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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/02/06 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1438, 1558 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1438|Gorilla Grodd (1...")
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Latest revision as of 06:27, 23 February 2019

Date of Scene: 06 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gorilla Grodd, Kid

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd arrives at the set meeting. He wants Kid to be comfortable and shows up using an image inducer rather than his powers. He is extremely relaxed. For a number of reasons, and the image he uses is one Kid will easily recognize. He greets him by his given name, "Jua. I hope you are well."

Kid has posed:
While Kid has still proven...troublesome in many aspects, he has mellowed out in some cases. Even actually begining to be more open to listening to his tutors and instructors. Though he still has an active habit of staying out late, dissappearing for days...and a penchant for checking in with scars, burns, etc.
    None the less, the rilla finds himself at the library, in one of those study rooms people can set aside for use. He had all manors of books on engineering on him...and is about the only reason he even leared to read. But none the less Kid was...agited as he read. He knew he was going to be meeting Grodd again soon - and they didn't exactly leave off on good terms. When Grodd shows up he eyes him and speaks quietly "Heya Grodd...been alright" he spoke rather easily around the other rilla, but still in a rough way.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Tell me about what you have been up to. Last time was tense, and I would prefer to avoid that here. Your anger is a part of you but I enjoy all parts of who you are."

Kid has posed:
     Jua is quiet a moment, remembering that day. "...I, didn't mean to get mad" he says not looking Grodd in the eye, he didn't much enjoy his temper. "But well, lots of things. Built a boat, went well untill it sank. Meet a little World Eater - Jumanthor? That giant snake thing? One of those in minature." he says "Even rescued some folks from a fire" which explains his singed fur and some of his burn marks.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "It is fine. It was highly chaotic circumstances and Selene was there. For all I know she was messing with you. This boat sounds interesting. The world eater soudns even more interesting....Do you have an ultimate agenda for these actions?" He is genuinely curious"

Kid has posed:
Kid laughs "No, I do not. My only agenda is living life. And it seems the weird is attracted to me. Even had a conversation with some fella named Lucierfur who claimed to be the devil." he says. He rubs the back of his head "And wasn't talking bout that..I ment well..back at your place." he shivers "...I do not like Selene...so is Death." he seemed quite certain of that. "...you can just feel it comming off her, like a thousand trapped souls. It was..." he shakes again, he really didn't like it. "As for the world eater, well happen to bump into Thor - he is a Jackass by the way, and a friend of his, who is WAY better. They were seeking answers to something, not sure what."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "I encourage you to set one. Goals will widen your perspective even if it is to only find a goal. I have read about Lucifer. Odd individual to say the lease. Selene is insane, frankly, but a useful tool in the right circimstances. She is indeed death and you should have your shields at their highest whenever near her. Thor is sometimes a jackass. Most Asgardians, including those who are now in Ape City, are definitely jackasses."

Kid has posed:
"oh great, so it hereditary" he rolls his eyes "Least Balder is nice" he likes balder, he has no idea why. His ears twitch as Selene is refered to as a tool, but otherwise makes no comment on that. But something catches his attention "...Shields?" he asks Grodd with clear confusion.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Baldur is among the more intelligent of their kind given my intelligence. What do you think the Asgardians were looking for answers to? You....you can't create Telepathic Shields? Did any one from any office contact you about telepathic training?"

Kid has posed:
Jua hmmms "Well, it wasn't Asgardian buissness I think, but Avenger buissness. It was around the time of that Fungus stuff." he explains. "So maybe answer to that. Was awhile ago." he admits. Though at Grodds question he turns a bit of a darker green "Ummm, no, I can't. Never have. As for training ummm..." he twiddles his thumbs and elects not to answer at first, like a kid who just gotten caught in trouble "..it not that they haven't contacted just been, well busy"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "I would be extremely grateful for any Justice League or Avenger Business you ever learn about and pass my way. As the head of a nation, such knowledge can save lives. But yes, that makes sense. They are...good...at that kind of thing. Busy is fine, but you are highly vulnerable without shields. I will MAKE time to train you in that if you will."

Kid has posed:
"Well, the avengers got a green lady from either outerspace, or another dimension, with a weird gem in her head. Apparently she can manipulate metal....and sense it for that matter. She didn't even know what a gorilla was! But beyound that, do not have much for yea." he says. "But if I learn anything, I'll let yea know." he picks at his teeth and open his pack to take out a banana, offering one to Grodd "...and I ain't vulnerable, it just...hard to tell what is what sometimes. But ummm...sure. I can give it a go"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "I can imagine a few species that might be. Its not my specialty but I can check files later, but it definitely is sad that she does not recognize the dominant species of the planet." He takes the Bannana. "I would be more at ease regarding your welfare. You cant shield yourself from everyone, maybe never Selene, but right now any two bit carny with a tiny flicker of ESP can do damage"

Kid has posed:
Kid pulls out a mango for himself. He listens intently as he takes a bite. He gives pause "...Dominant species? Dude, we got one city. You may as well call Asgardians the dominant species too." his logical side comming out. Another bite and he swallows "Eh. It not really that, that worries me if I am honest" he admits. He turns the mango slowly "least I would know where its comming from"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Two cities. And we predate the humans by hundreds of thousands of years. We'll be here long after they destroy themselves." He considers, "I can teach you to direct your detection from minor telepaths. The powerful ones will be harder. Sometimes even I dont notice them."

Kid has posed:
Curiouse Jua asks "...what is your obsession...your problem with humans?" he wonders. His own guard was quite down, seems the calming atmosphere of the library did good for a calmer Kid. "And like i said sure, I'll take some training from yea."

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "That is a long and complicated subject. I don't hate all humans, just humanity. I am impressed with your ability to let their deliberate experimentation and mutilation of you go....I am not. And I am particularly irate about their treatment of our unuplifted brethren or other sapient species they share this planet with. Before superheroes....they barely even considered the question. I will make arrangements for your training then. Some time next week perhaps?"

Kid has posed:
"oh, I never let go. There just dead." that and he still had a fierce distrust of scientists, and authority figures for the most part "Sides.." he shrugs, but it was tired almost pained as if it brought a great saddness to him "it was a human who kept me sane and hopefull all that time" he stopped eating his mango and stared at it partially lost "And sure, next week sounds fine. But not on thursday, have to take a stupid test" he grumbles at this. Damn school.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "Education is important. It is commendable you aren't telepathically controlling your teachers to just pass you." Did he mean that or was he just suggesting an alternative? Or both? Grodd is hard to read sometimes. He looks at a PDA. "Wednesday. I'll email you."

Kid has posed:
"Oh believe you me, I have tried, well more of a nudge, a Suggestion" he openly admits "But uh...yea, controlling people is a bit beyound me, less I had a 'snack' if you know what I mean, and even than can't seem to do much beyound simple commands and stuff is...hard." indicating he may have actually tried "Ummm...sorta got in trouble for that." He considers Grodd a moment "I...can uh...show yea"

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd says, "You will learn. And I will teach you. I look forward to it." He smiles and begins to fade."