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Latest revision as of 18:11, 3 March 2019

Breakfast at Wayne Manor
Date of Scene: 24 February 2019
Location: Wayne Manor, Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Batman

Red Hood has posed:
Don't let it be waffles. Please. Do not let it be waffles.

Arriving at the Manor house on his bike, Jason parks it outside before he steps off. He hasn't been here in a while. In the cave beneath? Sure. But in the actual house? It's been a long time. Drawing in a breath, he looks around the ground, and straightens his leather jacket.

Place always made me feel so damned small. It's like it's watching me. All the time.

Stuffing down his thoughts, the second of the Wayne children makes his way to the door and rings the doorbell. After all, despite the uneasy peace between him and Bruce, he's not exactly sure he can walk in like family just yet. Or he's just playing by the rules. He's still trying to figure that one out as he waits.

Batman has posed:
     Alfred is the first to answer the door, as always. "Who could it be at this hour?" he says on his approach to the door. Typically, the gate stops most people, but not all. Opening it, he looks. "Can I help y-Master Jason," Alfred exclaims mid-sentence. This is not the first time the bulter has seen jason since the Lazarus Pits. The infrequency of their interactions still make it hard to take in. It's still a little shocking to the older man. "Come in. I was just making pancakes, would you care for some?" he asks trying to help Jason inside. "I'll fetch Master Bruce. You still prefer no pulp in your orange juice?" Alfred does have a good memory about the little things.

Red Hood has posed:
"Hey Alfred." Jason responds as the door opens and he finds himself in the presence of the family butler. There's a brief smile offered to the older gentlemen before he nods. "Thanks." he says politely - no snark offered up as he enters the house. "No pulp, over ice."

His eyes take in the old home. And he feels the memories flooding back in. When he first came back after his revival, there was a cringe - but he's learn to accept it, it's part of who he was. And while it may be slow going to reintegrate, he's trying. Dropping down into a chair in the dining room, he rests his arms on the table and waits.

And shifts. He could never get comfortable in the very comfortable chairs. Like the rest of the house, he just doesn't feel like he belongs. But that's nothing new.

Batman has posed:
     Alfred isn't sure if the ice is a new preference, but that's an easy fix. The preference of pulp, very important. His mind held onto that like a steel trap. And so, the buttler went to work on the glass. The pancakes on the griddle are even flipped in time before he goes to fetch Bruce.

     Alfred is down pretty promplty. He mans the griddle, and starts to add freshly made plancakes to a serving plate. By the time Alfred is halfway done with the second batch, Bruce is in the kitchen. Dressed in a big black plush robe, which covers up the simple dark blue silk pajama pants he is wearing, he stands behind Jason's chair.

     "Jason," he says in a voice that's firm, showing a greeting. Within that greeting, Jason can detect a hint of something. Only those that are particularly close to Bruce could detect this. Could it be surprise? Maybe. There is a pleased undertone. Bruce stands still waiting to see what Jason does before sitting down.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason's in his dark t-shirt, jeans, and jacket, with heavy boots on his feet. He didn't do anything crass like throw his boots on the table. Maybe this is serious. "Sorry to interrupt the routine, Bruce." he manages, "I know this is usually your downtime, but I have some information you might want to look at."

Taking out a file, he sets it on the table. "Ran into Batwoman on patrol. We exchanged notes on those new ninjas we've been seeing around town. Apparently they're more organized than I first thought."

Of course, Bruce may already know about the Foot. Jason /did/ do a report on it. And most of the information that Jason shares is information that was already known. That's when Bruce may recognize it. He was wanting a foot in the door, and didn't think to just call.

Or perhaps he didn't want to. Some things should be done face to face, after all.

Batman has posed:
     Before sitting down, Bruce did tap and squeeze Jason's shoulder. A ritual Bruce has done years prior, starting when Jason was Robin. Taking the offered file, Bruce begins to look through the file. "I've been hearing of this organization. Rumors of their origin vary in detail. "What do you know?" Jason has more interaction with the organization. This is Jason's chance to take point on an operation. Also, Bruce does not just give people this opportunity to shine. Typically, those that are best situated are asked to share intel. In some ways, take lead. All the times Jason may have wanted to be here as a Robin, that desire (if any) may be fullfilled.

Red Hood has posed:
"No clue on who heads it up." Jason admits with a frown. "Whoever it is - they haven't made their presence known yet. What we do know is that so far, we know they employ at least two mutants." He shifts through the images, finding one of a mutated Boar and Rhino man. "Don't know if they're true mutants, like Killer Croc, or homegrown, but the Gotham Zoo seems to be growing."

The next image is grainy. A female - Asian in appearance, carrying a ninja-to. "This was the only image I could recover from my helmet of what I assume is his second in command or such. Not enough bravado or banter to be the head lady herself. All of her training is clearly in the art of ninjitsu. She was able to nearly take me down. It was after I went through her goon squad, but still, she's got skills. I have a lead from Batwoman on where to go next, I'll look into it. Let you know what I find."

The squeeze to his shoulder wasn't lost - but not quite acknowledged. Sometimes it feels so surreal. Maybe it's just part of being back from the dead. Maybe it was his time in Arkham. Maybe it was because Talia took him the the Chamber of All and got his head on straight.

"Bruce. I met someone." he says finally. "Not saying she's the one. But she knows who you are. And that I have brothers." Information he doesn't usually share easily. "I'm not saying I want to take her to the cave, or you know.." he taps the side of his head where he'd wear a helmet. "But I do want you to vet her - for the Wayne side of it all."

Batman has posed:
     "What else do we know about this organization's heavy hitters?" Bruce asks for a moment. He notes the female, all of the training there. She is seen as someone with potential, and a threat. Someone not to be underestimated, deadly beauty in some ways. "Good work," he says to the intel. "Keep everyone in the loop on your progress. Don't be afraid to use the coms."

     That next step creates a pause, "Who is she? I may need to ask for your help, as a brother to one of my other sons," he says and looks to Jason. "I need to vet her before the cave access, but tell me about her."

Red Hood has posed:
"I'm not asking for cave access. I don't even think she's.. you know." Jason chuckles. "She's a guidance counselor. Her name is Kitty." Then he pauses for a moment, and smiles. "Don't tell Damian that's her nickname, you know what a brat he can be sometimes. Anyway. It's Katherine Pryde. And I want her vetted to be .. you know.. to know who you are." he gestures. "Like this." The whole casual Bruce Wayne thing.

"The other heavy hitters are the two overgrown house pets. I'll get that information when I talk to my contact on it - Detective Ramsey." he explains. Then there's something else he catches on, and there's a lift of his brow. Wait, what. "What's going on with Damian?" he asks, assuming that the youngest is being the problem child.

Batman has posed:
     "I only know her as Katherine. Maybe Kathy," Bruce says quietly. Then he gets up, and vanishes before that explanation about the case. He's gone for a good five minutes. Quietly, he returns and slides Jason a ring back, dark blue with a gold layer that starts at the hinge toopen and close the box, and wraps around. Inside the box is a gold ring. At the center is a ruby cut into an oval. Each side of thering haswhat could be described as half-ovals that cradle the ring going outward. Three on each side. The first, and last layer, hold four diamonds. The middle holds a row of diamonds that look almost smooshed together. "This was my mother's. If she is the one, use this." It's not his mother's wedding ring, but clearly holds some value both monetarily speaking and sentimentally.

     Sitting back down, he resumes getting information about the situation. "Where should I dig?" he asks curious if Jason knows a place that has any connection. Even if it's a rumored connection, it's still a place Bruce can dig directly. He's not trying to take over the operation, but these foot lackeys may spond to a bigger fish in the pond. Bruce knows he's the biggest fish in most circles, and is not afraid to use this.

     "It's not Damian," Bruce says and lets Jason's mind wander over who it could be for a moment. "Your older brother. He was cheated on, if Carrie heard correctly. His girlfriend also knew of his night life to some degree." Shooting Jason a look, Bruce watches his second son. Sky blue eyes watch the young man for a moment, "I want to talk to him first, but the situation could be bad. Talk from a brother may go further than words from a father," he is letting Jason in on what Bruce knows, what he wnats to do, and how Jason could help.

Red Hood has posed:
While he's waiting, Jason looks over the pictures again. He knows Bruce could probably look at the pictures and find some detail he missed. It's infuriating. But he knows he's come to the right place. That is until Bruce returns. With the ring, and then for the first time in a long time, there's genuine surprise on the Red Hood's face, a gentle slackening of his jaw. "Bruce." he breathes, "I mean. I don't know if she is. But she is something special."

The ring is moved to his pocket and placed away before he returns his attention to the tasks at hand. When the girl trouble is mentioned, there's a little chuff of laughter. "Sorry." he responds. "Usually this situation is the other way around. I'll see if I can track down Dick and see if he wants to chat. He still with Koriand'r? I can't see her cheating on him, I think she loves him as much as she loves mustard. Probably more." he admits. "Carrie. We've had a lot of new Bats come in, Bruce. What do you know of Batwoman? I put her on a task to see how she handles it - at the Sentinel attack last night there was an assassination. I don't have all the details of it, and the GCPD isn't going to let me within ten feet of it - so I figured I'd try the new hand."

"As for the Foot? They went after Sal Maroni. They're taking out the old guard - and those that are too weak to formalize. Like the Tigers." Jason responds. "There's one of their number. At least a former member. Her name's June Connor, she's with Babs. You know me? I'm the heavy hand. You might be able to get information from her, though. Or there's Caroline Ramsey - she's a detective."

"There's one other person that you may want to visit with the pointy ears. Girl by the name of Ayla Braun. She's been dead for a while. Came back somehow. Kinda like me, but I don't think she's had a Lazarus bath or the like - she got her guts spilled, and she shoved them all back into her without an issue. She lives in a run down church in the Bronx with a street preacher. Some of her demonic crap is spilling into Gotham."

Batman has posed:
     "Consider that ring on loan, then. If she's not the one, I want it back. When you know who -the one- is...," Bruce gives Jason a nod. It's just a simple means of conveying the ring is special to both of them. Bruce wants that ring to keep being special.

     Jason moves onward with the conversation, "That's the issue. I heard it was Kori," he lets that piece of information hang in the air. To be properly examined for a few moments before he continues onward, "I haven't talked to him directly, but I trust the source. And the third party, is a friend of Dick's." Bruce unravels whatcould be a love triangle. Then there's talks of a Batwoman. He keeps quiet on that one for a little bit. Apparently, that's an issue he has opinions on, and those he holds close to the chest.

     "Tell me more about June." Bruce is quiet as he is leaning about these individuals. They're on his radar. Again, Jason has more exposure to the situation. He's trying to learn what someone with more intel knows.

     Thinking on it a littl more, "Any side effects from the pit I should be aware of?" This is for the second person that took a dip. Each person handles it differently depending on duration, severity, and other factors to the dip. Sometimes it's a dangerous situation to approach these people. Bruce is looking to minimize any risk.

Red Hood has posed:
"No shit, Kori cheated on Dick?" Jason's brows go up wide. "I'll have to talk to 'big-brother', then." He probably means that in the Orwellian sense of the word, really, but he's still playing nice. Even reaches into his pocket and takes out a quarter. And sets it on the table.

Swear Jar.

"I don't have much on her. Heard she went off on some expedition. But I don't have any information on that." he says, giving a little frown. "I have my fingers in a lot of pies, Bruce, but I haven't become a master of them all yet." There's a chagrinned little smile at that.

"As far as side effects from the Pit?" there's a chuckle from Jason and a smirk. "Besides mild deranged delusions, murderous tendencies, and brief and possibly terminal mental distress that requires a trip to a secret assassin's clan clubhouse in the Himalayas to get over? I'm fit as a fiddle." he shrugs his shoulders. "No. Something else revived Ayla. Not sure if it's the same thing that pulled me out of my grave for Talia to find, but I haven't exactly had a chance to find out. Figured we could help them with their street ministry, and then she might be more willing to share information."

Batman has posed:
     A look is given to Jason, at least he uses the swear jar. Alfred is more than willing to remind people of what he hears. That rattle of the coin tells Alfred that no words are necessary.

     "You'll never be the master of them all, they'll still shock you," Bruce says just offering some helpful advice.

     That piece of news takes Bruce by surprise. It's not out of the realm of possibility that the Lazarus Pit is not the only means of ressurrection. However, to know there is a second source does catch people off guard. Moments like this turn the theoretical into the actual. It's no longer just an idea. Blue eyes look to Jason for a moment, "What differences can you tell beteween yourself, and her?" he asks. Bruce is wondering what differences Jason could spot.

Red Hood has posed:
"Well. Most obvious? You cut her open, and she shrugs it off?" Jason asks. "She looks dead. I mean. She has all of her parts. But she's dead. Except not. It's weird." he chuckles. "Other than that? They mentioned about magical runes of protection. So something's after them. If you have a contact on that? Would appreciate it."

As he's about to say more, his phone buzzes. Taking it out of his pocket, there's a message.

Kitty: Would you like to meet for breakfast?

He glances at the message, and then to Bruce. No time like the present, right? "Kitty's asking about breakfast. Want to meet her, or should I just take her to IHOP?" he asks with a slightly playful smirk.

Batman has posed:
     "I'll get dressed, you two figure it out." There's a pause from him, "Pick her up. Take the Rolls. The one from two years ago, not the classic. Impress her a little," Bruce looks at Jason. To him, this is Jason trying to relive the life taken from him. These actions are good, and so, Bruce is trying positive reinforcement. Also, it's a way to help out his son in a way Thomas Wayne could never help out Bruce.

Red Hood has posed:
"She likes the bike." Jason is sorely tempted, though, as he considers the car keys. "I'll stick with it." They're not exactly the same at times. He's firmly grounded in his own thoughts and actions. He's tried to not use the trappings of the Wayne name. "You can have Alfred take you in the Rolls." There's a wink at Bruce as he gets to his feet as his thumbs work over the keypad.

Jason: Sure. What are you in the mood for?

Is he going to tell her Bruce will be joining them?

Probably not.

That's not too evil, right?

Batman has posed:
     "Make the single man feel more awkward. Thanks Jason," Bruce says seriously. However, is this Bruce making a joke? The comment doesn't stay still long, "If there's a situation that requires a car. It's yours. Just make sure the tank is full, and itcomes back in the same condition it leaves. However it gets to that point, I leave to you," he heads up to his room to change.