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Latest revision as of 04:27, 27 February 2019

Wolf Chat
Date of Scene: 26 February 2019
Location: Xavier's - Gardens
Synopsis: After having learned of each other, Rahne and Andrea finally meet face-to-face.
Cast of Characters: Wolfsbane, Rage

Wolfsbane has posed:
Gardens are often not as pretty in the winter, with many plants in a dormant stage, but there's still some stuff to be found. Some people don't care about that and just enjoy the chance to be outside in the middle of nature, and when you have fur like Wolfsbane a chill in the air is no issue. Just to keep her feet a little happier, she's got a pair of sneakers on, but aside from that it's the usual outfit she's been around in. It's quiet out here, peaceful, and pretty much just right as she paces up and down the paths.

Rage has posed:
Heading out into the gardens for a stroll is Andrea. The world wide recognized superstar singer and actress seems to be lost in thought. She's wearing a pair of slim jeans, a baggy sweater and a jacket over it to keep warm. Her eyes have that usual determined look about them, as if something is weighing heavily on her mind. Tapping along at her phone, she mumbles to herself. "Of course you still aren't gonna answer me. Jerk."

Wolfsbane has posed:
There's enough room for people to move around and keep to themselves, but that falls apart when at least one person possesses heightened senses that can pick up the sound of shoes on gravel, a light cough, anything of that nature. Scent can also be carried along the breeze, but it's the words that reach the ears of the Scottish mutant, leading to Wolfsbane turning in the direction of the approach Andrea is making. "Pardon me for interrupting, but who's th' jerk?" she wonders, head angled toward one side. Visibly, she's in one of her half-wolf forms that skews more toward human: a normal enough face, but fur from head to toe, fangs, claws, and the pointed ears.

Rage has posed:
As she hears the voice, Andrea comes to a halt and glances up from her phone. As the sight of her, she tucks her phone into her pocket. "My boyfriend, Mason. He's having a bad day and I'm just trying to make sure he's okay." She shifts some on her feet, staring at her for a long moment, before she gives an amused noise in her throat. "Rahne Sinclaire in the fur herself. How're you doing?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Ahh," Wolfsbane nods to the explanation, quiet for a few seconds before she adds, "Whitever's go' him doon, I hope it passes quickly." Her hands settle at her sides, one resting against a hip, the two apparently sizing each other up whether it's a conscious move or not. "Ye must be Andrea. I'm sorry..I've heard a few o' yuir songs but never really listened tae much." The girl might very well be one of the most famous students Xavier's has ever had, and here Rahne only just recognizes her for the reason she touches on next: "A couple people mentioned ye tae me. I meant tae find ye sooner, but I've been so focused on getting caught up on everything. I hear we have something in common." This, naturally, leaves her quite curious but she's trying to be polite with it.

Rage has posed:
"Yes, we have something in common. You're the young wide-eyed innocent wolf girl that everyone adores. And me? I'm the wide eyed innocent wolf girl that people take shots at from sniper positions." Andrea says with a grin on her face. "You have quite a legacy here, Rahne." She shifts some on her feet, her ankles bobbing about side to side. "I'm on the New Mutants now with a couple of other students that are hand picked to be a sort of public relations team designed to work together to show that us young mutants are not a threat, while at the same time knowing how to defend ourselves in a team based scenario." She tilts her head slightly, her nose twitching at the air. "Does your wolf speak to you like mine does?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane makes her way over to the fencing and leans a shoulder against it, coming in around half a foot or so shorter than its height. "Did they tell ye when I had muh first change, I ran off intae th' highlands an' th' man who raised me led a group who tried tae kill me?" she asks, looking and sounding more serious than it seems Andrea's response means her to be. "Or did they leave tha' part oot?"

She shakes her head and waves it off with a hand, though a part of her seems...sad. "I dinna know about any legacy. I was a student like ye once, an' I had tae learn how tae control whit I could do. There were people here tae help teach me, just as there are for ye an' th' other new students. We were all just trying tae figure oot how tae get through each day in one piece, a' times." However, the question gives her reason to pause and study Andrea again, her brows scrunching together. "How do ye mean?"

Rage has posed:
"I know everything about you." Andrea says as she rests herself against a tree, parking herself against it with a foot behind her back. "Soon as you were name dropped, I obsessively pulled your historical files and whatever data I could and memorized it. I know about your old school pitchforks and torches. I literally took a sniper shot to the chest." She taps herself there. "I was ran through with a sword by Donald Pierce." She touches over her heart. "Started to become a running joke about here, to see if I was more cat than dog and if I already used up a couple of lives." She folds her arms casually over her chest. "I talk to my wolf. In my head. Kinda. More like .. we're two of the same coin. When I shift, she sorta wants to take over."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Everything?" Wolfsbane repeats, her body language giving off more of a defensive note to it at the thought of someone having looked up so much about her as to know details many others likely don't, beyond Xavier and some members of the faculty. Yes, it has her somewhat uncomfortable. Is that what it's like for celebrities? She doesn't ask.

Rubbing the back of her neck, she crosses her arms in a self-hug. "So ye ran intae tha' blackguard Pierce as well. He's nothing but trouble. An'..ouch." A bullet to the chest by a sniper should be a killing blow, that much she knows, and her reaction to the comparison to a cat's multiple lives is a brief snort of breath out the nose. "I'm glad ye made it through tha'."

Her eyes rotate skyward, showing her to be in thought. "I'm no' sure it's quite like tha' wi' me. It's like, right noo I can feel there are just two sides, certain instincts a' times, but I've never really thought o' it like another voice. I've had trouble before wi' tha' balance, aye."

Rage has posed:
Raising her brows upwards, Andrea says, "You're uncomfortable, can practically taste it in the air." She says as she gives a small chuckle. "I only deep dived you so I can see what type of issues you had with your powers, how similar they were to mine. You will find I'm pretty obsessive compulsive when it comes to my life. Everything is micromanaged, so for me to be a mutant, it's the only control I really have that's mine. I just needed to see if I had any risks of hurting another student, or someone else."

Pushing off the tree and heading towards her, Andrea has a saunter about her, confidence, purpose. If two wolves were instinctively sizing each other up, she is clearly claiming the role of 'Alpha' in the way she moves. "I have trouble with control sometimes under extreme duress or pain, and then I let 'her' take control, and things go red and then it gets dangerous. It doesn't happen often. But when it does it scares me."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane always was one who lacked the 'Alpha' personality, which Andrea would have probably realized before now if she went that far into learning what she could about Rahne. "Just some memories I'd rather no' think about, is all," she explains, though it's only a partial truth. "An' whit did ye learn from all tha'?" the older (but not by much) wolfen woman asks.

"Th' way I see it, I have enough control tha' I'm no' worried about hurting anyone. I dinna ever remember losing control enough tha' I 'saw red,' but I guess ye know I was afraid o' whit I was after it happened, then I started tae get more used tae things an' like how much more alive th' world felt around me when I could sense more o' it."

She holds her position against the fence, but she straightens her back a bit. "No' wanting tae hurt someone else always helped me stay more in control, but it got better when I learned tae accept whit I am. I know this..is all o' me noo." She gestures to herself, and for a few seconds she lets Andrea see her as closer to a typical werewolf, with the bent legs and paws, thicker fingers, a short muzzle and ears having slid up to the top of her head. "Like this," she explains, before the shift takes her further to reveal an actual wolf, her clothing seeming to disappear, and finally to her back in human form and completely that way, outfit back in place, no signs of the wolf whatsoever. "Or like those."

Yes, it's showing off, but it's letting Andrea see the level of control Rahne has now.

Rage has posed:
"I can do the same thing as you." Andrea says. ".. Except I'm .. way bigger than you. I'm like a monster horror movie version of you." She pauses in front of her, tilting her head down at the smaller girl. "And you shift faster. It's like seamless for you. We're so alike but so different. You may have it luckier than me. When I shift, it hurts. My bones snap, my skin stretches, the fur burns on it's way out of my pores. It's probably what helps drive the anger in me. Pain is a good focus point in combat."

Running a hand back through her hair, she smiles. "I haven't hurt anyone yet though. At least no one that didn't need it. You know, Reavers. Those types. I honestly am not a fan of wolfing out and hurting someone. Just that the more time I spend in another form, the less of me I feel I have and it's a bit stressful, especially for my friends to be around."

Wolfsbane has posed:
To be sure, the shift to a more wolfen version of herself led to no more than a couple more inches in height, which might make for one of the smallest 'werewolves' ever known. Rahne's skin is as pale as one might expect as both a Scot and a redhead, someone who doesn't get much of a tan, and the grimace in her expression follows. Her voice, without the wolf in her, comes off as a little softer around the edges, a little gentler. "I guess I should be thankful for tha'. It's never hurt for me, an' I canna imagine even /wanting/ tae shift if it causes ye tha' much pain. How do ye feel yuir control is for noo?"

Rage has posed:
"My control is fine unless you shoot me a few times, then I just let the bitch fly. It took me a few years to get to a point where I feel like I"m running the show. The Professor went into my head and tweaked some things for me after I got shot in the head by accident and I was in a bit of a weird coma inside my nogging. Ever since he fiddled in there, the wolf is a lot more calmer and we have a better understanding." Andrea slides her hands into her pockets. "But yah, you're lucky it doesn't hurt. The face hurts the worst. When the bones snap and reshape to make a muzzle."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Rahne makes a face again, subtly shifting back to the way she'd been when Andrea first saw her in the gardens. Maybe it was from the language, but probably more from thinking about how it hurts the other girl, and how she's been hurt. "I'm thankful he never needed tae do tha' in muh case, but if it's helped ye since then.." She leaves the thought unfinished, unspoken, trusting it will be understood. "I was going tae ask if ye'd tried tae practice smaller changes, but noo I'm no' so sure it'd even work wi' how ye describe it for ye."

Rage has posed:
"I can shift into a wolf. It's easy. Just hurts. Also I get more instinctive and I did eat a cat once two years ago. It's sorta hard when you're like the princess of pop music and a Disney star and you know...eating cats. It's not good publicity. So, I haven't told the world /what/ I can do, just that I'm a mutant. Hoping that one day I can come out and tell everyone I'm a werewolf, but I don't think most mothers would approve of their daughters going to my concerts if they knew that." Andrea giggles as she tucks some hair back behind her ear. "But, I would love to run with you one day."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane is the meek one of the pair, and it's easy to see that when one is used to being in front of video cameras, bright lights, all dressed up, and the other is from a tiny port village in the Scottish highlands. "I dinna even want tae think about eating a cat!" she exclaims, shaking her head at the very thought. "Even if, sometimes.." She gestures with a hand as if to indicate those instincts do come up at times. "I like a good steak. But, I'm no' sure whit advice tae give ye about letting people know whit ye are. I dinna hide it unless I have tae, but I know tha' can be unsafe as well."

She fiddles with her hands, looking down at them as she inspects her claws in a self-conscious manner. "Maybe we can do tha' soon." The woods aren't easy to see with the fencing up, but she knows exactly where the closest spot of trees is.

Rage has posed:
"They don't taste any worse than a chicken. Meat is meat." Andrea says in regards to cats. "I guess you're super lucky you can just be normal in the real world. I wish I had that luxury once in awhile, but everywhere I go, it's cameras, autographs, squealing girls, and big smiles and perfect hair, because one bad day and it's a Google nightmare."

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Chicken is pretty tasty, but I like muh haddock quite a bit," Wolfsbane says, going as far as to lick her lips before adding, "It's a fish more native tae home." Without getting into the conflict of trying to live a normal life while being a famous person, she instead says, "Ye dinna have tae worry about me fawning over ye like tha'. Ye can just be yuirself around me. Sure, I've had some crushes before, but I see ye more as a person wi' a thing tha' needs time tae get better a'. Whit ye do away from here is yuir business. Naebody's going tae mistake me for any kind o' celebrity, either."

Rage has posed:
"It's why I came to Xavier's. I'm /really/ into mutant activism and I wanted to give the young students someone to look up to so they can understand that they aren't alone and I'm just like anyone else with problems. They quit hitting me for autographs after about a month. Now I feel normal. Like you." Andrea grins. "I should get going though. Class in the morning and I should hunt my boyfriend down. Like I said, he's ahving a bad day and I wanna make sure he's okay."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane tucks her hands within a few folds of her outfit/costume, nodding as she glances around the garden again. Nobody else around. "If ye're intae th' activism stuff, I'm sure there are a lot o' people who will appreciate having a voice for them, but normal here is..different from oot there."

She listens to the rest, arching a brow at the choice of words to go hunt him down, but she just offers a thin smile and a slow nod. "Aye, ye do tha'. I'm no' sure how well I'd be able tae help ye since it seems our powers work so differently, but if I can ever try, I will. I'll see ye around." For her, a little more time outside to think will do her good, including figuring out why she picked up 'Alpha' signs from someone who wasn't even 'wolf' at the time.