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(Traci returns home to tell Paisley about meeting Doctor Strange finally.)
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Latest revision as of 20:54, 20 August 2017

Strange Things
Date of Scene: 26 July 2017
Location: Metropolis
Synopsis: Traci returns home to tell Paisley about meeting Doctor Strange finally.
Cast of Characters: Traci 13, 267

Traci 13 has posed:
    Traci had told Paisley to enjoy herself, and that she'd be back sometime after dark. It was one of her days when, as she had for the past few weeks, go to Strange's Mansion. To sit. To wait. She had not lost faith, even if she was not always pleased, or a little tired and a little quiet after returning from the mansion.
    Tonight, though, is different. Tonight, Traci is later than usual. Tonight, about an hour or so after her normal time Paisey got a text message that was only a couple exclimation points, followed by several grinning emoji's.
    Twenty or so minutes later, Traci is pushing the door opening, "I'm in!" Obviously. "He is -so- cool. And -so- ... wow. And I'm in!" She says, utterly excited, as she runs to Paisley to hug her favorite Fae.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Oh, wow. Nice!" Paisley disappears easily into Tracis arms and returns the hug tightly. She leans into the other girl and hugs her tightly, burying her head against her girlfriend's chest. She takes a deep breath and then holds it for a few long moments before exhaling.
    "Everything you were hoping for?" the blue haired girl asks then, titling herhead slightly as she does. Those bright eyes take in Traci's for a moment while she considers what she's going to say next, leaning backs lightly in the taller girl's arms.
    "Congratulations. I'm glad it finally wroked out for you, mistress." There's ateasing lilt to the white haired Fae girl's tone as she speaks that last word. Mistress. She's fully aware of the minor magic that bound her into a rpomise as trivial as that mode of address.
    By this point Paisely is amused by it.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "It's everything I thought it would. Just as amazing. And, just as hard," Traci agrees, quietly. "It will -not- be easy. But he was satisfied with my answers. Compared to him, after seeing into his Inner Sanctum, and what he's doing?" She sucks in a breath, "I'm like, a beginner. But, with training, his training especially, I'm going to just - skyrocket." She's confident of this. She stays in Paisley's arms, still hugging the other girl. "I've never had a mentor before. This," she pulls back, slowly, finally, "This is going to be pretty amazing," she admits. She finally remembers to exhale, breathe.
    "You'll be there for me. I know you will. And I'll need you to be."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Yep. Of course I will," Paisley agrees, hugging Traci against her as shedoes. The girl takes a deep breath and then holds it for a long moment, tilting her head slightly as she does so and studying her girlfriend's features carefully.
"I'm glad it's going so well," Pais continues quietly, much less animatedly than usual. She pauses. "You can't come with me when I go see my grandmother," she starts slowly. "Remember what you said. About how disrespectful it is to the Master to just bring someone else who wasn't even invited? Well. I can't go see your dude... And I probably shouldn't be rude to my grandmother either. Not if I want to learn. ...Right?"

Traci 13 has posed:
    "There's a difference," Traci points out, her mood shifting, slightly, her smile turning into a thin, hard line. "Doctor Strange wasn't trying to get me to 'come home' to him, home being an alternate dimension, and asking me to forget about being human." Which, if Traci's Grandmother hadn't specifically stated, Traci was smart enough to read between the lines.
    She exhales, looking upset. But, not for the reason Paisley might think as she says, "But, you're right. I hate to say it, but you're right. So. Here's what we do. We get your Grandmother to agree to let you return, whenever you want to. And without any form of manipulation to sway you to stay against your will. We have the Gaes, so that - I think - will protect us to some degree. Help you return. But. I don't trust her. At all. And I don't think you trust her much, either."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "I'm going to have to trust her a little. If I go at all," Paisley responds very quietly. "And she can't- compel me to stay. She wants me to take up the legayc right. I have to agree to be one of them or she loses. So if she keeps me against my will..." The girl shrugs her shoulders slowly at this.
    "But yeah. We'll get her to say it out loud. She probably will if it means I'll go. And that gives us some pwoer over her..." Paisley bites her bottom lip and then buries herhead against Traci's chest again. "I love you. And I'm not going to leave you behind. I just- need to figure this whoel thing out."
    With a soft sigh the girl slowly closes her eyes, takign a deep breath through her nose. "Anyway. We still need to celebrate you getting in with Strange first. Right?"

Traci 13 has posed:
    "I'm not worried about you leaving me. I'm worried about her - doing something to keep you from me, because she thinks you should live with her in Arcadia, or whatever realm your heritage and she are from. I know you will come for me." Traci exhales, threading her fingers through her hair, "My own dad didn't want me to do magic. All I've had, until you, was Leroy, Paisley. Some friends, yes. But nobody close. Not after my mom died."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    Paisley nods her head a couple of times, sighing as she does. "I'll make sure we stay together," she promises quietly as she curls in close. "i'm not going anywhere and she can't make me. Neither can anyone else. I don't.... I didn't have anyone either. We're just- us. You and me. We're halves of a whole. And Im the chaotic one that causes trouble for everyone so you can clean it up for me," she adds. "If I get rid of you there will be no one to clean up my messes either. So we have to work it out. Even if it's hard."

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Can't lie. I'm pretty terrible enough at cleaning up messes. I'm better at making them," Traci teases, warmly. She leans to kiss Paisley's lips quickly, and nods. "I trust you. But, just do me the favor of contacting your Grandmother, before you go. So we all can have a conversation. I won't do anything to piss her off. Best behavior. No crossed fingers, even." She shows Paisley, then, all ten fingers, splayed openly on each hand. She grins.
    "While you're gone, I'll just use to spend more time with Strange. So we both can grow."
    No promises made. She's learned that lesson. It'd take a -lot- for Traci to ever ask Paisley for a promise, or to promise her something again. The price of magic, and the power of even simple words was very, very well learned.

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Okay. Yeah. We can call her up in a little while. Kay?" Paisley doesn't move from her position propped against Traci for now, breathing another sigh as she does. The girl reacheso ut and captures one of those hands in hers, idly tugging at Traic's fingertips as she holds it. "We'll figure it out," she muses, tilting her head slightly asshe does so. "And right now I just want to spend the evening with you. Grandma is immortal, so..." She shrugs at that.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "So," wonders Traci, laughing some, curiously, "What does that mean? You're half immortal? So when I'm old and wrinkley you'll look like my grand-daughter?" She seems amused, rather than terrified of the particular idea. She, herself, does not seem all that concerned or eager to go call Grandmother, either. She remains in Paisley's arms, comfortable.
    "I will see if you can come visit, maybe even learn Doctor Strange too. His place really is amazing. Maybe one day we can have a place like that."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "No clue. Maybe I'll be young forever. Maybey ou will be, you've got all kinds of magic coming, right?" Paisley doesn't seem too worried either. She squeezes Traci instead and takes a deep breath.
    "I mean, will he even want me here? Some kind of weird faerie hybrid spell creature thing? Being pursued by creatures from the Faerie World? I'm not going to hold my breaht. Sounds pretty cool there." Paisley gives a slow shrug at this.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Considering the universe essentially chose him as the most powerful magical person on Earth to defend the magical energies for good? I'm - kind of sure that he won't mind if you're human, mutant, or Faerie. I mean, he's a Sorcerer. I'm a Homo Magi. So. It's different. We're the same, but we're different. Just like you, and me." She kisses Paisley's jawline.
    "He's very," she frowns, thinking, "Careful. Very -- I don't want to say withdrawn, because that's not the right word. Patient. He waits. Watches. He can see through you. But, if you don't have anything bad in you, you don't have anything to worry about. When I was with him, I knew that, or maybe just felt at, hiding anything from him would be just dumb. Worthless." She grins, vaugely, shakes her head a little. "Sorry. I'm babbling."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "I'm really good at lying. It's like my special faerie trick. Who knows what that means when it confrotns someone like this Doctor Strange guy. But I'm nto so great at tellign the turth..." Paisley breathes a sigh and then shakes herh ead before inhaling deeply through her nose. "You're fine. Babble away," the girl responds, shrugging again as she does. "It's just you and me. Be you. Do what you do. Drink Dr. fucking Pepper if you want. As for how strong this dude is... I wonder if he's that strogn in Faerieland. Arcadia. Whatever the fuck they call it."

Traci 13 has posed:
    "I won't -make- you, but I'll ask you to not lie to him, if you do meet him. Or do your best to. I don't know how to describe it, Paisley. But --," she considers, thoughtfully, "Him, and Zatanna? They're like, my role models. I used to have a Zatanna poster on my bedroom ceiling," she admits, with a sheepish smile, her cheeks going warm. Then, she sighs. "Of course, after -- my mom died, my dad trashed most everything he could get his hands on. I never bothered to replace it, because -- well." It might've reminded her of her mother, too much. Or her father.
    She kisses Paisley's jawline again, tender. "And, hey. Maybe. Who knows. Maybe your Grandmother isn't that awful. I just - I want to make sure you're safe."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "I mean, she's an inhuman Fae thing but she's not entirely heartless. Like, she cares about me enough to track me down, right? I wish I had more of that..." Paisley sighs almost wistfully and then she plants a kiss against Traci's jaw in turn, then another, more or less against the other igrl's lips. Once this is done she lowers her chin once more. "Either way, we'll figure it out. Might even have a party at the end or something."

Traci 13 has posed:
    "I like parties," agrees Traci. "And, yeah. I'll give her that. She seems to have a thing for family. But is it a you thing, or is it a bloodline, she wants to marry you off to some other Fae for an arranged marriage thing?" She exhales, "Sorry."
    Then, she grins some, nuzzling into Paisley, warmly. "Tell you what. Tomorrow. You. Me. We get Nico. Maybe Atlee. We go have ourselves a picnic. I'll take us to South America. Great waterfalls."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "I don't know," Paisley responds cheerfully to the questions about her grandmother. "At least she wants me for something." With a soft laugh Paisley eventually just nods herheads a few times slowly. "That... yeah. That sounds good. never been to South America. When do we go?" She shrugst hen, shifting her weight from left to right. "I guess I need to leave my bike here..."

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Won't be much good there anyways. Most of the stuff there runs on ethanol, I think. At least, I think I read that somewhere," offers Traci with a grin. She adds, thoughtfully, "Plus? I've only ever teleported people. Not big objects, like a motorcycle, or a car. I suppose I could. Just. I think it would be harder?" She doesn't sound -entirely- sure.
    "But I know this really fantastic place. Top of an amazing waterfall, and everything. Perfect spot. We can get local food, too."

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "Gas isn't a problem with my bike, remember?" Paisley's voice is actually fond as she speaks of the machine. Finally, the Faerie Punk Princess just leans her head back and nods once, laughing softly deep in her throat. "Okay. I want to see this spot if it's that amazing. ANd you knwo me. All the food you can eat." She shrugs.

Traci 13 has posed:
    "Good. You, me, and whoever else wants to go. Then, before we leave, we're totally making out underneath the waterfall. Or, something," she proclaims, because it sounds utterly irresponsible, and romantic all at the same time. Regardless, it seems to please her and take away any hesitation, if only for the moment, about Paisley's Grandmother and that situation. "Until then? What do you want to do tonight. I've been gone, all day. So. We can go out. Ooor?"

Paisley (267) has posed:
    "..." Paisley considers this for a moment and then she just laughs. The girl walks away from Traci finally, moving to sit down on the bed. "We can do almost anything. But I dunno about going out. Unless you have some thing in mind. I'm just... Happy to have you here. With me." She breathes a quiet sigh and then closes her eyes for a moment. "First thing's first. Your favourite ice cream. Because I ate the rest of it and went and bought another tub so you wouldn't notice except I just told you."

Traci 13 has posed:
    "And that," Traci says warmly, "Is why I love you." So she gets up, and heads to the freezer, highly amused. The new tub is pulled out, and just two scoops are put into a clean dish, "And just for that, you can stay over there and watch me indulge. Until I'm ready to come sit with you," she professes, feigning a measure of haughtiness.