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My new BFF
Date of Scene: 18 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Meggan returns to Xaviers. Various people visit. Erika gets embarrassed a lot.
Cast of Characters: Meggan, Souvenir, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Marvel Girl, Cannonball

Meggan has posed:
    After having a rocky first meeting, the mutant girls discovered they were schoolmates, Meggan having been taking time off to reconnect with her origins, but now back at the Xavier Institute to finish out her education and perhaps consider applying for a teaching position. She sets bags of Dragon & Phoenix Coconut Curry Shrimp and Noodles, having bought enough not only for herself and her new friend, but also to have extra for a few extra meals of her own and so most if not all the mansion can try some of the special dish Meggan had to go to Connecticut, brave the snow and wind, face an epic WWI hero, and survive an awkward wave of emotions to attain.

    Smiling, Meggan get out a couple of bowls and some decent silver, "So, as I said, been gone from the school for a couple years. I needed to learn more about where I really came from when I started to realize I've got some link to nature and magic in addition to being an Empath and a Metamorph." filling the bowls with the noodles and large prawns coated in a thick yellow sauce, "So, tell me about yourself, powers, how you ended up here, any cute guys or girls in your classes or outside the school you like, do you like it here, why you chose your codename, et cetera." stirring the dishes and addind a bit more sauce to each before placing the bowl on the island in front of Souvenir.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods and listens, intently. "Okay, a list. Got it. Umm. My name is Erika, I'm a psychometrist - i get skills and stuff from things people carried around - I can't sleep in normal beds because people touches the sheets, and I had to have help, same reason for the gloves; I'm from Sunnydale," She points at Meggan, "..That's what got us in trouble in the first place, but it's all cool. Here is, I don't know - pretty much just home now. I call myself 'Souvenir' because I read souvenirs." She grabs a wrapped plastic set of silverware, unwraps it, and serves up some food.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
It would be fairly late for night before school if not for it being a holiday weekend. Whatever the case may be Negasonic was letting herself in, where she went, into Salem Center, what she was doing. Good questions. Very good questions.

I mean knowing Ellie it was probably up to no good, probably not involving her fake ID but one never knows.

She has her leather jacket on, with spikes, over a hoodie that is still zipped up because damn it is cold out. Ellie's wearing the steel toed but not spiked out combat boots, a pair of sturdy jeans (less holes because it's chilly).

"I smell chinese food?" asks Nega as she pokes her buzzed head into the kitchen curious.

Meggan has posed:
    Looking down at the antique silver she had pulled out, Meggan has a moment of clarity cross her face as she understands that eating off these potentially would give Erika a glimpse at every meal that the Xavier Family and a good portion of the students and faculty had used it for. Looking back up she smiles and then hears the shaven headed girl's inquery, "There are a few dozen chicken egg rolls, hopefully enough of the Dragon & Phoenix Coconut Curry Shrimp and Noodles for everyone in the house, red bean buns for desert, probably not enough fortune cookiees, and if you ask nicely, there is a couple orders of the dumpling sampler trays stashed somewhere near the bottom."

    Yes, the return of the British Empathic Metamorph is accompanied with her bringing her own welcome home take-out party. Almost two years is a bit of a long time to be gone, but Meggan has returned from her self-exploration journey. She looks at her new friend, "Wow. Um, I can sympathize." she pauses, "Even if I didn't want to, I would. My empathy allows me the wonders of feeling all the joy that everyone experiences around me, but it also means that I feel all the sorrow, depression, insecurity, social awkwardness, rage, pain, and more." she glances back to Ellie, "Hi... I'm Meggan. Is Miss Grey around? I messaged here I was stopping in Connecticut on my way home, but I haven't heard back from here today, so I don't know if my old room was available or if another one was going to have to be made up for me."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir is in her "I'm up to no good" hoodie and a black long skirt over her unofficial uniform. "Hey Ellie! I *think* I have a girlfriend now? I'm pretty sure Lady Blackhawk hates my guts, and we all totally got ourselves 86'ed from a restaurant. It was awesome. You should have been there."

She grins with a bit of nervous fatalism. Her day has gone so far off the rails that it is now roadbuilding into uncharted lands. Here Be Dragons. Nothing to do for it but smile and wait for it to come screeching to a halt God knows where.

"And yeah, I know, right? like, we totally get the same side eye, I figure."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey In walks in jean or not she looks exactly like jean even has that marvel girl outfit on if a little riskier, she looks exactly like Jean did at 18. What's more, for Megan she gets nothing nada zip like the girl isn't even there on the psi scale.

     The girl walks over to where Ellie is and gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek " DId you say Chinese food? " She sniffs those green eye's locking onto the food and clearly drooling. "

     She snaps out of it long enough for her speak " What do you want with me? " yep rache is up to no good.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie starts to walk to the take out bags and then blinks and looks at Erika. "Okay... shit well it sounds like you had a really fucking busy day since we last talked Snoops." she just shakes her head in some bemusement.

Ellie looks too Meggan and squints "You look vaguely familiar. I'm Ellie, or Negasonic Teenage Warhead." and yeah that name should probably ring some bells.

"Also Rachel, I think she means your mom not you" Ellie starts to dig through to the dumplings, not asking nice but then she was told where they are. "Also Thai, good pick..."

Meggan has posed:
    Now inside and getting more comfortable, Meggan's clothes seem to melt almost entirely away, "I was about talking Jean..." she pauses as Ellie begins digging, "Oh, weren't you like the punk girl version of Guthrie? You like go boom and barely fly, but make a big mess?" giggling at the imagery in her own head of Cannonball wearing a Black Leather skirt, a Black Sabbath Shirt, piercings all over, army boots, and with a faux hawk. She then does a double take and looks over at Rachel, "Wait, Jean had a daughter? Did I fall through a Timey-Wimey Portal? I'm not in some Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Tales from the Darkside, crazy alternate reality where a clone of Jean summoned demons and transported everyone into a world where mailboxes and cars came to life and demons were trying to sacrifice babies and sewer dwelling mutants to the clone of Jean?" she looks around, "Or am I on one of those hidden camera shows? Is Doctor McCoy is going to pop out with a cake and this was some silly welcome home surprise party?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, "Yeah, also, Doogie is into manga and we beat up a mugger. So like at some point I'm just going to lay down and freak out a bit. Like maybe a lot. Like, hopefully before I make poor Meggan start broadcasting all of it before I have any of it figured out again. Please tell me before I get that bad? Like, I totally know I have *subscriptions* and *volumes* right now, and like, I don't want to get myself so twisted up in knots that it makes you do stuff you didn't want to do, again."

"But like, seriously, open book up here, I just don't want you to have to read out of it if you don't want to. I can't exactly be whining that I want my thoughts to be private when I am digging around in people's muscle memory and skill recall on the daily." Kind of embarrassed and overwhelmed by the day. Trying not to keep things bottled up, for Meggan's sake. There's a lot of topics she hopes nobody brings up as a result. Because she's going to have to be honest if they do. Since EVERYONE HERE but Ellie is part of the 'yeah right, I can read you' club.

Meggan's whole bit of discussion makes her tilt her head in confusion, trying to figure out which is weirdness and which is an in joke she doesn't know.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Shoots a spoilsport glare to Ellie even as she leans on her and steals some of those meat buns and various items floating them to another plate.. She looks over at Meggan and grins " I'm from the future it's a bit of a long story, but I'm Jean's and Scott child from another timeline " .

     She shrugs " I haven't worked it out myself to be honest still a total mess " . She looks to Erika " Are you okay hun?" picking up on her yep she is part of the read ya club .

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
For some reason Negasonic sticks her tongue out at Rachel like a brat and then dumpling platter in hand heads to the fridge to grab a soda, very caffienated.

There is this pause and she looks between Erika and Meggan then back to Meggan. "If you compare me to that hack Kentucky I will so blow up something you care about." it is said casually and then she is heading to the dining nook treasures in hand. "Though yes those are my tricks, and I can fly just fine thanks .. but I do tend to blow up a whole god damn lot better than Kentucky ever could."

Meggan has posed:
    There is a moment of relief, "Oh, good. I've had enough trouble with odd other dimensions. Seeing myself as some evolved dinosaur, an Nazi, some ultra posh Dame, a Faerie Princess, and some kind of possessed firebird monster were all enough time and dimension hopping for one lifetime." as Meggan takes a bite of the Dragon & Phoenix Coconut Curry Shrimp and Noodles. She ponders a moment, "Good Luck blowing up every tele on the planet, Cannoball Girl. I kid. Though Guthrie seemed nice enough, if I'm remembering the right guy." giggling, before looking to Erika, "Just relax, I was caught off-guard, I can handle it. I'm a fierce and powerfurl woman." sensing the anxiety about feeling bottled up issues, "A few friends found if they got an earworm stuck in their head, telepaths and empaths have more trouble reading them. I actually got kind of partial to Téir abhaile 'riú while I was travelling, or whenever I was trying to hide my own thoughts for the menagerie of telepaths at this school." trying to project calm at Erika, and not get into too much drama.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir uhhs. She raises a finger to answer, then lowers it with a frown. "I'm not sure actually? I mean.. Does someone else want to run over the list of what all happened to me today for me? I'm kind of trying really hard to not freak out here actually. So like I am really hoping I'm not going to make Meggan freak out and like, involuntarily kiss me again or something. Which was like, that sort of thing has to suck so hard. I mean, it was nice, but like, it wasn't you, and it was totally randomsauce, and I should probably just shut up now."

She seems to be trying to make things easier on Meggan by putting herself on forced stream of consciousness mode. Because she's sure she's probably the biggest problem for her in the room right now. She doesn't actually know, but she suspects. And feels guilty about it. Which is the anti-helpful. "Craap, do I need to leave or something? I'm such a shitty friend here." She isn't sure whether or not the calm is actually helping or not, since it just means her mind is spinning more quietly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking intpo the room, no clue whats going on or who is here. He pauses as he sees the ladies, and offers a nod in greeting, before heading to grab a glass, and get some ice tea. "Whats up?" He asks the ladies.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks and walks over to give Erika's shoulder a touch she was going to sit in the nook with Ellie but Erika is clearly barely holding it together as she frowns " Erika ?" she says again clearly growing concerned as she looks at the other girl two plates of Chinese food floating behind her.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie curls into the dining tucking herself back from the others with her prize, the dumplings and starts to eat one of them. "I honestly have no idea Kentucky. I think Snoops may be mildly traumatized though... something about kissing people.. muggers... kicked out of a bar... dragged home Meggan... it seems like she had the busiest day ever short of being taken by the Brood and implanted with eggs." a chop stick is gestured aimlessly at Meggan and Erika. "I think it might be psychic stuff though because Meggan is talking about fairies, dinosaurs, and nazis..."

Meggan has posed:
    Giving Erika a hug, Meggan smiles, "You are fine. As I said, I was caught off guard, and it had as much if not more to do with the other girl's deep love for you that caused that. It isn't my business to tell you how to act on your feelings, but I do think you and she should talk about your feelings and reconcile any confusion you two may have with how the other feels." releasing Erika, "I appreciate your concern, but just be yourself. Just as I shouldn't have to change how I feel or hide who I am, you shouldn't have to walk on eggshells around me, or any other empath or telepath. There is a reason we study here, so we can get a handle on our abilities and find a way to live fully with them." she looks over to Sam, "There is plenty of stuff to eat, so don't worry about the drama, just get a plate and enjoy." before nodding to Rachel, "I think Erika just had a very eventful day, which culminated in a craziness overload, and she is overreating a bit to how she and I met, which definitely not my finest moment, but was not Erika's fault, and she shouldn't feel in anyway that it is. Though, if you are anything like your mother, I'm sure you can understand getting caught off guard by thoughts and feelings from others at unexpected moments and how overwhelming a sudden wave of intense emotion can get."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs and leans into the shoulder touch. She's pretty much constantly touch starved. One of these days, a horrible terrible monster will disable her by giving her long gentle hugs. She droops. opens up. Just starts thinking her way through her day. Then she gets hugged out of nowhere, and suddenly and a little bit violently jerks her head away in sudden fear, because of how often hugs end badly from skin to clothing contact. "Eeep!"

She blushes bright red from that explanation. "Yeah, I am NOT ready for that conversation, okay?" She fumes, trying very hard NOT to think about that, with about as much success as that usually causes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit watching this. He will move t get something to eat, and says "You going to be ok Erika?" He doesn't ask if she is currently as she seems rattled more curious how she sees her self going. He will hmmd, not sure twhat to say to add here, letting the ladies handle it fornow.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey speaks "Careful clothes sets her off " She says to Megan as she seems to be able to hug the girl, just hugging her " My clothes are made out of tk so it's okay.. and if your gonna touch her keep your mind hidden " She says softly as if giving advice on how not to freak out poor Erika

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie pops another dumpling in her mouth, she may be on track to eat one of the two platters at this point. At some point in that she looks over to Sam and gives a bit of a shrug, the look says telepaths whatcha going to do.

"I recomend a shot of whiskey and a good nights sleep Snoops."

Meggan has posed:
    Having released the hug, Meggan smiles, "Everything will be okay." not that her clothes were an issue, partly because they are really an extension of herself, and partly because when she melted away the clothes she had been wearing early, she'd left herself attired like Daisy Mae Skrug from Li'l Abner, which is good for Erika at least, probably not the best clothes to be barely wearing in some people's opinions. Meggan, looks around, pulls out a few of the Shrimp dumplings from the other tray, "I think I'm going to take my meal up to the roof, feel the wind in my hair, and enjoy the night. Hope you all enjoy the food." she then floats off the floor, taking her time to get to the door, as to not spill her meal, "See you all in the morning."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods at Ellie. "That's probably good advice. I don't have any whiskey. I think I'll be fine? Just I need to talk this stuff out at some point. I don't know who with, though, I'm a total mess right now." She looks down. Nibbles. Stares at the plate.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and will ponder this for a bit not seeming bothered by Meggan's Daisy Mae outfit but hey that might be what he is used to back home. He will walk over to put an arm around Rachels waist, and says "Just remember we are family Erika, you need something we are here."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Nods her head she walks over and kisses sam on the cheek before she moves to sit with ellie and waves sam to join them as she starts to wolf down the food she's rather hungry .