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The Young Aunty Kate
Date of Scene: 10 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rachel Grey runs into her Aunt Kate (Kitty) in this timeline. Nega and Cannonball stop bye to talk
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Marvel Girl, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Cannonball

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde has had a long day. 2-3 hours sitting in Heathrow before her flight. 7-8 hours in the air. 3 more hours at Boston's Logan waiting for Lockheed, whose pet carrier got put on a later flight by mistake. Then the Uber ride to the school.

And THEN finding out Bobby had found out about her trip and had wrapped everything in her room in tinfoil. Even down to the paintings and fixtures. There is still a huge pile of tinfoil in the room, but everything is unwrapped. Then the arrival of the new student, and a big group breakfast.

Throw in jet lag, and Kitty is tired! She just sort of falls into a sitting position her bed and kicks off her shoes. "Lockheed, if anyone wakes me before... Tuesday?" she says. "Well, only breath fire on them if it's Bobby." That gets an excited puff of smoke from the dragon as he lands over on the bed. Kitty stretches out her arms and looks at the bed, then back at the open door. She stares at the open door, hoping she's developed psychic powers that will swing it shut without her having to get back up again.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Who does have psi powers is Rachel and the moment she walks into the mansion, she blinks and takes off like a rocket! but Rachel's had a very very crazy week, she got thrown into this timeline, got to meet her mom and dad who are supposed to be dead, saw people that she watched get killed than had a little heart to heart with her mom. BIg emotion day. The moment Rachel sensed a mind she was familiar with she rushes up Stands in the doorward for just a moment " Aunty kate! " she says with almost relief before she launches herself into a tackle hug!

Shadowcat has posed:
It's a near thing whether Kitty is going to go intangible and Rachel fly through her to land on the bed or not. If she was less tired, that might have very much been the result. Instead she gets tackled hugged right as she's standing up from the bed. Kitty sways but keeps her footing.

"Aunty Kate?" she repeats. The twenty-year-old reaches over to gently pat Rache's back tentatively. Pat... pat... pat pat. "Wait, are you..." Kitty wracks her brain. Did someone say a name? Jean and Scott's daughter from... was it another reality? The future?

Seriously, why do people drop big news like that when you're suffering from the Jet Lag From Hell?

"You're Jean and Scott's daughter, right?" Kitty asks hesitantly.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Doesn't hear maybe she does hard to say right now she's holding onto the other woman and hugging her. Eye's closed for a long moment when kitty looks at her other than the face tattoos she looks exactly like a 18-19-year-old jean it's rather scary, one or two points off but not much.

     She will after a moment look up and sigh " Sorry I moved without thinking ". she steps back rubbing the back of her neck " Bad day ".

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's mouth drops open a little bit as she sees Rachel's face. Thoughts tumble through her head. Memories of Jean a few years back, nearer to the same age that Rachel is now. Kitty's expression slowly turns into a soft, friendly smile. Kitty's face might be younger, but that smile? That smile hasn't changed at all. "It's ok," she says. And then Kitty gives a soft laugh. The same laugh too. "Just took me by surprise. So... Aunty Kate? Jean and Scott let me be that close of a part of your life?" she asks. Seeming touched.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks blush then get sad looking at the ground " They died when they attacked the mansion almost everybody did... I was taken I didn't find you till I broke my programming, you fixed me " . Any other day kitty would get rage and pushed away from Rachel but after a mega emotional day, Rachel is very vunrable so easier to pry open for secrets.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's expression softens. "Honey, come here," she says, reaching out and if allowed will gently take Rachel's hands in hers and bring over so they can both sit down on the bed. "I'm glad if I was to be there for you when you needed me. And I'll try to keep doing that. Even if I look a little younger."

Kitty smiles over to Rachel and says, "Wait a minute. Do I get wrinkles?" she asks, smiling and trying to divert Rachel's thoughts from the darker ones that Kitty's question had made her think of.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey gives a sad little laugh but she laughs before she hugs herself to kitty again and closes her eye's " No.. you got so beautiful I wished every day I could be half as good looking". She says softly then she frowns and opens her eye's " Holy crap he's real! " she STARES at Lockheed!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a warm laugh. "Ok, now you're just flattering," Kitty says with a little bob of her head from side to side. Kitty returns the hug this time, fully. Squeezing tight and not letting Rachel go for a little bit. "He's real? Oh, Lockheed?" Kitty asks.

Thoughts tumble through her head. Something happens to Lockheed? No, Kitty, don't do that. It may not be the same future. And anyway, Rachel needs you. Just focus on that.

Kitty smiles and says, "Yep, he's real." Lockheed rises and walks over to Rachel. "I am," the dragon says. Kitty's eyebrows go up a little bit. "He doesn't speak very often," she says to Rachel.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Stays next to kitty leaning against her but she's got that look on her face like a girl getting to use a unicorn, but for Rachel, Lockheed is a thousand times better than that.. Her eye's sparkle as she slowly reaches out she stops " Can I touch you " She says softly very humbly " You told me about him I always thought he was like a kid story you told me to calm me down.. but he's real he's so beautiful".

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed walks forward, rubbing against Rachel's hand and then moving to curl up in her lap. "People are always letting themselves forget he's as sentient as they are, just because he's quiet. And small," Kitty says in a wry voice. "I'd say he seems pretty comfortable with you," Kitty adds.

Kitty looks her over. Thoughts running to how much she looks like Jean. And can see a little Scott there too? There's an image in Kitty's head of Scott fainting, but it's Kitty's fabrication, not a memory. "This all must be pretty hard on you," Kitty says compassionately.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles softly and starts to pet Lockheed " How could anything think he's anything but amazing " she says her voice shakes she thinks it's so true. She grew up sorta on stories of Lockheed, most girls grow up with princesses and fairies, unicorns. Rachel got Lockheed so to her he's the best! She nods a little " Yeah I met some nice people I got along with though, just this time is so confusing " she says softly

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh, well they think he's amazing. I mean, how can they not!?" Kitty says with a laugh. Lockheed nods his head. Damn straight. "Just they kind of think of him as a pet sometimes. Not everyone, but more than would admit it until they get reminded now and then."

Kitty says softly, "So I... when you and I got together? How old were you, Rachel?" Kitty slides the rest of the way up onto the bed, sitting cross-legged as she faces Rachel.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey slides her own legs up to go crossed legged " I was " She frowns and shrugs " I dunno it was several years go I think I dunno how old I am " she says honestly. Sitting with Lockheed in her lap petting him softly treating him like a champion .

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a slow nod as she seems to take in all of this. "We should probably talk at some point. About, you know, there are things that, I don't care about the future. But things that are important with /you/. Those I want to know. But I don't think we need to have that talk yet," she says. Kitty slides over and slips her arms about Rachel. "I know what it's like to lose someone you care about. And, even if I don't have the memories of our time together? I can already tell I'd have loved you like a daughter."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey When she says that she starts to cry she can't help it she kisses kitty's cheek " You didn't change .. you " she wants to say more but she can't she's crying and hugging Lockheed and her! Yep Big emotion day as NTW says.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde just wraps Rachel in her arms and holds her. "Of course I don't change. Though I was kind of hoping I might get a /little/ bit more busty in time. I mean, have you seen the women on these teams?" Kitty sighs and blows a stray wisp of hair away from her face before giving a good natured grin.

She just keeps holding Rachel though. LIke she's not planning to let her go. Aunty Kate is here. And so is Lockheed.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Sobs and cries for a long while but she's clinging to kitty , she laughs about the boob comment " You'll be happy to know yes " she says wiping her eye's after a while and sniffling and she rubs her face on Lockheed " Your right he's the best cry cure".

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's eyes widen. "I do? Really? And it's not like... I didn't /buy/ them did I?" An image of Emma Frost appears in Kitty's mind. "Nevermind. No chance in hell I'd do that. Well. Good!" Kitty gives a warm laugh and she smiles to Rachel. Kitty hugs her good and tight, holding her. "I had no idea you were here," Kitty says. "Or, you know, Aunt Kate. I'd have come home sooner if I'd known."

A thought in her head. Piotr. The thought pushed out just as fast as it appeared.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles " Not every day that somebody from the future shows up.. or maybe they do " she sighs frowning " This timeline is a mess.. You know we don't have a superman or a power girl have you see her " she puts her hands out " I mean girl wants bigger boobs but that's just silly " .

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde laughs so hard she nearly snorts. "I know. I can't imagine what instructions she had to give to her costume maker to end up with that. Or was it like, a dear friend who made it and she just didn't want to hurt his feelings?"

Kitty leans back on her hands and asks, "So do you have a code name?" she asks. "Do you have powers like Jean? Or Scott? Or... I guess not both since you're not, you know... future so bright you have to wear shades," she says, motioning to her eyes.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Grins " I had eyebeams when I was small actually so I'm told, " she says softly " I burned Piotr's finger " . She nods " right now I'm phonix I think " She lifts an arm and slowly it's wreathed in fire ' I'm similar to my mom but you know with fire too " .

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's eyes widen. "Wow," she says, having some idea of what Jean is capable of. Though also, not truly knowing as it turns out. "I guess you know... well you probably know more about me than I know about myself at this point," Kitty says with a soft laugh. "Also? He probably deserved it, so don't feel bad."

Thoughts in Kitty's head. Piotr. Kitty. Yelling. Ok, maybe it was more her yelling than him. A fight anyway.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks at he rshe shouldn't pry she really really shouldn't but Rachel since coming to this timeline has found her powers are like 100 times stronger and her control has gone completely to pot! She puts her hand on his "Bucket-head was stupid again wasn't he? "

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sniffles just a little bit at the question. "Yes," Kitty says. She looks down at her hands. Fingers clenching. Unclenching. "Maybe I was too. But I just... I'm still furious half of the time, if I think about it." She sighs and says. "We haven't talked in awhile. We'll see. I want to see Ilyana too. Do you know her?" Kitty asks.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks " blond cute and teleports? " she asks " She said she was his sister so yes I met her for a moment she was looking for my boyfriend ".

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde nods and says, "Yes, that's her. We're really close. Been through a lot together. It is a pretty long story. If you don't know it already." Quite possibly she's seen Kitty use the Soulsword at some point in the future? Or go to Limbo. "I haven't had a chance to see her yet. But, I've only flown in a little bit ago."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Shrugs " I just learned about her I never knew he had a sister .. I don't know much about him since you barely talk about him and his family, He died in the first attack, " she says simply Rachel didn't know that she had run to limbo and never came back.

Shadowcat has posed:
The door to Kitty's room is open. Kitty and Rachel are sitting cross-legged on the bed. Kitty still has her arms around Rachel, though they are just sitting and talking. Lockheed is curled up in Rachel's lap.

Also? There is a huge pile of used tinfoil over in a corner. HUGE.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde goes stock still. "He... he dies?" Kitty asks. The tears well up before she knows they are there. Her hands release Rachel and grab at the bedspread, balling it up in her fists.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I'm sure she is up here somewhere." Ellie notes as she heads into the girl's dorm with Sam in tow. She pops her head into her room, and then hears Rachel down the hall and peeks her head into Kitty's room. Look a sleepy dragon. Daw.

Of course the expression is unimpressed goth teenager from Ellie, not daw. There is only Daw on the inside. "what is up with that tinfoil..."

Then she catches the tears and pain and Ellie's eyes widen and she just stands there looking worried.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is walking along behind Ellia, as she popps into Kitty's room, sam will stop and ask "All clear for me to come in?" He is a gentleman or least trys to be and does not want to pop in on Kitty or maybe even Illyana undressed.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Gives the Ack help I screw up look to Nega then gives the just HELP look to sam. Her arms quickly wrap around kitty " I'm sorry I'm sorry I shouldn't have said " her own eyes getting wet, yep still not recovered from big emotion day!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde stares ahead, brain trying to process a world without Piotr. She's lived in a world without him for the past year, but... but this is different. There are a few moments where Kitty isn't sure that she's going to be able to keep herself here. She focuses on the blankets balled up in her fists. Focuses on feeling them, doesn't let them slip away.

Kitty draws in a breath, sniffling, and slowly lets go of the blanket as the risk of phasing away, maybe phasing out of this dimension, passes. She trembles and then wraps her arms around Rachel. "It... it's ok. It might not be... we have Superman and... the one with the huge boobs," she says, sniffling. "It'll be ok. It'll be ok."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Big emotion day had Ellie being actually civil to people today. Wierd how that works. Not nice. Civil.

At the help look though Negasonic moves into the room proper because someone at least asked for help. "Power Girl." offers Ellie helpfully. It doesn't take a rocket scienctist to figure out what Kitty is probably freaking out about, and Ellie sits on the edge of the bed with Kitty between her and Rachel. "It will definitely be ok. One it looks like things are already different. Two, if it starts looking like things are going that way we will Deal With It." and yeah she really is vehement about tha last part.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie thinks the It'll be ok is ok. He walks in seeing the upset, and hearing whats going on "Future is never set, we have had to remind one of your best friends that alot Kitty, remember we fight for the best tommorow every day.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Maybe she shouldn't maybe she should but she pulls kitty into a deep hug along with Ellie! using her powers to make sure kitty stays put! but poor Lockheed he's in the middle of a girl sandwich *squish*. She looks to Sam with that Really look! rolling her eyes but she's snuggling kitty " It's okay, this isn't my timeline you guys have way more stuff I don't "

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde hugs them all back tightly. Well, Ellie gets more of a gentle hand on her unless Kitty sees Ellie hugging back. She's kind of been pretty good with Ellie's vibe in the past and letting Ellie be Ellie.

"I'm ok. It just... caught me by surprise," Kitty says. Kitty gives Rachel an extra tight hug at least.

"Thanks, Sam," Kitty tells him as he offers the words to comfort her. "I suppose I'll have to... ah, nevermind. Tomorrow. When I'm thinking clearer."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is a bit of surprise when Ellie feels the TK pulling her in to hug Kitty but then she moves to wrap her arms around Kitty and Rachel (and a dragon). Not even blowing anyone up. She actually hugs. Which is probably shocking to Kitty. It's been a weekend so far. "No kidding right." she mutters about the whole future business. Then she rolls her eyes "Kentucky, not is not the time for the scoutmaster pledge..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "It aint a pledge." He will walks over and says "Kitty and Ah have seen afew things together, and while we used to but heads alot, we have made our peace. Kitty is one of the first I would call to help out our other friend..." He sighs and says "We have both seen at least a couple futures we work to prevent. Ah can come in and tell her it is goign to be all right, and it will be, we have to many stubborn folks who are goning to fight to make sure it is. Kitty has had to tel the same thing. Besides, Ah figured out a while back, why all the time travelers we meet are from the darker futures, we work to fight.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Let's go and but keeps poor Lockheed in her arms holding him close like the best emotional teddy ever! She smiles at Sam and then Eillie " Wait why were you two walking together? " Suddenly getting a bad feeling.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde did hug Ellie then, same as she did Rachel. The comments from Samuel get a few nods from Kitty, though she doesn't try to expand on anything. Especially as Rachel cuts in. Kitty glances from Rachel, to Ellie and Samuel, and back to Rachel. It's clear enough Rachel thinks something bad is happening. Kitty stays quiet to see what happens.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is an eyeroll from Ellie at what Samuel says and she leans against Kitty as she looks to him and then over to Rachel. She reaches behind Kitty to touch Rachel and .oO It's cool spikybirb Oo. and then looks to Kentucky making him say something.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie starts to say something but his phone will ring. He brings out a flip phone and looks at a text, and his demeanor changes. He sends a quick beep beep beep beep beep text. Well as fast as ya can on one of those phones. He will look at the ladies, and says "Ah gotta go, will be back in a day or two." He leans in kisses Rachel softly, and as they are all huddled together kisses the top of Kitty and Ellie's heads much like a big brother would do before leaving. He turns stalking towards the door heard to muttering "Damn Cabots."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Kisses sam back and smiles a little at him and nods she lets him go though.. she's too emotional to help right now so she just clings to ellie and kitty for the most part and of course the warmest best cuddle monster lockheed!

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie blinks in surprise as Sam actually kisses her on top of her head like she is one of his god knows how many little siblings and cousins in Kentucky. She extends one hand and flicks her finger like she is flicking at him. A very small charge not even a fraction of a second so as to not actually blow Sam up. Still it is liable to make him yelp when the blast hits him right in the ass, like a kinetic slap to the ass at that force.

Shadowcat has posed:
The burst of emotion took the last of Kitty's energy from her. She rests her head down on Rachel's shoulder. Held in the hug of the other two women. And Lockheed of course. It only takes about a minute for her to fall asleep on Rachel's shoulder.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will get to the door and the bang goes off. He grunts and turns for a moment, anger in his eyes and all he says is "Girl." But then he is turning and two steps and he is heard to says "Lillyana, you on com, I need a disk to Cumberland." And not long after that, a window is heard opening and a blastfeild is heard roaring to life.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Watches sam leave then senses that kitty has passed out and sighs . She carfully using tk she's that carful slowly lowers kitty into the bed wraps her in blankets and stuff lockheed next to her like a guard . She smiles softly her face shows alot of warm if sad love.. She wraps an arm around ellie though and slowly walks out towards ellie's room.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie stretches and slips up to her feet, she looks utterly shameless about what she did to Sam's ass and then looks to Kitty and smiles. The arm wrap and guidance is enough to get Nega to go back to her room, it would have taken less.