodie. It's obvious he isn't sure what to do in this situation. It's beyond awkward.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean looks amused at Rachels reaction when she notes her take of the Marvel Girl costume is on the risque side, and she waves her hand dismissively, "you're not me, you wear what makes you comfortable, and what you like, Rachel." Though there is that odd 'looking in the mirror' effect when she looks at Rachel, the similarity is striking. Jean giggles when Scott mentions having passed out the first time he met Rachel, to which Jean quips, "there were students around, I didn't have the luxury," and she winks at Rachel when she speaks the words. But then everything is all awkward, and there was that fleeting question she heard Scott ask about how much 'Summers' is there in Rachel, and now it's Jean's turn to flush to the tips of her ears as she slowly turns to look at Scott, "wait...y-you're her dad?" She already knows who 'mom' is, but she didn't quite pick up that 'dad' was so close by. Now it's uber awkward for her as well. "Erm..." she's stumped for words, doesn't happen often to Jean, but now is one of those moments.

Looks like the Moon might not be far enough, Shi'ar Air Space is likely out of the question, but maybe the Kree won't mind?

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Lifts an eyebrow this time she blurts herself as she looks over at Scott " Who else did you expect it to be logan he's a great uncle but dad nope? " She smiles when she says she can wear what she wants but she still starts to alter her outfit to be a bit less risky. Maybe to apears her " He did it anyways and there were a bunch of us around he said nope and passed out " .

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott sighs as Rachel spills the beans, twice. He wants to fall into a hole, or have magneto attack or Rogue shoot out of the roof again, ANYTHING but this! He and Jean haven't even considered dating, now they're stuck fostering their own daughter from another time. The is the anecdote for awkward in the dictionary. "That's what she told me. Even asked me for a hug, which I gave her, I mean, that's what dads are supposed to do, right? Not that I'm really her dad, and not that you're really her mom..." Scott starts rambling and getting more and more red in the cheeks. Even his neck is flushed.

Phoenix has posed:
Why does Rachel has to make it all the more awkward by naming Logan as another viable option instead of say...literally anyone else? It's like a special episode of 'Make It Awkward For Jean Grey', though to be fair, Jean can tell this is holding a similar effect over Scott. "I wouldn't know Scott," Jean muses as he assumes what dads are supposed to do, "I've never been a dad," yup, jokes to fend against the awkward. Jean can do that.

But then Scott says some words to make it less awkward between himself and Jean, well intentioned no doubt, but by the worst party to hear such things, "nonsense, Scott," Jean snaps dismissively, walking towards Rachel and turning to hug her pre-emptively, "I trust the girl knows damn well who her parents are, and we know no better, so there's no reason to say that." She's a good soul, must be that famous Jean Grey Bleeding Heart in full form. <<Scott,>> she adds privately to him, hoping Rachel isn't actively 'listening' in, because then it's more awkward, <<the girl been through a lot, let's stick to what she knows to make the transition less difficult for her, we're the grown ups here, we should be able to cope better...should being operative word. Hard for me as well, believe it or not.>>

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Squeaks when she's grabbed and well melts and hugs herself to jean she can't help it that smell it sparks her memory. She Just closes her eye's like she did with Scott it's about that warm hug.. listening to their hearts and the smell of them all that is everything she wanted for that brief moment. Hugging jean seems to just help her center her mind in the middle of the pain anguish and crazy. A tear or Two flowing down her face but yeah she's kind of listening for sure .oO I can show you if you want, Proof you know, and you can connect your phonix force to mine to prove I'm not lying Oo.

Cyclops has posed:
    (((You're right.))) Scott thinks towards Jean, but he can't guide his thoughts like the actual telepaths can, hopefully Jean can block Rachel's perception of Scott's thoughts. The man steps closer to the girls who look more like sisters, or even twins than mother and daughter and he frowns for a brief moment before patting them both on their shoulders. "Guess like that, we're family. Through and through." Yup, Scott, master of words, especially in social situations.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean brushes her fingers through Rachel's hair, calming her, showing her affection. It doesn't matter what is or isn't true, what matters is the girl been through a harrowing experience and Jean and Scott are the only connection to the familiar that she has, the least she can do is give her that. Judging by the embrace Scott was talking about, he knows it too. <<I usually am,>> Jean teases Scott, smiling as he comes to join them, patting their shoulders for show of support. "I guess we are," she agrees.

But the matter of Rachel eavesdropping on telepathic talks, that one she answers with a direct thought to Rachel, <<well that's rude...nobody asked you for proof or anything, and just because you have an ability doesn't mean you use it to eavesdrop on people, what kind of crutch is that? Are you so unsure of yourself that you need to constantly read people's minds, Rachel?>>

Then the Phoenix Force is mentioned, and Jean breaks the embrace, looking curiously at Rachel, "my what now?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks looking at jean " You know the Firebird you don't feel her inside you? " she says curiously " I feel her inside you." Yep totally avoiding the fact that she just got scolded and switched to voice speech cause she feels embarrassed. Though she scuffs the ground like a child that got in my trouble " Sorry my control is just awful I can't seem to turn it off, even auntie Emma said my shields were crap and she's the one who showed me how to put them up before they got her."

Cyclops has posed:
    "I think I'll let you two ladies talk, you can find me when you need." Scott says with a pat on both red head's shoulders though he's certain Jean will come seeking him a bit more urgently and immediately. "That said, I'm cold and I need to get inside." He says with a soft smile before he starts towards the back door.

Phoenix has posed:
"The Firebird...?" Jean mouths skeptically at Rachel, while turning to look at Scott, quizzically, "I honestly don't know what she's going on about..." as if nobody noticed how fire effects started to accompany Jean's power use after the mission to space. As if nobody ever saw the fire raptory materialize around her at times of facing great foes like the Shadow King. But Jean would proceed on the off chance not everyone noticed. And yet even as she feigns confusion, she thinks at Rachel <<would you kindly stop disccusing such matter in the open!>> She doesn't know what it is. Therefore she can't explain it to others. Having a girl from the future, who just might be her daughter, hop in and reveal all her secrets to everyone is quite unsettling a thought. Wait...Jean has secrets? Will wonders ever cease. But there's an easy conversation shift, far too easy, "Auntie Emma!? Hold on, I need to process that...Auntie Emma? Not Emma Frost is it?" Jean has a weird feeling it just might be. What kind of world is that future?

Scott has had enough, he needs rest, this is perfect. The less he hears of Rachel talking about things she shouldn't be talking about, the better. "Fine, I'll come find you later, Scott, take care!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has been up on the room for a while. He has ued up all the materials Scott and Logan had put up there. He sighs to himself, guess that means he needs to head back to the ground level and the talks going on. with a reluctent sigh not wanting to interupt but not wanting to just fly off, well atleast thinking it would be bad manners. The ladder with shake some as Sam moves to it to come backdown.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Actually shrinks her neck into her shoulders and looks to the side hands behind her and looking down eye's even getting all watery when she's getting scolded. She nods when Jean asks the questions " She found me int he future Told me you asked her to take care of me if anything happened, She showed me how to use my powers". She bites her lip <<Can We talk this way instead then? >>

Phoenix has posed:
<<We definitely need to talk, but if you don't know how to keep secrets and what's sensitive information, we may as well, are you aware of where you are, Rachel?>> Jean asks her daughter from the future, she would love to talk to her physically, but it's impossible with how flippant Rachel is, forgetting or perhaps not even knowing she's in a place that is publicly a school for gifted youngsters, as in geniuses, the mutant side of it being for the most part a well kept secret. The X-Men side of it? That's just non-existant. At least not as far as the larger part of the student body is concerned, or the public at large, save some hate mongering anti-mutants organizations with theories. Rachel speaking openly of firebirds, or making pyrotechnic displays as a mundane routine could very much hamper that.

But Jean isn't heartless, she doens't want to just bash into Rachel with rules and stipulation off the get go, they need a much more personal conversation down the line. At least Scott achieved a good introduction.

"How have you been since the other night? Are you feeling better Rachel?" Jean asks, before noting Sam coming down the ladder, "hey Sam, thanks for all the work...Rachel has been doing the work of 5 people at least over here. I think we'll have this under control in no time."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Lifts an eyebrow << Secret is how they found us, Being a secret didn't stop them from shooting missiles at the mansion and blowing us all up, Or sending their sentinels in after to finish the job >> Rachell is getting a bit emotional so jean would feel and hear the familiar flaming cry of the psychic force inside Rachel.

     She does give a strained smile to sam " Yeah thanks sam I didn't know you were handy too " . Yep, that was awkward totally awful choice of words.. clearly a Scott trait.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and nods his head and says "Thanks, Ah try to make sure to get things done, and yea, She is realy good to have around and Ah enjoy spending time with her." He will offer Rachel a smile "Even if she did kick me in the head, the first day, Ah think we are getting along much better now."

Phoenix has posed:
<<Rachel. I am not sure what future you are coming from, but you will not force our present to become your future, do you understand?>> Jean clearly took it the wrong way, thinking Rachel is looking to break the veil of secrecy to introduce a full fledged war between humans and mutants, what she said sounded very much as if she was mentored by Magneto. At least to Jean's ears.

Jean is rather grateful to have Sam join in, as she smiles, "I can understand how confused and stressed she must have been," Jean notes and then looks at Rachel, "you did ask Sam to forgive you for that kick, right?" If she was going to be a mother, she may as well follow up on that.

Marvel Girl has posed:
<<What? For Real? Are you kidding me I was a slave why would I want that? I Sent Kate back to the past to prevent it from happening.. but it didn't work and somehow now I'm here.. I don't want my future to happen.. who would want a future where they have to watch you die >>. She wants to cry but she holds it in as she looks over to sam sooo thankful he's there to distract her

     She turns a little pink " I said sorry in my own way".

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "We are good, and ah am trying to help Rachel find out what our time is like, showing her some of the more plesant parts of our time ah hope, we have had one run in with one of the less plesant, so working on how to interact with normal folks a bit more before we head back out." He will offer Rachel a smile "It is taking some getting used to but AH have faith withus working on things, we are getting to some really good places.

Phoenix has posed:
<<Good, then we need to have words, because you're far too ingrained in your own experience. We're welcoming you as one of ours, and for some of us it may be more literal than for others, but you must do us the respect of accepting our lives and our world as more than just a mean to get or avoid yours,>> Jean puts it in as logical a set of terms as she can, trying to avoid anything that might be directly personal. She understands Rachel on the one hand, but very much dislikes the readiness with which she's willing to turn the entire world over based on one potential future. Particularly when she can't be sure she's even in her own timeline. Jean has been in the company of Sorcerer Supremes lately, she knows more than one might expects of these matters. Amazing how throughout this telepathic conversation, her attention seems beset on Sam, as she looks at him with a smile, "I'm glad to hear you're at peace again. I really appreciate your help, Sam, I'd like to devote more time to Rachel in person....seeing how we might be connected, but you know, being Headmistress does tend to swallow up time."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Nods " If you call Selene a bad outing I call that a brief brush with mistress death." Yep, Rachel clearly has zero social skills or the ability to know when to leave well enough alone, and she's so used to not talking now that she can she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut.

     <<Yes mom I'll be good, I don't know if mine is even connected to this one, we don't have a superman >> She peeks at her mother << But I can help you with the Phonix force if you can help me control this extra power I suddenly have deal?>>

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "No one was hurt, and there was no actual attacks more than verbal jabs, so yea, that was a bad outting." He grins and nods his head a bit to Jean, and says "Ah would like to have some time to work with her in the danger room, to work on non lethal fighting. We have spared and she is good, Ah can see some of the training by people we know, and think she is great, but she is going to have to learn to fight a few instincts. " He will move to take Rachel's hand giving it a gentle squeeze "Ah do believe she is doing awesome considering what she has been through and the little time she has had to adjust.""

Phoenix has posed:
"Selene...? As in Selene Gallio?" Jean inquires of Rachel, before turning to look suspiciously at Sam, "Samuel Guthrie, just where did you take Rachel, that she happened by Selene?" The question is soon followed by a "nevermind, don't tell me, I don't think I want to know...I need some rest."

"Permission granted, I would love to have you work with her," she turns to Rachel, "Sam is good, he knows what he's doing, you should listen to him. I'll make sure to clear some time for some...erm...mother-daughter quality time," she puts it in a way that may be more awkward to one of them than the other. "If you need me you clearly know how to reach me, later!"