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Caught in the Act
Date of Scene: 12 February 2019
Location: Gotham City - West Chelsea Hill
Synopsis: Batman shows up to foil a theft by Catwoman. It ends with him getting a big reason not to trust her.
Cast of Characters: Catwoman, Batman

Catwoman has posed:
Another late night in Gotham City, the time when so many things take place. It's enough to keep a Caped Crusader occupied. He can't be everywhere at once...or can he?

Catwoman is banking on the odds of that being in her favor, having scouted out the estate of a particularly wealthy 'pharmabro' who could do with being taken down a peg or two. She knew he lived in the West Chelsea Hill area, and the mansion he lived in was empty. That's not to say he didn't have security, but /he/ was out of town living it up somewhere. All it took was checking his social media feed.

Easy pickings.

She watched the routes of the guards from a tree across the street from the complex, waiting for them to move on before she vaulted over the fence. From there, a wall scaled to the second floor, right where his office was located. Upon checking, she found the windows weren't set to trip an alarm if they were opened, but she still took care to nudge the latch open with a little push to get it off track, sliding it silently to the side so she could climb in. Moving a picture aside, she found the safe. Most of these places had a setup like that. Why even bother trying to hide it? This was a combination-style lock, easy for her to deal with when using the right equipment. Minutes later, she'd filled her shoulder bag with piles of cash and some jewelery, replacing them in the safe with a few empty boxes of the medicine he'd jacked the prices up on, just a little way of taunting him.

Now, time to go. Back outside, the window was slid shut, and after checking the patrolling guards again she let the whip out to lash at the same tree limb she'd left before.

Batman has posed:
     And that's when a voice comes from the tree once she's close. "Busy night?" That voice she would recognize instantly. Batman peers at her. He figured it was only time before she came here. Bruce set up a few portable cams to give him live feed. He knew the second Catwoman showed up. The man behind the mask is just watching the woman. While he doesn't mind Catwoman's targets, it's still not her possessions.

     His blue eyes hidden behind the lenses to his mask. Breahting out, he is watching intently to see how she'll recover and run from this one.

Catwoman has posed:
Green eyes roll behind the tinted lenses of her goggles. If she was surprised - and she was - Catwoman did her best not to let it show. The only evidence of it shaking her is a second try needed to coil up that bullwhip of hers. "I thought you liked brooding with your stone gargoyles atop those old buildings. Branching out?" she observes.

The cat burglar apparently does not find the prospect of staying in the tree with him to be in her favor, so she does a single rolling flip forward to land softly on the grass below. "Is this the part where you lecture me again?"

Batman has posed:
     Bruce remains silent for a moment. He could have quipped, said a few things of snark like Dick. However, that's not his style. The second she lands, Bruce is coming down and answers with a simple, "No." To most it would look like he's trying to drop on her. To Catowman she could tell he waited a small moment longer than necessary. Apparently, he's just trying to keep her on her toes at the moment. Would that hold out, who knows? "You need more than a lecture tonight. Some would call it -tough love.-" Rising, he gets into a vighitng stance expecting he to run.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman's eyes roll at the Bat, moving to keep at least a few feet of distance between the two once he's landed as well, the cape settling back around him. "Is this the sort of tough love you like to give to your trainees, or do you save a different kind for me?" Sinking into a slight crouch indicates her readiness to react to him, the bag shifted around toward her back. "Come on, Batman. You know this guy's a scumbag taking advantage of people struggling to afford the medicine they need. You should be congratulating me for getting one over on him. Just forget you saw me. I have some business to go do."

Batman has posed:
     Bruce says nothing to her reply. He readies himself a little bit, "Doesn't matter. It's still not yours to take, even if he deserve it," once he is ready, Bruce runs toward her. Leaping upward, he tries to hit her with a jump kick. Landing the on the ground the cape consumes his form once it settels. "We have to be better. Taking from him doens't make us better than him. You're just doing it on a smaller scale, even if most of the city approve of your actions this once." His gaze on her, "We have to be better. You know that..."

Catwoman has posed:
"Even his own employees hate him. How many of them would do what I just did if they could?" she challenges, pointing back at the mansion like she's accusing it of being complicit somehow. "Besides, his home security system is terrible. I could have done this and got away with it when I was still just an inexperienced kitten." No mention is made of Batman having been there waiting for her this night, however.

Then, he gives her just enough of a tell that she reacts on instinct, rolling forward beneath the kick to end in a crouch facing him again. "/I/ don't have to be anything but what I am. I just have to be better than you at that." She gives him time to speak or act, goading him with, "And I'm /always/ better than you at that."

Batman has posed:
     Catwoman has several good points. To Bruce, it didn't matter. They have to be above, the examples. "I know it was terrible. Why do youthink I set up my own camera system? I saw the bad work days ago." There's a pause, he looks at her, "And I would go after his employees, too. You were just the first," he says knowing that she is able to get out of way of the attack. "His avarice and over confidence will be his undoing," then she rolls out of the way. "You're better than this, kitten," she called herself this. Bruce is trying to get through the layers of puns, and skewed thinking she might be a cat. "And you only think you're better."

Catwoman has posed:
A faint, feline smile passes over Catwoman's lips, painted black as night with whatever lipstick she's chosen to wear. Perhaps she'll have to try finding his alleged lair sometime and see if she can crack it. "Are you tempting me?" she questions, sounding curious about it as she eases her way back a couple more steps. After what he sends back her way, those eyes narrow visibly. "I don't remember giving you permission to call me that," she snaps at him, much like the whip she's known to use. Her target for the evening is left behind. Now, Batman is her primary focus. "So what's it going to be? You know I don't go around killing or maiming anyone. Look the other way."

Batman has posed:
     "Well, -kitten-," Bruce adds a little emphasis on that one. "I'm trying to convince you, that you're better. Whatever excuse you want to give yourself, it doesn't change one thing." Unmoved by the snap, he pulls out two batarangs and tosses. Catwoman may think he misses because they don't go close to her head. That's not the target though, he's aiming at the strap of her shoulder bag. The batrangs are sharp enough to cut through bag.

Catwoman has posed:
Again the cat burglar's eyes narrow and she displays the sharp fingertips of her right hand. "You sound like you want a scratching," she warns, apparently not much in the mood for any more wordplay. Her attempt to get in and out with a score has been interrupted, and then as he flings the batarangs at her she turns to duck to one side. Rather than cutting the strap of the bag, they pass through the bag itself. Some of the money begins to fall out, followed by a few pieces of jewelry. "Damn it!" Moments later, the whip is withdrawn and it *CRACKS* at one of his hands, lest he come up with a couple more of his toys.

Batman has posed:
     "You wish you could give me one," Bruce says in the harsh tone. Even the infamous bat could attempt a joke once in a very very blue moon. His aim is true, but the target moves. Cash falls out and he looks at her. "Your bag will keep breaking open the more you go through the city. If I take away your whip, you'll be unable to really use your arms for a get away. You'll be too busy to keep the bag from hemoraging money," Bruce is looking to her. The whip gets at his hand, and he tries to wrap around it, to play tug of war with her. At least tonight is not going to be boring.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman snaps the whip back away before Batman can get a good hold on it, the tip snaking her way. Hundred-dollar bills already begin to scatter around her, and it forces her into making a decision: fight or flight. She could cradle the bag and limit the losses, but she might need her hands free in other ways. Staying and continuing this dance with the Bat runs the risk of losing more than just her take. What's more important to her? "Shouldn't you be out finding something to pin on Penguin instead of wasting your time on me?" she practically hisses. She rearranges the bag to keep it closer, still brandishing the whip in her right hand.

Batman has posed:
     His hand, the one she whipped, subtle movements are coming from it. It hurts more than he lets on, but Catwoman has proof. Those sudden movements woudl tell her a story.

     Bruce tries to run at her. another jump in the air, the plain is to pin her down. Give a simple message, and go from there. That's his plan anyway. A new tactic is being tried on her. Whether this works, or fails horrible, depends on her mood and reflexes. If he misses, he'll roll onthe ground, exposing his backto her for any number of attacks, holds, or even a chance to wrap the whip around his frame. If he hits, then the new tactic will be tried. Either way, it's a risk and he knows it.

Catwoman has posed:
Yes, the bite of the whip should sting. It wouldn't have cut through Batman's glove, but if it hit a weak spot it'll be felt for a little while. Catwoman is trying to multitask now, keeping hold of both bag and whip, and that distraction gives him a moment to get in close. A hand at her shoulder once her back's hit the ground with an 'oof,' and it brings their masked faces within inches of each other. She puts up a squirm and works a leg between his, waiting a moment, and she has a single-worded question for him that's barely beyond a whisper past a clenched jaw: "What?"

Batman has posed:
Staying on her for a moment, "You're better than this, Catwoman." And a hand casually tries to take the bag from her shoulder. The plan is just to slide up, with the bag to return it. She could jerk the bag, try to hold it, and see what happens. However, Bruce isn't exactly prone, but she can use his utter lack of stands to get a few good hits on him. It could create a headstart for her. Everything is on her shoulders now, literally and metaphorically.

Catwoman has posed:
"You don't know me," Catwoman claims, her breath visible on the cool air. She plays it cautiously and slow for the moment, confident in her ability to take the bag back if she has to, but she hazards a moment of trust in seeing what he's going to do. She's still got that leg in an opportunistic position, just in case.

Batman has posed:
     All Bruce does, is rise up. There's no sudden kicks, driving down of the knee, or anything else. Standing up with the bag, if Catwoman lets him up he would keep going. This means standing up, giving her a moment to get up before turning back to the building to return the funds.

     If she suddenly strikes him, then their dance would begin anew. Catwoman can read his body. While he is ready to move, it's not like a springed coil waiting to go off. To a certain extent, his guard is let down. That's trust, especially from a man that fights crime on a nightly basis.

Catwoman has posed:
When he gets to his feet and turns his back to her, he gets a few feet away and then the crack of the whip can be heard again. It doesn't touch him, but he might /feel/ the end of it passing within an inch of the right side of his face before it withdraws. "That's my bag," she says with a notable lack of emotion to the words. "And my score." She's not just going to give it up that easily, but she's back to her feet, adding, "I think those guards heard us. You plan to be here when they come around?"

Batman has posed:
     A sudden crack of the whip, that "Crack!" just causes a casual turn of his head. A distinct lack of emotion comes from her voice, "Then you have a choice. Freedom, or you have to deal with the three of us," he says watching her very intently. Suddenly, he's moving to that tree they both were in at one point. Trying to keep himself steady. Bruce waits to make sure the guards were leaving. Catwoman is lost on him for a moment. He doesn't have a visual on her. Whether she runs off to attempt this another day, or sticks around, neither will shock him. Catwoman's capable of both, he knows this, but at the end of the day Bruce believes there's more good than bad. Tipping the scale toward the good is the goal. Catwoman has so much potential, if only she sees what he does. At least, that's how Bruce sees the situation. Someone that doesn't take a good look in the mirror. All they focus on is the flaws, rather than the merits. Every bad little action, deed, guilt, or otherwise. The specks of good aren't even visible in their vision. And that's another issue, Catwoman's desire. If she doesn't, or refuses, to see herself in any other light then she might be forced into that position.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman's jaw sets behind the Bat. He's got her in a spot she doesn't like to be in, one that compromises her plans and, worse than that, makes her think about what he's trying to tell her. There is good in her, but there is also bad. The trick is in how he can appeal to the side of her he wants to see without risking more of the side he doesn't. Is she good at what she does? Of course. She's one of the best around, which makes her dangerous if for no other reason than what she can get herself into and out of. But, she /is/ flawed. She has her warts, her scars, some of them physical, others mental. She also loves the thrill of what she does.

Then, she says one word: "Stop."

Batman has posed:
     Stopping at the word, by now he is in the tree. AT this point the tree is just a living tool. A step stone from point A to point B. Give both of their time in this particular one, they could probably tell when one is still and the other is in motion. Bruce is still. He is waiting for more words. Sometimes, he does that. When the mask is on, and people want to talk, silence can mean the opportunity to stay on the podium. To speak one's piece, freely and uninterrupted. A look behind and around, if Bruce is gone, then the silence means he didn't care. For catwoman, it is not the latter.

Catwoman has posed:
"Fine. I'll give you the stuff back. Just let me have my bag first," Catwoman offers. It may seem strange for her to be thinking about not leaving without her bag, especially after it's been torn open, since she probably won't mend it. But, she holds out a hand, waiting to see if Batman takes her up on it or not, if he trusts her.

Batman has posed:
     Dipping into the bag, a black gauntlet clad hand started to pull out the contents. Does this show complete trust of Catwoman? No. It only shows some. Complete trust means he would get out of the tree. This is just a moment, a simple moment, but one of them could realize just how open Batman is if he is not paying complete attention.

Catwoman has posed:
Catwoman uses the tree trunk to claw and climb her way up to the same level as Batman, with herself between him and the trunk itself. "I said.." she murmurs, lowering her voice as she boldly dips a hand into the bag, resting it over his, "I'll give it back." The whip's already been coiled up again, not a current threat. Her eyes lock on to his, hidden behind the white slits in his cowl, a seeking expression present. The thumb is used to stroke over the back of that hand, in the vicinity of where the whip had tasted it if it's the same one.

Batman has posed:
     That black gauntlet keeps working. Only when the thumb strokes at it, does it stop. No signs of pain come to him, but she's sure its the same one. Even if it's a moment, Bruce showing pain is something people would remember, if he's wearing the mask. "I'll give it to you when it's empty." There's a few more stacks left in there, but not many. That one little claw does keep the hand still for a moment.

Catwoman has posed:
"Well, I have a few things of mine in there. I don't want to lose them," Catwoman explains. A small pocket or two sewn into the bag's interior, home to some of the tools of her trade. Her hand staying against his, she reaches in with the other one to lift out a stack of cash, handing it over willingly. There are a few more in there, and a necklace slips out of one of the holes, falling to the ground.

She brings that hand up slowly toward the side of his face, to feel along the cheekbone and jawline as she brings her lips close to his. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry you had to come out here tonight."

That's when she cracks open the smoke pellet she'd palmed, hoping to slip it in between skin and cowl at that cheek, and in one motion she seeks to yank and twist his other hand from the bag, trying to wrench it and whatever's left in it back into her possession so she can leap away and scram with whatever she can salvage. Should she make it, she'll add, "But not /that/ sorry! Now go bug someone else!"

Batman has posed:
     And for the moment, Bruce thinks kindness would work out. Dikc, and others, encourage a softer approach. Maybe their advice actually works. He's still watching that hand ,she brings up the necklace. That had is too hidden for him to see the pocket. A touch to his face, liked a lot more than he would ever admit. And suddenly, "Crack!" smoke comes out, and Bruce cries out in pain. "AHHH!" Smoke bombs do require a little bit of spark to go off, and that spark can burn. If only she had seen it, could she say "I burned Batman's face." Will it scar? No. Not physically at least. The mental scar, would not be forgotten. In the future, Catwoman's chances of seeing any similar kindness are now drastically reduced. She might even stand a greater chance at seeing an added level of harshness.

Catwoman has posed:
For better or worse, this is the path Catwoman has chosen this time, not thinking ahead to what may happen next. At this stage, they're more adversarial than not. She doesn't like when he shows up and gets in the way of her plans, and she's not about to leave empty-handed. A few more bills sprinkle the ground in her departure before she gets the bag folded over enough to stop it. Maybe she wasn't thinking of the added effect the smoke pellet would have, but some wounds will heal better than others. Next time, she won't expect him to fall for the same trick again.