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A Man From The Sea Pt2
Date of Scene: 16 February 2019
Location: New York state coastline
Synopsis: Continuation of 6527/A_Man_From_The_Sea...
Cast of Characters: Aqualad, Shadowcat

Aqualad has posed:
A kiss is shared. But once Aqualad felt himself pressed against her, her own womanly curves pressing back against him, he pulls away just gently enough.

"...is...is this too fast?" Aqualad whispers, his forehead still touching hers.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde catches her breath after the two share a long kiss but then Aqualad pulls back and asks her the question. She looks up at him and gives a quick nod of her head. "Yes... I... I think it is moving a little too fast," she tells him. "Sorry, you're... gorgeous beyond belief," Kitty says, breaking out in a soft, nervous laugh.

"I... um... I just am not used to jumping into things. Too fast," she says. Kitty sits up, ruffling her fingers through her hair, blushing a little. "You ah... Atlanteans aren't behind the surface world when it comes to kissing at least," she says, using humor to smooth over the moment.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur looks to Kitty then, caressing her cheek and smiling to her, apparently enjoying the intimacy. "and you, the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes upon." Kaldur seems to take a deep breath, before he seems to enjoy her humor.

"It is alright." he does sit up as well, moving to his knees, but still being close to her. "No, no we are not." he teases, leaning forward to gently kiss her lips once more, but briefly.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks down as her cheek is caressed, biting her lip until he leans in to kiss her again. She kisses him back softly until it breaks. Kitty draws a deep breath and then stands up from the couch, reaching a hand down to take Kaldur's if he lets her. "What do you say we go for a walk?" she asks him. "I saw there's some stores and restaurants and things along the road from the marina. Want to see if there's anything exciting happening out on the old town tonight?" Kitty asks him.

Aqualad has posed:
Aqualad seems to enjoy the kiss once more before he feels the warmth of her hand on his. He smiles very gently to Shadowcat, and he nods. "I would love that. Let me get a drink of water first?" Because...well, hydration was probably the MOST important thing to an Atlantean. but, he'll stand up off the couch, and he'll lead the way to outside the boat, with Kitty hopefully in tow.

though she'll notice his finger lightly caressing her knuckles.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde walks out with Aqualad, the pair walking off the boat and along the pier. The street has a row of business that tend to line waterfronts. Bars, bait stands, surf shops, souvenirs, folk and other types of artists, as well as little cafes and boating supply places.

Kitty looks around as they walk along the street, it being a cool February evening. She has a coat which she zips up a little higher. "So you spoke of being an Ambassador to the surface. Do you have to spend time in Washington and other national capitals? Or is it mostly at the United Nations and places like that?" she asks him.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur walks with Kitty, his Ke'ra, and he smiles very softly to her as they walk. "I...guess you could say that. I tend to be on call for whenever my King has need of me, and I tend to be involved in United Nations meetings, speaking on behalf of Atlantis." he smiles gently.

"Do you spend most time at some place? It would help to find you, if I were to come looking..."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well, mostly I've been in England. Attending Oxford. It's a university there. A fairly old one by our standards. And... well, it's fair to say prestigious. King T'Challa of Wakanda went there, and, well quite a few others you'd have heard of," Kitty says.

"Though I'm taking the semester off. I stay at a school, owned by Charles Xavier. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Over in Salem, New York," she tells him. "It's a bit of a drive from here though. Not terrible, but... if you don't have a car there's this car service called Uber. That's who I used to get over here to see you," Kitty tells him.

She stops at the window of an art gallery. A painting of the ocean, with many blues and purples of various shades. "I love those colors," she tells him, motioning to the painting. "And the way the artist captured the spray and the foam on the waves."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur nods softly. "I see. I am aware of the university. You must be extremely intelligent if you were not only able to attend, but succeed as well." he smiles wider. "Well done." though then he looks to the paintings, he smiles. "Indeed. they took great care to properly define the ocean. My home." he smiles happily.

"an...Uber?" he doesn't seem to know what the hell that is.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks over to Kaldur, giving him a grateful smile at his compliment. "I do fairly well at school. When I dedicate myself to it. I have a bit of a knack with computers, actually," Kitty tells the Atlantean man, shining that soft smile at him before turning back to the painting.

"I so need to redecorate my room at the school. I walked in and... well, everything I owned had been wrapped, individually, in tinfoil. As a prank. But once I unwrapped everything, I looked at my bedspread and just thought, how did I sleep in that all of those years?" Kitty says with a chuckle.

She shakes her head and then says, "Do you have a cell phone? I can show you how it works, getting a car. It also takes a credit card, one of our electronic ways of paying for things. Though, I can at least show it to you for now if you do not have one."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur seems to frown. "What a horrible prank to pull on somebody. Is tin foil easily able to be removed?" the Atlantean questions very curiously, but with a heavy dose of concern in his tone. He does reach into his pocket to, indeed, pull out a cell phone. "Here you go."

and sure enough, it's a simple Apple Iphone. Certainly able to get an app for an uber! because who needs to drive when you can swim?

"Oh, I see. Uhm...I don't have a credit card. hard cash."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tells Kaldur, "I imagine you can probably use cash. I think. Unless they require the surety of the card so someone can't run off without paying?" Kitty isn't sure on that. "Well, let's see. It would not be that hard to get you a credit card though, if needed."

She downloads the Uber app, filling out the information to get him a login. If he doesn't have an email, she gets him a google mail account set up too. It's pretty clear Kitty knows what she's doing with this stuff. She explains it too, but stresses the parts he needn't worry about.

"Ok, so now, if you had a credit card on file with them... see all these little car symbols? Those are people who can be paid to drive you somewhere. So it knows where your phone is, and you tell it where you want to go," Kitty says. "And then it'll send the person in the car a message to pick you up. Very simple to do." She passes the phone back to him.

"So, are you thinking you might like to come visit me then?" she asks him, biting her lip and brushing the back of her hand against his a little as they walk.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur watches Kitty just kinda....do her surface world magic upon the technological device in her hand. There wasn't even a password, so it was easy to get into. He tilts his head as he hums softly. "So...I just poke the symbol and it will show me who all is willing to be paid to drive me somewhere? Is there a distance limit?"

He asks curiously with a soft smile on his face. "You're...really smart with this stuff. and yes, I'd like to visit you. Anyday you wish."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well, there probably is a distance limit. Or at the least, really long distances they might have to arrange in advanced. There are other ways, airplanes and such, to cross the country," Kitty says. She smiles at the compliment as they come upon sounds of yelling.

At the intersection up ahead, a young man is busking. In this case he is causing multi-colored lights to appear, dancing around in theatrical ways to entertain people. There does not seem to be any sign of machinery or electronics, just the youth creating them on his own somehow. There is a jar set out in front of him for collecting tips. He looks to be about 16 or 17.

A pair of older men in their thirties are heckling him. As he makes a horse gallop around in the air above his head, one of them yells, "Why don't you hop on your horse and get out of here, mutey!" The other joins in. "Yeah, ride your damn horse out of here before we ride you out of town on a rail. We don't want your sort here!"