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(A strange creature emerges, Terra guides a group of heroes in getting it back underground.)
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Revision as of 19:39, 20 August 2017

The Cryptid Cakewalk
Date of Scene: 02 August 2017
Location: Queensland Park
Synopsis: A strange creature emerges, Terra guides a group of heroes in getting it back underground.
Thanks to: Atlee
Cast of Characters: 1034, Traci 13, Hawkeye (Bishop), Multiple Man, Ares

Terra (1034) has posed:
    It's a relatively quiet early evening in Fort Tryon Park. One of the more wooded parks up in upper Manhattan, it's one of those where people often come to get away from it all and walk a little in nature, that isn't Central Park (so with slightly less muggings and horse carriages). It's one of the higher points on the island, in fact, giving a wonderful view the Hudson River. A few late night joggers or hikers are packing it in, heading back out their vehicles or just walking back home, though there's still a scattering of people around having a late dinner at the outdoor picnic style tables and such.

    Soooo peaceful. What could pooooosibly go wrong?

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci had been taking Leroy, her iguana, for a walk. There was a wild raspberry patch she'd profited from, and Leroy had rather enjoyed. And, it didn't hurt to get some fresh air and sun, either.
    Traci is walking home now, a small satchel on her side full of the fresh picked fruit, while telling Leory, "Yes, I know you think we should stay more. But, honestly, Leroy, you have enough for a week here. Even after Paisley and I eat some."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate Bishop tosses away the greasy paper plate which once held the greasy slice of greasy pizza the young woman has just finished devouring. She's changed her clothes in a park bathroom and so now she's Hawkeye doung the recycling. She steps back into the shadowd, no doubt most people will ignore the stange shape of her silhouette and move on if they see her. Still, this is a good place to patrol. A quiet evening, for once.

Multiple Man has posed:
Jamie had decided that now was a good time to go for a while. Well okay he really couldn't decide what to do, go for a walk, or stay at home and play video games, or go to the bar. So it was decided that Prime would go for the walk, and dupes would do the other things. Even during the middle of Summer the guy is still wearing that trench coat, cause NOIR dang it! Of course one wonders how much NOIR is there in eating a hot dog from a street vendor, but hey they are just so dang good. Walking down one of the paths in the park, he does just glance around every now and then. It's not Central Park, but hey it is still New York you know.

Terra (1034) has posed:

    Off in the bushes, something begins approaching with speed. It's not hard to hear the crashing of something moving quickly through the woods, orienting roughly to the area the three strangers find themselves in. (well four if we're counging Leeroy). Whoever it is isn't being very stealthy, which probably rules out a mugger, unless he's REALLY terrible at his job.

    The sound is closest to Tracy, coming towards the path she's walking on, but can easily be heard by Kate and Jamie as they move through the area.

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci hears the noise, and half-thinks it's an angry bear, or some drunk kids trying to pretend they are an angry bear to try and scare people. She turns, curious, and unafraid. "You see anything?" she asks Leroy, not yet preparing any spells. She is not a girl who suffers in the least from any type of paranoia, or extra caution. AT least, not yet.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye flicks her glasses to nightvision to thermal and back again as she hears the crashing. "Huh. What's that?" she asks herself as she looks for the source. She draws a sparker arrow, which will make a bright but flickering light, and sets it to string.

Multiple Man has posed:
Well okay there is a sound coming from the bushes. Knowing New York the way Jamie does he's assuming it's a rat. The Rats in New York are Yuge you know. Okay he should definitely do something to help, just in case it is a bad thing. But hey he's only one man, not like he can help that much, right? He starts jogging on over to the place, thought happens, 'Mental Note: Send a dupe to train for a marathon, we will see if I absorb the physical abilities'

Terra (1034) has posed:
    The crashing comes closer, and closer, then with a final crash, Terra comes barrelling out of the woods at a sprint. She's carrying what looks like a loose lasso of some sort of coiled...rope?...over one shoulder, and what looks suspiciously like a butterfly net in her other hand. Unfortunately she's looking behind her, and by the time she glances forward again, she's right on top of Traci.

    She yelps and tries to pull up, desperately trying to brake, but failing as she goes careening into the other girl, grabbing her as they both go down. AS they do the ground suddenly swells up to where Terra hits first, and hardest, with Traci coming down on her as she lets out a little wheeze. "...ouchie..." she mutters, then perks. "TRACI! Perfect!" the Stratan girl says as she beams up at her friend. "Are you busy? We could REALLY use a hand!"

    She pauses, then looking around. "...um, I don't suppose you saw it come through here? I think John went the other way...." She look sa bit worried. "Oh...I hope he didn't find it by himself."

    Meanwhile, off by himself....John comes face to face with a creature largely out of myth...unfortunately it's out of Stratan myth, so he's probably not as familiar with it as he'd like, as the huge armored worm rise up out of the ground over him, four giant lobster like claws snapping as the creature lets out a T-Rex level of howl easily audible to everyone else in the area. Including the civvies, who start to LEAVE the area. They live in New York. You learn to start moving quick when you hear giant monster sounds.

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci sprawls to the ground, Leroy follows, having hitched a ride on her head, with her own tumble-and-grunt, and a, "Ow!" herself. "Atlee?" It takes a moment for Traci to remember the adorable girl she and Paisley introduced to ice cream. "Aw, my raspberries." A pause, and Traci looks, sidelong on the ground to Leroy, "Yes, yes, -your- raspberries. Sorry."
    She gently removes herself from entwining with Atlee, and sits up, picking up Leroy in the process. She then pushes herself up to her feet, offering Atlee a hand, "What are you ---," a long pause, as she hears the sound. Her eyes widen. "That's. Not good. Come on."
    She grabs Atlee's hand, and begins to run towards the source of the sound, and the gigantic worm-thing-creature of maddened menace. Somehow, she's guessing a butterfly net isn't going to do it. "John who?"

Ares has posed:
    The tall man known as John Aaron is standing efore the great creature, its claws clacking and snapping at him as he holds forth a large metal shield the size of him. At times there's a short sharp /WHIPCRACK!/ from behind the shield as he braces and calls out, "Down, infernal creature! Menace from the nether realms! If you wish to lay waste to this land, then I say unto thee, nay!"
    And to some his loud bass voice resonates almost as strong as the monster's roar.
    He steps to the side, trying to draw its attention away from the civilians with another whipcrack, the heavy leather whip stinging the thing at most but hopefully serving to bring it towards him.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"The hell?!" Kate curses and beats feat towards the roar. "Monsters. Geez. Is the city like a monster magnet or sonething? This isn't Tokyo!"

Multiple Man has posed:
    There is a sigh from Jamie as he looks at the monster that just decided to show up. "Maybe I should just move back to the farm. There were never any monsters on the farm." His eyes just stare at the creature for a moment, then he just starts snapping his fingers. Every time he does there is another Jamie showing up, he eventually stops when there are 10 of him. "Okay guys, we should like help or something, right?"
    Of course most of the dupes agree with Jamie on this one, however one of them just eyes the creature, "Oh hell no! You go and get all suicidal, I'm gonna sit this one out, maybe find an abandoned Ice Cream cart." Yup there's always at least one, stupid dupes.

Terra (1034) has posed:
    Atlee is pulled to her feet, then suddenly she's being pulled along, stumbling a bit until she starts running with Traci, as everyone converges on the small clearing near the Hudson where the creature has emerged. "His name is John, he was very nice and offered to help when I told him about the Windiwyrm!" she gasps out, still a bit out of breath. As she sees others converging, including a small crowd of the same man, she perks, assuming they're all coming to help too. "It's just scared, it's not used to being up out of the ground with all that sky! It's REALLY important that we don't hurt it!" the costumed girl insists loudly as she's pulled along by Traci. "I've got spidersteel, we can wrap it up and - "

    Meanwhile, the Windiwyrm has decided it REALLY doesn't like this whole lack of sky, maaaaan. It may be freakin' the hell out. Its jaws snap at the cracking whip, vainly as it focuses on the loudest individual nearby, before suddenly pulling back and charging on what look like spikes acting almost like rippling centipede legs. And boy does it motor when it does, ripping up the ground, but trying to barrel over John and right past im, heading straight towards the group.

    Which is why Terra is suddenly cut off, as she's the SECOND loudest squishy thing in the area, and lets out a squeal of suprise as the massive beast neatly scoops her right up on in one of its claws, yanking her out of Traci's grasp as it starts charging through the woods, with Atlee's voice trailing after it. "NOnono! Good boy! Down! We'll find you a nice cave or tunnel....JOOOHN! TRACIIIIII!"

Ares has posed:
    The creature crashes forwards, dirt and earth and stone being kicked up into the air by its myriad 'legs' as it hurtles bodily at the incognito Olympian. John braces that shield as it /slams/ into him, proceeding to trample over the man with the staccato clatter of its stony limbs its body rasping above and past, causing the man to oomph and wince as his weapons are dropped by the way side.
    Yet even as it rushes past in a cloud of dust, the tall man /reaches/ out and snares the thing's tailed, now being dragged along rather awkwardly and clumsily as he hollars, "This thing is proving to be difficult, Terra!" Even as rocks and stones scatter around him.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye fires her arrow in a tall arc, to end up in tbe path of the beast. When it hits the ground it sprays sparks and screams a piercing whistle for a good minute. She continues to chase, loading and firing a solid foam arrow, which certainly does a better job than a boxing glove arrow. "Hope that gets its attention."

Traci 13 has posed:
    That's a lot of information to take in at once, but it's rather a good thing that Traci is quick on the uptake. She's too unprepared to stop Atlee from being snagged by the Windiwyrm and too caught off guard by everything that Atlee is saying to question any of it. Her mind races - don't harm it, but she has to save people. Save John, save Atlee. "Right," she breathes, and calls, "Winds of Hermes, Buffet and blow, send thy foe back, and reeling in thy wake," as she spreads her hands apart arms lenght, fingers streched.
    A moment. Two. Three. And then the winds pick up, near the monster. At first a breeze. Then, a wind. Then, a gale. And, then, a true windstorm, a wall of wind, forcing the Windiwyrm back, or at least, preventing any further forward progress.
    The windstorm is localized, though, at the very least, and outside the center of it, winds will whip hair and clothing, but not blow people away.
    Of course, the winds will also make it hard for anyone near the Windiwyrm to communicate.
    Her eyes shift to the arrow, to the heroine launching it, "Don't hurt it, it's - scared," she tells the girl, trusting Atlee implicitly. "It doesn't mean us harm."

Multiple Man has posed:
The crowd of Jamie's show up and looks at people, "Okay so if we can't harm the thing, what can we do? Like really the thing really does seem like it wants to hurt us!" Well this isn't gonna be fun is it, "Like do we have any rope or anything? Cause all I have is a gun and I don't think that'll work."

Terra (1034) has posed:
    As it happens, yes, there is rope lying on the ground not far from Jamie! A pretty good sized coil that Altee was carrying. Also...a BUTTERFLY NET. Perfect equipment!

    Speaking of which the wind story causes Terra's protests to the beast making off with her to be inaudible for a bit, but that arrow...oh, that arrow. It is making noise. IT MUST DIE.

    The Windiwyrm brakes as the whirlwind forces it back, then turns, snake like, making for the street. It does, however, slow down enough to attempt to smash the arrow repeatedly with a massive claw, until it stops making noise!

    That's just long enough for it to realize there's a bit more drag than it's used to, as its head turns around, Atlee swaying as she blinks over its head at the Olympian hanging onto its tail, as it liiiiiifts John up, then makes a chuffing noise at him.

    Then attempts to swing him against the ground where the arrow is to continue trying to make it STOP THE NOISE!

Ares has posed:
    Hoisted by his own petard, Ares glowers at the creature as it holds him up, chuffing its defiance. "Hah, right where I want you, creature!" He says this as he dangles, swinging back a bit...
    Only for him to reach up with one arm and kick his legs, launching himself off the side to land on the edge of a clasping clacking lobster arm. Another goes /CLACK!/ as it slashes at him as he climbs up the creature, trying to navigate around the side, along the back... and up to a place behind its head where he can try and ride the creature like some bucking bronco.
    "Yield, monster!"

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Alright, Leroy. Go. You know what to do," says Traci, holding the iguana in her hands, and setting him on the ground. "Remember. Don't hurt it. Just - block it." And, the windstorm dies as Traci lets it bleed away, moving her focus from it, to Leroy.
    Leroy, who is no longer a small little iguana, but a twenty-foot tall dragon-like monster with a maw that could eat several Jamie dupes, or stomp on them. A creature that could stand up to the Windiwyrm. "Hey, GuyCloneDude, get on Leroy. Cowboy it up," she shouts, "I'll help from down here."
    Leroy moves towards Jamie, or, Jamie's, with a few lopes and snarling a little, stoops down to let the man, or men, climb aboard as he gets the rope.
    "Don't worry. Leroy's nice," she assures him.
    She asks towards the archer heroine, "We need to herd it into a cave! Or. Something. If we can get one of your cool arrows over by a cave, we can lead it. HOw many do you have?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I'm not trying to hurt it. I'm trying to get its attention." Kate shouts over the din. Her impact arrow obviously meant nothing to the great beast, but it was worth a try. She reaches back to her quiver and feels the notches on the shafts that will tell her which arrow is which. "Too big for tanglefoot foam or a bola, so... yeah." and she chooses a projectile, knocks it, drawd, and lets it fly all in one smooth motion. It flies over the beast and deploys an aramid net, like super-spidersilk. It's meant for catching only a perdin or two at a time, so it can't wrap up the monster... but it might tangle it up and slow it down even further?

Multiple Man has posed:
Yay free lizard ride! "Okay this is something that I have never thought I would be doing ever. Do you have wings? Cause I totally want to pretend to be a Targaryen right now." But only one Jamie climbs on the Leroy. "Wait his name is Leroy? Please don't tell me his last name is Jenkins." Once he has the rope and he's on the guy, well he snaps his fingers twice more, now there are three of him, all of them with their own rope! Yeah one day someone will figure out how Jamie's powers worktoday is not that day though. "Okay chums lets do this! Leeeeeeeeeroy Jenkins!"

Terra (1034) has posed:
    As it happens, Ares can find himself in a good perch, as the muscular claw arm things are pretty sturdy and right near the back of the head, giving him something to cling on as the wyrm starts to buck a bit, udulating as it slams itself into a tree, then another trying to dislodge its unwelcome rider, then lets out a bellow as the netting smacks into its legs, dangling up the odd spines letting it move as it jerks sharply to the left as half of its legs abruptly stop for a moment. It twists around, Ares momentarily forgotten before one of its claws tries to pick at the webbing, then turning to start galumping out of the park as it breaks onto the road beyond. It's moving a lot slower now however, though the presence of a huge dragony thing behind it certainly isn't making it want to slow down currently!

    Unfortunately, the road is currently occupied by the Pasketti's Pizza delivery truck that screeches to a halt in front of the massive beast, its driver poking his head out as he leans on the horn reflexively. "Hey, I'm drivin'....here?" he says, gulping as Windiwyrm stops , then glares down at the vehicle. "AHHHHHH I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!" the driver shrieks, holding on for deer life as two of the wyrms claws latch on to the vehicle as it starts to shake it up and down, lifting it off the ground.

    Terra, who's pretty much pinned where she is, kicks and squirms. "John! Don't let him eat the truck!" Maybe indigestion will occur! They don't make Pepto Bismo in barrel sizes!

Traci 13 has posed:
    "GuyCloneDude, get him lassod, and hang on. Leroy will be your muscle," calls Traci, taking control of the situation, then, to Kate, "Shoot it's claw, get Atlee free? Can you?" She doesn't know what other trick-arrows the woman has under her hat, but she's guessing Kate has something. She seems pretty damn resourceful. "Atlee, once you're free make a nice big hole in the ground for us? Big nice cave, leading down, down, down. Leroy and GuyCloneDude will drag them inside. Let's wrangle a WIndiwyrm."
    She begins to slowly channel power into herself, in the meantime, magical energies begining to build up.

Ares has posed:
    Despite the movements of the creature, John is able to hold on, clinging with all that's in him... which is a fair amount. He scowls sidelong towards Terra giving her a /look/ that speaks entirely of his current state of displeasure... which is a fair amount. He holds on with his legs even as he holds out one hand, a quick rush of magical fury and shadowy flame seems to conjure forth a curved golden coiled whip that is entirely too bejeweled to be a weapon he uses with any regularity.
    "Drop it beast!" He shouts as the monster lifts up that truck, getting ready to apparently munch with much abandon. Only for that whip to lash out with a /CRACK!/ to try and snap at its claws to make it undo its grasp on the vehicle. He even slaps it hard on the back of the head with an open handed slap before he leans forwards, riding up in the 'saddle'...
    And tries to loop the whip around its neck, grasping the other end to try and create a makeshift bridle of sorts to if not guide it, then to try and focus its attention away from its automotive snack.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye nods to Traci. "Yeah. Thing is big, thougjh!" She thinks a moment. "Flashbang? No, it'll stun the girl in the claw. Ah!" Anitger arrow drawn and loosed, this at the target the magw indicated... it's an arrow meant to put out fires by jetting out CO2, but here it hopefully will just be really cold on the creature's claw, thst might surprise it into opening its grip on Atlee long enough for her to drop out... and maybe right on the Madrox brother s-rudden Leroy?

Multiple Man has posed:
GuyCloneDudes starts to spin the lasso above his head, hey it's a good thing he sent a dupe out to learn at a dude ranch, there was whiskey involved in that decision. "I think I can try and do that!" Maybe, hopefully. "Hey Leroy, can I tell you something? THIS IS THE COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE!" Once one of the dupes gets the lasso up to speed, he lets it fly at the Windiwyrm.

Terra (1034) has posed:
    The young Stratan would give a thumbs up, but her arms are kinda pinned just now. "Okay!' she calls back as the creature bucks at the sudden bridle, growling as it jerks against the pressure pulling back against it, but drops the truck. The driver bolts at that point, as one of its claws shreds through the truck itself with scary easy, by starting to spin like a drill before ripping it open. Pizza flies everywhere! There will be some lucky turtles tonight, perhaps.

    The wyrm itself, however seems to have a scent and jerks against the whips around his neck, letting out a udualing howl, before dropping its head and...ignoring the pizzas entirely as it bites down on the undercarriage, shaking it firmly as the sent of gas fills the air. And it starts...swallowing it.

    "...uh oh..." says Atlee, before, letting out a little squeak as the arrow hits the claw, the creature bucking upwards in suprise as its claw jerks open, letting Atlee go falling towards the ground as an earthen hand bursts up through the asphalt to catch her. "STAY BEHIND IT!" the violet eyed girl calls out as she struggles to get back to her feet, the ground around her trembling. "It'll be okay, just...um...not in front, okay!?"

    The wrym bucks as the lassl lands over one of its claws, as it lets out another snarl, backing up a bit as it tries to turn around to face the other dragon. There's a little sparking that begins along the sides of its throat by its mouth, tendrils of electricity snaking around two patches that glow a bit under the skin.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "....Right." Traci is -defnitely- getting behind it, now, running sideways to move into position, "Lasso it's claws," she suggests, helpfully, to Jamie as she moves, running as fast as she can, "Leroy, up," she calls, as she reaches the giant iguana-dragon's tail, and after two steps up, Leroy boosts his tail for Traci who manages to run across it with practiced motion to join the Jamie's. Safety in numbers? Or, at least, on the back of Leroy, "We -really- need to get this thing below ground. Quick."

Ares has posed:
    "Terra!" The Olympian /pulls/ on the whip around the creature's neck, planting a boot heavily against its back and yanking on it, twisting the length around in a smooth loop and then _leaning_ forwards to try and foul its effectiveness and perhaps strangle it some to at least weaken it for the attentions of the other heroes to have greater effect.
    Should it respond and shift attention he'll try and aim it to the hole that Terra is to conjure forth, seeking at the least to get it underground where it might not be quite so displeased as its current situation.

Multiple Man has posed:
"Okay boss lady, claws it is." Okay there are two more Jamies that haven't tossed their lassos yet. So of course they try and aim for the claws. "So I gotta ask, where did this thing come from? And do I have to get monster insurance now? Also where can I get an awesome lizard guy like this?" Alright so he is getting a little nervous, and nervous Jamie is a very talkative Jamie.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate notes the gasoline smell and what the beast seens to be doing. "Look out, that's gonna be some monster burp!" Kate shouts. Nothing else seems to come to mind at the moment, so she waits for another opening.

Terra (1034) has posed:
    The wyrm lets out a burbling cry at the yank, rearing up as Area pulls hard, letting out a gurgling grunt, before it makes a coughing sound. As Ares holds it still, two of the lasso land and close over two of the claws, tightening against the joints, though the last unfortunately just snags the spikes on its back as it herks back, the lassos and the pulling by Ares forcing its head up.

    Which is good, because Kate is absolutely correct as it lets out a rumbling belch of sound, a long gout of green flame shooting up straight into the air. AT the same time, its throat bulges a bit, then a...bubble seems to run down through its body, causing it to bulge briefly and the bulge to travel backwards through its body, as if it's a python that swallows the world's most suicidal gopher.

Herf course, that means Leeroy, Jamie, and Traci are right behind it still...

    The ground near Terra collapses with a rumble as she curls her fingers, concentrating as a hole starts to expand out rapidly, the deeper rumbling from below suggesting even more rock and earth is shifting below too. "Almost...!"

Ares has posed:
    Another sharp pull as Ares gathers the grip of the whip in one hand, using the pommel to /smack/ the creature in the back of the head, trying to angle it in the direction of the hole that Terra just conjured forth. He plants a foot to the side, adjusting the angle of his yanking on that cord around the monster's neck, shifting it just enough to hopefully get it pointed, aimed... and then ready for them to get it tucked back down underground.
    "I am not getting paid enough for this!" He shouts towards the earth shifting woman, his expression most dire even as he tries to shift the creature around with the way of his body weight and the pressure from his legs.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Hold on," Traci tells the Jamie's, and Leroy, as if he knew immediately what was up, halts his foreward progress as a large, translucent purple bubble suddenly swirls to life, forms around the large grouping, sinking into the earth. Four large chains at equal points form around it, large anchors of the same purple color dropping into the cement and ground, anchoring them from anything the Windiwyrm might do. "Keep going, Atlee. GuyCloneGuys, keep it wrangled. We've almost got this done."
    She swivels her head to look towards Ares, then, she closes her eyes again. A little bit of blood begins to drip out of her nose, running out of energy as she is when she's out of the city.
    Water begins to pool, just a little, under the Windiwyrm's body, bubbling up from the earth as if called forth, making the ground more slippery, and thus, easier for Ares to push - less ground for the creature to find a secure purchase against.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate makes her way to the mage's side. She sees the effort on Traci's face and frowns in thought. "Not much el...hey! and an idea comes to her. "Hey, you don"t look so good. Can you use my energy or something to help? Go ahead, if you can."

Multiple Man has posed:
    Hey at least Ares is getting paid for this, Jamie is totally doing this one for free, but he gets to ride a dragon like creature, so he has that going for him which is nice. Now he does do what the magic lady says and just starts holding on, cause well at this point there is nothing else for him to do.
    Of course now the dupe that ran away before decides to show back up. "Hey guys I found an abandoned Ice Cream cart! And look they had the Sponge Bob and Bugs Bunny ones! Anyone one want some?"

Terra (1034) has posed:
    The bulge slides allll the way down to the tail as Traci quickly brings up a shield around Leroy and the two, then three around him, as Kate also moves into the line of fire as the tail bulges up, then...

    Well. It's an entirely different sound as the Windiwyrm lives up to its name, a gust blowing over the quartet behind it.

    It's...actually the nicest fart you have ever encountered. It's pure, almost sweet air, unpolluted, as it washes over everyone and temporarily pushes back the scent of gasoline and pizza in the air. The creature lets out another grumbles as it comes down on its spikes, shaking the ones still bound up in the net like a cat with a bag around its foot, then spots the large hole forming by Terra. With a woofing noise it starts galumphing towards it, having thoroughly gotten tired of this freaky world where people keep tying it up and pulling on it with things around its neck!

    As it reaches the whole, it gives a little shake, flexing its arms as it yanks at the lassos, then starts to dive down into the hole as Terra falls to her knees, panting a bit.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "My magic doesn't -quite- work that way," Traci tells Hawkeye, but with a grateful smile. She wipes at her nose, frowning and then drops the shield. "Everybody off," she says, "Or you're falling to the ground." Leory bends down, some and Traci hops off his back. In a few quick moments, he'll be back to the size of a regular iguana again.
    "Awesome job, everyone. Good team! I think we should all go get some doughnuts. Or. Something."
    Half a beat, "So ... what's a Windiwyrm? Besides - a big wyrm that apparently does not like being outside? I've never heard of them before."
    She looks to the others, wondering if they had, and she might've missed the most recent Animal Planet.

Ares has posed:
    Rolling off of the back of the creature, Ares /leaps/ to the side and lands in a partial crouch, one hand splay-fingered as he compensates for the impact. Then he gains his feet smoothly even as the monster is retreating behind him. He dusts off his clothes, scowling a bit as he shakes his head as if condemning the entire endeavour, and then he lifts his eyes towards Terra to admonish her with his silence in a manner most dire.
    Then he looks at the others, gaze flittin from one to the other, each in turn. He crinkles his nose. "Should have let me slay it." He says, expressing his ire rather eloquently for him.

Multiple Man has posed:
Once the lady says that the Jamie's scramble off the lizard thingy. After they are all grounded Jamie starts to gather all of the dupes, absorbing them back into himself, or wherever they go. "I have never heard of that thingy." Is all he can say to Traci, "Hey look, this one did find ice cream!" He grabs the Sponge Bob and Bugs Bunny ice cream from said dupe, right before he gets reabsorbed, "Gotta remember to try and not generate the coward dupe again."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I don't know." Kate says, offering Traci a tissue from somewhere. "Did the poor thing come up here because it had a gas bubble? Was it a baby with an upset tummy? If so, I don't want to meet the mama." Her arrows are already beginning to dissolve, so there won't be any trace of her other than traces of carbon fiber and the net, which is

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
...in the hole with the creature. "Donuts?" Kate asks. ""I'm not really dressed for it. Thanks, though. I'm Hawkeye."

Terra (1034) has posed:
    With a last echoing howl, the Windiwyrm disappears down the hole, hits tail flicking as it vanishes into the depths. Terra raises her hands, concentrating as the road smoothly seals over, the ground under you shivering a bit as the hole apparently seals under the street level as well. She whews, then makes a face at John. "I most certainly should not have let you slay it!" the dark haired girl huffs, getting to her feet, hands on her hips. She turns towards Traci as she asks. "Windiwyrms are natures atmospheric generators! They eat old hydrocarbons and keep them from polluting underground and in return they purify the air wherever they go, so they're very valuable, but they're very rare because they only eat oil or coal or things like that. Where would you get fresh air if they all died!!?" She pauses. "...well, maybe trees up here, but still! They're important down below!" She sighs, then beams at all of you. "Thank you soooo much for helping get him down where he belonged again! I don't know why he wandered up here, but hopefully the experience will make him happy to stay below this time." She rummages in her boot for a moment, then pulls out a handful of little cards she distributes. Free medium pizza at Giovanni's on Staten Island! "Um, do you all like pizza?" she says hopefully.