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Latest revision as of 06:55, 23 February 2019

Sentinels: BUTT TRUCK!
Date of Scene: 09 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: We stole it.
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Wolverine, Black Widow (Romanoff)
Tinyplot: Sentinels

Deadpool has posed:
As it turns out, Black Widow had a good amount of time to do the recon needed to make this a lot less painful than it otherwise could have been. She's got layout, security shifts, lots of information on the newly hired groups of people being brought into the factory to work, the builders involved in adding additional wings, and so on.

The site is a sprawling factory that used to work in plastics, making various things like plastic boxes, jars, and so on. It has changed hands and is publicly known as a new high tech location, though it isn't a government facility. On the surface, they're going to make the next wave of new tablets and monitors and so on. Regardless, a ton of money has flooded the facility lately.

Deadpool wasn't idle either. Deadpool, well, he has a truck. It is a truck that is expected for a delivery of various objects for the brand new break room in the factory. There's two refrigerators and some other things. It also contains a bound, gagged, blindfolded, mostly undressed and unconscious pair of delivery-people. Deadpool, who no doubt is not being allowed to drive, is sitting with them, and bouncing a little yellow ball against one of the refrigerators. It has a little smiley emoji face on it, a big smile with triangle-gleeful eyes.

"So I was thinking we should montage our way in. Eye of the tiger," Deadpool chatters, all previous plans forgotten for the moment.

Wolverine has posed:
    In the driver's seat is Logan, though currently he's got a hat on and his hair slicked back, nose swollen from breaking it earlier to corrupt any facial recognition data. He does a good job of presenting himself as just another guy trying to do his job and not having a problem looking the other way.
    The truck rumbles and rocks as it advances on the factory, axle jouncing on the road as he takes the last turn before the security checkpoint. Over his shoulder he responds to Wade with the almost kneejerk by this point, "Shut it."
    Unlike the others he's not packing any equipment, since the chance he'll be pulled from the truck and frisked is higher for him being the driver. He pulls on the wheel, bringing the vehicle in line with the security post, then throttles down the engine with a low whine of gears and brakes with them coming to a stop.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
All of the paperwork is in perfect order. It even has personnel files for the people on board, making sure they are all on the lists for check in.

Chloe is one of those people. She is sitting in the passenger seat, her short black hair sticking up on the top while the rest is mostly shaved on the sides and back. She isn't a great beauty, eyes too small, nose a little too big, lips a thin line. She wears baggy jeans and a loose fitting short that hides anything of her form. This is all thanks to clothing and a high tech mesh that allows SHIELD agents to hide their features. It is undetectable on scans and allows Natasha to look like someone completely different.

She is reclining in the passenger seat playing on her telephone, not even glancing over at the gate as they stop. From the sounds going on, she's playing Candy Crush.

Deadpool has posed:
"Do you need your face broken more? Or a tissue?" Wade replies helpfully, playful, after being told to shut it. He bounces his ball three more times, then catches it and carefully puts it back into the mouth of the unconscious man wherein he'd originally had it as a gag. He also perks up at them stopping, and finally flips his inducer on. He abruptly looks exceptionally forgettable, a bland dime-a-dozen washed-out of college and is now moving fridges jock kid. He timed it, in order to climb up towards the front without being barked at, and annoyingly hangs over the front seats, hands curled onto the headrests to brace himself. He does kick into decent acting, looking bored. He probably IS bored.

"What level is that?" he asks, distracted by Candy Crush. Whether he's putting on the question or not might be hard to tell. Security mostly looks at Logan, and requests his paperwork without a lot of interest. There's been a lot of trucks today. "It's after four, you were expected /before/ four," security comments, while looking through the papers.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan, as the driver, hands the papers over to the security guard with the casual grudging aplomb of a man who has had to do that a million times before. Exasperatedly he looks ahead and seems to be thinking about the future, about the vacation he'll never take, about the angry growly wife back home that he's not looking foward to going to.
    Then the guard snaps those few words his way and it seems for him to take a moment to realize he's being talked to. "Yeah. Call of nature." He says, then his face sours as he adds, "Guess who?" With that sort of scowl and roll of the eyes in Nat's direction that one sees on the features of a man who is forced to work with a woman and deal with her 'female' issues.
    He looks back and away towards the gate, hand resting on the window of the truck.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Fuck you," comes the growl from Chloe. She still doesn't stop playing her video game though she does turn the screen so her compatriot leaning on the back of the seat can see for himself as she plays. "I'll be glad to trade you these cramps from hell any day of the week. Maybe we can find someone who can swap our bodies and I can listen to you whine about bleeding for a week and not dying."

Yes. She went there. Outloud. Around men. And she seems ready to continue chattering away about it.

Deadpool has posed:
The issue might not be that she went there with men present. She went there with Wade present. Who needs to behave. Fortunaately his reaction is also in character, which is to burst out laughing, and crouch down where he is. "It's like a vacation with the parents nobody wants," chimes the mercenary in amusement, before looking at the phone and reaching out to make a few matches he sees. He's quick, and good at the game, and it holds his attention. "Why aren't you clearing the blue sweets?" Deadpool wants to know, distracted.

Security, on the upside, buys most of it, disgusted by Women Talk, and taps the door twice, handing back the papers after making some notes in his booth. "Go ahead. You're going to the big building 8A. You'll follow the road around to the right side, and park by the yellow doors. Your dropoff is at the end past those doors."

Wade flashes a thumbs up and starts to climb into the back again.

Wolverine has posed:
    The papers are accepted and Logan gives a thumbs up as he gets the truck in gear, the engine roaring back to life as he starts the cargo vehicle forwards. It starts to roll ahead and then... they're clear. Or at least clear of that checkpoint. Over his shoulder he says, "You set, Wade?" Since his part of the plan was coming up, though the options were flexible at this point. He could deploy separately and then he and Nat split up from the storage slot at building 8A, or they could stick together if security seems too strong.
    Either way, the moment to decide is coming up.
    Sidelong towards Nat he says, "Can't take you anywhere." Perhaps impugning her choice of subject matter. But then he smirks as they pull towards that building and the loading dock. He'll turn the truck, then get it set to back up into the space, beeping and all.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Eighty-seven percent of men find it uncomfortable to listen to 'women' problems," Natasha points out as she turns off the game and tucks the phone into her pocket. "It kept him from going through the entire approval process and got us in the gates one minute and ten seconds faster." She seems rather proud of that since it speeds up their timeline by a little bit. Every minute will count today.

Beneath her baggy clothes, she is dressed for business, although she has no intention of showing those clothes unless it becomes necessary. Easier to get in and out as their delivery personas for as long as they possibly could.

Deadpool has posed:
"Don't split the party," Wade snorts, as if Logan suggested they also just turn around and leave emptyhanded. "I'd say protect the healer, but the healers are the tanks, so that's just confusing. Are we paladins? Oh god of stabbiliciousness, I beseech you, show us mercy for our quest and let us pass unmolested, unless we ask for molestations," Deadpool prays on his knees from the back of the van.

"I multiclass as a bard," is added. "By the way, I forget if I said, but I have remote explosives under fridge number two just in case. So we're moving that in, while Chloe hacks some secure doors; should be happy lab of wonders and tons of power draw on the opposite end of break room, right 'Chloe'? ---Anyway, I take my role as 'mover number three' very seriously. But not serious enough to earn a full name billing in the end credits."

While his cohorts work through THAT jumble of lack of leadership, Wade's moving to open the back of the truck and hop out, and get the ramp prepared. He is getting a look at the place, though, and at some of the security that passes by them in a sleek new car.

Wolverine has posed:
    A nod is given and for now it's keeping the cover. He parks the vehicle in the loading dock, then gets out and slams the driver's side door shut to perhaps cover any extra noise that WADE might be making as he gets out of the vehicle. Then he's walking along the side of the vehicle, pulling his gloves out of his back pocket and sliding them on his hands as he hops up on the dock and starts to open the back doors.
    Doesn't take long before he's manhandling the surprise fridge out of the back onto a dolly and starts to wheel it into the storage facility. He takes his time as he moves, clearly a fellow that's paid for by the hour. But it also gives him free time to take a gander at their surroundings and the routine of the security around.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha follows a moment later, getting out of the passenger side and heading for the back. She grabs another hand truck and moves to get the second fridge loaded then she motions to Delivery Guy #3. "Here. You do the heavy lifting."

She has the keycard that was supplied to the delivery men. That will get them into the buildings and the areas where they are supposed to go. She has a few other goodies that will let them get into the areas they are not. Though for now, it is business as usual for the delivery folk.

She heads for the entry door and slides the card. A moment later, the green light comes on and the lock disengages. She opens the door then holds it for the guys doing the real work to enter.

Deadpool has posed:
"We should have brought another guy," complains Wade. "My hand truck is shit," he gripes. Indeed, he's got the one that is listing a little bit to the side, but aside from causing a good amount of complaining (that continues with some swearing), it isn't that big of a problem. He parks his less-explosive fridge and moves to help get Logan's through the door.

There are cameras: quite a lot of them, though they aren't moving, they're stationary. No doubt they are being observed. Wade angles his head behind one of the refrigerators to wink. A signal for something that may or may not be good.

With an abrupt jerk, he pulls the fridge around, entirely using the top to block one of the cameras aimed towards the far door. "It is on my FOOT," he says loudly, while wiggling it, hanging off the door like he's having a good time. He is. Things like this are super fun. So is watching Natasha work, and he eagerly looks over at her.

Wolverine has posed:
    Broken-Nose Logan leans over and around his side of the fridge and says, "Be more careful next time." Then lifts it just enough so he can sneak his limb out of the way. But that allows them to get the fridge nice and set and stored for when they might well need the distraction.
    He moves back so that they're all in line of sight and gestures towards Natasha and then lifts his eyes, signifying the security cameras and systems for her to handle those. Probably at a junction box or in the office. He then nods to Wade and says, "Get the staff, let's secure this place."
    That said he takes his role and he turns, grabbing the manifest off the side of the fridge and tucking it under his arm as he starts to walk towards the office himself. Over his shoulder he calls loud enough to carry, "You guys keep on keepin' on, gonna check in."
    And after that they head to their tasks.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Now that the fridge is in place blocking that camera unit, Natasha pulls out another toy from her usual line of work. A quick moment she has access to the doro panel, having pulled off the cover. She hooks two clips to wires within and taps a few moments on that cell phone she had earlier. Then she clsoes the panel, leaving the clips in place. She taps a few more times on her phone then smiles. "Doors are ours. I should be able to access a panel just inside here for twenty seconds before a camera swings our way. Either put the fridges in the hall, where there is no foot patrol, or back in the truck so the roving car won't suspect anything."

The door that they shouldn't have access to opens and she is through, heading right for that hub. She is counting the seconds in her head as she works, opening it then putting on those alligator clips and starting to work on the phone rapidly. With two seconds to spare, she gives a nod. "It's all mine now."

Deadpool has posed:
"You didn't say, 'I'm in,'" Wade complains, something Logan surely was thinking too. Wade pats the fridges and gestures at Logan to help move them to the hall. "After you?" he says, putting some speed and actual effort into moving the items now that time is of the essence. "Lift with the legs," he reminds for no reason. Not like it matters if they injure themselves lifting things.

Then, right on time, Wade is bouncing back to meet up, alert and overly excited. He loves this part, really. "Victory ass-slaps for later. Okay. Look-see, what looks tasty?" Wade asks Natasha.

There's a lot of focus of power and connections around the largest of the central buildings, but the one the group's hub is attached to isn't bad either. Most of the power is going to the large building, but they have a secondary zone next to them that is not in full use yet, by appearances of the layout. That might have less activity in it.

"I like the close one. I'll clear guards. 10-9-8-go!" And there's going.

Wolverine has posed:
    With the toting and fetching and carrying done, Logan meets back up with the others and gives a nod. "Alright," He checks his watch and then looks between the others. "With how security seems, we go with the full grab. Clear the areas, secure who you can, but don't endanger yourselves. Things go south two clicks on the comm," Then he looks at Wade and pauses, frowns, then says. "Or scream whatever you think is funny at the time."
    He then motions in two directions. "Nat, got that angle? Wade got that one? Nat and me take the perimeter, Wade you just go right up the middle."
    "We do it quiet, take what we can portable-wise but flag things in case we get the base under control."
    "Ok we good then..."
    But Wade is already counting down and then... off he goes. He takes a moment to look at Nat and shrugs for a moment, then breaks into a run.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Before all the running started, Nat did manage to explain where the high output areas for power. That's her intended target is the closer of the two. The main building will be next.

She checks the screen on her phone once again as her partners give their opinions then suddenly Wade is counting --then not counting. "Dammit," she murmurs as Logan looks her direction.

She tucks the phone away and heads her direction. While they are splitting up, they do have their comms and she taps the one in her ear. "Keep it fast and quiet. This building shouldn't have as high of a security presence as the main, since it is still under construction. Pretty sure that isn't the Keurig pulling all that power though." Once the perimeter is clear, she intends to follow to that power drag or find a computer terminal to be able to access the information directly.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade is giddy and chatty on the comm. If they didn't know him better, the other two would probably think he was goofing off somewhere or forgot about the plan. But he's chatty, in a stage-whisper, while leaping on security and beating them up and stuffing them in ceiling vents, that sort of thing, as he happily clears along the area he was 'assigned'. "Cyclops wanted to talk to me, I'm pretty sure it wasn't in anger, either. Hard to tell though. I refuse to be blamed for whatever is in his ass, though. If I had done it I'd take all the credit..."

There's a sort of surprising amount of security, in terms of manpower. Some of them seem bored: like they were hired before the building actually was in use, so they're in training, or not taking it seriously yet.

But inside that second building is a very odd sight. There's crates, but most of the thing is out in pieces. It looks a lot like the sentinels, but it isn't, at the same time. It's something 'new'.

"And Rogue did not let me have her yogurt," Deadpool is saying.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan's experience as he makes his way along the Eastern perimenter is different than Wade's. Oh he is fast, moving quickly and keeping to the shadows. He is quick to silently take out the patrols of security and to leave them zip-tied and gagged just in case they recover their consciousness before they're finished with the operation. No blades, at least for now since some of these folks might be actual private sector and not so much causeheads.
    Maybe Nat was expecting Logan to ignore Wade over the comms, but curiously enough he's not. Not that he's being chatty. More that at points he'll respond quietly in that low rumbling voice of his.
    "Yeah. He's a jerk alright." Regarding Scott. And then when he brings up Rogue he says, "Yup. Lady likes her yogurt." Perhaps it's a way to mitigate Deadpool's crazy. Or perhaps it's in case someone eavesdrops on the channel by accident they'll just hear two losers on the band chatting about nonsense.
    He breaks into another storage building, sticking to the dead zones as he makes the round. The office gets his attention once he gets in there, an unconscious clerk lying zip-tied on the floor. On the channel he breaks in over whatever Deadpool is saying at the moment.
    "Think I found some drives. Taking them, tagging the machines."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The Western perimeter is Natasha's. She is moving quickly, using her speed and surprise to easily take down guards as she travels. They are tucked into closets or offices, tied and gagged. A couple earn a Widow's Bite, the electricity taking them out of the fight before they even have a chance.

Eventually she finds what she was looking for. It's the main computer and she moves to the console, settling into the seat and tapping away on the touchscreen. "Just for you..." she says onto the comm as she breaks out a portable drive and plugs it into the machine so she can begin downloading every bit of information she can find. "I'm in. Downloading now."

Deadpool has posed:
"Squeeeeee!" Wade says into the comm when Natasha says exactly what he wanted to hear. But then some silence, since his chatter is aimed at the people he's taking apart at the moment, and keeping score. Or whatever.

"Hey guys. Guyssss. There's a truck over here with a giant metal ass in it. And it is not very sexy," Deadpool comments. "And a---oh, /my/."

He does a decent Nick Fury impression, next: "Hold onto your butts...."

That can't be good.

Wolverine has posed:
    Across the comms they'll hear Logan's voice. 'You what now?' But there's that burst of words from Wade and then some weird sounds in the background. He shakes his head and slings a combat pack over his shoulder, the straps tightening to hold it close with its contents of confiscated drives. He scowls even as he breaks into a run, sliding sideways over a desk and heading towards the door.
    "Widow, heading towards Deadpool's location. I got a bad feeling about this."
    Since giant asses and Deadpool usually aren't a good mix. For anyone.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
If anyone would be able to find an ass in a location that it makes no sense for there to be one, it would be Deadpool. The part that surprises Natasha the most is that it doesn't surprise her. "I'll head that way in two minutes. Have to finish the download. They had a few hidden but not well enough."

She taps a few more keys then watches the progress bar on the screen as she waits, listening to the sounds on the other end of the comm and urging the computer to work just a little faster.

Deadpool has posed:
"I couldn't perform an enema even if I wanted to," Deadpool comments into the comm, with a sigh in his voice. "That must be why they're acting so awful. I mean, how would you feel if you couldn't shit at all, yet someone still chose to give you an ass?" Good questions.

Deadpool can be found by the trail of scent and disarray from his fighting methods. He did put the guards out of sight, but not FAR out of sight. One of them is hanging from the ceiling in the neighboring storage building on the way to where Deadpool is now. He's peeking inside a truck full of robot parts. And there really is a sentinel's lower body in it: Part of a thigh and the mentioned butt.

Deadpool diverts from the truck to the building, distractedly trying to find the rest of the robot. "I need a enormous wookiee to come and carry bits of this."

Wolverine has posed:
    Arriving at a half-jog, Logan trundles on up and stands at Deadpool's side, expression a little incredulous then slipping to impressed as he observes the Sentinel bits. "Hnh," He says succinctly even as he slips into the depths of the vehicle's bed and starts to poke around.
    "This... might be worth stealin'." He looks over to the side to meet Deadpool's gaze and quirks an eyebrow as if to gather his thoughts about it. Which, most likely will be of the pro variety.
    He steps back and hops out of the truck, landing with a crunch next to Wade. "But that might exceed our mission parameters." He offers candidly.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Well, can either of you actually pick it up?" Being at a distance, Natasha isn't aware that it's on a truck. "Otherwise it probably isn't something we should try for right now." Once she finds out it's on a mobile surface, she might change her mind.

The progress bar is almost there. She quickly accesses a few more files to see if there is anything else of worth.

Deadpool has posed:
"Yes but (BUTT), it is a really shiny ass, how can you NOT want to grab it," Deadpool says forlornly. "It's on a truck and everything. But where would you PUT it? I don't even know where I'd store it. And it's probably full of tracking devices and nonsense. I'd put a tracker in MY giant robot junk."

Deadpool is hesitant, tempted. "It's not like it'll go anywhere. We can come back for it," Deadpool says mostly to himself, petting a 'cheek' in a fond way. He follows Logan, then, bouncy. "Going inside? Inside inside. Focus."

Wolverine has posed:
    Scritching the line of his jaw, Logan looks contemplative, "Feel free ta chime in, Widow." He offers to get her input but then tells Wade. "Yeah, let's head on in. We'll come back if needs be and snag it." He steps around he truck and starts to move towards the next objective point, but he pauses long enought to growl sidelong, "We steal it, though. Moratorium on ass jokes until Cyke is around. You read me?"
    And with that he breaks cover and starts to move, hugging close to the ground and trying to move in the safest and quietest route needed.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"You were correct. There are tracking devices. However, they don't seem to be in the portion you located. Head and chest. Limbs are just mobility and weaponry. Too bad you didn't find an arm."

She quickly begins typing in some information, windows popping up as she flips through rapidly. "What's the number on that truck before you get out of sight. Give it to me and we won't need to steal it. We'll have clearance and permission to depart."

Deadpool has posed:
"I feel like we're in the matrix. Or a borg cube. Holy fucking robotic non-existant shitballs," Deadpool breathes. He's come around and slid into a side access, after making short work of picking two overly large padlocks. The building is dark inside, but power sources along several stored Sentinels glow with eerie orange light that bounces off of the others present. There's a row of them, in various stages of being put back together: four are just all in pieces, two are 'seated' near a wall, drawing power.

That this building is drawing far less power than the other building is only a measure of comparison of how many or what must be in the other building!

There is a giant bare place, where a lot of power hookups are being set up, that houses nothing. But the sentinel that could be there would be the mother of them all, by the look of it. Massive cranes and conveyor belts are gathered, but not yet operational.

Deadpool steals inside boldly, fearless, trotting behind the two seated ones. "I found a limb or ...nine. Nine? Ten. Ten limbs," he assures Nat.

What Deadpool does not see is both of them light up more, but then fade back down, and stay docile.

Wolverine has posed:
    Moving in to bracket the firing angles for Deadpool, covering him in a way to watch his back almost instinctively, Logan scowls to himself and his nostrils flare as he begins to move further inside. "Don't like the smell of this place." All the energy, the ozone, the fresh plastic scent. So artificial and entirely carrying negative connotations for the man's life.
    He motions with a nod towards the larger power bay and grimaces, "Alright, that... does not bode well." Giant robots. He'd spent enough time in japan to know that this sort of thing. It's bad news.

Deadpool has posed:
Both Sentinels react to Logan's presence. They suddenly flood to life with power. One of them states loudly, "HALT, MUTANT," in top volume. The first begins to stand, still connected by all the cords to the wall, taking up the slack quickly, while the other orients; it was further away, but clearly got the signal.

"YOU FAIL AT STEALTH," Deadpool complains, upset, into the comm, dodging back away from the robots, drawing his guns, but not actually firing. Because robots. UM.

Deadpool opts to instead run to the power source to try to unplug it. Maybe it only was at 1% charge, like a phone?

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
A red warning banner begins flashing on Natasha's screen. "What the hell did you do?" What was a leisurely hack and peek just became some sort of crisis intervention. "Sentinels just lit up."

Her fingers are flying over the keys as she taps into the systems. The alert allows her to see the video feed from the Sentinels to see who they are focusing on: Logan. She quickly attempts to shut down the alarm they are raising for the other Sentinels in the area. Of which there seem to be many. "I can't take you anywhere," she mutters. She does her best to try and shut down the Sentinels that are responding to him but they keep looping back to alert status. "I'm going to have to stay here to keep this thing from blasting you. Get the intel and get the hell out of there!"

Wolverine has posed:
    The robot's voice echoes loudly in the hangar bay and Logan's response to Wade's announcement is for him to turn, shoulders hunching a little as the blades slice forwards through his flesh and lock into place with that /SHINGKT!/ He growls low but then snaps into the comms. "Roger that."
    He breaks into a run towards the large bay and tries to find anything transportable that he can sling into the pack on his back. Just a quick smash and gab as they're now living on borrowed time with the activation of the Sentinels. Over his shoulder he snaps, "Make yerself useful, Deadpool!"

Deadpool has posed:
"Next time, shower before the mission, /I/ can smell you from here, and I wasn't going to say anything because I'm a nice guy, but you smell better on the insides than you did today. I'd know, I've smelled your open intestines," Deadpool prattles while 'hiding' among the power cords. He's swapped to swords, but hasn't attacked yet. That they have ignored him is sort of interesting, after all. "Actually, they probably don't have noses. It must be something else. Offend their sense of style, maybe? I mean, PLAID?"

"SURRENDER, MUTANT," Thunders the other sentinel.

"I'm hurt. I don't get them on MY dance card?" huffs Deadpool. He falls back as the power cord he was pulling on gives way. "I'm not a big name, they're not after me. I'll get what I can; think you can be the distraction for once, bub? I'll take the ass-truck; go back to the other one and get outa here!" Deadpool suggests, leaving the pile of cords (which he has unplugged but that fact has seemed to make zero difference), and pouncing on a computers next to the cord hub. It has indeed become 'just grab all the things'.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Hey, if I let one of them attack, think you can get me an arm?" Natasha muses. "Kidding. I don't want there to be evidence we were here. Other than the missing butt truck."

She resets it. Tells the system all is well. It tells her that all is well oh wait no--alert mutant kill kill kill. She has to keep resetting. "I think when you are clear of the area, it may let me put it down for good. I'll need a few extra seconds to remove all the video it's recording."

Wolverine has posed:
    The things, they are all grabbed even as Logan gives a wide berth to those semi-acive Sentinels. Any chips or drives are placed in the pack, as well as paperwork and particularly anything looking like a field manual. It's a quick smash and grab and once the pack is filled he'll head back and out unless something in particular grabs his attention.
    Back towards the door he calls over his shoulder. "Butt Truck!" Not exactly backing Nat's name for the vehicle and more stating intent. He's running full tilt back through the stealth enabled lane of egress and skids to a halt next to the vehicle. The door is yanked open as he pulls himself into the driver's seat, checks the visor for the keys. And if they're not there, then he slips low to start the hot-wiring process.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool follows after, and encounters a Sentinel that was called in by the alarm, by the truck. He stops near the driver's side door, thinking fast.

"Widow, we got one out here, I ----I have an idea," Deadpool says.

Which, compared to things that come out of Deadpool, is probably one of the scariest statements possible. Someone's going to suffer for it.

"Heeeey friend," Deadpool says, running out towards Logan, and spinning to face the sentinel. He put his swords and guns away. He waggles the badge he'd used earlier. "He is an important prisoner that we're going to do the things we always to do prisoners ... to." Yeah, that held water. "Hold your fire, Sentinel friend!" Deadpool says, both hands up and out, spread. "Put your snikt shit away," Deadpool hisses at Logan loudly.

"Resume patrol!" Deadpool attempts at the Sentinel, who now levels a glowing palm at them and the butt-truck.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Protocols require that all mutant transfers be ...You have got to be kidding me. I really would like to place a few charges and blow this place up," Natasha suddenly growls into the comm unit.

This time she tries to shut down the Sentinel that is facing them completely. Knowing it will reboot in about two seconds and be ready to attack again. Which isn't going to help matters. Unless...

She puts in information quickly while popping back to the other screen. Suddenly Deadpool, mask and all, is an authorized person to give instructions to Sentinels. God Have Mercy On Us All. Natasha adds herself for good measure. She tries to add Logan but it seems he's a mutant so probably not going to work.

Wolverine has posed:
    Getting out of the truck in time to see the tall stomping form of the Sentinel, Logan scowls to himself as he steps around, claws slipping into their housings in his forearms with a short sharp /SNAKT!/ He holds them up clearly an important prisoner as he scowls and gives Deadpool an eyeballing before looking back up at the Sentinel aiming that palm their way.
    "It ain't buyin' it." He offers even as he seems to be centering himself, shifting his boots on the gravel beneath his feet, as if building traction.
    Into the comms, Logan's voice comes across clear as day. "Five seconds and I'm guttin' the thing." And if Wade glances over at Logan's features he'll likely see that the Canadian mutant means it.

Deadpool has posed:
Natasha must love to code in circles! The sentinel does accept the update of humans that are valid into the database. And then also Logan. But then there's a conflict, and due to the error, the system reboots, and Natasha will have to give chase and change the list again when it gets reverted. There's a lot of interesting failsafes: And they all have to do with reverting to prior code if something funky is found. Obviously a mutant cannot be someone they find valid, so there must be meddling.

And another person is now on another terminal, alerted by the variety of resets and reversions. Natasha'a position is becoming suddenly very dangerous.

All of that happens in a matter of seconds, as the robot oriented to shoot Deadpool, then stops and lowers the hand, then up it comes again. "Whoooooa there tiger," Deadpool says; it is probably unclear who he's talking to: the robot or Logan. He draws a gun and points it at Logan's face.

"All under control! Right? Right. Shoo. SHOOOOOOOO, "Deadpool commands of the Sentinel, waggling his other hand. It isn't shooting them, at least, as Natasha fights the programming. It stands there, obeying. Good enough. Natasha on her end can see that it accepts that Deadpool is using force to capture a mutant. That is extremely acceptable to it.

The sentinel from inside the building has started to troop out, though. "That was the extent of my idea," announces the merc into the comm. "My next one involves me shooting you a lot---"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Get in that truck and get out of there. Now. I'll take the other truck once you are clear and exit." She sees that little code and frowns. "I'm compromised. No more time. If you don't make your exit in the next couple of minutes, they will lock me out and have access to all of those things."

She doesn't stop what she is doing. Let them see her. Let them come after her, instead of her teammates.

Wolverine has posed:
    Scowling all the while, Logan steps to the side as if he's complying with Deadpool's orders as he says, "Alright alright. I'm complyin' and crap." Even as he moves towards the passenger side of the vehicle, arms held up and then yanking open the door. He gets inside, hands still held up and eyeing the legs of the Sentinel that probably still has a bead on them.
    But there's always a limit and that one is when he growls once Deadpool gets in beside him, "You shoot me Deadpool and we're gonna have words." Which, really he should know better than to say.

Deadpool has posed:
    That distracts Deadpool. He turns to look at Logan. Regardless of the Sentinels or anything else. He rests a forearm on the steering wheel, staring at Logan now, gun still in his face. "Now wait a minute. This bromance again doesn't seem equal. I would let YOU shoot /me/. Lots of times. It's not my fault I am beloved by weird sentinel Robots and they decided I am their chosen one," Deadpool explains, still not driving.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I swear to God, I will shoot you both if the Sentinel doesn't vaporize you first." Natasha is sounding slightly annoyed. Which means that was likely a promise and not a threat. "Drive. Now."

Wolverine has posed:
    Growling low, Logan snarls sidelong towards Deadpool and says. "You heard me." But then he scowls as he eyeballs the large robot, and to be fair... there is that siren's call of the abyss that still beckons him, the side of his growly nature that wants to just bust out of the vehicle and fight the whole damn base of them.
    But then he takes a deep breath and exhales it slowly to growl. "We'll figure it out later." Then there's a pause as he says something that might throw a wrench into /everything/.
    "Just not in fronta Nat. A'right?"

Deadpool has posed:
"I'm not crying, I have something in my eye," Deadpool says sniffly, rubbing his eye-sockets on the mask with a wrist, not on comm.

"Yeah yeah, I'm driving I'm driving," Deadpool sighs on comm, and maintains the gun on Logan.

"HALT, MUTANT," thunders the Sentinel, possibly confused by the activity.

Wade swings back into 'acting', and yells at the Sentinel. "He's my prisoner, look. Abuse abuse abuse, going to new place," Deadpool says, attempting to smack Logan in the face with the pistol for each 'Abuse', before finally backing up, and pulling out.

"Did we shut the back of the truck?" Deadpool wonders.