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Latest revision as of 16:10, 23 February 2019

War of Light Prologue 2: Thanagar
Date of Scene: 14 February 2019
Location: Thanagarian Space
Synopsis: Sent on a mission of retrieval by both of their leaders
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Razer
Tinyplot: War of Light

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Earth, was a little pis*ed off. The Guardians had summoned him to Oa after his report about Knowhere and Star-Lord and their encounter with strange occurrences there, and after a few moments of lecturing, sent him off to Thanagar of all places. "Yeah yeah, I know. I am friends with one of the Hawks. I get it." Shaking his head, Hal Jordan enters their space, and wonders what was going to be a headache for today.

    So far, things were quiet. Heading to Thanagar itself, Hal Jordan adjusts his trajectory to get there as fast as possible. After all, he wanted to be here and gone. The border patrols didn't even challenge him at this time. It was like they had been warned he was coming. The Hawks could be awful pissy about aliens invading their territories, even one who was an ally of one of their more distinguished officers.

Razer has posed:
Upon a second glance, he may notice the border patrol is actually absent from this area. That's not completely unusual as it happens from time to time when there is an intruder in their space and they all converge to confront them.

Enter one Red Lantern.

As Hal comes around the asteroid belt, he will find the missing Border Patrol ships facing off with a hovering red humanoid figure that is glowing as it faces off.

"I am on official Red Lantern business," Razer says in a flat tone. "Take me to someone who has some Actual authority and I will explain myself to them. Not the help."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Now that is something." AT first Hal Jordan hadn't noticed the lack of patrols. But after a few moments, something started bothering him. Coming around the Mutara Asteroid Belt, Hal pulls up short and notices: 1. The missing patrol, and 2. The Red Lantern.

    It was at that moment that his ring decided to join the party. "Danger. Red Lantern Corps detected."

    "Gee, thanks Ring. I noticed." With a sigh, Hal Jordan moves closer to get a look, and receives the transmission that he was sending to the remnants of the patrol. "Razer? Is that you?" As Hal gets closer, his assumption is proven correct. "What the hell is going on, kid?"

Razer has posed:
"Oh good. Someone with a brain instead of a negative void where one should be," Razer says as he turns in the void to face the approaching Green Lantern. He doesn't really sound excited at all, still that flat tone with slight emphasis to add weight to a word here or there.

"I was sent here to bring in a criminal that is hiding in their system but they seem to think I am lying. Because I wanted to come all the way to Thangarian space for the bird watching."

Weapons can be heard priming up on that comment.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan floats nearby, with his hands crossed across his chest. Ready if necessary, his face reflecting his confidence that it wouldn't come to that. At Razer's comments, Hal allows himself a smile, a slight chuckle, and a nod. "A criminal I see." Hal muses that over for a second and says, "Atrocitus has you out hunting criminals now? What is the Universe coming to."

    "Weapons being primed." The ring says to Hal, and Hal allows Razer to hear it through their comms as well.

    "Heads up Razer. Looks like your friends in the patrol cruiser there are getting ready to fire. You want to take it, or want me to?" A pause. "No fatalities please."

Razer has posed:
"He seems to believe that is our purpose. You Greens are the units patrolling. We are sent after the dangerous ones.

As he hears the information about the weapons, he does frown slightly.

"I believe fatalities are allowed when they start the fight," Razer counters as he looks at the ships priming their weapons. The red glow around him gets brighter, becoming more like the plasma writhing across the outside of his uniform. With a thought, he creates a pair of glowing lashes that are a good thirty feet long. Then he smiles slightly at the ship. "This would be much simpler if you let me talk to someone in charge." He rolled his eyes and looked to Hal. "Maybe they'll listen to a Green?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Ah. I see. The "dangerous ones"." Hal Jordan says with a smirk and the required air quotes. "Well, please, don't let me hold you back from finding out what is what and who is who. I also may know where you are looking for the guy in this sector. Seems the Guardians sent me here for the same reason you are here."

    Looking at Razer through new eyes, Hal Jordan says, "Well. I'm impressed. You are controlling your anger and rage. That is...a first. Well done kid." Green Lantern floats in front of the patrol cruiser, and raises his hands.

    "This is Hal Jordan, Green Lantern and friend to Katar Hol. De-power your weapons. I wish to speak to the Hawkguard in charge here. Now. Or this will get ugly, and he'll be the one taking you apart." Hal thumbs over his shoulder in the direction of the Red Lantern.

    With their rings on full alert, both tell their owners that the Hawk Patrol were powering down their weapons. An airlock opens, and a Hawkman floats out of the craft towards them. "I am the Captain of this patrol, Green Lantern. Know this, that if you hadn't been an ally of Katar Hol, this would have gotten ugly, and this Red would have been taught a lesson he wouldn't soon forget." The Hawkman's eyes bore holes through Razer.

    Hal Jordan facepalms, and wonders what reaction Razer would give to this arrogant Hawkman.

Razer has posed:
"Why would the Guardians send you over to help? Did Atrocitus not explain we were handling it?" Razer asks with that frown returning. If they sent the Green because they didn't think he could handle it, he'll be a bit peeved.

As the hawkman comes out of the craft, he gets Razer's full attention. Pale blue eyes lock on those of his winged opponent. "If it was a lesson in taxidermy for winged creatures, I am certain you would have been helpful in the lesson. As the bird."

Razer may be controlling it but he's quickly tiring of these delays.

If Hal doesn't want a fight, he should probably not allow Razer to speak. Ever.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "I will say this. The Guardians aren't taking Atrocitus' calls, my friend." Looking at Razer with a smile, Hal Jordan shrugs. "I think you are doing a great job. I'm just here to assist. It's your file here, I'll just stay out of it as much as I can." Hal looks back at the Hawkman, and opens up communications with him. "We're looking for a criminal that we need to escort to Takron-Galtos." Looking at Razer, Hal says, "Alive."

    The Hawkman snorts, and says, "This criminal. Any chance he is pink skinned, with beady insect eyes, and goes by the name Kanjar Ro?"

    Hal Jordan uses his willpower to control his shock at the words he just heard. Opening a two way transmission to Razer, Hal says. "That who you are looking for?"

Razer has posed:
Razer's frown is back as he looks over at Hal, talking through the ring. "It is indeed. My options were not limited to alive only. I never heard him described so perfectly though. Perhaps I will have to reconsider my opinion of the hawkman." He looks back to the captain and shakes his head. "Never mind. Forget I said that."

Her speaks to the hawkman now. "That is the person we are seeking." See? It just became we now instead of I.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Well, you are both in luck. Our prison transport in sector 9 has him under lock and key." The Hawkman crosses his arms this time, and glares at both the Green Lantern and the Red Lantern. "He is our prisoner. However, I am sure our Sector Commander may be generous today, and release him to your custody. Here are the coordinates."

    The Hawkman tosses a data pad at the Red Lantern, and starts to turn towards his ship. Turning back to face Razer, he grins, and says, "Perhaps we will meet again, young warrior," the grizzled veteran says with a smirk. "I would relish the chance to engage you in combat. You would be an adequate test of martial skills." With a laugh, the Hawkman returns to his ship.

    Hal Jordan shakes his head, and looks at Razer with a quizzical expression on his face. "Wow. I don't think I've seen that happen to often. What did you do to impress them kid?" Hal looks at the pad curiously, but it was Razer's show. He was first "Lantern" on scene.

Razer has posed:
"I have no idea," Razer admits, looking completey confused by the entire situation. Another shake of the head as his weapon construct disappears to be replaced with a beam capturing the pad and bringing it closer.

He quickly taps the screen, pulling up the information, then floats over to offer it to Hal.

"Shall we go retrieve our prisoner? At this rate, we'll be back in time for dinner."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Sounds good to me." Hal Jordan says, with a nod. "We can retrieve our prisoner, and we can deposit him on Takron-Galtos. Funny." Hal says looking at his comrade-in-arms. "I never thought the day was going to go like this." As the two of them head towards Sector 9, Hal says, "How have you been anyway? Still on your quest? I apologize for not checking up on you after..."

Razer has posed:
"Nothing to apologize for," Razer interrupts as they streak through space toward the coordinates they were given. "We have our own paths to walk." That sounded like someone else he knew wearing a blue ring. It made him smile a little to be quoting him.

"Sometimes those paths cross. This is twice now. It makes me wonder why. I don't believe in coincidence."