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Latest revision as of 03:04, 19 February 2019

Let's get physical! Physical.
Date of Scene: 19 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Going on a walk with Doogie, Andrea and him talks a lot about life.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Cronenberg

Rage has posed:
There's a knock on Doogie's door from outside as Andrea stands on the other. Dressed in a pair of black sweat pants and a matching sweat shirt with a red X logo on the front, she completes her ensemble with a pair of sneakers. She has a bag in her hand as well as she waits patiently.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker opens up the door after a little under a minute. The inside of his room is already decorated, looking like one would expect from a nerdy collector with the disposable income that comes from wealthy parents. "Oh h-hi Andrea," he says pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Did you need something?" he asks. Dressed for bed he's wearing a pair of tartan pajama pants and a Captain America shield t-shirt.

Rage has posed:
Giving him a subtle glance over, Andrea blinks her eyes a few times. A small smile tugs at the corner of her lips. "Hey, let's go for a walk." She says as she holds the bag out to him. "I got you some sweats also to work out in when we hit the gym. I think I got your sizes. You good to hang out for a bit and talk?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nods, "Yeah. Sure thing." He accepts the bag and closes the door. There is the sound of him wrestling to get changed, and he's back out a few minutes later. "Okay I'm ready." He looks at your curiously and asks, "So uh, what did you want to talk about?" He's still getting used to the idea of people wanting or needing to talk to him, so he's still a little suspicious when someone says that.

Rage has posed:
"Talk just to talk. Hang out. Figure out a bit about you." Andrea says with a smile as she tilts her head, then starts down the hallway once he's ready to go. "Neat, I did get the right sizes. My mutant power of being a fashionista wins again." After heading downstairs and out the backdoor, she starts at an easy pace of a walk, but not too fast as to outpace him, or walk ahead of him. "So, Doogie, tell me about yourself. Where you from, what was life like, parents situation? Got a best friend? That kinda stuff you feel comfortable with."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker walks along and thinks for a minute before saying, "Well, my dad is a neurosurgeon. One of the top surgeons in the state actually. Mom is a prosecutor in New York City. I have a sister. She's a musical genius. She played with the New York Philharmonic when she was 13. Uh... a log of my time was taken up by my blog, New Olympians. Don't have any friends really, at least none that aren't online. Most of those I met because of my blog."

Rage has posed:
"Well, I'm your friend, and I'm sure you'll make a ton more. It's easy to make friends here where we're all pretty much different, you know?" Andrea says as she gives him a grin. "But that sounds like you have quite an impressive family. What is your blog about by the way? Is it popular?" She kicks a stone off the path and to the side to rest with the others in their little rock bed.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker shrugs and says, "I have about 2500 followers. It's about heroes. The big names as well as the up and comers." He looks off in the distance when you mention his family is impressive. His family never actively disliked him, but he was always that little blemish on an otherwise idealized family. "We met before you know. You probably don't remember. It wasn't for very long. My parents are big supporters for mutant rights, and were at a rally that you were at."

Rage has posed:
"Oh! We did? How long ago? ... I wasn't mean or anything was I?" Andrea asks as she slows down a bit to glance over at him. "I think that's a lot of followers. If you want, I can tweet it out to my followers and tell them to hit you up. You'll probably get about a hundred thousand by the end of the week. My followers are like rabid dogs." She grins.

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker shakes his head and says, "You weren't mean. You were just busy. It was probably about two years ago I think? It was right around the time when I started getting little hints that I was a mutant. Mostly showing up as weird sleep paralysis experiences." He smiles when you mention dropping him some followers, "Sure. I mean that is if you think your followers would be interested in superhero news."

Rage has posed:
"Doogie, if I told my followers I was interested in lime jello, it would sell out across the country." Andrea smiles at him as she bumps her shoulder to his. "I was fifteen then, yeah, I was probably busy. I was .. and still am.. really into the cause. Just when I was younger, I was really out there with it, stubborn, angry and I wanted to give us mutants a voice. After Dazzler was dropped from her record label for being a mutant, I decided to hit back at the industry. My label had my back though. I tried to get her signed to mine but at that point she was more super hero than popstar. I freaking idolize her. She's /amazing./"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker chuckles and bumps his shoulder back. "Yeah. I've written a few articles about Dazzler, so I know all about that. But even before my family knew I was a mutant, they have always been big supporters like I said. It stems back to about twelve years ago when my dad was performing surgery on this girl, a telepath. She died on the table due to the lack of knowledge about mutant biology in the medical world. He's pushed for new laws to require doctors to be trained in mutant physiology."

Rage has posed:
"Good luck with that. Every mutant is different. It can be a bit challenging at times depending on what you get. Furry mutants are different from scaly mutants and a shifter like you with your complicated powers may make things really hard to do X-Rays or surgery on." Andrea says as she rubs the back of her neck. "We have a couple of great healers here at the school, so if by the tiny chance you do get hurt, we got your back on that. Mutant healers. But I'm really proud of your family for standing up. How'd they take you being a mutant?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker shrugs, "It's not so much a problem with me if the proper precautions are taken. I had an... episode when I lost control. Dad hit me up with a sedative, after that I couldn't even change shape when I tried. But they took it okay when I told them I was a mutant, though they looked a little unsettled when I showed them what I could do. To be fair a lot of people seem to be unsettled at what I can do."

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, I'm sure most parents wish their kid can fly or turn the TV on remotely by blinking instead of chest tentacles, but they're your parents and I'm sure they love you all the same, yeah?" Andrea asks as she picks up the pace a tiny bit. Now and again, he may find himself walking a little faster to keep up with her as she leads him. It's a wolf thing. "My mom is a marine and my father is a surgeon. They were totally cool with me being a mutant. Not so cool with me eating the neighbor's cat during my first change and losing my marbles during it. We never did tell her."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker steps up the pace to match. The air coming from his nostrils is a little harder now, but not too bad. He gives you a sidelong look when you mention eating the neighbor's cat, but living in a glass house he can't cast stones. Especially with his infamous internet video that added fuel to the fire for mutant hate groups. "Yeah, I'm positive they love me. But in a distant way I guess. But everything is good. I mean my life lead me here, and it's probably the first good thing to ever happen to me, even considering the tentacles."

Rage has posed:
"I think being crazy rich with mutant loving parents and a genius sister is also a good thing. Your life is only as bad as you allow it to be, you know? We all have struggles, ups and downs. I got lucky in an audition, became a huge Disney star and Googled myself one day. Know what it's like to be thirteen and see your face photoshopped on a porn star's body, hearing things like countdown till' she's eighteen timers online? Pretty screwed up. But, I tuned out the haters and I focused on the positives. Sometimes you gotta pluck a few weeds to get strong flowers." Andrea bumps his shoulder again gently. "We're glad you're here though, Doogie. Great place for you to learn who you really are, how to manage your powers and get a kickass education on top of it with college courses too." She keeps this pace as her sharp ears catches his breath. If he starts to wheeze, she'll slow down instinctively. Let the wolf lead her cub. "You should meet Evan if you haven't already. He has physical mutations also, sweet kid. Kinda a geek also."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker doesn't seem to be struggling too much, it's just a small uptick from a relaxed pace. "I don't think I've met Evan. I'll have to put it on my to-do list" He gives a very happy and genuine smile when you tell him that people are glad he's here. "I... yeah. Thank you," he replies.

Rage has posed:
"No problemo muchacho. He goes by the code name of Genesis. He sorta goes bluish skin. His powers is sorta body amplification. He can stretch himself out, make himself strong, stuff like that. It's really neat. I don't think I have seen him cut loose yet, even though we train together now in our small team. I'm apart of a group called The New Mutants. A few students who has shown aptitude has been hand picked to be apart of a team in which we work together with our powers in a defensive manner, and sometimes offensive. We're designed to be mutant ambassadors in the long run. You know? Not like running around as super heroes, but /if/ the chance comes up where we may need to help someone, we're prepared to do it." Andrea says casually. "It's a lot of work. Exercise, dieting, extra courses, studying, more working out."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nods along. "Yeah, I've heard about the New Mutants in passing conversations around the mansion. It does sound really neat." What he doesn't say is that he would like to be part of such a team. But considering his poor fitness level, and the fact that he still flinches at bullies, he assumes that such a thing probably wouldn't be in the cards for him. "Well, could he be nervous about "cutting loose? I know I haven't gone all out either. At least not in a controlled way."

Rage has posed:
"We have a controlled environment for those who get hand picked for the team to cut loose on. If he has, it's been with Mister Guthrie and I haven't seen the training vids. That kinda stuff is private anyways. I wouldn't get nosy unless he was cool with it." Andrea says as they make a wide circuit, having walked about a half mile now. "So, besides blogging and superheroes, what else you into?"

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker thinks before saying, "Well I like drawing and painting. Putting together models. Collecting manga." He smiles and says, "I'm really kind of boring I guess. But when I didn't have any friends I had to find ways to amuse myself."

Rage has posed:
"You're not boring, you're a typical geeky dude who likes geeky stuff. It's totally cool to like Manga. I love that show Wolf's Rain. The old anime. For the obvious reasons." Andrea giggles softly. "Professor Rasputin is also an artist and he's really good too. He has some artwork in the hallways here. You should visit him and take some of his classes. He's so nice. He can turn himself into metal and get really strong. Russian guy. He's sweet as sugar."

Cronenberg has posed:
Doogie Decker nods, "Well I'll have to be sure to look in on him also. But really, thank you for all of your help and making me feel welcome." He looks down at the ground then back to you with a smirk, "And for tricking me to get an extra workout in,"

Rage has posed:
"Your heart rate is pretty steady and your breathing is optimal. You ready to crank it up a notch and walk faster?" Andrea asks as she nudges im, staring off down the path with her new cub, giggling. "C'mon, let's think of a new code name for you too."