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Latest revision as of 18:31, 3 March 2019

Night on the town
Date of Scene: 26 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Gambit

Rogue has posed:
Asked to go out and do a little dancing at a nice place in Manhattan? How could she possibly say no to that?

Rogue had been to this place before and she'd warned Remy about that, that they might run into the owner who seemed to be quite the ladies man, and that he himself might have a run for his money if that happened. She was just teasing of course.

Once they do finally make it into the city and into this establishment, Rogue takes off her jacket and offers it to whomever at the club takes such things for people. She's wearing a dark green dress that leaves her shoulders, neck and the upper parts of her biceps bare, but the rest of her hands forearms/elbows are covered over in black gloves that appear to be os satin in material.

She has a sheer green wrap around her shoulders too for added safety while still showing off the dangerous skin beneath it.

Gambit has posed:
Of course worded like that, How could Remy have possibly resisted the challenge? Naturally of course then said owner is no where to be seen when the mutant couple actully arrives. "Looks like mah competition got word Ah was comin' an' 'igh tailed it." He say in a playful tone, giving his duster to the coat check girl along with Rogue's jacket. The place has a moderately sized crowd for a week night. They are shown to a table, offered refreshments, as well as cigars should they be inclined. "Yah look beautiful as always chere." He says with a smile. "Did Ah say dat already?" He has of course. Twice.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue turns down the cigar, as those aren't really her kinda thing, more Logan's kinda thing... which she likes to harrass him about when she catches him enjoying one, for the hell of it, of course.

Rogue glances around the club, doesn't see the owner anywhere and she looks back to Remy. "Darn." She says with a big grin showing off her pearly white teeth contrasted agaisnt her dark red hued lips. "I wanted t'see an old fashioned duel for mah honor." She jests back at the Cajun.

Once at their table, she settles into a chair and she smooths her dress out over the top of her thighs, then reaches up to sweep some of her white bangs back behind her ears with a gloved hand.

"I like t'dress up, ya know. Show off this figure a bit before I'm old and nobody wants t'see it." She responds, smilingly lightly then.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau orders a scotch and does take a cigar, because when in a speak easy... Though he lets it sit on the table for now and grins slightly, "Yah live ta be de Professor's age an' yah still gonna take mah breat' away chere. Every. Time." He takes her gloved hand and kisses it playfully as a woman takes the stage and begins to sing. Something slow about love found and lost in the big city." "As foh dueling foh yah 'oner dough.." He says with a playful twinkle in his eye, letting her mind fill in the gap.."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue orders a fruity vodka drink and grins when she's not asked for ID. Once the server is gone she leans over the table and whispers. "Worst part'a not bein' an Avenger anymore is I don't have the ID badge with me. It didn't have my age on it, but it sure got me just about whatever I wanted!"

Then she sits back and flashes a big smile at his compliment. "You're such a liar." She says back at him though before grinning again and then glancing around the immediate area once more to survey the land on who else is here and what kinda night they're in for here overall.

"You're up for a good honor duel?" She asks him then, slyly. "I'm just kiddin' any way."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, "Pretty sure Ah could knock up one foh yah if yah like." He says with a bit of a grin, "Or at leas' Ah know someone who could." He holds her hand, stroking it lightly through the two pairs of gloves between them. "An' Ah may lie about a lot of t'ings chere, but nevah ta yah. An' nevah about jus' 'ow crazy Ah am about yah. "As foh dueling..." he shrugs, "LAst time Ah dueled foh a lady's honor it not turn out so well."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins and looks down at the table in front of her, shaking her head right to left a little at that last part he says. "I can't imagine a world where actions like that would ever have 'good' consequences." She raises her eyes back up tlook at him. "Except maybe in a cartoon or somethin'."

"And no..." She shakes her head side to side. "I don't need a fake Avengers ID badge." She laughs softly then. "Because I'd inevitably get caught with it by someone like Stark and then have t'explain myself, and it'd be... very awkward."

When their drinks arrive, Rogue uses her non-hand-holding-hand to accept it and thank their server, then she sips it and lets her dark hued eyelids slip shut, apparently liking the taste of it.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a bit, "Ah some'ow doubt yah couldn' just bat dem pretty green eyes at 'im and 'e wouldn't let yah off wit' a warning or somet'ing." The man says, grinning slightly as she obviously enjoys her drink. "Nevah been so jelious of a beverage before." he says teasingly. The singer on stage finishes her song, launching into something a bit faster paced. Remy grins sllightly, "Shall we den?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs lightly at his compliments. "You've got nothin' t'worry about when it comes to competition with this drink, I'm sure of it." She looks over to the stage then when the song shifts into that faster paced melody and then she looks back to him with a sly grin. "Bare in mind that I stole everything I know about dancin' from another woman's mind. If that morbid thought doesn't bother ya, then yes, I'm willin' t'give this a shot."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs a little bit and gives her a wicked look as he stands with her. "De t'ought of spending de night wit' two women at once doesn' sound all dat unappealing at all chere." He says with a sly smirk, leading her out onto the floor and tilting his head. "Ah am curious now Jus' 'ow good a dancer she was.."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to laugh back at his response, though it does make her shake her head at him. "I don't think it'd be quite like you're wishin' it'd be." She says back to him before she steps out onto the dance floor with him and turns toward him to take her place and to move with him to the beat of the music being performed. She keeps her eyes up on his and keeps a smile on her lips. "She had some pretty good moves, I'm sure she still does too."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins just a bit atthat and shrugs, "Gonna 'ave ta leave dat one on mah bucket list a while longer den Ah guess." He says with grin, begining to move with her. His Kinthstatic sence gives him a keen sense of motion, thus the Cajun is a fairly good dancer in his own right, Moving his body effortlessly with hers. His white gloved hand caressing over her as they dance.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue leans up against him as much as she dares too, but she's covered up quite a lot so she's fairly confident in their close-proximity to one another in this moment. She grins at him and shakes her head lightly again. "You think I have trouble in the intimacy department with a man, just imagine how horribly impossible it'd be with someone'a my own gender." She says that quietly into his right ear. just teasing the man, having fun and putting risque imaginations into his head on purpose. She moves with him, her motions are quite elegant and very light-footed when she wants them to be... the power to deny gravity and 'fly' whenever she wants has given her a lot of leeway in the ability to move her body in ways most people simply cannot.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a bit and saying softly "Oh ah do imagine it chere, frequently." His demonic red on block eyes twinkling slightly. It als helps that with his own gloves Remy himself is pretty much covered from the neck dow, so short of incidental contact with his face it's unlikely there would be skin on skin contact. He grins a bit as she moves as though she were light as a feather...which she pretty much is.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue releases another light laugh at his words and she *thwaps* his right shoulder with her left gloved hand, not hard, just firm and note-worthy. "You're like a teenage boy sometimes, Remy LeBeau."

Rogue's eyes glance over to the singer and she listens to her for a few seconds before she looks back to him. "She's good." Marie says then, smiling at him. "Thanks for askin' for this tonight. I know we didn't get t'do anything for Valentine's, and that shouldn't bother me... but I guess I am a little old fashioned in my ways, as much as I thrash around tryin' t'pretend t'fight it."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau winces a little bit at that. "Sorry about dat chere, Ah 'ad a whole night planned, den dis guy at de battered women's shelter Ah volunteer at sometimes showed up, drunk, demanding ta see 'is wife." He sighs a little bit, "Ah 'ope dat yah c'n fohgive me..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just flashes a big smile, her red lips expressin a great deal of amusement at his response. She lets it fade though as she glances down between their bodies for a second before she nods her head and shrugs her bare shoulders beneath that sheer slip of fabric draped around them. "You're gonna have t'take me by this shelter some day." She quietly replies to him as they both continue to sway to the music. "Ya know, so I can help out. Not... not just t'make sure its completely legit, and not just an endearing-if entirely made up-excuse." Now she's just softly grinning at him. "Its fine really. Look at our crazy stupid lives? We can't expected t'hit every holiday with perfection."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, "Ah'm sure dey'd find a way ta put yah to work." He says with a bit of a grin. "De nun dat runs de place alway c'n use a 'and doing laundry or washin' dishes or burpin' babies." He spins her playfull then dips her deeply, eyebrows wiggling at her as the angle gives him a view straight down her cleavage..

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has never minded a good 'look, don't touch' scenario when it comes to interacting with the man she chooses to be intimate (as possible) with. She just leans back into the dip in a backward arching motion that is both elegant and tantalizing to others around them as her left leg comes out of the slit up her dress up past her knee several inches showing off a wealth of dangerous skin across her outer thigh. The 20 year old southern belle then comes back up from the dip and makes eye contact with the cajun and she just grins lightly at him, her hair a bit tossled after that maneuver. "Perhaps I'll make a donation t'this shelter, I got some spare cash these days..."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins a bit and smirks slightly at that comment. "Well dey could always use it.." he says with a smile. "We c'n go out dare tomorrow if yah like. Ah promised ta go inta de basement and put new 'eat tape on dare water pipes. Dey've been burning a kersene 'eater down dare ta keep de pipes from freezing and dat not really safe." he shrugs again, pulling her close into his embrace...almost kissing distance as the song comes to an end. Not that either of them are even winded considering...yah know...Danger Room training.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has a light smile on her lips as they press close like this and she just looks him over, its clear she wants to kiss him but she always has wanted to since they'd first talked in a one on one moment at Xavier's shortly after she'd arrived and the telepathic 'wizards' at that school helped clear her mind of all the cluttered voices and thoughts that had clouded it up.

"I'd be happy t'help'em out." She says quietly then to him in a near whisper, its barely even audible over the music. "I'm great at laundry. What with my soap pourin' skills, and how amazin' I am at pushin 'On' buttons'n all."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau grins slightly at that, and he can see that desire to kiss him appear in his eyes... and a moment later she can see that pink shimmer appear around his lips. It's a bit harder to concentrate on keeing it in just a localized part of his body, like just his mouth, but it is more descreet. "Oh believe me chere, Ain' nobody Ah evah met bettah at pushin' buttons den yah. Especially mine.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's right hand reaches up and her gloved index finger leans forward to lightly tap on his lowerlip. "A southern lady doesn't kiss in fronta all these eyes that are glued t'us, Remy LeBeau." Rogue replies to him with a sly smile. She knows that little pink glimmer and what it means now, its tempting, for sure, but she likes to tease too. She likes to play hard to get, since she's the shining example of such a notion. "Pushin' buttons is one'a my greatest joys in life." She says, in that Belle-flavored voice of hers.

Gambit has posed:
The Cajun grins slightly even as the shimmer vanishes from his lips, "Guess dat jus' mean dat Ah gonna 'ave ta kiss yah all de more once Ah get yah in private again, non?" he asks in that teasing voice. He gestures back towards the table as the singer takes a short break. "So wanted ta ask yah, now dat yah know 'bout mah little idea, wondering if yah 'ad any t'oughts or suggestions?

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles softly at him. "Maybe... maybe... guess we'll find out how that plays out later." She says to his first part before she lightly tilts her head to his second question. "You mean your little side team project?" She has to ask then while continuing to gently move to the sway of the music inside the club. "I'm eager for ya t'get a chance t'do what you wanna do. If this is important for ya, then I'm hopin' for the best with all've it, really."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smiles, holding her close, hands on her waist now. Despite there being dozens of people in the club, as far as he is concerned it's only the two of them. "It's not jus' dat... Ah honestly t'ink it's somet'ing de X-men need. Yah man not realize it chere, but /dey/ were de target dat night in de sewers. Pretty sure if dare 'adn't been an audible called on me, dare wouldn' be an X-MEn now."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to think about these words for a little bit so she just sways to the music with him and she glances away to some of the other dancers then that are moving around them. She shares a smile with another woman who looks to her and smiles first, then she looks back to Remy. "Could be." She softly says. "But... I fear splinterin' the team and makin' people feel alligned t'one group over another. Ya know, kinda like how people get all worked up over their stupid ass sports teams versus other sports teams, or... god, worse, political parties." She shakes her head side to side. "I don't wanna see people fightin' each other inside'a the group."

Gambit has posed:
"As a die 'ard Saints fan, Ah take personal exception ta dat comparison." He says in a mildly teasing voice, shrugging slightly. "We already got de Blue an' Gold Teams.. An' ta keep yah Sports analogy alive, it's like 'aving an offensive squad, a defensive one. Black team more a special teams group foh very specific an' specialized operations."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue softly nods her head to his words and she continues to dance to the beat of the music, up close with him as they're moving slowly to a nice slow song. "I get that, I do." She says quietly then before she softly clears her throat and then grins just a little, a ghost of an expression. "Ya realize that I took special forces trainin' from Carol too, right? Not just these dance moves, the muscles and the flyin'. She was a trained killer, Remy. I don't tap inta that stuff too much, cause it often makes me feel a little... too far away from 'Marie' and too close... t'something darker. But the trainin' is still there."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau twirls his date slightly, turning her around 180 degrees so that he can inhale her soft hair. His arms coming around her waist as he simply holds her close. Enjoying this taste of being just a normal, reasonably young, good looking couple out on a date and enjoying one another. "Yah angling foh a spot of de team chere? Dis de sort of t'ing dat's lookin' foh more of ascalple den a machete, yah know?"

Rogue has posed:
When twirled, Rogue's dress and hair flare out around her, the dress coming up to mid thighs and her hair whipping around her shoulders. She grins big from this flourish and then closes her eyes for a second before she shakes her head at his question. "Not necessarily. You do what you think is best, I'm not gonna push nothin' at you. I know that your talk with Scott'n Jean got a little heated... which makes me think that you feel you got a lot t'prove. So this is your dance, Mistah LeBeau. You lead."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smiles a little bit, "We talk about it when we get 'ome den, non. Enough shop talk foh now." He twirls her back around in the other direction, ending in another one of those super deep dips. "T'anks foh just agreein' ta spend de evening wit' me.. Ah needed dis aftah de last few days.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue falls back into the dip once again and once again she uses her natural grace (and a little cheating power of flight) to make it super dramatic and impressive for not just her dancing partner, but all the lucky individuals in this club who get to witness them dance together like this. When she comes back up again one of her hands goes to his chest while the other to his shoulder and she grins at him. "Its always nice t'have a night where ya don't gotta catch helicopters from fallin' outta the sky, or... killer robots from meltin' innocent people." She says back to him. "So, consider me just as greatful... Mistah, LeBeau." She taps his chest gently with her gloved hand laying over it.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smiles a little bit and laughs softly, "Yeah, what is it about us adventurer types huh? We can' jus' go out an' 'ave a nice quiet night. We worse den JEssica Fletcher on Murder She wrote some times Ah swear."