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Learning Rachel's Past...Future...Whatever
Date of Scene: 15 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School - Kitty's Room
Synopsis: Rachel discovers cheetos popcorn. Kitty discovers more of Rachel's story.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Marvel Girl, Cannonball

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sends Rachel a text. It's a picture of a big tub of popcorn, with a thing of butter in front of it, and also a can of cheese powder for making Cheetoh popcorn. And the caption, "My room. Bring the drinks. We'll talk!"

Kitty leaves her door open, which she's been doing a lot more of lately when in there and not having any reason not to. She's settled on her bed with music playing, the freshly popped popcorn sitting there, not yet buttered, salted, or cheesed as she waits to see which Rachel prefers on it.

Marvel Girl has posed:
You hear her before she shows up sniffing the air before her head peeks in and she looks at the popcorn. She cocks her head and walks closer though she has what looks like a Case of pop floating behind her. She points " what is that " she points at the popcorn.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits up. "You haven't had popcorn?" Kitty says, eyes widening. "Oh god. Come here come here come here!" Kitty exclaims. "Ok, shoot, we need bowls so you can try it each way," she says. Kitty hops up. Of course she has bowls in her room. The young woman's body consists of 95% cereal.

Kitty returns to the bed and says, "This is popcorn. You take kernels of corn and heat them. And the inside heats up and blows open the kernel and this is what it looks like. It's not bad just as is," Kitty says, scooping a few kernels into a bowl and passing over. "But it's much better soaked in butter and salt... or topped with cheese. There's also karmelkorn with caramel on it but I don't have any of that handy." Kitty will get another bowl scooped out and start putting on the butter and salt, passing that to Rachel when she's ready.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks as she walks over and sits down on the bed pulling her legs up doing like a Lotus seat as she cocks her head. She watches kitty move around " Is there a special day or something today? I found a box of candy in front of my door.. and some flowers then you have this " She leans down to sniff it and try a bit " PopCorn."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh, it is actually. Though I just got the popcorn to share while we talk," Kitty explains. "Try the plain, but unless you really love it, just a few tastes and then move on to the next," Kitty suggests. "The plan is... well, plain. It's great if you don't want to put on too many calories though."

Kitty relaxes, leaning on her hands behind her. "It's called Valentine's Day. Or Saint Valentine's Day. It's a day for focusing on the person you love or are dating. Usually guys will take their girl out for dinner. Or buy her flowers, or chocolates. And there may be some romance. Also sometimes people will use it to reveal they have a crush on someone else," Kitty explains.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Frowns " That sounds like a bad relationship if they need to take a day to focus on their loved one instead of making them happy every single day and enjoying every single moment because you might not have another."

     She grabs the popcorn and starts to eat " I don't put on weight. " She shrugs as she tries the butter " Oh that's better " .

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins as she tries the butter. "And salt. Some people like a lot, others just a little. Or some like just the butter," Kitty says, passing the salt over so Rachel can try it out in different amounts to see which she likes.

"Well, people get busy with their lives. They haven't had to face the kind of life you had," Kitty says, reaching over to give Rachel's knee a soft squeeze. "Ok, this last one... this is cheese powder. There's a snack called Cheetos and they started selling their cheese powder for putting on popcorn. It's great, and stains your fingers orange."

Kitty passes over a bowl of cheese popcorn. "So... I was wondering if you'd be ok if we talked a little? About what your relationship was like with me. I figure it would help if I understood what you've been through. What we... went through together."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks over as she grabs the new bowl and licks her lips she did put too much salt at one point and went ick! But now she's trying to cheese and trying to see if she likes it.. She blinks and shrugs " You were " She looks down and frowns " I don't know how to say it, " She says.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde reaches over to get a pair of the sodas. She opens them up, setting one over for Rachel. Knowing it's nice to have after the salty, or cheesy, popcorn. "You mentioned you'd been conditioned. And managed to break it. Was I part of breaking of it? Or did we end up together afterwards?" Kitty asks. She gets herself a bowl and adds the cheese powder to it, though her attention is largely on Rachel.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles softly " No kinda, " She says softly " Is saw you before.. it was Rahne ". She Looks at the bowl " We we were lovers.. it was the only way we could feel good with everything they were doing".She says softly " Something we could control'. She takes a popcorn and bites it " It's when they took her away from me".

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde eats her cheesy popcorn slowly. The powder comes off on fingers like nobody's business. Building up until Kitty sucks the orange cheesy goop off. Which is the best part!

"And that was what broke their control on you," Kitty confirms. She's keeping one hand free of the popcorn so she can use it to reach over and rest on Rachel, letting her feel Kitty is there for her. "So you broke free, and... about how old were you at that point, would you guess?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Shrugs " Old enough to have been breeding a while I guess " she clearly has no idea " I don't know how old I am " She looks over " After I was broken they couldn't use me so they put a collar on me and threw me into a camp. that's where I met you and Franklin, and logan and eric".

Shadowcat has posed:
"Eric, as in Magneto?" Kitty asks. She can't help but wince at the mention of having been bred. Her hand gives Rachel's arm a gentle squeeze. Kitty tries to redirect Rachel's thoughts to ones that are hopefully a little warmer. "So you and I were... was I mostly a friend? Or like, an adoptive mother? Or mentor?" Kitty asks, trying to understand how Rachel sees her. "If you wanted to share any of your thoughts or feelings with me," Kitty says, motioning as if to suggest telepathy, "That would be ok with me."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Chews her lip and nods " Okay and yeah magneto but only people who didn't like him called him that". She says frowning " he was like a really nice grandpa to me, " She says But she leans forward and puts her head against kitty's she can't Say it in words.. Only send feelings and immages of well you an older more mature you.. Hugging, speaking softly, Laughing Comforting a clearly broken Rachel just holding her while her powers rip a room apart.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde wraps both arms around Rachel, keeping her cheeto fingers off of the young woman, but using the other hand to help hug tight. Kitty reaches up, brushing those clean fingers through her hair. "I'm glad I could be there for you," Kitty says, a few tears forming in her eyes. as the memories play out into her head. "I think it must have meant a lot to me then, to have you, too," Kitty says.

She hugs a little bit tighter. "I know it does, now." She turns and brushes a soft kiss to Rachel's forehead and smiles at her. "I know you've been through so much. But you're somewhere much safer now. We have dangers, but we have a fighting chance against them. And a lot of people who love us."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Nods her head " So everybody keeps telling me " She says softly " But doesn't change this world while different still has the same risk of ending up like my world.. what your doing isn't enough " She says rather harshly and simply. " Living with humans is fine.. but hiding isn't working ".

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde are sitting on Kitty's bed, hugging. There's a big tub of plain popcorn, and then smaller bowls in which they are adding butter and salt, or cheese powder, to their tastes. There's a case of soda nearby as well, with each having an opened bottle.

"It is a difficult path we have to walk," Kitty says softly. "Finding the right balance is a constant struggle. We do have some mutants who are more open. I hope that in time we call can be," Kitty says.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Frowns " I get some of us want to protect our families I get that.. I think that's what you told me about it .. but beyond that better to be int he opens that way we can see them coming, hiding just makes them think we have something to hide ".

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is walking through the hall, having dropped off some paperwork with one of the other teachers, he is headed out towards the other dorms. Passing the door he walks past but noticing them backs up and says "Hey what you two up to?

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks up and smiles at Sam. "We were just catching up, and getting to know each other a little better," Kitty says. "Come on in. Would you like to join us? We have popcorn... plain, butter, salt... or cheetos cheese powder," she offers. There is still a pile of tinfoil in the corner which is pretty large. Waist high. Otherwise, Kitty seems to have moved back in.

She's wearing the necklace that Sam might have noticed earlier in the hallway. A silver necklace with a Star of David hanging from it. "Happy Valentine's Day, Sam," she tells him.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Floats up and moves up towards sam she moves like she's going to hug him instead he gets a Poke A very very hard poke.. She is frowning " Why do you need a day to love me and make me feel special? what's wrong with doing that every day? What kind of backward stupid crap is there giving me sugar and killing plants.. instead of showing me every day you care ?".

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie blinks a moment at this and is taken aback a moment, and looks at her, and says "Um, aint I showing you every day, Ah care for you?" He looks at her, and says "It is a day to be..." He pauses thinking about it and says "Honestly it is a tradition, and probably more for the folks who sell candy and flowers to make money, but Ah saw it as trying to show you a bit of a local custom. Some folks need a day to remmeber to tell those special in their lives how much they mean to them, cause they end up taking them for granit. Me, I thought you would like them, and might be embaressed if I was singing out side your window or sometihng a bit more public."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches with a surprised expression. She stays quiet at first, letting Samuel answer for himself. Though after, Kitty lends soft words to his cause. "In the days you've been together, have you doubted how he felt? I didn't get that sense from you, Rachel," she says softly.

Kitty takes a few kernels of cheese popcorn, munching on them and falling quiet again. She looks over to Sam, giving him a gentle, reassuring look. Good luck, sport.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Glares for a moment her arms crossed before she turns and leans against his chest " Okay good " she says " I was worried cause this holiday sound stupid and janky.. I don't like it " She says simply looking up at him " I liked those candy things you gave me, And next time don't kill flowers they are pretty " .

     to Kitty she smiles brightly and floats some popcorn over to herself

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Ok, next year, either flowers in a pot, or fake flowers, to keep inside and live ones outside." He will wrap his arms around Rachel, and lean in and kiss her softly "Ah'm glad you liked the candies, and how do ya feel about plush animals?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"You got stuffed animals?" Kitty asks. She looks around her room. No stuffed animals here. "Always liked those. Don't tell Bobby. He'd find a way to make fun of me over it," she says.

Kitty smiles to the two and then hops up, going over to look out the window. It's dark out, the moon is up and shining down on the lawn outside. Some of the students are out there, having a snowball fight. It makes Kitty smile. Rachel will feel Kitty's warm feelings about the school and the people in it. And as Kitty's fingers go to touch the necklace she's wearing, there's thoughts of a very large, muscular dark-haired man.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Lifts an eyebrow " who the guy? " she asks even as she kisses sam back and snuggles in " And what's a plush ? " she frowns at kitty " Why would I want to stuff an animal can't we just eat it ?".

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Why I said plush." Looking over to Kitty in explaination "Plush or stuffed animals, are toys, and or keepsakes. Ussually in somewhat of a cartoonish fashion. Is an animal shape made out of cloth or fake furr, and has cotton or other soft things inside them. they are soft and cute for hugging.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde turns back from the window. An eyebrow goes up for a second and then she shakes her head and chuckles. "Have to get used to having telepaths around again," Kitty says as she walks back over to them. Her fingers still touch the Star of David. "Piotr got it for me. He's in Russia. But he had Illyana give it to me," she says.

"We uh... we still have a lot we need to talk about. Whenever I see him. But... it was nice to know he thought of me. I didn't realize he wasn't here. Got a little upset he hadn't heard I was back and come to see me," Kitty admits. Rachel gets images of Kitty talking to his door. Well, arguing with it. Only to find out the noises from inside the room were some of Illayna's demons looking for the necklace, not the man she thought was inside and refusing to open up.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles she understands it would never happen to her but she's got gifts others don't she just hugs sam tigher when kitty thinks of him. She looks sad for a moment " He loves you very much". She says softly but she looks up at sam " I still don't get this plush thing "

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah will take you to the store and show you some time," He will doh softly, and says "Here look into my mind and you will see them a bit beter.""

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft smile over to Rachel, though the expression might give the impression there's so much to the situation. "He might. But sometimes that isn't always enough," Kitty says softly. She touches the necklace again though, looking thoughtful. "Well. You two should go celebrate the rest of Valentine's day. Don't let old Aunty Kate keep you... youngsters... from enjoying yourselves," she says, flashing Rachel in particular a grin.

"Thanks for the talk, Rach," Kitty tells her, moving over to give the red-head a tight hug. "I'm always here for you, ok?" she says. Kitty's eyes go to Samuel, giving him a gentle smile.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Nods her head and hugs Kitty nice and tight " Okay " She says softly before she frowns " Wait arn't we in your room? " she cocks her head and sighs floating up the drinks.. and starts to leave.. pausing and floats up the popcorn too before she grabs sam's hand to drag him out

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will wave as he is dragged looking back "You need anything all you need to do is hollar and we will come a running.