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Latest revision as of 16:48, 23 February 2019

Black Team
Date of Scene: 17 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Phoenix, Cyclops

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau knocks on the door to the office, at the same time he peaks his head inside. "JEan, yah got a moment chere? Dare was somet'ing Ah was 'oping ta get yah opinion on." He doesn't however cross the threshold into her office proper until she actually invites him in.

Phoenix has posed:
"Come in," comes Jean's relaxed reply looking up from her desk, before offering a warm smile to Remy, "Monsieur LeBeau, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Jean feigns officious manner, though it doesn't last for long when she gets up from behind her desk and walks around it to give Remy a warm embrace. "You should be reprimended for keeping away from me for so long, I know the Professor left me in charge as Headmistress, but I'm still Jean, you can come say hi to a friend...you can leave me some gumbo when you cook it," she winks playfully at her half hint half unspoken request. "So, what's up, Remy?" She moves to sit infront of her desk, so she and Remy can sit next to one another.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gives her a wicked grin, the kind that tends to get him in trouble...usually with boyfriends and husbands. "Well chere if yah be needin' somet'ing...spicy.. All yah 'ave ta do is ask, non?" He shakes his head slightly and takes the seat next to her. "I wrote dis up mostly wit' de idea of showin' it ta Scott. But Ah figured Ah'd get de opinion of someone who /not/ 'ave a... 'ow would Henri put it, a remnant of a tree inserted forcefully into 'is rectal cavity." he offers over what looks at first glance like one of the students reports, complete with one of those plastic cover things only the prissy kids use. The cover page Reads simply X-Men: Black Team

Phoenix has posed:
"That's good to know Remy, if you need me to take intitiative, I'll do it, but you know, it's okay to treat a friend," Jean suggests once again, just to be sure. She frowns a bit at Remy's way of describing Scott by way of brother Henri's lingo. "That's...not perfectly polite," she notes, "there are probably smoother ways to put it, but okay, tell me what you had in mind," she muses. "You want an update of the uniform?" Jean teases, "I thought going with allowing individual touches was a good way to go about it."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a bit, nodding slightly and leaning back in the seat, "Nah chere, yah know me, I probibly woudn' wear a standardized uniform as it is. Yah know 'ow many times Scott 'as t'reatened t astaple a communicator ta mah 'ead if Ah don' remember ta carry one." He nods towards the file. After the cover page is a simple thesis statement. "By and large the X-men is a unit of overt tactics, prioritizing open combat and overwhelming force. While these tactics certainly work in many situations, it would do well to also make use of other, subtler, assets at it's disposal." The first part of the file details a number of situations the X-Men were involved in, and explains how a covert unit could have been deployed earlier to dramatically shift or even avoid the confrontations all together. The second part explains a few hypothetical scenarios where the team could be useful. These include things like breaking into FoH headquarters to find any rally or protest plans and arrange for them to be disrupted, Stealing debate notes for Senator Kelly when he has a face off with the Professor, ectera. LAstly, Remy offers a proposal for people he would want on the unit specifically. Himself of course, as well as Psylock. He names a few students he feels could also be trained into the role.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean listens for now, nodding along, smirking a bit at Remy and Scott fighting over the bare necessities of gear. "Are you suggesting we always approach every issue similarly, Remy? I think you're really insulting Scott with that claim. I've seen us be covert when needed, I've seen us use subterfuge when needed, I've seen go on a full frontal assault when needed. The X-Men adapt to situations, we're not an army." Jean looks a bit mixed by Remy's presentation of the X-Men's MO.

Jean reaches for Remy's neatly presented folder and starts to look over his files, and documents, still carrying the frown from what she feels is a grave misassessment of the X-Men's track record.

"Remy...is it fair to say what you're saying, in a different way perhaps, is you would like to keep to a steady squad for the more covert ops, rather than have a rotation squad?" Jean muses, before noting, "I would specifically caution against honing students specifically to that end, though an exception could be made in the case of Laura, who is already far better than any agent you can bring to the table. Though...such activity has to be her own choice to pursuit."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly at her synopsis. "Not saying dat de would be working /exclusively/ in covert ops, but some of us more given over to subtlety den ot'ers, wouldn' yah agree? Yah note some of de people Ah /didn'/ list on dare too. Colosus. Rogue. Basically lookin' ta put toget'er people who c'n be de velvet glove rat'er den de flying brick.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean almost rolls her eyes at Remy, but resist that very teenagery thing to do, instead, she just looks at him with a mischevious smile, "you know Remy? I'm telling on you to Xavier when he returns," though she doesn't say on what explicitly, before detailing, "of course I recognize that, and do you know who Scott sends on such missions?" She asks feigning shock, cutely covering her mouth with her hand and widening her eyes on purpose.

But joking aside, she does send out a telepathic message to Scott, <<Cyclops, if you have a moment, can you stop by my office? Remy is introducing a plan I think you should hear as well.>> She then looks up at Remy, "just so you know, I asked Scott so he can offer his two cents as well, as I've acknowledged before, there's a reason Xavier named him our Field Leader. He might have more to say, I see where you're coming from, but I also disagree that we're so poorly judging situation, that we haven't dealt with things subtely when called for it...the people we have that are perfect for such tasks are here for a reason, you know?"

Cyclops has posed:
    After a moment, there's a knock on Jean's door, a single knock before the handle is opened and the latch opens, with Scott pushing his oakley'd face in and looking at the two X-men. "What's going on?" Scott asks, shutting the door behind himself, his blue button down shirt, untucked over a pair of beige slacks and brown shoes with a white thin tie, Scott looks awfully colorful. Scott looks around between Remy and Jean, wondering what the conversation is about.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau offers a smile that is a little disheartened, especially since his master diabolical plan was to get Jean on board with this /before/ taking it to Scott and it would seem that Jean is anything /but/ onboard at theis point. Still it wasn't as though he were not going to discuss this with the X-MEn's field leader anyway. "Not saying dat we /can'/ do subtle chere, what Ah'm trying ta say is dat we don' do subtle /enough/. 'Aving a few people skilled in covert operations is far an away different den 'aving dose same people working toget'er in a coordinated function." He nods to Scott when he comes in, letting Jean explain. It was such a nice proposal. It had graphs and spreadsheets and everything.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean nods at Scott when he comes, motioning at Remy, and then at an empty chair for him to join them. When Remy leaves it up to her, she looks surprised at his courage, and then proceeds to inform Scott, "Remy here thinks you don't know how to deploy tactically according to a given scenario, he has the idea the X-Men only go on full frontal assault, and never handle things covertly when required. So, he thought having a squad like Psylocke, himself, and other subterfuge aligned individuals, the X-Men can perform better."

To her credit, Jean keeps a serious face, and doesn't show the same feigned shocked expression she showed Remy but moments ago. "I brought up the idea that it's not true, based on our operative history, and then in fact the reason we have the likes of Psylocke, and Gambit and Nightcrawler on the team is precisely for those subterfuge requiring situations. I've seen you countless times choose to deploy stealth over brute force. I think Remy's accusation is unfair."

Jean's takes a momentary pause, as she turns to look at Remy, and then adds, "I am willing to grant you that more Danger Room time, for a tightly knit squad for black ops, is a good thing. So if you want to recognize a Black Ops group within the X-Men, that much I see merit in. But I wouldn't disparage Scott's leadership by claiming his every solution is full frontal assault, that's plain not true."

Cyclops has posed:
    "The reason you don't hear about a clandestine X-man team is simple. There isn't one." Scott says, crossing his arms and leaning against the back of the chair Jean had motioned for him to. "Or because they're smart enough to not talk about it in the middle of the school grounds." Scott says metaphorically. The leader looks to Remy in an understanding way as he tires to continue to his point, but the words are starting to fail. "It's not that I don't understand your abilities, and that I can't count on you Remy. Far from it in fact. It's because I do know you. And it's because of the mission statement of the X-men that we don't undertake secretive missions. The risk reward is way too lopsided." Scott tries to explain.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau pinches the bridge of his nose. Under his breath he whispers something that sounds allot like "Un, deux, trois, quatre...." he takes a deep breath and says, "And de fact dat yah t'ink de risk reward is so lopsided goes ta show mah poin'. Some jobs require a machete. An' foh dose jobs, dats great... but some jobs c'n be 'andled much more cleanly wit' a scalpel instead. Sure, we c'n charge into de Sentinal factory. Blow up allot of stuff, make big loud mess. Or a small unit could slip in quietly, add corrupted code ta de dare systems, an' leave wit'out evah being detected. Four hours later, de Sentinals start targeting each ot'er an' blow /demselves/ up. Imagine if, and dis an example I gave Jean, before de Professor wen' out on de debate stage wit' SEnator Kelly we could 'and 'im Kelly's own debate notes to prepare from."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean nods along with Scott's input, before leaning back in her seat, turning to look at Remy to see what he'll want to push further. She furrows her brow at Remy's poor reduction of a plan of attack on the Sentinel factory. "Seriously, Remy? You think so little of Scott? You think that's the route we'd take with the Sentinel issue?" She seems almost offended at the parody of what the X-Men might do in the given scenario. After their experience together, it is a bit insulting after all.

"I guess nobody is asking me, because I'm not a Field Leader, or subterfuge expert like yourself, Remy, but I for once would send Shadowcat to phase through their computers and shut down their entire operation." She shrugs, and quiets down after, leaving it between Scott and Remy.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott crosses his arms and cants his head slightly. "That's what this is about isn't it." Scott notes aloud. "You want to go after these Sentinels." The leader says and he drops one arm to lift a hand towards Jean. Her idea isn't wrong, but he wants to let Remy come up with his own plan. Allow the man some freedom here. "If that's what you want, fine. This will be your op, you will not have the x-men's support or resources in any way. You can build your needed crew independently and quietly. If you are caught or found out in any way, the school and the x-men will denounce you and revoke your status immediately. Is that understood Remy?" Scott says, his voice is solid, but not judgemental, he's allowing Remy to do this, but he also has to give Remy all the information needed to make an informed decision.

Gambit has posed:
YOu ever get the feeling that if there was a brick wall handy, you'd really like to beat your head off of it? That's kinda the vibe Remy is giving off about now. "Scott, Ah make one t'ing perfectly clear right now, if /dat/ was mah plan, Ah'd 'ave done it already an' yah wouldn' be de wiser." he glances at JEan and nods, adding "Yah'll note dat Ah already put Kitty on de list of people Ah wanna train up. Her power makes 'er an obvious fit foh dis sort of work, but part of de training Ah /am/ suggesting is foh situations where she /couldn'/ use 'er powers. Ah'm not tryin' ta color outside de lines 'ere. Ah'm /trying/ to emphasize de need foh a bigger box of crayons."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean quiets down at Scott's signal, he's still the Field Leader in all X-Men affairs, and she is a team player, she's not going to step on his toes. She felt her plan was a solid one, and an X-Men one, even if Remy seems to think all they do is break down doors and fire a place up. She has a very strong disagreement there.

She does look fascinated by Scott's audition of sorts, when he offers Remy an ownership of a Sentinel assault as a way of showing a need and his ability to command a clandestine ops team of his own making. After all, it was the farthest one gets from Xavier's Dream. Scott was right in the X-Men's inability to be connected to such a team.

"Remy...are you aware of Kitty's assigned Danger Room routines? Because it sounds like you're unaware that is her focus in sessions. She is a trained ninja, it doesn't get more covert than that." Jean is honestly upset by how Remy is downplaying the ability of others. "I dare say she might be able to teach you a thing or two in that field." Jean looks outright stunned, because she's been feeling like she's hitting her head against an adamantium wall for the entirety of this discussion. "She has worked with Wolverine precisely on such times, Remy. For you to say Kitty is unprepared for situations where she's hit with a power inhibitor, is disregarding she's already faced and triumphed just such an experience..."

Jean gets up, apparently this derision from Remy towards the rest of the team is starting to get to her, even though she's keeping a very calm exterior. "Look. If you want to form a special training squad for stealth focused sessions training, to improve execution as a team...we can do that, although I'm firmly disagreeing with you that we're not doing that already."

She then motions at Scott, "but if you want us to train an assassination squad for wetworks? Like Scott said, that's more in line with Magneto...that's not us."

When Remy gives his crayons analogy, Jean remarks, "to me it feels like you've taken the labels off the crayons in the box, and now stating that we're lacking in colors."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau looks exactly like if Jean had just slapped him in the face. First startled, then hurt, then fury all crossing his expressions in span of under a second. His voice drops down to an almost whisper, and his eyes... well his eyes seem to ignite with hellfire behind them. "Ah nevah said assassination. Ah nevah implied it. Not once in dis conversation. Not once in dat proposal dat Ah spent nine fuckin' hours compiling and dat neit'er of yah 'ave bot'ered doin' more den flip t'rough. Ah'm a t'ief. Now dat may make me pretty low on y'alls 'igh an' mighty morality scale, but it don' make me a killer. An' if yah t'ink dat Ah'd use /dis/ ta drag X-men down dat pat'..." As his fury reaches it's peak his clenched fist starts to glow pink as well. "Nevahmind it was a mistake comin' ta yah wit' dis at all."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean turns to face Remy, looking as serene as ever outwardly, as she points at her temple with a light tap. A universal sign for keeping one's cool and think before acting. "I feel your anger when you lash out like that Remy, and I'll have you know I've been feeling and supressing the same, since you've essentially walked in here and negated the entire history of the X-Men under the Professor and more recently Cyclops." Jean keeps talking calmly, containing everything within rather than breaking in anger. She knows how dangerous it gets when she loses her cool. "You ignore our training history. You ignore different composition of X-Men teams to adapt to different mission requirements. You ignore individual skills by different X-Men. You downplay some who worked very hard to attain their current level of skills. You ignore past trials. You've essentially came in here to say Cyclops has done nothing but make the team weak, employ a single strategy, and then offered something we've already had in our routine as brand new. How do you expect this to not be received as an insult?"

She takes a deep breath, and sighs, "if you want to force a vote to replace Scott, you're welcome to it, we are still a group and all have a say. But I think Scott has been very level headed with his call on this matter."

Finally she frowns at the insult Remy has taken, and again repeats the gesture of tapping an index finger against her temple, "if you would have listened to the words spoken, instead of your emotional interpertation, perhaps you'd notice nobody called you a killer. Nobody suggested you were making a wetworks team. It's just that you've shot down every single hand extended directly for stealth ops, that the only step towards more clandestine is wetwork...what do you expect us to think?"

She pauses a moment to go to the cooler and get herself a cup of water, before turning to Remy and then Scott, "would you like water as well?" She offers.

Eventually she points at the folder, "I'm glad you've taken the time to devise an official document. Remy. It's growth. It's dedication...but you're a man, Remy. I expect you to be stronger, and more humble in taking a no for an answer. I've heard no from the Professor countless times. I had to fight with Scott and go to the Professor like a little girl to get him to agree to have me in the field to begin with..." Jean shares, before noting, "to my defense, I was a little girl at the time. You find adversety, you use it to learn, improve, and grow...you don't crumble in anger, Remy. I know you can do better."

Jean then motions for the door, "if you're sorry you even shared this, you're welcome to live, if you want to talk about it like an adult. We're still here, we just hope you actually listen to what we are saying for once...you haven't been listening so far."

Cyclops has posed:
    "Why don't you take the offer to build your own 'dark' team?" Scott reoffers with a quote mark motion with his fingers around Dark before he steps up, "If you think we're not doing things the right way, then step out and prove it. You seem to have very strong ideas." Scott says, stepping between Jean and Remy, his hand motioning Jean to step down and actually calm down, no need to get more damage to the school. Then to Remy he makes a motion towards the door. "However, official danger room times will, like I said early, be off the books. We can not have this traceable back to the x-men or the school in any way. It is a black ops team it will be run like one." Scott says, making himself as clear as he can.

Gambit has posed:
There is a small degree of irony, and Remy is not so far gone to miss it, that he was hoping to enlist /Jean's/ aid in talking this out with /Scott/ and somehow...it worked out the other way around. Still the Cajun looks at Cyclops, takes a deep breath in through his nose and out through his mouth... and that Devil may care smile works it's way back onto his face. "Dat's all Ah needed ta 'ear mon ami." He nods, "Ah'll keep yah bot' in de loop at least of who Ah tap foh special training an' what we doing. Yah don' want an offical record of it beyond dat, it's fine by me." He stands, the stiffness of a moment ago gone, and he is once more languid as a cat. "'Ave a pleasant rest of yah day.." He heads for the door, pausing to add to Scott, "Bettah be careful Mon ami...dose red-'eads can be downright explosive."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean takes on Scott's cue to back off and calm down a bit. She's been nothing but serene, at least outwardly, in this whole affair. But Scott knows her cues better than most. She moves aside and finishes her cup of cold water. She lets Scott finish the talk with Remy in the meantime, after all, everything put on the table was there before. All it takes is using one's ears.

The way Remy seems to take the offer from Scott far from readily than he did from Jean, almost makes her suspect he might have a hidden issue with women. Maybe with women in position of power. It felt really odd to have him accept the very same offer coming from Scott's lips. Good thing she's more self esteem than to let something like that rattle her.

Luckily, she's in control enough to not say or do anything, she just offers Remy a nod. She certainly could do with some cooling off, because she's been seriously offended today. Her expression turns entirely blank when he makes the quip to Scott, and while nothing happens, the fact the room is becoming increasingly hotter might suggest there is some truth to Remy's warning about a potential explosion taking place very soon. For the time being, the Mansion is safe, however.