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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/02/16 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1795, 7623, 71 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1795|Erika Krista...")
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Latest revision as of 16:38, 23 February 2019

Magical Mystical Kite-Eating Tree
Date of Scene: 16 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Souvenir, Ms. Marvel, Doctor Strange

Souvenir has posed:
A bit far from the school for a jog, but today was her endurance day. And she had picked up on rumors of some kind of weirdness in Twin Lakes Park last night. She changes her route every day, and today seemed like a good excuse to check the place out. Hmmm. So far she had seen horses, but no sign of the spooky battle she had heard mentioned. Not that she was quite sure what she would find if she found the site, but sometimes people miss interesting trinkets.

Right now, Erika Kristasdottir was prowling around the building the story had come from. Not suspicious at all, nope nope. Unless someone else was looking for evidence of the ghost swordfight that we probably will never know the story behind. Alas.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
GHOST SWORD BATTLE! Who was it? Black Knight? Wonder Woman?

The forums were crazy with people trying to figure out what happened at Twin Lakes Park. And being the curious sort that she is, Kamala Khan had made her way to the very building that Erika is prowling around. With her ushanka pulled down, and her coat in place - she's trying to be incognito as she works on her investigation.

As she comes across a locked gate that prevents her access to the grounds, she pauses at the gate. Looking around to make sure that she wasn't noticed immediately - and not seeing the prowling Erika, the girl gives a brief frown and grins to herself. "Stealth form."

What does that do? She suddenly becomes as flat as a two dimensional figure and she wiggles a little before he starts to fold herself through the gate's small gap to come out on the other side of it, preparing to pop back into her normal form.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir slinks around the storage building. How did she get in there? She's keeping an eye out, but wasn't expecting anybody to come through that gate quietly - after all, the gate jangled after she picked the lock, and then she re-locked it.

Hmming, she reaches down and picks up something off the ground, then shoves it into her sleeve under her black gloves. She shudders, making a small yelping noise and closing her eyes tightly, standing very still before her eyes snap open again.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
Coming around the corner just as Erika shudders, Kamala freezes in place. She wasn't supposed to have company! And the girl is shivering and yelping. After a moment, she remnoves her coat and the dress she was wearing - she is wearing her Ms. Marvel burkini and body suit beneath it as she sets them aside and comes closer to Erika.

"Are you okay? You're not, having a seizure or anything are you? And hey, were you here fighting with a sword last night??"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir looks over at you quickly, since, well, neither of us are actually supposed to be here, and she didn't expect you. Especially with her hearing out from her load time. Her mouth opens, considering an answer, but you seem friendly enough, considers a moment. "I... need a mask or something."

She turns to face you, looking you over. She vaguely counts bullet points on her fingers, in place of pointing at you in surprise. "Peace; Technically kinda, but it's fine; no, I was sleeping, I'm just looking for clues; and do I know you? I don't follow all the costumes."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Oh. You're a hero too?" comes the surprised response from the young woman. Really, she probably is Erika's age - all things considered. "I saw on the web that there was a sword fight here and I came to look for clues." comes the admission.

Though when Erika comments that she doesn't know her, the caramel colored cheeks of the woman darken gently. "It's okay. I'm uhm, Ms. Marvel." she offers with a lift of her hand in greetings. "Who are you? I mean, if you have a super alias and stuff. If not, I take web aliases as well."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "I think I heard of you somewhere or other? Unless it was someone else. It might have been. Not my scene yet. I'm Souvenir. No public appearances yet that I know of. I'm still learning." She makes a bit of a face at the irony of that.

"I found a food wrapper. Haven't cracked it open to see what's inside yet, but it was from last night." She thinks a moment. "A boy. Probably a teenager." She makes a small hop. "Maybe boosted, I don't know yet. It's hard to tell from a thumbnail."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Your secret's safe with me." Kamala offers. "Though that's a neat name. I mean, do you take things home from where you are? Or are you the knick-knack? Pretty enough to be one." she comments as she moves. Then she starts to talk, there's a lift of a slender brow.

"Wow. How did you get all that from a food wrapper? That's so cool!" she says in a quiet squee, brown eyes watch the nordic girl as she continues to do her scrying from the food wrapper.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs and tilts her head. "I'm a psychometrist." She wobbles for a moment, changing her stance and taking a moment to re-adjust. "Definitely a boy. Taller than me. Umm.."

She does a standing jump. Pretty high since she's been working out, but nothing out of the ordinary. "Definitely boosted. No picking up cars, but maybe a motorcycle." She flails around with her arms a little bit. "He didn't get in any fights while he had it, though. And.. well, unless you have any ideas? I haven't found where the fight happenned yet."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
When Erika wobbles, Kamala reaches out - her arms actually stretch - to catch her to keep her from falling. They loosen when she does the standing jump and she realizes that the young woman is fine enough. Her arms retreat back to her sides, before she frowns.

"I just got here. But we should look for signs of a scuffle. A cleared out area. Maybe some marks on a wall or something where a word hit." comes Kamala's response as she starts to make her way past Erika to start her own part of the examination."

Souvenir has posed:
There's a dirt equestrian path that winds past through this clearing, a likely place but also likely to be too full of horse tracks to keep many clues. Just across the path is a pool of water surrounded by a concrete pad with a couple of benches. The clearing is fairly small, ringed with shrubbery and evergreen trees.

Erika Kristasdottir gestures at a small mark on the grass very nearby. "Well, that's where he landed when he jumped the fence, anyway.. He probably lost the wrapper when he landed." She makes a gesture. "yeah, I think he had it in his pocket. he stuck something in it anyways."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Right. So wrapper in his pocket. But he was running away?" comes the question from Kamala as clarifies that from Erika. There's a smile to the other girl before she heads over to where the mark on the grass is. "Does the wrapper like - show that he was swinging a sword or anything?"

The younger Marvel starts to look around, moving along the side of the pool to look for signs of a scuffle like broken branches and the like. "Anyway. There's a lot of Miss Marvel's. I guess it's a popular name. But I like it, you know. It kinda.. well.. I'm a big fan of Captain Marvel. And she used to be Miss Marvel."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shakes her head. "He got the wrapper.. somewhere.. and probably ate it on the way, then he jumped the fence and lost it. Just, well.." She gestures at the eight foot tall fence. "He cleared it with a standing jump. I don't know if he could have leared a ten footer though."

Why yes, there IS a spot that looks like someone experienced a bit of knockback in to a hedge, over there.. which might be more obvious to someone who actually has been knocked back into something. It's kind of subtle otherwise.

Souvenir thinks a moment. "That might have been it." She racks her brain trying to think of what sort of connections people might safely be able to make that Ms. Marvel might know. "I miiiight hang out with someone who's been linked to the X-Men before." She shrugs a little. "And I know Andrea Jackson."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"You know the X-Men??" Kamala asks, brows lifting. "That is sooo cool." she admits, before she drops the other shoe. "You mean /the/ Andrea Jackson? The one with the songs and the concerts? She's so.. oh gosh. She's amazballs." she admits, before she clears her throat, cheeks darkening again as she tries to pay attention to her task, though she steals another glance at the other girl.

"I think I found our scuffle!" she calls out to Erika as she waves to her from where she is. "So do you go to Xavier's? I can't totally afford that school. But I'm not a mutant. I don't know. I could be?" she says with a frown. "My powers came on all weird."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir mmm-hmms.. "And Mason Steele. Y-eah. They take all kinds. There's lots of genotypical kids there too. I got in on a scholarship because Andrea pulled some strings." She goes to look at the spot on the hedge you're looking at.

"Yeah, something hit that." Not noticing the bit of cut leaves on the edge near where someone's left hand would be, nor the distinctive signs of climbing back out of a hedge.

Those very quickly lead to some scuffle marks in the grass; somebody didn't get to move very far after they got out of the hedge before they were back to combat movements. And those.. lead to a damp, crumpled up ball of paper.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"You must be really close friends if she pulled strings like that." Kamala responds. "But that's very cool." There's a warm smile offered to Erika as she makes her way over to Kamala's side. As they continue the investigation, there's a few turns from Ms. Marvel as she tries to puzzle it out before they end up in the hedge where the combat took place.

"Maybe it was the Swordsman. Or Deathstroke." she offers in way of thought as she moves to reach for the paper and makes a face. "It's damp." she mutters, concern touching her features as she brings her fingers back to make sure that it isn't blood on her tips.

Souvenir has posed:
Just water. And ashes, the black flecks of which cling to your finger. There's a lot of ashes right here for some reason. And there was some snow last night, melted now. It looks like there are some burn marks on the page, small ones.

Erika Kristasdottir shrugs a little bit. "I'm a rescue, I need special accomodations. She really is as nice as she is on screen. Kind of sucks that what she got outed for doesn't look good on camera. I can't say what, obvs. What about you? You said you had something weird happen. What is it you do, anyways?"

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Ash. Someone tried to burn this." Kamala says quietly, her attention returning from the paper to the other girl. "A rescue? You weren't hurt were you?" she asks, concern creasing her features as she digs into her pocket to find a napkin to wipe off her fingers.

At the question of her powers, there's a pause and she chews on her lower lip. "I can change my size and shape. Like be bigger or smaller or stretch out my arms or legs really far."

Souvenir has posed:
"Weird. Wonder why." Souvenir looks around. "I can't sleep if I'm touching stuff. Like bedsheets or clothes. It sucks. Hmmm.. I wonder why. What's on it?"

She points at you. "Also? That's totally bad ass. I should introduce you to one of the kids I met not long ago, he does stuff like that too. It just always comes out looking super creepy and monstery. He's not good at it at all."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
Gently, Kamala starts to unfold the paper, trying to get it open without tearin it. "It's wet and burnt.. give me one moment while I try to open it." she offers, before blinking a little. "So, uhm, how do you sleep then?" Is she blushing? A little, because of the first thought she had as she turns her attention back to the paper and trying not to look at Erika.

"And thanks! I mean, there's people that can like.. throw tanks, and fly and fire laser beams.. there are times where I think it's totally lame. But this is what I ended up with - and it is what Allah blessed me with, so I'm going to do the best I can with it." she smiles a little. "I'd show you, but I want to get this paper done first."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ohs, "On a chunk of garden, actually what the shit?"

From the paper, two hands reach out and grab the edges of the paper before the rest of the pale glowing surrealist pseudo-Picasso... thing starts levering its way out in a way that resembles one of those folding snake puzzle-toys unraveling and refolding. It opens a mouth on the side of it's.. head.. and utters an incomprehensible noise, clinging to a long.. object. Maybe a surrealist stick or something. Probably not a sword. Probably.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
When Erika cusses, Kamala clucks her tongue. "Language." It's a gentle chide, meant to be playful. Perhaps a little surprising even, as she suddenly drops the paper. "Yeep!" she squeaks as the hands suddenly appear from it and it starts to unfold into some.. creature like thing.

And the first instinct of the young Marvel is to protect her new friend. "Embiggen!" she cries out, and suddenly both of her hands become the size of automobile tires and they start to glow with a soft yellow color that shows through her brown skin.

Souvenir has posed:
The monstrosity twists this way and that, chattering weird, alien noises and writing about. Its perspective is all off, so it's pretty weird to look at. Randomly placed eyes and tentacled mouths twist this way and that.
    The paper has some sort of symbol on it, written in pencil on spiral bound notebook paper. Some of the pencil marks look a little bit charred in spots.

Souvenir steps behind Miss Marvel. She knows she's not one of the heavy hitters. She mentally reviews what souvenirs she has on hand.. "Well at least it's not attacking. What's the plan?"

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"You're right, it's not attacking." Kamala agrees as she feels Erika behind her. So, in this case, she's not attacking yet either, as she studies the symbols that appear and icks. "This thing is totally weird." she murmurs.

"Hey!" she calls out to the creature. "What are you doing here? Did someone summon you? Like - are you a +2 against Lawful Good characters?"

Souvenir has posed:
The... thing... waves its long, narrow, asymmetrical object around a bit, not at anybody, and chatters incomprehensibly, slithertwistsidewinding around us a bit in a slow full circle.

Souvenir idly comments, "I'd think Limbo or Pandemonium, if anything. Do you know any wizards? Because I don't exactly have many on speed dial." She hmms and frowns, trying to remember, because she might actually have one or two on speed dial, all things considered. Life has been weird.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Sorry, I'm only a level 1 Lawful Good Monk. I don't have access to wizards R us yet." Kamala admits with a little frown as she turns her attention towards the creature. "It looks like someone tried to summon it - maybe the guy you had the vision about did?" she asks thoughtfully as she shrinks her hands, but she remains in front of Erika to protect her.

"I only met a couple of Titans last night - not part of them yet." she sighs. "This.. looks like a job for - well, I don't know who."

Souvenir has posed:
The extradimensional.. thing.. clings to the long asymmetrical narrow object that doesn't look technological with one of its tentacle-mouths, sidewinding around and chattering in something alien. Not apparently hostile, but, well.. it's glowing silvery and its perspective looks really wrong, with angles that are a mess. It's probably the cause of that rumor of a "ghost swordfight" last night.

Erika Kristasdottir and Ms. Marvel are standing close together next to a crumpled piece of spiral bound notebook paper with what looks like a magical symbol on it drawn in pencil. Erika looks around and gets her phone out, checking her contacts. "Yeah, I don't know. Whoever put that paper there is exactly the reason there's laws against littering, though. I mean, come ON."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Well, if you know Summon Wizard, now would be the time to use it." Kamala responds as she is still in defense of the mutant, the young Inhuman's fists expanded to the size of automobile tires and glowing - but the creature hasn't tried to attack them yet. And as long as it's not attacking - she's not attacking it.

The comment about littering draws a giggle from Kamala. "When we find him we can give him a stern talking to and totally suggest he does community service."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "That's not why littering is illegal, but that is why Latin is a dead language." Says a voice from behind the two young women with an odd clappign sound following the note. The fist and palm separate and a goatee'd man is revealed as he puts up a purplish wall between the girl's and the creature. Then he steps up towards the wall he's made and places his yellow gloved hand against it with a frown as he lowers his chin as he tries to commune or at least gleam some empathy off the creature.

    Though Strange doesn't look back, the wizard asks verbally, "Did either of you two summon this poor thing?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shakes her head. "There was a rumor about a swordfight last night. We followed the scuffle marks and found a wadded up piece of paper. We unwadded it and that came out. I got nothing past that." She looks the Doctor over. "Hey, Doc. I really need to get a phone number or something in case this happens again."

The whatever it is waves it's.. stick? Cane? Pole for god knows what? around, not in any hostile looking way. Presumably. And chatters in some alien language that may or may not even be completely reproducable in sound waves in Euclidean space.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
'Hey Doc'? Kamala mouths, when she turns her head to see who Erika is addressing so casually. And her eyes get big. "Oh my gosh, that's Doctor Strange!" she squeaks, her voice catching in her own excitement. "You know the Sorcerer Supreme?!" she asks Erika. "He's like Med'an and Jaina Proudmoon all rolled up into one, I mean, before they retconned Med'an and nerf'd Jaina." there's only a slight grump there.

"I think someone last night summoned it and then.. kinda left it. Like an orphan." Kamala frowns a little. "That's actually a little sad when you think about it." she admits. "Though my Ammui would have a fit if I tried to bring it home. I mean, what would you even feed it?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen looks away from Erika and Kamala after their explinations, and with a soft sigh he dispells his spell, without so much as a twitch of his wrist. The man steps closer to the 'beast' and looks up at it but a spell is cast once more, this is a complex spell in order to commune with such a creature. Stephen goes on to explain that this creature will be safe and will be returned to it's home dimension with all due haste, but it will take Stephen a moment to find out where it even comes from.

    Strange turns towards the paper and picks it up off the ground and begins to examine the scribbles closely while speaking english. "You don't feed it. It survives entirely on the darkness that surrounds the ether between dimensions and the non-space between realities." Stephen says rather casually. "It's like one of the elder gods that Lovecraft chronicled."

Souvenir has posed:
The Eldritch Entity coils up its various segments and bits patiently, twisting back and forth and clattering. As for the paper, it's a binding glyph. Very rudimentary, very specialized. The kind of thing a low level student might make, if they had to research a very specific problem of how to trap or seal a dimensional entity from a certain specific range of far flung alien dimensions that isn't expected to fight back very hard or effectively. It isn't a portal, but the specificity of it is very telling as to how to locate the portal.
It looks like it isn't the first time this particular artist has drawn one, either.

Erika Kristasdottir blushes. "I met him, like, once. Yeesh, I always hated Lovecraft, too."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Yeah, can't really run down to the store and but Darkness Juice." Kamala responds as she watches the good doctor at work. "That's one more time than I have. You're so cool." she says quietly to Erika, looking over her shoulder at the other girl, before her attention returns to the Doctor and his work.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" she asks, then pauses. "Nevermind. That was a pretty silly question."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Either of you know astrology?" The wizard asks, looking back to Kamala and to Erika, "That would be quite useful right now." Stephen then lowers the paper down to get into the light and read it more clearly. As he's reading it further, he takes his hands away and the paper continues to float in mid air. "Do either of you know who might have drawn this?" Stephen inquires as he's beginning to create a mystical matrix, a large mandala forming on the ground beneath all four subjects as he continues to move his hands and slowly move in a soft circle.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shakes her head. "It was just laying there all crumpled up. I don't even know if it was the boy that jumped the fence last night. And, um..." She thinks a minute. "Actually, gimme a minute." She pulls out her bag and starts digging through it. "..no... no... no.." Her hand comes out with a selection of broken hair ties, and she starts picking through them, before selecting one. "Got it." She shoves it down the front of her shirt, then freezes up, gasping sharply and twitching as she downloads the contents into her brain.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Astrology is kinda haram, I'm sorry." Kamala admits with a little frown as she notices Erika and concern creases her features. "I think she's going to be able to help, though?" the young woman offers helpfully, before she deflates her fists. This isn't her place - but she can at least admire the others, ready to support either of them if they need it.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Why don't you give the creature some kind vibes." Stephen says to Kamala before he raises his eyebrow at Erika and looks away quite awkwardly. "Right." He says, swallowing at nothing before he turns back to his spellcrafting. The mandala on the ground continues to grow, and expand with every motion of Stephen's hands and the words he's whispering beneath his breath. So quiet even he can't hear them.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir looks around at things, now that she has some experience with making horoscopes running through her brain. It's not HER experience, but hey! She eyes the mandala a bit, then raises her eyebrow at Strange with a dubious look. "...Really? pff, whatever."

In Ms. Marvel's line of sight, something about the size of an acorn goes flying away from a tree and lands in a small pile in the grass some ways away.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Yeah. Positive vibes. Next time we do this, Erika, let's at least do so at the Big Belly?" Kamala asks her, before something catches her attention at the corner of her eye. Not ready to leave the others, instead, she comments. "Be right back."

With that, she stretches, her middle pulling away with the upper half of her torso before she heads towards the little clearing where the item landed. "If there's a magician squirrel over here, I may very well die of aww."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen keeps working at his spell and then looks over to Erika at her scoff but he pays her no heed. "About time to go home." Stephen says to the creature in multiple languages and thoughts before he warns, "You two stand back. This could be messy." Stephen warns as he simply creates a new portal to send the thing home through, and the two atmosphere's meet in the middle of the spell and there's a huge sucking motion towards the thing's origin.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir stands back! She knows not to charge in like the more durable ones. "Awesome."

in the grass is a small pile of.. debris. Very surreal looking debris. Like whatever it was that let that entity in was opened somewhere messy. Speaking of which, from the viewpoint of said pile, there's a.. kite? In the tree. Painted in tree colors. With some sort of utterly insane symbol painted on it. It's hard to see if you don't know where to look.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
Exploring the debris, Kamala's eyes narrow a little, and she reaches out with a finger to poke cautiously at the debris pile. Turning her head to the others, she frowns. "Hey, I think I have something else over here." she calls out to the pair.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen can not be disturbed, he's holding open a barrier across not only space and time, but across multiple times and realities, he's allowing this creature passage home. Stephen can not be disturbed until the spell is disolved, allowing the creature to go on its own time. He hears Kamala, but refuses to even acknowledge her, he is so enthralled with his work.

Souvenir has posed:
The entity moves into the portal once it forms and stabilizes, chattering once before it is gone to whatever unknowable realm of madness it came from.

Erika Kristasdottir just kind of stays put behind the amazing sorcerer doing his job, where it's safest. She does look over at where Ms. Marvel has stretched over to, with some concern. "What is it?"

Another tiny piece of debris, a pebble maybe, flies out of the kite and lands in the pile, color changing as it rolls to a stop.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"It's.. these pebbles. And they keep changing colors and forming into something." Kamala frowns, and this time, she reaches to pick up the color changed rock, curiosity getting the better of her as she is trying to help out - and isn't sure if this is from Strange, or something else.

She also tries to stretch over, trying to follow the trachectory of the object to see where it may have come from originally and intercept it.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The creature is safely through and Stephen closes his eyes and slowly lowers his hands and the suction from the otherside of the multiverse slowly ceases with a hiss before it disappears entirely. Stephen dusts his gloves off as he turns around to look at Kamala and Erika, though Kamala is busy being all stretchy. "Find anything interesting?" Stephen asks, curious what could tear away someone's attention from the power of magic.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir pretty much agrees with the Doctor. It had to be something pretty crazy to compete with the huge light show. Some guys get to do all the cool stuff. "...Pebbles?" She looks confused and starts walking that way.

The pebble appears to change textures and colors depending on what angle it is turned. Other than that, it's just a small, irregular thing that looks like a random inert piece of whatever firmament it came from.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Yeah, colors." Kamala 'walks' her lower half to re-join her torso and head at the pile. Then she notices the mark on the tree, finally. "There's some kind of mark here. Like a kite." comes the young woman's response. The pebble? She's holding onto that as a reminder.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange follows over towards the muslim girl and he doesn't press himself onto the situation, just observes, waiting to see what the women come to, curious about how they'll react to something so out of the ordinairy.

Souvenir has posed:
There is, in fact, literally a kite in the tree. An honest to God green quadrilateral paper kite with two sticks in a cross shape holding it open, with a string tied to it, and a piece of ribbon on the long corner. Stuck in the branches of a tree like a Charlie Brown gag. And a completely insane glyph painted onto the top of it, aimed upward in a way that makes things fall out of it and arc over to land in a pile on the ground, where Kamala Khan is at.

Erika Kristasdottir looks over at the kite and gawks a bit. "What the.. Why is that even? You mean that, um... whatever it was.. fell out of that? Wh-hyy? I can't reach that, it's like fourty feet up."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"So." Kamala says as she looks up into the tree. "What we have here is a kite-eating tree that ate a magic kite." the young woman says, giving Erika a little grin as she comes over. "This has gone pretty well so far, don't you think?" she asks. "And I can stretch up there right quick and grab it. Unless you'd rather handle it?" That question is aimed to Doctor Strange and that very pretty and intricate flying cloak of his.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I'm pretty tapped." Strange says towards Kamala with a hand motioning for her to go ahead and do her stuff to get the kite out of the tree. It's a lie, he could handle it, but why use magic when someone could do it without hurting themselves for it. Plus it lets the young heroine get to be heroic and be helpful with the situation.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir gives a thumbs up. "Sounds like a plan. I wouldn't touch that crazy bit in the middle, though. I don't even like LOOKING at it, and I can hardly even make it out from here. And yeah, who even flies magic kites? This is ridiculous."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"A magic kite sounds kinda cool. I mean, maybe if it made it's own wind so it never crashes?" Kamala offers as she starts to stretch upwards, rising up to the edge where the kite is. It only is a little bit of a struggle to get it free without tearing it - and then she starts to come back down - bringing the prize with her.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Should I leave you two?" Stephen asks, as Kamala stretches upwards, and he waits for a moment for the two girl's to respond. He takes a moment to look at the kite idly before he steps away and into the shadows before he disappears fully, not waiting long enough for the girl's to answer his question as the Sorcerer Supreme has other things to take care of.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs, "Unless you wanted to get rid of this kite for us. I don't know the safest way to get rid of it. Thank you for the help, though!"

The glyph is both amateurish, and completely demented - it has parts that are unneeded, and it probably only works because the paint itself is not from this dimension. And if you thought getting wonky from paint fumes was bad from terrestrial paint..

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"I think he's gone. And I think we're kinda stuck with this kite. You have a place to stash it?" Kamala asks as she turns her attention to Erika. "I mean, I don't think I have any place to keep you know.. things like this?" she asks, holding up the kite as she comes back down to join the otyher girl and offers a grin.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ohs. "I don't even know. I can ask around, I guess? Like.. on twitter or something, I don't know." She peers at the kite in bewilderment. "God. my old gaming group would have loved this. I need to track some people down to play sometime. Also? That was AWESOME. I never get to do the cool looking stuff."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"It was!" Kamala agrees, setting down the kite to turn her attention more to Erika. "I can research this, see what I can find out on line, and maybe we can meet up again to talk about it some more? I mean, I love gaming too. Though I do most of mine online. Know how hard it is to table-top in a Pakistani neighborhood?" she asks with a giggle.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir pulls out her phone and taps in something on Twitter.
    //@PrincessPackrat How do I safely dispose of scary Lovecrafty magic weirdness? #srsbzns #ghostswordz CharliebrownKiteEatingTree.gif//

"I dunno, probably pretty hard? But yeah, that would be awesome. Lemme text you my number, I mean, I can work some time in around all the other stuff I've been working on lately. And like, let me know if you find any, like, ninja stars or anything, ninja stars are crunchy in milk, om nom. But yeah, it's useful stuff."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"Sounds like fun. Wait, you eat ninja stars?" Kamala asks, eyes going wide as she looks at Erika and tilts her head thoughtfully. "I guess that means asking if you want to meet for burgers sometime is out?" she asks with a little laugh, cheeks coloring for a moment.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shakes her head, "No, no, not really. Just, you know, like the wrapper or the hair tie." Which she reaches in the front of her shirt to retrieve and shoves in the side pocket of her bag dismissively, while she's thinking of it. Then the wrapper, too. "Burgers are totally in and also totally awesome." She grins.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"So, is that what you do.. you touch things and learn about the person that held it? Or get skills and stuff?" The question comes from Kamala, before she pauses. "If we should save that for next time. I don't know if you need to go home or whatever.. but I could change. I guess.." she considers, and bites her lip, before offering her hand.


Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir blushes a little. "I'm Erika. And, um, mostly the second one. But.. yeah. I should get back. I can probably stash this thing better than you can, somebody will know what to do with it. But yeah. Burgers! Totally looking forward to that! Let me know! Um.." She thinks, "Is it 'Masalam'?" somewhat butchering the pronunciation. But the attempt was made.

Ms. Marvel has posed:
There's a giggle. "Kamala. That's my name." she offers as she hands over the kite for the other girl. "I didn't catch yours." With that, she's rubbing the back of her head. It's obvious she's not one that makes friends too terribly often.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir blinks and blushes. "That's what I thought you said? I'm Erika." She brushes her hair back, since the nervousness is apparently contagious. She's not totally sure why. "I was just.. um." She tries to replay the last few seconds of conversation in her head, how did this go off the rails again? "Did I say something wrong?"

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"No, no.. it was cute." Kamala laughs a little and catches your hand for a moment, giving it a squeeze. "Uhm, anyway. Burgers." Releasing her hand, she feels the chirp in her bracer and opens it. Erika can see that they are old and ordinate bracelets that appear to have been fused together and she taps her phone against yours to share her V-card.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir grins as her gloved hand is squeezed. Blushes a bit. "Right! Yeah!" She nods at the phone stuff. Totally lost now, and embarrassed by it.

"Sorry? I'll make sure to look up how to pronounce stuff better.." Sure she said something horribly inappropriate on accident. She looks down, guiltily. "Anyway, I should get back to the school before somebody starts worrying."

Ms. Marvel has posed:
"I wasn't offended. I was just trying to help. It's Kamala. Like. Ka then Mala." there's a bright smile from the girl before she steps back to give a wave. "Call me! Or text, you know. If you want." There's a blush, and she's heading off herself to get her clothes that she had left behind earlier and glancing back towards you on occassion.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "Kamala! Right. Uh. Peace! Ummm.." She waves confusedly and debates whether to ask for a lift to get out of the park, before deciding that she's quite confused enough at this point, thankyouverymuch. She jogs away, trying to remember how to get out of here. Oh, yeah, she picked a lock. Well. She'll figure it out eventually.