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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/02/21 |Location=Xavier's School, Westchester, New York |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1258, 762, 1795 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Po...")
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Latest revision as of 17:24, 23 February 2019

late night x-snack
Date of Scene: 21 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Marvel Girl, Souvenir

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is down in the kitchen this evening. He has heated up a couple pieces of pizza, and found a place to munch it with his glass of ice tea.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Yawns as she walks stretching as she moves havin a very very lazy day. Maybe not that lazy cause the kettle starts to float and fill itself with water while the french press is preped to make some coffee.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles over to her, and says "Oh thats just cheating." He says as he watches her "Want a piece of pizza?" He offers his plate for her to take a piece.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Acutally only shows up like 5 min later when the water lifts up to pour and a 3 min timer is set.. She walks in and you can feel her before she turns into the place. She walks over without saying anything and draps herself onto your back putting her face in your neck. You know know this is her way of avoiding the sun

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie reches up to rub a none greesy hand up over her cheek. "How you doing hon?" He will ask her, even feeling the connection he asks, be it habit or extra showing he cares for her.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Grumps a little "Sleepy.. " She nuzzles in more laying on him clearly half away as she waits for the timer to go off. Unlike everybody else she dosn't go to school nobody's tried to make her yet either.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will motion for her to come around and sit on his lap "Well, what have ya been doing?" He hmms a bit and says "I was going over some of the kids records and how they are doing.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Yawns she's going to slide but the timmer beeeps as she slide off his back and slowly toddles over like a grumpy old lady waviing her hands to make a large mug float over to her while also plunging the french press and pouring out her coffee . She then grabs said mug from the air cradles it and walks back to sit into sam's lap.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is sitting at the table with Rachel on his lap. He had reheated pizza and tea himeself. A tablet on the table where he has been looking over things it seems. He smiles at Rachel, and says "Seems ya like the coffee?

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir slips into the kitchen and looks around, waving at people and slips over to grab some vegetables out of the refrigerator. "Hey." She frowns some and looks away. "I don't want to interrupt you two if you're doing something.."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles as she sits in the lap and sips her coffee nodding " This is the best thing the past ever made " .

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit at Erika, "Na, we are just chatting and such, how are you doing?" He will ask Erika, and takes a sip o his tea.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ummms and thinks. "Confused. Really confused. Otherwise? Okay I guess." She shrugs some. "I think I'm missing some language to explain."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks and looks over ' What's wrong snoops? " She ask softly clearly picking up on ellie's way of talking . She stays in sams lap though slowly sipping her precious coffee.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over, and says "Well if ya want to try to find words and tell us about it we will listen to help all we can.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir munches on a pickle and counts off on her fingers. "Branding trouble, girl trouble of all things," She frowns and makes a face, "PR worries, and like.. well, I guess those are the big ones.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey cocks her head " Branding ? " She perks up " Who's putting a brand on people " her eye's start to blaze yep she's getting the wrong impression that's for sure " what girl ? "

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie rubs her arm and says "Ah don't think thats the type of branding she means hon, Ah am thinking more like her superhero name and image right?"

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shakes her head vigorously. "Not that kind of brand, like, business brands. Like, a certain kind of soda or whatever. Yeah. That. I need to come up with an image to tie stuff together that looks, you know, good."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks and settles back down leaning against sam " Oh okay.. For what? " She asks " And what about the girl what issues yo uhave ? "

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will listen and let Rachel ask the questions as he hmmms continuing to rub Rachel's arm and back as he thinks a bit on this.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ohs. Obviously Rachel is stuck on the girl. "I met a girl. Powered. Not sure how. Maybe mutant. I like being around her, but, I don't know, I feel like there's supposed to be other stuff going on. I don't know what to call that. I'm kind of missing some words, and I feel like I can't explain this worth a darn?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks " I can peek if you want " she says sliding off sams lap and padding over to erika cause she's got barefeet as she smiles " You said 3 things.. what you wanna trackle first " She smiles " Mom told me to use my powers to help you guys so i wanna help "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir tilts her head. "One thing I can't figure out what I'm thinking. One thing I need creativity, maybe Drea would know more. One thing I need to meet with the gang for. I'm almost thinking Meggan would be better on the first one, but you can take a swing if you want."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ah will help how ever Ah can with the branding, but Ah think Rachel might be the one to give ya more advice on the relationship thing

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles as she walks over and puts her forhead to erika's and closes her eye's " think about her " She says softly " Just picture her and let your feelings flow " . She says softly as she tries to sort out what's going on in that brain.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmmms a bit to this but again keeps quiet. He does watch the two, seeing if Erika is ok with this and also how her power might react with this.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir closes her eyes and leans in, sighing. "Okay." She leans in because she likes being touched in general and rachel seems to be able to block her from having issues.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles softly and pats her cheek " Ask her on a date " she says simply " You like her you have a crush.. you have to pick if you wanna try and see where it goes or not " She shrugs " I can't make you but it's clear you like her so ask her out and find out .. or just spend time alone with her "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir flails a little. "I did! It's just still a mess. I feel really broken. plus, like. I'm not sure if I like myself very much right now. This just isn't helping."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Wraps her arms around erika yep giving hugs cause she can as she holds onto erika " What did she say? " she asks softly " And why do you not like yourself right now ? those are two diffrent issues " .

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmphs. "She said yes, I just feel really uncomfortable with myself right now. I feel like I'm a bad example." She sighs. "I don't feel like I help people, and I feel like the more people know about me, the less they're going to like me."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Sighs as she looks at erika softly " You are not to blame for your powers.. What you use those powers for is what's imporant do you use your abilities to help people or help yourself.. that's what you have to deal with " She says " We all do.. I have to watch myself cause it's easy to make people do what I want but it's not good " . She leans on erika " I know you and I like you, Your a great person erika don't be scared of that "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs. "It's not just the powers. I'm not worried about me being a good person, I'm worried.. Well, that people are going to see me kind of like Doogie. Like, he can be a really awesome guy all day, and as soon as they imagine him turning into a slithering pile of tentacles and bug parts, people are going to freak out and stay away. I don't know how to - I don't know - sell that better in a more family friendly way.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Kisses the top of erika's head " Why do you think that because your power is to touch stuff and get the info ? " She asks frowning " What makes you think your less that what you are ? Your a fantastic person and were one of the first people to meet me and be nice to me.. hows that make you bad? "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms. "I get info. People get scared if they think people are getting into their secrets. I don't WANT anybody's secrets, but they don't know that. And I'm trying to learn how to be sneakier, so I can not get attacked as much. People will get a bad impression and think I am trying to get their secrets."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles " how do you think I feel I can read thoughts and minds of people I don't do it on purpose but people try and avoid me cause they don't want me to know what they are thinking but I do " . She looks at erika " your a good person erika not a bad one " she says softly " trust me "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs and looks up. "Frankenstein, Mary Shelley. Frankenstein's monster is nice and intelligent and gentle, but people assume the worst, and they hate him. I don't think I'm a bad person, I think people around me are going to think I am."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Sighs " you are not wrong but I don't care what other think I care what ellie and sam think that's about it maybe my mom and dad cause just met them " she chews her lip " BE you erika the person we like, We like you here isn't that enough? "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs. "I feel like a creepy jumbled up broken mess that's going to be hated and feared. I feel like kind of a monster."

She looks down. "I don't feel like anybody is going to want to be around me."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Hug erika tigher and looks at her " Hey .. I like you " sHe says softly " Even if everybody else hates you I like you.. and you can't have done worse than me " She says softly " If people knew what I did " she says and sighs " yeah I'm the monster here erika your awsome and ok "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs and leans into the hug, hugging back and clinging. This is nice. "Well.. okay..." She closes her eyes and thinks, leaning in. "I don't know what to say to her. I feel like I'm being totally wishy washy."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Laughs " Cause you wanna kiss her right " she says softly as if knowing exactly what your saying " You wanna lisen to her all day and don't care because everything she says is cute and awsome.. you'd be happy to just sit and say nothing all day as long as it was in the same room , that sound about right ? "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hrms. "Maybe? But I don't want to do anything more than that. If that makes sense. Because it doesn't to me." She frowns.

"I feel like that's going to be a problem down the road."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles " BEcause it's just started and more means opening yourself up to her and her to you that's scary.. but ask her out hang out see what happens " she shrugs " You won't know unless you try , and if you don't try then all this pain you rputting yourself through means nothing "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir squints and takes a deep breath. "..Okay. Do you deal with this sort of thing much?" She hmphs. "It just seems like one more thing for me to get a bad reputation from. I'm getting a big collection."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks " what reputation are you talking about ? I already have alot from you know showing up from the future.. I'm dating two people seems peopel get bent out of shape easy in this time period "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ehs. "..Yeah, that's fair. I mean, if it gets out that I am dating a girl, the other girls are going to be creeped out by me. It's already a pain."

She looks down. "I feel like I'm always going to be the person everybody hates. Well, most people."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Cocks her head " What's wrong with dating a girl? " She says frowning " Is that an issue ? " She clearly dosn't understand " Nobody said anything to me and ellie " She thinks for a moment then again if you insult either of them it's a quick way to end up as goo on a wall .

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs, "It makes some girls treat the girls who are like they're guys. You know, like they're perving on them. More.. Standoffish. uncomfortable."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks and shrugs " Stupid " she sighs and snuggles " I have to get going but if you wanna talk I'm here okay " she says " Your never without a friend I'm always here " .

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir sighs. "Okay. I'm sorry for being such a pest." She squeezes and lets go reluctantly. She needs many hugs.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks over and smiles brightly " Never a pet hun if you need hugs I'm always there " .