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Latest revision as of 00:24, 7 February 2019

Cat and Clown Cross Downtown
Date of Scene: 05 February 2019
Location: Downtown Gotham City
Synopsis: While scouting the Iceberg Lounge, one Catwoman encounters one Harley Quinn. They catch up and make some plans.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Harley Quinn

Catwoman has posed:
It's a cold, frosty night in Gotham City, a light snow falling at the moment. The wind is low and the intensity of the storm rises and falls. It could lead to a new inch or so on the ground, or it could even get up to half a foot. With a layer of white blanketing the city, some sounds are dampened. For catburglars in catsuits, it makes the soles of her boots more important for good footing, but it can also make it a little easier to be spotted.

Perhaps that's why Catwoman is nestled top a roof across the street from the Iceberg lounge, puffs of breath forming in the air as she studies who comes and goes thanks to a night vision setting in her goggles. It's one of those nights where a little extra insulation in her outfit is welcomed, but it doesn't mean she's comfortable. Some of that snow has nestled between the ears of her cowl, a sign of how long she's been up there. Digging into a shoulder bag she has with her, she withdraws an energy bar and makes short work of it, the wrapper placed back in the bag. Marks in the snow aside, leave no trace behind.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is many things. But a fan of the snow is not one. So, she's been indulging with a little "warm times" in a place that's usually anything but: the Iceberg Lounge. Sure, it's a little on the cool side in there...but enough alcohol in your system, and you're warm in almost anything. She's made some concessions to the cold; tight leather pants, and a jacket. But the hair and the pale skin are almost unmistakeable, as she steps out into the night of Gotham.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman's focus sweeps up and down the street, watching a few cars pass by. One stops in front of the Lounge and lets a man and woman out, Catwoman adjusting a zoom setting and snapshot feature in the goggles in order to get a few pictures she can research further later on. They don't look familiar, but if they're particularly wealthy they might be worth paying a visit to sometime.

Shortly after that, the view picks out a single white female leaving the Lounge, and with the color of that skin, pale might be an understatement. Then, another detail or two is realized and the feline fatale blinks a few times. "Is that..? Huh. I think it is."

The surveillance comes to a close and as she rises, Catwoman has herself a bit of a stretch first, working out the kinks and a few tight muscles, then she uses a nearby fire escape ladder to make it back to street level instead of her whip, coming out of an alley and striding across the street between stop lights. Coming into view, there's a half-smile in the woman's lips. "Harley Quinn, is that you?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
She isn't wearing the domino mask, but there's not many rocking THAT look. Harley stops, does a bit of a doubletake, then smiles a bright, beamish smile. "Heya, pussycat! What's got you out here tonight? Ain't fit out here for man nor cat." She's a little unsteady, which might be drunkenness, the heels...or just an act.

Catwoman has posed:
"Good recon doesn't take a back seat to anything, even a little snow," Catwoman explains, resting a gloved, clawed hand against a hip, her footing much more certain than what Harley's appears to be. "I haven't seen you in a while. When did you decide to ditch the clown suit? Was it when you left you know who?" She knows better than to fully drop her guard around any of Gotham's underworld, but she /looks/ like she's just engaged in casual, comfortable conversation.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley laughs. "Keepin' comfortable's got a lot ta be said for it, Miss Kitty. Ya snoopin' around on Pengy's business?" She considers the question. "Maybe, yeah. Thought the old outfit was a little dated."

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman offers a small laugh, nodding her way toward an adjacent alley that will get them out of obvious sight. "You know me. I love a good-looking catsuit, and I can't say yours was a bad one." After she's entered the alley, she's noted to tap her chin. "But I know the fun in mixing your look up from time to time." She eyes the exit to the darkened space, then peers further in with the benefit of her goggles to lead her to say, "Nobody else is in here. Anyway, I heard a rumor Oswald's running some guns again, and there's been a bit of a spike in my neighborhood. If he's involved with that, I'd like to know. You didn't see him in there, did you?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley grins. "Yeah, it had its charms. But not in weather like this anyway. No insulation in that thing!" She'll walk over towards the alley with Catwoman, before looking over. "Pengy? Yeah, he's in there. You know him; he likes ta see and be seen. Center of attention and all that. Only time in his life he's ever had that."

Catwoman has posed:
"And I'm sure he's got all the yes-men he can ask for, too," Catwoman mutters, shaking her head. "I know better than to go in there looking for trouble, but that's why I'm trying to figure out if he's connected to this or not. I may steal things for a living, but I'm trying to at least do some good around here when it comes to people who need a little help. They're just trying to get from one day to the next." She rests her shoulders against a building, idly inspecting her claws. "You been keeping yourself out of trouble? Out of Arkham, at least?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley grins. "If I was in Arkham, I could hardly be here, right, Kitty?" She leans against the wall. "People are gonna want guns in that neighborhood regardless if it's Pengy movin' 'em or not, ya know that, right?" She watches Catwoman carefully, analyzing her body language and tone.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman notes, "Some people have a knack for escaping. Me, I'd rather not need to in the first place. I like my freedom." Facing Harley, she continues to check the exit of the alley off and on, lowering her voice or silencing herself if the sound of anyone else draws near. There aren't a lot of people out right now. "There's a difference between guns for self defense and guns meant to be used on others. I'm talking gang type stuff, Harls." She keeps it conversational, but it's clear she's trying to look out for certain types of people. "Let's put it this way. I know what it's like to have nothing, and I know what it's like to feel like you have to sleep with one eye open all the time."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley listens. "Yeah...Look. I don't really wanna break up Pengy's deal; he's a good resource ta have around. /But/ I'll lend ya a hand removin' em from circulation. Then Pengy makes his money, you get your no-guns, and everybody's happy. Sound good?"

Catwoman has posed:
It's Catwoman's turn to raise a brow. "Yeah, I don't really have a problem with anyone getting paid. After all, what happens after he's sold the guns isn't his business, right? If he's behind it, of course." Then she squints at the Clown Princess of Crime. "You're not shitting me, are you? Harley Quinn, turning over a new leaf too?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley can't help but grin. "Well, I figure once we get 'em outta the ganger's hands, they gotta go SOMEWHERE. A girl could turn around and make a nice little bit'a resale profit." The "new" Harley. One part hero, one part villain. Get the guns off the street, then resell them to make it someone else's problem.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman waves a hand at the idea. "That's not really the sort of business I usually do, but I get where you're coming from. If we helped each other out with that, maybe we could figure out a fair deal. I wouldn't even need a 50/50 split, and you could redirect them wherever else you wanted as long as it's out of there." The thought percolates inside her head. It might not be her first choice, but it also might not be a bad one.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Sounds like a fair deal ta me!" Harley extends her hand to Catwoman, offering a shake. "We get some money in our pockets, an' that warm fuzzy feeling inside. An' it's so cold out here, I could use a warm fuzzy feeling. Other than the wine." She quips.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman ensures there's no hidden joy buzzer or anything like that before she clasps hands with Harley. "I could always use some extra cash without needing to do a heist," she explains, quick to add, "Not that I mind a good one of those. You got a good way to reach you? I need to do some more digging before I know what we're really dealing with, and yeah, I've got a little extra insulation in this thing but that doesn't mean I want to be out here all night."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley looks offended...exaggeratedly so, admittedly, but still offended. "Geez! Here ya want me ta help you with guns and ya don't even trust a girl with a handshake?" She'll rattle off a phone number. "Ya can reach me there. At least for a few more days." Not like she uses a regular phone; burners are only good so long.

Catwoman has posed:
"I know who you used to run with," Catwoman points out calmly, all cool and collected in saying so. "And sometimes, old habits die hard. Consider this a chance to show me what you're all about on your own," she explains, keeping it friendly enough but also making it clear that trust will have to be developed. Taking a phone of her own out, she sends a quick text to the number given, making sure it works. "Why don't you send me a text if the number changes. This one's only for certain uses."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley nods. "Sounds fair, Miss Kitty!" She gives an exaggerated wave. "I'm gonna get a move on...that wine is wearin' off, an' I'm startin' to lose feelin' in my bits!"

Catwoman has posed:
A wry grin shows in what's more easily made of Catwoman's expression, mainly from the pet name Harley's chosen for her. "It wouldn't do for you to freeze out here, darling. Go on, get yourself warmed up." She gestures back toward the end of the alley, a little more snow present than when they'd ducked in. "I'll be in touch."