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Mayan Secrets: The Contessa
Date of Scene: 07 February 2019
Location: A New York City art gallery
Synopsis: T'Challa seeks the current location of an ancient artifact once in Contessa's possession
Cast of Characters: Ekaterina Vespucci, Black Panther

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
It is mid afternoon and the Contessa Ekaterina Vespucci is wrapping up a class that she is using her gallery to teach. She has been a Manhattanite for the last ninety odd years and for that time has favored Queens as a base for her operations. This is where her rather fancy commercial art gallery is. Kat ass she prefers to be called by her students and employees is chiseling away at a block of expensive soft marble. "So this is how you use the ssmall chisel - you have to be careful of course - it very much helps to have a very good idea of what you are sculpting. Marble is unforgiving of mistakes. Well that's a wrap for today." Her students start to disassemble to reconvene next week. Kat is a surprise to anyone who hasn't met hher before. Purported Crimelord - weapons dealer and External immortal mutant her appearance doesn't match up well with her CV. She's short with large cornflower blue eyes and a face that has oft been described as that of an angel. She looks like a sweetheart and generally is one. Her students could certainly attest to this. At the moment she is covered in dust and pain from her chiseling. She is dressed down for someone as wealthy as she is. She looks alot like a college freshman - cheap clothing and looking like she is in the late tens to early twenties range. She looks like she should be taking courses not teaching them. Her gallery is full of classic not modern style art with the Renaissance forming the inspiration for most of it. Kat was a Renaissance girl despite havinbg been born in theh Dark Ages.

Black Panther has posed:
The stream of students leaving the gallery starts out as a steady flow, and gradually becomes a trickle. Around then, when the last few are near to departing, the door opens to admit someone in the other direction. T'Challa steps inside. Rather than wearing American style clothing as he most often does in New York, today he is wearing Wakandan attire. Black pants and longsleeve shirt, beneath a very deep blue sleeveless jacket, with a column of silver decoration down each side.


T'Challa gives a polite nod of his head to the final departing students, while standing with his hands gently clasped behind his back and perusing the studio. One of the pieces of artwork catches his attention, the man walking over to stand before a round painting that looks heavily inspired by the Doni Tondo by Michelangelo. Even down the same style of framing. T'Challa's hand rises to gently toy with his well-groomed beard as he contemplates the beautiful painting.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
A voice from behind T'Challa marks Kat's noticing her auspisious guest. "It's a nice piece isn't it? One of my students produced it. I try to give them gallery space when their work merits it." She examines her guesst with those cartoonishly large eyes of hers. They aren't just for show - Kat can see in perfect dark and zoom in and out to a superhuman degree. She won the powers lottery there. Helps with her art alot of course - her sculptures come out 4k.

"You're the King of Wakanda aren't you? I think I saw you on TV - quite an honor. I don't believe this Gallery has every hossted Royalty." Kat conveniently excludes hersself from that observation. Foremer Holy Roman Empresses don't count evidently.

Black Panther has posed:
"It is indeed," T'Challa agrees with the opinion coming from behind him. "A student you say? Most impressive," he adds in accents that are a smooth conflux of African and Oxford sounds. T'Challa turns to face the speaker, eyes taking in her apparent youth and beauty before inclining his head towards Kat at her question on his identity.

"Yes, I am. Please, T'Challa," he says, with a pleasant enough smile. "And if this lovely work is from one of your students, I gather you might be the owner?" he inquires. T'Challa will look away from her to glance about the gallery. A pleased nod of his head is given at the space, and the artwork that he can see from his current vantage. "I approve of your taste in style. Renaissance art is one of my favorite periods," he tells her. If she introduces herself, he will offer his hands to her to shake.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Oh forgive my rudeness," Kat shakes the proferred hand. Her hands are surprisingly soft for someone who sculpts and paints as much as she does. "Sono la contessa Ekaterina Vespucci," she says in Italian. "But everyone just calls me Kat," she says with a sweet smile. "Were you in the market for some art?" she asks hopefully. But Kat is Lady Artifice and deep down she knows that it is likely that something more serious is afoot here. "Yes I like classic art this modern stuff went righht off the rails even before Andy Warhol."

Black Panther has posed:
"No rudeness at all, I assure you, Contessa," T'Challa tells her. He does not shake her hand in the American fashion, but instead rests it upon one of his palms, while the other hand rests atop hers in a two-handed greeting. There's a slight bowing of his head, that feels almost an allusion to kissing her hand, had it been offered, before he releases her hand.

"I would not mind finding a piece should the right one catch my eye," T'Challa agrees as he looks back about the gallery. "I also have some interest in older pieces. Originals. I am hoping to find someone with particular knowledge in certain areas of this," he tells her, refocusing his attention fully on the younger-looking lady.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Knowledge of older areas?" Kat asks not retracting her hand until it is released. She cants her head and views T'Challa quizzically. Kat has one of those faces that reveals what she is thinking so as to render telepathy unnecessary. She has no poker face in other words, She lets her query hang in the air. What does this man want? What could he want? Wakanda wasn't known to be in need of anything.

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa inclines his head at the question. "Yes, I have recently had the pleasure of viewing a collection. It included pieces acquired in the Spanish spread through Central and South America. Aztec, Mayan," he replies to Kat. T'Challa glances about the studio, "Would you walk with me as we talk?" he asks, wanting to see the other pieces on display. If she accepts T'Challa offers her his arm to escort her.

"The collection has sparked an interest. I have been researching other pieces. There are a few in particular that intrigue me. Though they exist only in descriptions now as far as I know. Pieces that came into the hands of the Vespuccis in the 1500s." T'Challa will pause to look to her with a gentle smile. "Should I find someone who could speak to that period, I would be quite interested."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat takes T'Challa'ss arm. She is short of coursse barely a mite above five foot making this awkward, But she walks and talks. "I am only a Vespucci by marriage you know. Whatever remains of that clan is probably back in Italy somewhere. You are after an artefact or art?" Kat doesn't get into what she was doing exactly in the 1500s. SShe is sort of intrigued to know how much this king knew about her. Without spoiling things by filling in the blanks.

Black Panther has posed:
"A little of each," T'Challa tells her as they walk along. He keeps his arm lowered for the ease of the lady as she accompanies him through the gallery. T'Challa pauses before another painting to admire it. "I imagine the art is less likely to have survived the years. Though the artifacts sometimes seem to have a way of popping up. In one collection or another. More durable." He tilts his head as he regards the painting, nodding before moving on.

"It has become a small hobby of mine. Finding artifacts, and when possible, seeing them returned to the locality of their origins. Helping to restore history to a region. More of my efforts have taken place in Africa. Though of late, a friend has piqued my interest in the Americas," T'Challa says. He looks over to Kat, smiling to her gently. "Yes, I was aware of that familial connection. Though such things might be discovered by one diligent in their studies? I also choose to be respectful and keep what I learn in confidence," T'Challa tells the Contessa.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Hmm nice hobby but be mindful of the fact that not all areas of the world have remained demographically or culturally the same. The new tenants might not value the history of the land they occupy as much. Archaeology has been largely a western conceit. Others tend to prefer the history they can construct rather than the slow revelatory process of scientific inquiry." As for the issue of her past, "I guess the proverbial Kat is out of the bag after I got killed and came back to life on camera in Central Park. It makes little difference who knows my affairs now. What is an immortal mutant compared to a world full of sentient Gorrillas, Kings of fabled lost cities, aliens and Pagan dieties who also happen to be aliens. I think on the whole I am relatively boring by comparison."

Black Panther has posed:
"I would counter that statement," T'Challa tells her. "As it turns out, my search started, well, in the 1500s. It was quite an intriguing trail. Long before I reached the present." T'Challa reaches over to lightly touch Kat's hand where it rests on his arm. "And so many interesting moments. Yet never in the detail one might hope for."

T'Challa looks back ahead, considering which painting to stop at next. "Though I also feel as if I have committed an invasion of privacy. Not expecting when it began, that I should find the woman herself. Let alone meet her." T'Challa pauses to look to Kat again. "I do apologize for that," the royal tells her, giving her a small bow of his head along with the apology.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"My privacy went the way of the Dodo when I got drunk and posed for a nude for Sandro Boitticelli back in the 1500s," Kat jokes with a curl of her lip. "Not a terribly accurate nude but that's besides the point."

"Which woman were you hoping to meet? I've worn alot of hats over the centuries? It would also help if you told me exactly what you are looking for? My memory is quite good despite my age."

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa gives a soft chuckle and says, "Perhaps that is a painting that my research missed." Or if it was one he couldn't have missed, perhaps he's just being a gentleman about the topic. "I hoped perhaps you might remember items from the ship the Sao Mateus. My research suggested iconic figures. Maya deities. Depictions of family heritage. Done in lapis lapuzi, gold, and silver. One account spoke of, 'And a slice of the sun, gold-rimmed, a pagan icon'. I assume it was some sort of sun symbol, edge in gold. Do any of these ring familiar?" he asks.

Black Panther has posed:
The description might call to mind a piece, something like this, but done in ancient styles: https://tinyurl.com/Maya-artifact

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Hmm very 'Chariots of the Gods' ion your interest your Grace?" Kat notes jumping straight to the conclusion that what T'Challa is looking for has to do with alien involvement in Earth history. "I can direct you aright. I wont even ask for anything in exchange which is very impolitic of me but I like your face. It's in a collection that fell into the hands of the Gnucchi crime syndicate - they have fallen afoul of many of the costumed heros in New York so you might want to talk to one of them to figure out what they are up to. They have been steering clear of me since one of their associates attempted an assassination on me that didn't work out so well. I don't know exactly where they have it. I could find out but it would be easier to hunt down Daredevil or Frank Castle or someone more likely in the know."

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa walks along with Kat through her gallery, listening to her explanation. "Truly you have an impressive mind to capture so many details. Over such a lengthy period of time," T'Challa tells her. He stops to turn towards her, taking her hand in both of his as he did when they met. "And thank you for your compliment. There are few I have met in New York as fair as you, Contessa," T'Challa tells her, giving a gentle squeeze with his hands.

"Though you ask nothing. I would offer you a gift, just the same," T'Challa tells her. He pulls out a small wooden case from a pocket within his sleeveless Wakanda jacket. The wood itself is hundreds of years old, a tiny display case for four tiny tea cups made of the finest porcelain. The edges rimmed with gold, they are embossed with fanciful decorations. It is familiar. A gift that Kat herself gave to a very close friend in 1562, upon the birth of the woman's quadruplets. The decorations correspond to the names of the four children, one per cup. It used to sit in a prime place, displayed in the friend's kitchen, a small family heirloom. One that like so many things from Kat's life, had been lost to time.

Until now. T'Challa carefully offers it over to Kat.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat does blush a little at the compliment. Unusual to see a creature as old as her having such a lack of poise but Kat was reputedly amongst the most human of her immortal race. "Well now this is a suprise" - Kat says almost in tears at the gift. "I did manage to stow away my crown from the 800's but it doesn't quite have the sentimental value that this does. I admit I am at a loss this is very generous of you. How did you come by this?"

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa seems heart-warmed to see the young-looking woman's reaction. "I saw a mention of it in a tax document, in the possession of Rudolpho in 1584," T'Challa says, referring to one of the four children. "Though I found no other definitive evidence? His wife had a brother who had numerous financial problems. Surviving records showed he was arrested for theft from his sister on two occasions. It was a long shot, but I researched his creditors. Which included the Catholic Church. This had been locked away in a store room in Vatican City since. It took a great deal of negotiation."

T'Challa looks at the woman's eyes, glistening as if with almost-tears. "I find that the negotiation, was far worth the reward," T'Challa tells her softly

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Well you are a kind hearted King - I wish more people could live under such generous stewardship. When I was Empress I marched an army on the Vatican and besieged the Holy See just to secure my Brother in Laws divorce. Seems a bizzare action by modern sensabilities." Kat directs T'Challa to a small coffee room, "Can I tempt you? I make a mean coffee. It's one of the few indulgences I can not shake."

Black Panther has posed:
T'Challa inclines his head graciously in gratitude for the compliment. "Those were different times," T'Challa says understandingly. "Thank you, Contessa. Your offer of coffee would be most appreciated," he tells her. He'll walk with her to the coffee room, stopping to allow her through the doorway first and then following. "Would I be out of place if I were to ask? You have lived for so long. Do you find your life to be happy? Are there new joys that await you each day? Is there a secret for happiness in living such a long-lived life as yourself?"

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat proceeds into the Coffee room and begins making her brew, "Any preferred kind - Flat white? Cappacino? Long Black? Expresso?" She contemplates the question, "Well I've had alot of heartache. Had my children stolen from me and been forced into marriages. After I learned to become a player then things improved for me. I suppose now things are well enough. I take comfort in my modest attempts to beautify the city. And I have a private army to keep the monsters at bay. Overall I think I am happy. It's hard to know how it compares to being mortal as I have not had a benchmark for comparison. Dying and coming back sucks. That much I can assert. Dangerous too as I have a tendency to go temporarily insane after getting slain and coming back."

Black Panther has posed:
"The cappuccino sounds perfect. Thank you Contessa," T'Challa tells her. "I am glad you have managed to leave behind those ages that were less accepting of a woman in such positions," T'Challa says. "Not that we do not have further to go, even today." He moves over to stand near by, leaning back against one of the walls while she prepares the coffee. "I realize I have dropped by unannounced. I am aware that you create our own artwork. Perhaps on another occasion? Would you honor me with showing me some of your work? On a day that is accommodating to you, of course."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat makes T'Challa an exceptional brew. She's not above offering service to others. An habit of old world aristocracy. "Far to go? If anything I would say we are degenerating. The old partnership of men and women is becoming something toxic. Women aren't helping. I think I had quite a deal of authority both in ages past and certainly today. For my part when I came to New York I was glad alot of structures like the Cosa Nostra of my native Italy were boys clubs. It meant I had an excuse to remain apart from them." She looks around with a sweeping gesture of her hands, "My art is all over the place. I have I admit exploited some of the abilities my mutant nature has endowed me with to bring the sculptures and paintings I produce up to a disturbing 4k level of accuracy. A skill that is a little redundant given 3d printers and modern cameras exist nowadays but I feel it my duty to preserve the classical accuracy of years gone by."

Black Panther has posed:
"3D printers, do not imbue an item with soul," T'Challa says, shaking his head at the mention of redundancy. "The creation of your hands does." He takes the cappuccino, smiling to her and inhaling the aroma before sipping it and giving a smile. "And your taste in coffee is exceptional," he tells her. T'Challa takes another sip before saying, "That is an interesting observation. I had not thought of it in such terms. Perhaps something else we might discuss in more detail in the future," T'Challa suggests.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat gets a call. "Oh darn - emergency at my club Aeterna - you should come visit that some time. I use it as a gallery as well. I may have to go. It has been a pleasure making your acquaintance King T'Challa. I hope we can speak again. Good luck finding the Mayan Bauble."