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Latest revision as of 17:03, 23 February 2019

Three Ladies at a Bar Fight
Date of Scene: 19 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lady Blackhawk, Black Canary, Arella Despana

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Truth be told, this wasn't her kind of joint. She usually slummed in quiet neighborhood bars when there wasn't a VFW near by, but well as long as the place -served- Zinda Blake was hardly one to complain. Usually. The place had originally been some trendy scene joint in the 90s, before going through a revolving door of ownership. It'd been updated frequently, but the place could never afford to shut down for long. So it'd sort of gone strange somewhere along the line, Britney Spears next to Slayer kind of wierd. So how does a joint like this survive, well they have a secret weapon. They have a knack for scoring big acts, they pay well and just about every show they stack the joint to the rafters.

    Zinda peers about the joint near the bar for a moment, a little out of place for sure. Still she saddles up the the bar, pushing her jacket sleeves up to her elbows before giving the counter top a knock. "Heyya Sugar, give me three fingers of Jim neat yeah?" Gaze drifting off to the crowd, before accepting her drink with a wince. She neatly relieves her drink of the offending berry with a little toothpick, before draining the glass in a single pull. Theres another wince there, setting that drink back on the counter top for examination.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary used to sing at bars like this. But the scandal if she did it now would be terrible. So she went to the bar anyway - in costume as Canary. They're kinda used to vigilantes in this part of town and don't question the woman in the black leather and the amsk. She smiles as she pools up a stool. "Disaronno on the rocks," she orders, winking as she turns to look around at the patrons here.

Arella Despana has posed:
A drinking joint on what her people would consider a backwater is not the usual hangout for a Svartalfar of consequence. But there were not alot of Dark Elves left and the few remaining had to learn not to be too picky. Case on point one Arella Despana. Tonight she has decided to ditch her weak disguise and dress to impress. She's 5'11 and curved in all the right places fleshing out a cocktail dress. However tonight her pointy ears, white hair and slightly larger than normal green eyes are all out in the open. She gets alot of stares but she does not care. At the bar she orders the most rocket fuely of bourbons in accented english. Even managing a charming smile to the server.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    Disaronno for the Canary, Wild Turkey rare breed for Arella and another 3 fingers of Jim for Zinda. All served with a cherry, mind you. The hulking guy behind the bar in an ancient NIN shirt, well he seems fairly casual about it.

    Zinda accepts her drink with a bit of a puzzled expression, before clearing her throat and fishing another cherry out. This time, well she plucks it out with her fingers. Quietly working it between her finger tips, before lifting her gaze and locking on to the guy behind the bar. "Ladies, ya'll might wanna put a hold on them drinks. I reckon we're owed a proper explanation.."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary spins in her stool as she hears the person three stools down discuss an issue - looks like trouble. But her eye is drawn to the elf. White hari. Dark skin. Sounds like the person that Arrow ran into a few days ago. She smiles as she takes her Disaronno and heads over there. "Excuse me, are you Arella?" she finally asks. "I'm a friend of Green Arrow - he told me about you." She smiles faintly. "He said you're a very interesting and complicated person."

Arella Despana has posed:
"This is glazed fruit?" Arella asks in confusion at the cherry. "Am I paying extra for this?" Perhaps Arella's only concern, She does not know of any potential sacrilege being done to her drink. She is not fully educated in bar etiquette it would seem.

Her bright green eyes turn to Black canary, "Green Arrow? We met briefly. He was charming enough for a captor. I venture to think that he did not furnish me with his real name however. The same as Captain Marvel. Who interrogated me. I am astounded I was released - but grateful. Complicated? That is very... generous of him."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    The big guy behind the bar takes a step back, eyes locked on Zinda in return. Right hand fiddling for something underneath the bar.

    "No honey, he tried to slip us the mickey."Zinda returns, firmly now. Slowly she sweeps the edge of that flight jacket back around the grip of that holstered fourty five, before giving the bar top another knock-knock-knock. "Hey pard, why don't you keep them mitts where I can see'em. Just a misunderstanding, right sweetheart?"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary sighs as she turns her attention away from Arella to Zinda. She stands up and starts to walk over there. "Is something wrong here?" she finally asks, eyebrow raised. "I'd rather not have a fight interrupting my drink." Canary hasn't been in Gotham long, but rumors about the 'siren vigilante' have been circling.

Arella Despana has posed:
"Mickey - this is an intoxicant meant to disable us so that we may be taken advantage of? Alcohol works poorly on my kind at human concentrations. I am not sure that it would have worked on me. But I do not appreciate the malicious intent." Arella shifts and looks around the bar. "It is likely that our would be kidnapper was not working alone. Three bodies are hard to move without help."

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    The bartend leans back, whipping a bottle of everclear towards Zinda and Canary. Then well he snags a pickle jar full of cherries, and makes for it. Scrambling over the bar end as he races towards the door.

    Zinda perks a brow, half turning towards Canary. She takes her eyes off the guy for just a second, before well people are now throwing alcohol. She goes tumbling off her barstool backwards in an effort to dodge, before snapping back up to her boots. "C'mon, you gonna let the guy get away or what girls?"And well Zinda's not waiting, she's off like a shot!

Black Canary has posed:
Who puts a cherry in Disaronno? She left it behind. She then sighs as she stumbles after the barkeep - a bit more drunk than she should be... as she lets loose with her Canary Cry. It would flatten the barkeep, shatter his jar of cherries... and probably hurt everyone's ears in the bar, especially those with superior hearing.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella shoots out what appears to be a purple glowing chain from her arm with a spiked ball on the end. Exactly where this has come from is not clear. She wanted to wrap the chain around the bartenders waist but gets his ankle instead. Probably off balance because of the loud noise which has thrown off her equilibrium. In the mean time Arella catches a poorly thrown punch in her classically beautiful face. The punch also might be from an ally of the bartender or simply misthrown because of the noise. This does nothing to her but appears to have badly injured a rather solidly built bar attendees hand.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    The bartender is a big guy, used to be a bouncer here once upon a time. A shout sends him sprawling, only for him to get back onto his feet with a grunt. Ears bleeding, he's fighting drunk now. A chain around the ankle isn't helping, so he swings wildly. He is, at the end of the day tougher than your average bear.

    Zinda shudders, skidding to a knee with a grunt. She gapes after the Canary for a moment, before fishing an old friend out of her jacket pocket. Then she's off, right arm wheeling back for the wind up. If you've still -got- hearing, well you can hear the hit. Zinda may not have ever spent time in the Boxing ring, or the dojo, but she's been around ya'know? That right cross is a -beautiful- thing, and lead weighted knuckles sure as hell don't hurt. The blow lands right on the side of his jaw, and the effect is instant. Teeth go flying, and he stumbles back into a heap. "Hooo-wee!"Zinda gives that right hand a shake to ward off the sting. "Now we're havin fun!"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods as she sighs softly, blinking. "I guess I'm a bit off - I don't normally just shout like that..." she muses softly. "That drink was a bit stronger than I was used to... what's going on?" she asks. Apparnetly she's immune to the effects of her own Cry and forgets sometimes that nobody else in the bar might be hearing straight.

Arella Despana has posed:
The purple glowing chain disappears as soon as Zinda clobbers the bartender. And Arella clears out her large ears with her fingers. "What was that?" she asks of the noise. The man who broke his fist on her face is using Arella's arm for support. Arella is (astoundingly) tolerating this for the moment but her indignation is likely to catch up with her if the arrangement continues.

Lady Blackhawk has posed:
    "The Bartender, he slipped you a mickey!"Hearing loss? HAHA what's that, Zinda fought in WW2 without hearing protection. Tinnitus is an old friend, yaknow? She chances a glance over towards the, well Zinda settles on "Space elf". "Hey, they got your friend over there good. You wanna grab'er, I'll cover your six. Bout time we split, before things get awfully complicated yeah? She does that, whatever again and we're liable to get somone hurt in her condition yeah?"She gives those knucks a glance, before surveying the joint. "God damn, I hate Gotham."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary shrugs as she simply nods towards outside. She blinks. "Oh - the cherries were bad... but I broke htem." She then stomps on most of the drugged cherries on her way out as she gets on her bike, as she sighs softly, trying to calm herslef - driving off in this state would be bad so she wheels the hog out of sight as she tries to calm her mind.

Arella Despana has posed:
Arella the 'Space Elf' watches the inebriated Canary leave. "She looks fine," she remarks. She does not take revenge on the man who punched her but as she leaves Arella stomps down hard on the Bartender's shoulder till there is an audible crunch. You can't take the 'Dark' out of the Dark Elf apparently. And then she leaves to find another bar. "That was fun," Arella remarks. Sociopathically.