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Latest revision as of 18:19, 3 March 2019

Diplomatic Security, Is It
Date of Scene: 25 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crimson Dynamo, Captain America

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    There was for awhile there, a real rush to get heroes in as diplomatic security. The UN assembly couldn't get much done with the distraction they tended to cause, and robbed of their ability to show off? Well Unless invited to speak, the assembly floor was pretty much off limits. And so, the "ice box" was born.

    It's a sturdy concrete structure situated beneath the UN, a large rectangular room that had once housed the boilers for the building's steam heating. Now it housed so called "Special Security Personel", a place to wait for their charges to do their business without being so far away that they couldn't still provide for security. There were TV screens, a few couches, vending machines and not much else mind you. Normally it might have any number of folks cooling their heels, but today it was just one.

    There are plenty of photos of the Dynamo, fuzzy video of it brawling on the outskirts of moscow and yeah everyone notes how big the thing is. Nine thousand some odd pounds of battle aged dull red armor, which even on one knee seems to somehow fill up the room. There is indeed a legitimate sense of presence, even at rest. The soft basso thrum of those venko generators on standby, and the whirr of fans burried deep within.

    It's pilot is seated on the floor, leaned back up against it's shin. That stark white body glove not quite entirely hidden beneath chunky bright red armored plates, the T-slot helmet clearly designed to match the big Dynamo whilst putting off somewhat mandalorian vibes. That armor has been decorated mind, flat black Senior Sergeant's bars over her biceps and a lovingly hand painted unit flash for the 76th Guards over her heart. SHe'd been down here by herself for, what seemed like -hours-. Care worn AEK-545 laid casually across her lap.

    A soldier's life for sure. Hurry up and wait.

Captain America has posed:
"Thanks, Agent Franklin." Steve's voice echoes down the concrete hallway as he comes to a stop by the Ice Box door. "It's nothing important." The man in the proper suit gives the Captain a disbelieving look.

"That sounds like something Director May would feed you," he comments, though half-heartedly. He's fully aware that his pay-grade is too small to warrant a true answer from the blond super-soldier standing comfortably in a winter coat and with his thumbs hooked in the pockets of his jeans. Despite the good ol' boy-next-door look Steve puts forth, his blue eyes are keen.

"Dunno if it's important yet. Time will tell," replies he, giving Agent Franklin a small if cool and polite smile. "I got it from here." Being the intelligent man he is, Agent Franklin then departs. Steve watches him go for long enough to be certain that there won't be any eavesdropping and then takes a moment to sketch a small salute at the nearby camera mounted tucked to the ceiling. A sharp //knock-knock// on the Personnel door and he steps in.

"Hope I'm not interrupting." The casual comment is offered out as he then closes the door, his body language the epitome of calm control.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    That visor locks onto Steve the moment the door is breached, and for a moment she's otherwise as still as a statue. Then slowly she leans foreward, rolling onto her boots comfortably. Carbine left to hang comfortably in her left hand by the magwell. "Captain Rogers, how nice of you to stop by."The voice is filtered mind, designed no doubt to intimidate. Anywho she strides foreward confidently, before offering a gauntleted hand over.

    This is the Crimson Dynamo mind, undersuit or not the chances those gloves are electrified on demand? "I must apologize, I'm afraid I'm not well equiped to welcome you with much hospitality. Please though, do make yourself comfortable."Theres a beat there, another glance to the door. "I'm afraid to ask if the FSB knows you're here, I imagine moscow would be having cow yes? They are so very afraid of everything these days, do not blame me if they decide you deserve a tail."

Captain America has posed:
"I'm not here to cause any trouble. Whomever wants to tail me isn't going to hear anything out of me to give them a reason to get their panties in a bunch," Steve replies as he considers the outstretched hand. In the essense of trust, he reaches out and takes those metal fingers in a firm handshake. "Just here to make sure you were welcomed and have been treated well."

He returns his hands to the pockets of his jacket and glances around the concrete room. "About as welcoming as the inside of a fridge. Did they offer you anything? Coffee? Food?"

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    That gauntleted hand is over-warm, but theres no hint of an electric charge at least. No just a good squeeze and pump. Casually she half turns, lifting that same gauntlet up to her helmet to break the seal with an audible hiss. Then slowly she rolls the thing off, hanging it from a catch on her belt. She might've been beautiful once upon a time, no joke. Getting shot in the face however, doesn't do anyone any favors. The mass of scar tissue around her left eye is nasty, and the brilliant solid red orb set in the socket doesn't help much.

    "Nyet, but I have been reminded I am not supposed to smoke in here."Though she does pry her chest plate foreward just enough to snag the pack of camels stashed behind it. Shaking one out for herself, before offering the pack over towards Steve. "America is very welcoming, many fans of the Dynamo in New York it seems. Feels like the old days, back when the Winter Guard were all together."

    Casually she rubs the fingers of that gauntlet together, before pulling them apart to arc a flash of current just enough to light her cigarette up. A few puffs, before she offers to do the same for Steve if he fancies. "First time meeting big American hero though, well on American soil anyway. I ran into some fellows in the Balkans, but these were hardly so friendly as we are now."

Captain America has posed:
A hand is lifted towards the cigarettes, palm out. "Thanks, but those never did a thing for me." Despite his history as an asthmatic stringbean who suffered in the presence of smokers, Steve doesn't wrinkle his nose at them as the epitome of diplomatic manners. "You keep 'em."

Stepping aside to avoid the smoke cloud, the Captain wanders over to look at the larger exosuit. "Glad to hear that you made it in without problem. We try to make sure it remains as such. Who'd you run into over in the Balkans?" He glances over his shoulder at her as he asks this.

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "I do not know his given name unfortunately, something like "Brush Snake" is what the Albanians called him."She gives that cigarette a pull, casually slinging that right hand across her chest. "In Russia we are great believers in military deception, is called "maskirovka" yes? Classic example, was to spread rumors of a loose nuclear weapon. Prepare a fake, and see who goes for it. The snake man, went for it. So there was a, disagreement and unfortunately he perished as a result of an undiagnosed heart condition."She kicks that one out there, and lets the wind take it.

    "So you will excuse my paranoia, intelligence work was never my specialty."Theres a little shrug there. "I have perhaps spent too long fighting with Titanium Man, or Red Room psychopaths. Is perhaps known in the west, how little the FSB likes the Army having somone like me. Not many others who have been as honest as I have about my feelings, such honesty has done very little for my well being. Yes?"

Captain America has posed:
Steve nods as to 'maskirovka'. He knows of the phrase, having heard it been used once or two during his forays through Europe during the second World War. His expression gives little away as he listens, not moving from his place nearby to the exosuit. He knows better than to reach out and touch it. That would be Tony's prerogative anyways.

"Nothing wrong with transparency. Just have to know when to show your cards and when to hold your hand. I'm not about to go tattle on you," Steve replies with a small smile. "What do you think of the U.S. then?"

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "I think you're over funded, and soft."Well she may be holding cards, but she sure as hell isn't pulling her punches. "You have a great many men and women who are empowered, and chose to act. I feel as though there are so many however, few are allowed to mature. Their morale seems fragile, and reliant upon established personalities for cohesion."She sniffles some, allergies are a bitch yeah? Dipping her head into another cigarette.

    "I like the country otherwise, New York in particular is very interesting to me. Is great diversity of peoples, and it is the first city outside of Russia who welcomed my arrival. That was, a very welcome surprise."And a wry little smile at that admission. "However it pains me at the same time. I defended Moscow by myself for six years, now it is protected by FSB assholes in my absence. Whilst here I am on very short leash, unauthorized to so much as power up my equipment without a specific threat or request from local authorities."Not that anyone told the local authorities they could request the Dynamo.

Captain America has posed:
Steve aims his snort at the floor before he glances back up to Galina again. "We have our strengths and our weaknesses just like any country," is all he has to say in regards to her claim about the young people of the United States.

"It's only grown more interesting, this city." His glance rises towards the ceiling, as if he could see beyond the layers of cement and flooring and the seats and bleachers to the outside and the rise of civilization around and beyond. "Where're you staying in the city?"

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "The Embassy, I'm still paid as just a Senior Sargeant. Russian economy is not so great right now, can't afford a place. FSB managed to defund the team after almost everyone was killed, defund the Dynamo program. So whatever operating expenses I am able to beg for, must go to the armor."Theres a shrug there as she works her cigarette. "It's up on 91st street, so I can get my running in at least. Central park is full of too many people though, and if I just go earlier or later it can be unsafe for a cripple like me."

    "I am unfortunately, expressly forbidden from enguaging in 'Vigilantee action'."She lifts one of those gauntleted hands to let the electricity sizzle between her finger tips. "Back home everyone knows me, I am always signing autographs or being thanked for something I do not remember. Here though, most of those who recognize me are very unhappy to see me. It's all very strange for me, like ground is unsteady."

Captain America has posed:
The Captain nods, his mouth pulled slightly to one side in a ghost of sympathy. "It wouldn't be wise to pull any stunts right now, yeah. Well...not unless it was in full defense of an American citizen. No faster way to win the press over than to execute some razzle-dazzle show of bravery in the name of saving a life." His broad shoulders lift and fall in a shrug.

"I can't speak for everyone here, miss Dynamo. There are a lot of voices in the city and beyond and all have their own mind on things. I also can't speak for any governmental agency. You want their opinion, reach out. They'll give you one."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "I am not free to discuss things openly, Captain. I have done many unsavory things the state would like forgotten, and I have said things very publically that they very much do not like. There are some who already would be pleased to hear of my demise."She offers a ghost of a smile there. "I am reluctant to do or say anything which may potentially provide them the ammunition to have me, delt with. At same time, It is difficult for me to see very clearly how I am thought of in America."

    "Ursa Major is in some deep dark hole somewhere, if he is still alive at all. He defected to America because being a Mutant is very dangerous, and the American government returned him to Russia."Theres a pause there as she drops that cigarette and snuffs it with her heel. "It is already very dangerous to be Crimson Dynamo in Russia, do you see my concern? I am the tenth Crimson Dynamo, and we have always fought for people. If things became, tragic? Some FSB dog would be in the suit, and he would dishonor the men who have come before me. If America would not take in a mutant, why me and my very classified Russian weapon? This is delicate."

Captain America has posed:
"Ah." A quiet sound from the Captain. He glances over at the door before he walks over to it. A squint as he listens at it. The portal is well-fitted, but not so much that it won't allow the super-soldier the ability to hear if anyone lingers beyond it.

None do at this time. Luckily enough, no tail today for Captain Rogers.

"It's delicate," he agrees as he turns and walks back over towards the woman. "Not my place to offer you welcome, but maybe it'd be best if you approached with a shield rather than a sword." A significant look at her. "Things have changed since Ursa Major."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    Theres a pause there, a lingering one as she lets her gaze drift off. "I will do this thing, but if I may make request? If this goes poorly, make sure the armor does not go home. None have survived their full tour with the Dynamo, they deserve their legacy live on as intended."With that, well she dips her head to pull her helmet down. "Do you have number of somone in agency you trust? I cannot exactly use phone book, yeah?"That voice shifting over into that filtered growl as the helmet reseals.

Captain America has posed:
"I bet I can find a way to make the armor conveniently disappear." Steve seems confident of himself in this. After all, manifests are easy to misplace, even electronically, and especially when the hands at the keyboards are the best in the nation. He then lists off a number, aloud, and adds the extension onto the end. "That'll allow you to leave a message for people who defend this country and what Lady Liberty stands for. If I have a suggestion? Be truthful with these people. They don't like lies more than anybody else does."

Crimson Dynamo has posed:
    "Thankyou Captain."She snags the shoulder plate of that Dynamo armor, before hoisting herself up. Casually cracking the access hatch, before giving Steve a casual salute. "You need me, call and I will sortie. Until that time Captain, I think you best slip out before noticed yes? We do not want uncomfortable questions this early in the game."

Captain America has posed:
"A good idea. I wasn't even here," he jests lightly and the Captain gives her a small, almost knowing smile. He lingers long enough to watch the woman disappear entirely into the exosuit, mostly out of idle curiosity on his part given the technology on display, and then excuses himself from the room.

Almost completely towards the end of the hallway, Agent Franklin's there to meet him, appearing around the corner as a wraith in a suit.

"Get what you needed?" he asks, wearing a smirk that almost foretells the vagueness of Steve's answer.

"I think so. Time will tell," he says, repeating himself as of earlier, even as he follows alongside the agent to leave the underground of the facility.