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Latest revision as of 06:43, 6 February 2019

A Menacing Glow in the Sky
Date of Scene: 17 December 2018
Location: Roswell, New Mexico
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Miss America, Wonder Woman, Captain America

Miss America has posed:


Many, many decades ago, it is said that *something* crashed into the desert. Many say it was a UFO, and that the government conducted secret and rather twisted experiments on the surviving spacecarft pilot in a secret government facility, far beneath the desert.

Some people will tell you it's baloney (or 'bologna' if you want to be anal about it). But most people will point out that there is an alien clad in red, yellow and blue flying around the planet doing good, an Amazon going around defending the innocent, and a thawed World War II veteran turned superhuman thanks to magic juice. By comparison, a lonely alien spacecraft seems like an ordinary thing.

This may be some small comfort to the people walking down the streets of Roswell, as a large alien spacecraft materializes out of thin air with a magnificent display of light and sound, causing people to freeze and, of course, point up at the sky. Fortunately, the large ship deploys a flotilla of smaller, nimble fighter crafts that swoop down towards the city before someone can say "It's a bird! It's a plane..."

Instead, people scream and start running like the dickens as brilliant beams of red light collide with structures, causing significant damage.

No other cities are currently reporting alien incursions, so this seems like a localized incident. The organizations in charge of relaying emergency communications send the notice less than two minutes into the event, relaying it to all organizations and individuals qualified to tackle this emergency...

Wonder Woman has posed:
The invisible jet was dispatched from its existing flight course that was taking it back to Manhattan from Los Angeles. The alien-tech powered Jet (coincidence?) was capable of tremendous airspeeds as it defied Earth-technology and operated on a level that was outside the known realms of gravity and how to defy it.

As such, the skies of New Mexico are being visited by another alien-created flyint construct, but this one is in the hands of Wonder Woman.

"Take us to where the last sighting of this event was." Diana says to her pilot, another Amazon who was here from Themyscira to get to experience some of Diana's life, learn from it and hopefully grow into a better Amazon warrior herself (this is part of how Diana had pitched this program of Amazons leaving Themyscira to begin with.)

"Yes, ma'am."

And moments later the whine of the Invisible Jet's strangely powered engines roar through the sky over Roswell!

Captain America has posed:
Thank god for a clean bill of health because, despite his saintly noteriety, Steve Rogers was driving the medical bay staff of the Triskelion //up the walls//. There are still sutures to remove, but the damage of an unmarked rifle bullet has healed at an exceptional rate in both lower torso and thigh muscle. He's practically up to snuff! (Please don't tell Fury why he's borrowing one of the Quinjets, SHIELD staff.)

The absconded Quinjet peels across the sky at an incredible rate of speed from New York, headed for the blip of danger and terror that is radio'd out from Roswell. He places a finger to his ear and replies along the local police channels for the town: "Captain Rogers, on my way. I'll be there sooner than later, but for now, get the citizens to safety. Underground, inside sturdy buildings, whatever it takes." It'll be a few minutes yet before he arrives, but at least they know the Man with the Plan is incoming!

Miss America has posed:
While our heroes arrive, the local emergency services have received Captain America's message and are doing their best to get people to safety. It isn't easy, what with Death From The Sky threatening everything.

A star shines brightly, all of a sudden... a literal five-pointed star, the kind you find on kids' drawings or Hallmark Christmas cards. It is quite large and shiny in the firmament. This being December, one might be forgiven for checking the date, all things considered... but when the star shatters into particles of light, it not an angelic visitor but a red, white and blue blur that comes through.

Miss America intercepts one of the small fighter crafts, punching it off-course and causing considerable damage to its hull as it crashes onto the paved road in a clouf of billowing smoke. The cowering civilians that had ducked to avoid the barrage of fire scatter towards their intended escape routes now, and America walks slowly towards the fallen craft, cracking her knuckles.

She was in a foul mood. She had just left a table full of Korean barbecue behind. The best one in the multiverse, in fact ("10/10 would definitely eat again" - Jenny Anywhere), so she is not feeling very charitable.

She approaches the craft and clamps her hands on the metal chassis, and begins to pull. With the scream of metal tearing, America separates the roof of the small fighter, tearing it clear off and revealing an injured, and very terrified, pilot. It is hard to see what alien species they belong to, as their body suit covers them from head to toe. They are, at least, humanoid.

"You've got ten seconds," she says, cracking her knuckles again.

Behind her, a stealthier, smaller craft hovers just behind a building and locks her in its combat system's sights. The pilot of the stealth craft smirks, and presses the trigger. The beam charges, and fires...

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana departs from the interior of the invisible jet by free falling out of the back of it, which makes the figure of a woman in armor holding shield and sword suddenly appear up within the sky itself. She drops to the ground as the jet that brought her here remains unseeable to the naked eye.

After gliding through the sky, Diana's eyes take sight of the other causing the crash of the craft and her flight power makes her adjust her course until she zooms through the air and comes upon a craft, seeing an energy weapon charging and firing? Diana rockets forward at tremendous speed and with all the vigor in her godly-powered arms she moves to stab her sword right into the hear of the machine to where she believes whomever is firing that weapon is located! Aparently she's not afraid to cause harm upon the person firing what she deems to be a death-giving alien ray gun!

Captain America has posed:
And landing on the ground between America and the impending energy blast is one Steve Rogers and his trusty, not-so-dusty spangled shield. The ray, if successfully fired after the trauma of Diana's well-placed sword, will ricochette from the Vibranium's surface with a resounding RING of sound and off into an empty area of the air itself.

He's not had time to put on his helmet, but he does wear the navy-blue tactical suit with the white star-and-wings emblazoned across his chest. At his waist, two powerful handguns. "You gotta pay attention to your surroundings," he chides the young woman gently even as he stands up, shield still at the ready. He's well aware that America has the quivering alien-pilot in-hand and isn't about to interrupt her attempt.

Miss America has posed:
America turns around at the sound of the explosion. Diana's attack did a number on the craft, and it did prevent the beam from hitting America directly... although it did need to be intercepted by Cap to prevent more collateral damage. The craft itself dovetails into the ground and crashes. If the pilot survived, it won't be for long.

"Noted," the young woman says to Captain America, while holding the injured pilot by what passes for its neck. She doesn't sass Captain America. America Chavez may be a pile of sass on two legs, but you just do /not/ sass the Captain.

The other woman, of course, she recognizes immediately as well. It looks like the heavy hitters were sent.

"They probably wouldn't have hurt me," she adds, as she walks towards the Captain, hoping Wonder Woman will join them as well. She tosses the alien pilot onto the ground and points at him. "Doesn't speak any language I know. Don't even recognize who he's from." The alien, now divested of its helmet, looks very similar to the 'grey' aliens that many UFO conspiracy theorists go on about... but it is not quite the same look. There are subtle differences, there is an actual nose and a bridge, the eyes are smaller...

"We need a plan."

America is looking up. The swar of fighter craft is clearly pulling up and circiling away, no doubt to re-group and re-focus on the newly perceived threat. Them.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana doesn't immediately join because she's pre-occupied... having stowed her shield onto her back once more she's using her sword and her left hand to rip the alien craft open that she'd just skewered with her mythically forged sword!

The sounds of the strange metalic object can be heard being twisted and torn as Wonder Woman shreds it like a piece of fruit! When the top piece is off she discards it to the ground then reaches inside to grab whatever was piloting it and do the same with it!

Only then does Diana leap BACKWARDS off of the destroyed alien craft and in a long diving arch she comes to land between the Americas, with her shield back in her left hand and her sword pointed upward beside her, eyes upon the sky.

"Whoever they are." She says. "They have made a mistake today." She says in her deeply accented English.

Captain America has posed:
"Yeah, deciding to harass this place was a bad idea," agrees Steve evenly with Diana even as he settles his shield more comfortably on his arm. His blond hair is mussed and a bit dusty now, but he seems more than happy to continue taking things apart piece by piece. It seems to be working well in Diana and American's case.

He regards the alien tossed over by America with a tight grit of his jaw. "We're gonna need someone to keep an eye on this one. We don't need anyone wandering over and hitting it in the head with a shovel." Because the locals likely take exception to this attack. "Happy to do so if you ladies wish to continue bringing down the ships." The swarm of alien craft, looking to reorganize and continue attack, is not a good sign to the Captain.

Miss America has posed:
"Maybe we shouldn't waste time with the little guys." America points towards the 'mother ship', although it really isn't big enough to be called that. "We should take it down. I'll give you a ride," she says to Steve, doing a very good job of sounding just like her usual gruff self, and not admitting that she just had a rather funny mental image of doing a fastball special with the Captain. She could probably throw him all the way to the alien mother-ship. "Or..."

She gets an idea and smirks. "You're a pilot," she says to Steve, and then she turns to America, "And the Princess has an invisible jet. We could kill two birds with one stone here, we can hit the ship, you can shoot down the fighters."

The swarm is now heading their way- not yet within firing range, but closer. The streets are now completely empty. Unfortunately, the gods of narrative must have fallen asleep at the wheel, as no thematically-appropriate tumbleweed appears to roll across the scene.

"Whatever we must do, we gotta do it now."

Wonder Woman has posed:
As it were, when the Invisible Jet is mentioned, it appears... at least sort've.

In the sky above where the alien vessels are making their attack patterns more clean, the sudden sight of twin sky-blue laser beams emit from out of no-where and the speed that they're traveling from indicates that they're attached to something!

The invisible jet's current pilot is already cutting its way through the fighters to get back to where they others are.

"I believe we can make a go of that." Diana says back to America, the female one. She then looks to Cap and she dips her chin softly once toward him. "It is good to see you again, Captain." She then says, but a moment later, Diana is gone, shooting up into the sky and arching her way up toward where her invisible ride is blasting at more of the alien craft!

Captain America has posed:
Steve watches Wonder Woman arc off into the wild blue yonder after returning her greeting with a nod and a small smile. "Always a sight, watching her at work," he comments before turning towards America. "I think we'd better let her and her copilot do the shooting. You gonna give me that ride?"

And there's that gleaming grin, the one that makes a certain Bucky Barnes wince and pray that his friend's alive at the end of the escapade. Of course he wants to be thrown like a fastball at the mothership! What a few sutures and recently-healed internal trauma? This is way more entertaining.