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Latest revision as of 16:27, 23 February 2019

Factory Follies
Date of Scene: 15 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel Jr., Power Girl, Lady Blackhawk

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy finds himself back where he was a moment ago, in normal time...Not that he has been in normal time. Actually, he is not entirely sure it was not a REALLY vivid daydream. *Humph, it was DREAMTIME, but as real as anything. Just say the word if you want to prove it.* Whispers the voice of Mamaragan, the Wizard. Well, OK, so perhaps it was not a dream, though much fainter, the voices in his head are still here. Presumable the powers are still there, when he calls them. Still, it is not something to be done lightly.

That is when he hears a combination of sounds, first a screach and then a crash, followed by screaming. Sounds like an accident. Well something simple should be a good test, "Shazam!" The word, once spoken, summons a bolt of magical lightning that strikes Freddy almost instantly transforming him...into who? Well he will figure out a name in moment. He Jumps forward, leaping the length of the city block easily and comes to rest facing...well not quite what he expected. Sure, it is a car crash, but it crashed into the leg of this 20 foot metal giant! And the giant seems to have picked up the car and to be about to...bite it?

Power Girl has posed:
    Giant robot that is causing problems? It will definitely be heard by some...and others farther out.

Of the latter category....as the screech of metal sounds out...a few seconds later...there is a sonic boom reverberating through the air. It's only a second later before the robot is punched in the chest....and POwer Girl takes the car out of it's claws. Whether the claws are still attached is another story, but she does look in the car to see if there's anyone in it.

"REALLY? You couldn't have...you know...showed a little restraint? Oh right...robot." She says as she goes to put the car down.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    She had been en-route to official Blackhawk business mind you, it was just a quiet drive across NYC to get to the conference when all hell breaks loose. Theres a moment there, stuck at a red light as she glares at her car's navigation screen. "Well, nuts to this."She stomps the gas, jerks the wheel and pops the center divider to swing across traffic and take off in the direction of the ruckus. Casually pulling her tunic on as she weaves through traffic, it may not be war but it beats sitting in a board room.

    That ancient Lincoln skids to a halt, and out steps Lady Blackhawk. She takes a moment to examine the big crazy robot thing, before sweeping those long blonde locks over her shoulder and pulling on those stark white gloves. "Hey kids, does this critter have a tag or are we just fighting a random giant machine?"Shouting mind you, as she turns most casually to pop that trunk open. "I mean I don't mind either way, just like knowing who I'm picking a fight with yeah?"

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy sees a white and red blur hit the robot, which shatters into smaller parts that each immediately reconfigure themselves into smaller robots. They seem to have a pretty basic program, eat and grow. Fortunately they seem eat mostly metal, though they do not seem to mind eating glass or plastic. He says to himself (but aloud), "Brute force does not seem to do much good, lets see how fire works." H'ronmeer says in his head, *Yes, burn them.* Apanel comments, *They have no spirit to touch, they are only machines.*

Freddy opens himself to H'ronmeer's power and breathes out a gout of flame that reduces one of the robots to Slag...

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl watches all of this and tilts her head. Then she hears the words from Zinda and looks at the robot's molecular structure. "Well damn." She says as she nudges the car to get clear. "It's not just one robot. There's a LOT of microscopic robots. This is gonna be hard. If you have a way to melt them...go for it." She says as she covers Zinda with her own heat vision. "Anything you can use to help get to that.....new guy breathing fire....use it."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Fire, got it!"Zinda returns, before digging around in that trunk for a moment. What she fishes out, is a Carl.G, who doesn't have one of those in their trunk right? Casually popping the catch to shove in a round, before all but casually walking into the middle of the road. "Clear!"And -CRACK-, boom that 84mm rocket hurtles downrange. The recoil impulse is rough, it's enough to roll her back onto her heels and send that cap flying. Enough to shatter the glass of the three cars behind her, and thats before we get to the business end.

    The warhead all but shatters, spraying a carefully calculated mist of accelerant and basically gasoline. Then a single spark, and that cloud erupts in brilliant fire. No shrapnel(from the warhead at least), but the noise is enough to rattle the windows blocks away. "Yeeee-haw!"Zinda's all smiles, because of course she is. Giggling like a school girl as she rolls that recoiless rifle down to reload the thing.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy is worried, "Fire should work, but we have to get ALL of them, it is like that old game Metroid, if even one escapes it all starts over again. Power Girl, use your senses and speed to bring them all here so I can melt them." Freddy hopes he is right that Power Girl has all the powers of Superman and can do what he asks.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Never really played video games....didn't have time. I guess I should start." Power Girl says as she does use her speed to centralize all of them in one spot. She does stop to drop a note to Zinda Blake. The note is pretty much like this: 'When the new guy gives you the signal, use another of your ordinance to melt them all down. Do not worry about hurting me.'

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Oh hey a note! Zinda blinks, snatches it and nods. "Your call darlin, but I'll play my part! Line them bogies up for old Zinda, and we'll splash them critters good!"So she slams another thermobaric home,snatches her cap before it's lost forever and gets back to her boots. "Ready up!"One hand holding her cap in place as she hefts that Carl.G into position.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
While he can probably produce magic flames...well for quite some time, having a source of fuel will make it much easier. He says, "Let's Burn!" He hopes the the combination of his flames and the napalm rocket will eliminate eve the smallest of the machines in the area.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is still creating the tornado...occasionally heading out to capture a straggler...then coming back to continue the tornado.....

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    -CRACK-, Zinda lets it go without so much as a moment's hesitation. She almost goes tumbling ass over teakettle the second time, but well she saves it somehow. "Whooo!" What else are you supposed to say. "Put that in your pipe and smoke it, robots!" Something like that maybe?

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy thinks for a second, "Perhaps a bit of lighting could create a local electromagnetic pulse to fry their memory if anything survives the heat." Normally when he calls the lighning, it strikes and transforms him, but he can direct it otherwise. "Shazam!" The Lighning crashes down into the midst of the melting robotic pile as he directed that it do.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl continues her tornado, until she sees the last one get fried or melt......

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "Well then, I reckon that just about settles that one!"Ever so casually giving those sausage girls a flip, before casually stowing that recoiless rifle back in the trunk. "I'll leave you kids to finish up, afraid duty calls elsewhere."And well, yeah she is totally just going to get right back to her commute.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy says, hoping she can hear him, "Power Girl, we need to backtrack this thing, make sure there are not any more." He does not try to press the lady with the guns into continuing to assist. Hopefully this is just a precaution.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl can hear him....and the tornado slows briefly as she brings in stragglers that she can see. Freddy can see her zipping in and out as well....

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy continues to concentrate on making sure nothing in this pile is not destroyed. Power Girl traces the robots backwards realizing as she does that there are several buildings that are in danger of collapse from the steel girders and even metal nails and wires all being consumed. Fortunately the consumption seems to have started only a little way down the street, the robot must have grown fast. Eventually she traces the path of destruction to what seems to be a ceramic egg that shows signs of having been through entry to the atmosphere, the egg is about the size of a jumbo chicken egg.

Power Girl has posed:
    Once she's found the egg, Power Girl makes sure the egg is melted/smashed with her heat vision. She does not care if it takes a lot of power, so long as everyone is safe.

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
The Egg does not melt easily, but is can be pulverized esily enough by super strength. After Karen sweeps the area nd finds no more nanomachines, she is free to speak with the energy wielding stranger.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power girl does pulverize...then melt the rest of the egg. Once done, she flies her way back to the stranger and tilts her head. "So...that was strange. Now...you...stranger. Who're you? Just a random person with super powers?"

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy chuckles, "Something like that. I have decided that I can becalled Pantheon. It makes a lot of sense, and I can actually say it without trouble." It would be kind of silly to have a name you could not say, so Shazam is definately out.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Pantheon?" Power Girl. "Hmmm....you know it's usually associated with gods..right?" She then shakes her head. "Pantheon it is. Just....don't let it go to your head, okay?"

Captain Marvel Jr. has posed:
Freddy smiles, "Yes, I am aware of what it means." He concentrates momentarily and then abruptly vanishes. Appearing near the foster home where he currently stays, where he transforms back before limping in at about the normal time he would have made it home if he had not been interrupted.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl blinks and chuckles. "Right." And she flies away....back to Metropolis....