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Latest revision as of 15:58, 23 February 2019

The Usual Shwarma Stop
Date of Scene: 13 February 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Renee Montoya, Kid

Renee Montoya has posed:
    The conference was boring and not entirely informative. New York City isn't Gotham...and the people giving the lectures had clearly never had to deal with crime scenes caused by people like Professor Pyg or the Joker. Still, it gave Renee a few days away from her small, dingy apartment, tv dinners and late night beers. It gave her some breathing room, which she surely needed.

    The shwarma shop is small, with only a few tables, and it is one of a hundred such places in the city, easy. Still, this the one Renee has hit each time she comes to the city. It's -her- shwarma shop, as far as she is concerned. She's seated at a table with her beer and plate of food. She's dressed in slacks, black shoes, a button-up shirt, a blazer. Simple, on-duty clothes. Her gun is holstered under her shoulder, of course, but she's required to carry it off-duty. She stifles a yawn, then washes it down with her beer.

Kid has posed:
And in enters an unexpected pairing. Officer Orion was definintly a much older man, and small at only 5ft, maybe a bit less, and a current probation officer. He himself had attended the conference, and had even given a small tidbit on crime and how it affects younger individuals to stress it important, with plenty of jokes thrown in. He had apparently been off duty, which made the person with him all the odder. A massive over 6ft person. From the off set,the apparent teen, is easily ping as a mutant with his oversized build, animalistic eyes and four oversized canines that are evident in his jaws. He just SCREAMED angry and aggressive, in stark contrast to the calm old man. Though Orion should have been off duty
    The waiter brings them over to a table near Renee, where the two take a seat. Orion eyes seem to light up, seeming to recognize Renee. He raises a glass to her "Officer Montoya. You fall alseep too I dare ask?" he chuckles, while the oversized teen...initiall doesn't seem to be paying attention as he looks over the menu.

Renee Montoya has posed:
Renee glances up at the entrance, and she can't help but go on-guard a hint at the sight of the big teen. She doesn't square up or anything, but she certainly becomes a hint less casual. She watches as the two settle in nearby, and she chuckles a bit. "Practically. I'd one of those lecturers to try and apply any of that to a scene commited by half the people we deal with in the MCU. Certain patterns get tossed right out the window. But hey, free hotel room, and I have a meal allowance." She winks and shrugs, taking another sip of her beer. She glances from the cop to the big guy.

Kid has posed:
    Orion chuckles "Your telling me! Sure some of the new fangled stuff is helpful, but it almost like their TRYING to throw out the past. Granted, I do believe people can change...but god damn, throwing out pluasible causes over some of it is ridiculouse" he shakes his head. He notices the glance easy enough and nudges the teen.
    The teen looks at him as if to ask 'What?' before looking at Renee. He looks her up and down...and straight up flips her the bird. before returning to the menu.
    "Jua, come on, we talked about this. You have nothing to worry about" says Orion quite calmly, seeming to know him well.
    Jua, as it where, looks at Orion, back to Renee, Orion again before sighing. He turns the dial on a strange watch her wore. Afterwords he began to sign, a synthetic voice following in the aftermath "Hello. You smell like beer. Good beer. It is nice."

Renee Montoya has posed:
    Renee is about to say something when she gets the finger. She opens her mouth and then closes it. She has never been good with kids, even if they're taller then she is. "Uh?" She glances towards the cop again.
    When she hears that voice and he says she smells like beer, she shrugs. "Well, I'm off work, so why not have a few?," she asks. "My hotel is just down the street, afterall." She looks put-off by this situation, but doesn't say it. Instead she simply takes another bite of her schwarma.

Kid has posed:
    Jua signs "You know. I used that argument before. Orion still won't let me drink" he glares daggers at the old man who simply replies "When your of age, you can drink. But more importantly" he ahems and tilts his head over to Renee.
    A deep sigh and he signs "Sorry for flipping you off..." a pause "...will try not to do it again." he actually didn't seem completly sure himself, maybe even confused.. He moves on "Hotel...is it the one in the shape of an L with like the smaller building being 4 stories or some shite? Yea know, the one on anderson?" honing in oddly specificlly.
    When the waiter comes back, they promptly place their order...which included ALOT of meat for the big guy.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    SHe shrugs noncommitally, as she is apparently not about to give her hotel location to some stranger. "I'm only in town until the end of the week, then it's back to Gotham. We drew straws in the precinct to see who got sent here. Technically the Captain drew it, but...you know...it rolls down hill and all." Renee chuckles to herself and drains her beer, before setting it aside.
    "Also, apology accepted."

Kid has posed:
     Jua signs "Gotham is nice. Especially like the docks. Once you get past the drugs, guns and idiots. It is calming enough." he doesn't bother to pursue the answer to the previouse question. After all he knows well enough folks can be private about such things. He scratches at his belly before he signs "You should have told your Captain or whatever to shove it. Or just kick him out a window and let him handle it if you didn't want to go"

Renee Montoya has posed:
    "Her, and nah. She's good people. The MCU is...actually good cops. One of the only non-corrupt departments in Gotham. But, when you get a department entirely hand-picked by Gordon, it's what you get." She shrugs and finishes off her food, pushing her empty basket away. "Either way, like I said, the trip isn't bad. Gives me time to breath. When I get back I'm right on a quadruople homicide case. We're suspecting this escapee named Zasz, but no proof just yet. So, I have that to look forward to when I get home. My partner's working on it while I'm out of town."

Kid has posed:
Jua hmmms at the name "Zasz. Short fella, missing a pinkie? Talks with a perpetual scratchy voice? Infinity tattoo on neck?" he signs in askance. It seems like the name rung a bell.
    Orion had mostly been listening as he says gently "Jua. I doubt Ms. Montoya wants to think about work when she is off work. And...hot damn triple homicide? Sounds like Gothom is in a lull" having heard tales of 7+ bodies being common place for a homicide in some suspects. How much is true he wasn't sure.
    Jua grunts and signs "Fine, fine. Eh, the homocides sound average...but the idea of a non-corrupt department of cops? Now THATS a miricle" he evidently didn't hold a high opinione of them.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    "Scar for every kill," Renee adds to Jua. "Sounds like the same guy. Serial killer." She nods to Orion as she considers another drink, glancing out the window at the Brooklyn street. "Not every crime in Gotham is television special worthy," she replies. "...Just a lot of them."
    She brushes her fingers back through her dark hair as she glances back over. "Well, everyone in the department has their problems, sure. And the folks who don't trust Gordon assume we're bad, but..." She shakes her head.

Kid has posed:
    Jua signs "Yea. I know him. He payed me in mangos for a job before. Had to do with moving some weapons. Was like...a year ago." evidently he had no qualms with his past. "Never liked being near him. He feels twisted." he concludes. "Makes him easy to track when he didn't pay up though."
    Orion nods "Indeed. Every department has their rats. Gotham just happens to have a very high amount of them. But most are good folks. Shame too that folks distrust Gordon" he tsks and drinks his own water. Their own food comes out finally. "Your welcome to join us if you want more Renee. If nothing else, Jua has no problems shareing, long as it not a mango"

Renee Montoya has posed:
    "He is," she replies simply. "No two ways about it." She looks like she is about to answer on joining them, when he phone rings. She fishes it out and peers at the number on it, sighing. "Shit. Sorry. It's my partner." She answers it and puts the phone to her ear. "What's up? You know I'm not in town."
    Renee stands and checks her pockets to make sure she has her wallet and everything. Her brow furrows, and she nods. "Black SUV? Drill to the neck? Okay, are you are the board?" She begins to make her way out before she stops, glancing back at the two. She covers the phone to say, "Sorry, this is important. Nice meet you, though," she offers to the huge teen. "Have a good night..." And with that the detective is out the door.