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Latest revision as of 06:42, 6 February 2019

The Christmas Spirit
Date of Scene: 16 December 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Deadwatch, Scarlet Witch

Deadwatch has posed:
The Holiday Season is upon us..

Bah, Humbug...

At least that is how a certain psychic sorcercerer feels about the season. Even the worst parts of Gotham don't seem to immune from the Christmas spirit, with many of the Bodega's in his part of town having christmas lights and decorations. Even the streetwalkers are dressed... festively.

Bah Humbug.

NOlan limps into his 'sanctum', a paper bag of snacks and drinks cradelled in one hand and brushing snow from his coat wth the other, grumbling and muttering explatives under his breath. He holds out the bag and something unseen holds it for him, in the air, as he unwraps a ludicrously log scarf from around his neck. "F*cking holidays.. F*cking good cheer... Can you believe it? Even the GANGBANGERS wished me a happy holidays.. It's like I'm in the F*cking /TWILIGHT/ zone!" he gripes.. to no one.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Nolan gripes.. to a not so empty room now that he's had a chance to turn around and consider his.. er, their? ..apartment.

Wanda, it seems, has been redecorating while Nolan was out - quite in blythe ignorance of Nolan's personal opinions about the holiday season. There are festive garlands strung from here to there on all the walls, all lit with lights (how has she even hung those things???). Pretty tablecloths on the flat surfaces, complete with lit candles. Soft holiday music plays in the background. the lights are dimmed. Somehow (and again, how the hell did she do this?!?) there's a mantlepiece (it's got to be fake, right?) with a glowing fire in the heart (someone please tell us that's electric) - holly and ivy strewn across it, and a single holiday card sits in a place of honour upon it.

There's even a tree. Yes, Wanda has put up a tree - the entire thing lit from top to bottom with glittering lights. Only it isn't decorated. Wanda beams from beside several packages that look to hold decorations for the tree. "Look! It's Christmas! I waited for you to do the tree."

She looks heartbreakingly pleased with herself.

Deadwatch has posed:
Though he ASKED her to move in with him (and has never regredted it in te slightest), Nolan still sometimes forgets that there a new permeneant fixture in his 'household'. And thats fine! Being 'surprised' by her still being there is one of the most WONDERFUL things that happens to him on an almost daily basis...

But this surprise.. really is surprising.

He blinks once.. then twice.. in awe of just how /diffrent/ his place looks. The decorations. The tree. the freakin /mantle/.. What the hell...?

"I swear that was just an aspirin I took..." he murmurs.. "What the... Did I die and end up in a hallmark christmas special?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's a bubbled giggle from Wanda who swoops in and grabs up Nolan in a hug and kisses his cheek.

"See, you are not all the grumpy about the holidays." So she had heard his complaints as he came home. "No. Not a hallmark special. But it is pretty much, yes? Too much, maybe?"

Wanda tilts her head and considers the room critically. "I have never had a Christmas with someone I did love before. And Papa is not so much on the homey sort of celebration." Another of those giggles. "Maybe a tiny bit Hallmark. You are okay? And Oh! There is eggnog. Very much heavy on the nog, not so much on the egg. I thought that might be how you liked it."

Deadwatch has posed:
It is very rarely that NOlan is at a complete losss for words.. and this is one of them. The sense of HOLIDAYS is almost overpowering, and it just erks him on some low subconcious level.. Or maybe less than subconcious. Maybe it's a semi-concious decision that he doesn't like Christmas, consideringvthe absuive foster homes as a youngster.. teh streets as a teen and, of course, prison after that. He really cannot think of a signle time that Christmas and the accompanying season was anything other than.. well.. Aweful.

But.. that hapy look on her face.. That impish smile. The /kiss/... No, his heart has not grown three sizes yet but.. it has softened slightly, of only for her and not The Season itself. "Well considering your father is jewish... it's a completely different style of celebration.." he points out, finally finding words. HE then sighs inwardly and RESOLVES not to hurt her feelings with HIS feelings on christmas...And offers her a lopsides half-smile. "If there is tripple teh nog, I think I can survive it.."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda knows more than she's letting on about the warring emotions going on in Nolan, and waits patiently. She'd just as happily un-Hallmark the place a little (or a lot) if he really wanted her to, but she's also hoping he doesn't. So when he instead grins at her, the woman smiles as if lit from within, and kisses his cheek again.

"I did buy an extra bottle of the nog. It is this dark, spiced rum? I think it maybe better without the egg bit of the drink, but I did make us each one of the official kind so that we could say we did it. After that, maybe we just have the nog?"

She laughs, and takes his hand. "Come. We are going to decorate the tree. And then we can put a present under it." Wanda says that very mysteriously, making it clear that she has at least one present for Nolan. "Only you can not peek until Christmas day. Or.. maybe one present Christmas eve."

Fine. Wanda has presents. Plural.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight does seem to perk up at the thought of spiced rum... And his girlfriend... and the kind of shennanigens a mixture of the two can lead to. He actually gets a dreamy look on his face for a momemt, then quickly shakes it off as she grabs his hand and leads him (kicking and screaming in his mind) tpowards the tree.

"But Waaaaandaaaaaa..." he implores.. no.. lets be onest.. he wines. "Trees are Diiiiiirty." Yep, city boy. "And.. And.. I haven't gotten you a present..."

To which he quickly adds "YET!"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Pshhhhh," Wanda says dismissing Nolan's complaints. "My tree is not dirty."

Even if it is very real, and smells very nice in his.. er.. their apartment.

"And I do not need the presents. This was for me. To see you happy. So, we will not worry about that, yes?"

She leads him to the waiting boxes of ornaments, and the very large glasses filled with eggnog that is probably 1 part egg to many parts nog. She wasn't kidding when she'd told him that.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight accepts the large glass of EXTREMEMLY nogged drink, because he realizes he will need it. If only to relax and NOT say something stupid to somehow offend his love. He LIKES her happy and as much as he dislikes THE HOLIDAYS(tm) he would LIKE her to be happy... and, of course, have the chance to see her naked again before sometime in the middle to later coming year.


A big 'sip' of eggnog later he looks at the box of ornements and then at the stree, frowning. "I'm still trying to figure out where this monstrosity CAME from." he says slowly. "You checked it for rabid squirrels, right?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda has, by this time, climbed upon the couch, and perched upon the back of it. It's very clear that she's intending on watching Nolan place ornaments on the tree, and that it will make her very happy. She's got this nearly childish look of pleasure on her face as she cups her eggnog in both hands.

One hopes she's intending to help decorate at some point.

"Oh, silly. There are no rabid squirrles in the tree. And you might not like so much how I got it." Which could mean Wanda dragged the thing in here after haggling with a street seller at the corner lot (in which case one might truly pity that poor seller who may have ended up agreeing to give away the next twenty or so trees for free, all for the price of a kiss on the cheek for Wanda's tree to boot), or she could very well have just conjured the darn thing here without a thought.

The ornament boxes, at least, all have stickers on, which suggests she's probably paid for them. Probably.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight looks so damned skeptical about ALL of this. How she got the tree itself is the LEAST of his worries/problems.. "As long as you didn't kill someone for it.. or if you did, that they at least deserved it.." he grumbles and takes another 'sip' of his eggnog befre peering down at the boxes of ornamants.

He gives them the hairy eyeball for a moment.. Then ooohs and gets an idea. "Hey, lets makes this a /group/ effort.." he says, and whistles loudly, sharp and shrill. "Hey, ya lazy asses. Why dontchya come out her and HELP for a change!" he says, and for a moment nothing happens.. Then one of the boxes slowly opens of it's own accord.

"See! Christmas SPIRITS!" he says as the ornements start to float up and orbit the tree.. all while he has a very TOM SAWYER look on his face.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I do not think I have killed anybody recently," Wanda teases - but it does make one wonder if she has, ever. Wanda giggling as Nolan calls in the troops to do the dirty work, so to speak. "That is cheating! How is it us decorating the tree together if you make them do it?"

Her laughter would suggest she's not horribly offended by his cheating.

"You must do one by yourself, though, yes? Just one. And then they can decorate the tree." As it occurs to Wanda that it might have been eons since some of Nolan's 'companions' had a chance to celebrate in any fashion, let alone decorate a tree. "That is a very bad joke, though. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Christmas 'spirits' indeed!

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan just grins, leaning back against the couch and sipping his eggnog and looking all smug. "Oh yes, I'm so ashamed of myself I think I'm gonna have another glass of nog." he says cheerfully, and with a wink... And then oofs as a shiny plastic ornament 'accidently' smacks him on the back of the head.

"Hey!" he says, spinning around and glaring at a whole lot of empty space. "Which one of you did that?!?" he asks... He waits a moment, looking from spot to spot to spot, squinting.. "Is this the thanks I get for looking after you, ya lugs?"

*POINK* Another bauble is lobbed at him.

Nolan 'acks' and quickly shuffles sideways. "Why you ungrateful...."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda just looks smug over her mostly eggless-nog. "I swear, I did not tell them to do that."

She might, as it happens, be making sure the box of plastic ornaments remains chock full. For reasons.

"At least they are not using the glass ones?" she says impishly, then clambours from her seat on the back of the couch. "Come. We will put some of the tree, then let them finish. I may have promised them they could do the star."