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Latest revision as of 18:47, 3 March 2019

=How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Become a Bomb
Date of Scene: 27 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Isotope, Cannonball, Souvenir, Polaris

Isotope has posed:
     The news had rung out over the tri-state area. Many speculations sent out over Twitter and social media from students, most weren't there, some were. Two names came up regarding who they had known was involved: Conner Kensington: recently deceased, and one Brian Carerra, who had relatively minor injuries considering he was close to the center of the blast.

  Metropolis City Hospital has been the central hub of helping the injured. Up until an hour ago, they were as busy as a Tokyo crossing walk. There were police and other investigative bodies around the hospital, and a press conference spot was set up close by, though right now it was empty, no conference just yet. Everyone was still trying to figure out what to say, and most only had speculation so far.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will lok to the two who have accompanied him, and seems we have hit a bit of a lull in the storm of press, now might be the time to go check on Mr. Carerra. Cerbro caught a signature there. With him being mostly unhurt it may well be him or at least he may have gotten a look at what happened.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir tags along, not sure how Da Boss wants to handle this. If it was just her, she would fake something to get seen in the ER, then sneak out and track down Brian's room. Much lying and heist capers would ensue. And she mentioned it on the way over. So right now she's being good and hanging out while Cannonball and Lorna decide how they want to proceed. She looks around the place, hmmming. "Okay, so what are you thinking?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was in 'low profile' mode, her green hair tucked up under a hat more or less, and a winter jacket slung on over her with a high woolen collar. It would at least, make her look less like a tropical island mutant Princess, and more like the usual cold New Yorker. She followed along beside the others, only partly aware of the details of the mission. It was the first time she'd gotten up and out since the incident at the last protest she'd gone to.

"Most hospitals really don't check who you're there to visit. Give them a random room number and so long as you look like you know where you're going no one stops you." She drawled, arching a green eyebrow upward.

"At least, that's been my experience. Most people won't get in the way if you look like you know what you're doing."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Lets see what we can see. " He will look to Erika, and says "Going to ask for room, directions, see if you can get the reception's pen or something aong that, and be able to find out the room we are needing to check out." He will then head over to ask for directions to a room on the 5th floor, hopefully with lot of turns.

Isotope has posed:
     Most of Metropolis' finest were otherwise occupied, no one had noticed them enough to stop them. Next to the press conference area were a group of three uniformed officers. "They got the kid on 3, the family went to get food while he was recovering. We need one uniform on the ward there, the other ones are going to be on the next floor, just in case someone gets angry." They continue just shooting the breeze on their strategy, they are ramping up for something, but for now the activity around the lobby was less a roar and mostly people walking about.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "I've got that." She wanders past the press and investigators. And casually comes wandering out holding a crumpled up piece of paper. Just casually picking up some litter.

And now she knows *exactly* where the room is.

"Okay, let's go. It's up this way." When Sam gets us let in, she wanders up that way, taking the lead as if she knows what's in the way. Because she does.

Polaris has posed:
A shrug and Lorna made to follow after, listening carefully to all the natural chaos that was a hospital as she unzipped her jacket as they headed inside to the hospital proper. One of the benefits of hospitals. People came and went all the time. At this time of day, it would be easy enough to slip through the halls so long as they acted as if they were just where they belonged. She grinned slightly, flashing a glance at Sam and then to Erika.

"I love having someone around that can do that. Super handy." She drawled.

Isotope has posed:
     The third floor was mostly a geriatric floor. Not usual for a sixteen year old boy to be in. A glance around the place would easily find a black-haired teenager, his eyes closed and attached to multiple monitors. He had many bandages stuck to him as he had shrapnel removed from his body.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will lead the two ladies into the room, and look over at the kid. "Wish I knew more about medical stuff, he looks to Erika "Seems your on the ball again, can ya tell what condition and if he s able to talk?

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced over the boy, placing herself at the edge of the doorway to keep an eye on the hallway at large, her senses spread out to keep track of where the police likely were, armed as they were with guns and the alike, they were a beacon to her electromagnetic senses. Briefly, her focus returned to the boy in the room, keeping her distance as she noticed the monitors and other machines.

"Look at his medical charts. Doctors keep them around here somewhere for the nurses and for the different shifts. At least, what he's on and what treatments he's dealing with.." She arched a brow, "Am I seriously like the only one here that has been to a hospital before? It should have like a pain scale on it from when they last checked on him. It should give us an idea how drugged up he is at least."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir mmms, "I've got this." Off come the gloves, and she grabs a chart,squeaking and twitching a little bit. She looks at the chart, "Patient is responsive. Hello, Mr Carrera! Can we talk to you a bit?"

To Sam, "Let me know if I have to do any of the stuff I yell at Rach for doing, ok?"

Isotope has posed:
     The chart shows multiple lacerations in the torso area, along with a piece of removed Sodium light from his left forearm. The arm is bandaged up pretty good, and a pain chart says 5/10.

  When Erika calls out, he starts to rouse himself. "Jus, take my blood." He comments before he opens his eyes, deep blue. "W-Who are you? I already told the suits all I know."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the young man, and says "Mr. Carerra, my name is Sam, and my friend and Ah would like to talk to you for a moment if your feeling up to it. Ah know now might not be the best of times, but we maybe a bit pressed on time.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna leaned back against the door frame, watching with half an eye on the scene in the hospital room as she folded her arms over her chest. The rest of her focus remained on the hall, watching nurses come and go on their rounds. She smiled at one, even nodded to an old man passing by, looking for all the world like she was just there for a visit and not wanting to crowd the rather small room as it was.

"I'm Lorna, and just take it easy, yeah? You've been through quite a bit."

Souvenir has posed:
"Yeah, but we're not with them, and the teachers sort of frown on questioning the cops. Souvenir, hiya." She waves briefly.

Erika Kristasdottir looks over the belongings a little. Her gloved hand picks out something portable, just in case we get chased out, and pockets it for the moment.

Isotope has posed:
     "The heck kind of a name is Souvenir? Oh, never mind." The boy raises his bed, wincing a little bit as he sits up. His mind told him to ask more questions, but something about the three made him start talking. "Ok, just, don't call me mister. You sound like teachers getting angry at me. Conner was being a dick again, shoved me for last year. I shoved him back. My stomach was hurting me most of the day, but the last thing I wanted to do was to ask to go home."

  Brian looked to Sam, though his gaze was a little distant, as he remembered. "Some other guys joined in, like we were gonna fight. He punched my gut, and it felt like I was gonna...explode."

  "They tried to hide that there were ones dead. Like pretending it didn't happen, but their eyes... hey that's my shit." He comments to Souvenir.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to him, and says "Well Brian, Ah am sorta a teacher but Ah am not mad at you. You are a mutant, and often our powers manifest themselves fr the first time under stress, and during our teenage years. Mine manifested when Ah was trapped in a cave in, and had to blast my way out."

Polaris has posed:
As Brian started to get well, frankly understandably irritated with Erika pocketing his stuff, she nodded and waved her hand. "Like Sam said, we're just a couple of freaks. Same as you." She waved her hand and a glow of green came to life around her hand as she snagged his head phones out of the bag and smirked in the young man's direction. She left her post by the door, coming toward the bed to hold the earbuds out to him.

"We're here to help."

Souvenir has posed:
"Don't worry, I'll give it right back, this is just if something totally nutsoid happens before Sam finishes his pitch. Oh, friend of mine got roofied, if we're doing origin stories." Erika Kristasdottir nods. Flashes a thumbs-up.

Isotope has posed:
     Brian's eyes watch as his earbuds move to Lorna's hand. "Kinda late to help. But since you're here, I'm guessing I blew up the gym...and killed someone." he sounds a bud solemn at that moment. But Brian looks to everyone. "So how can you three help me? The cops are here, I...blew up the gym, hurt some of my teammates, probably killed Conner and who knows who else, someone's going to think I set a bomb off at school." His tone sounds equally stressed, and he's a bit overwhelmed. "This...sucks." At least he's keeping a mostly hushed tone during his mini meltdown.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "We can cover it as being a gas explosion or some such, and paint you as just another victim. We are from a school that helps mutants learn to use their powers in a safe manor, and continue their regular school progress as well. We have people you can talk to about the things your going through, and will help you as best we can. We strive for a world where mankin and mutantkind can live and work together peacefully."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna straightened, glancing toward the door and back briefly, "I killed people when my powers manifested too, Brian." She whispered softly, "It wasn't my fault then, and it wasn't your fault now. It happened and you had no control over them. We're here to help you get out of here..." She paused, considering the young man.

"If that's what you want. The school we're offering can help you, but only if you want to be there." She kept her voice low and soft, gentle. Her gaze kind as she spoke to the young man. "We have access to medical care too, so if you're worried about that, we can help there too."

Isotope has posed:
     Brian looks at the room, giving a slight wince. "What about my family? They're gonna freak if I just am not here when they get back."

  Sounds like the teen is up for it, it seems. "What if it happens again? I don't want to hurt anyone."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the young man and says "We can talk to your parents as well, they will still be able to see you and such, think of it as a boarding school. We could take you now, but it would probably be best if waited tillte doctors were ok with you being moved." He looks over to Erika "They got an idea how long that would be?" He will turn back to Brian, and says "We will do our best to train you how to make your power activeate and also how to keep it from doing so."

Polaris has posed:
A glance was spared toward Sam and Lorna stepped back, "If it happens again, it's fine. We can help you and typically speaking, most of us have powers so even if something happens.. it won't be like last time. Promise." She flashed Brian a smile and made her way toward the door.

"There's nothing saying you have to give up your family, or your friends if you don't want to. Just... know that it's likely not a good idea to tell other people what actually happened." There was a bit of a crinkle to the edges of her gaze as she spoke. Worry. Concern.

"Not everyone is as understanding out there, but.. I think you knew that already." She smiled again, nodding to the room at large.

"I'm going to walk the wall. If you need me guys, just hollar."

Isotope has posed:
     Brian gave a slight smile to Lorna as she explains the situation. "They said a day and I should be good to go home. They didn't believe I wasn't hurt more."

  "But I think it's for the best, I don't want to leave my family behind." Seems he has a good relationship with his folks at least.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods, checking the chart. "Should be out tonight, it's mostly just the investigation slowing things down. There's nothing here preventing discharge, you just need to get signed out, and they probably have the 'rents tied up with something dumb. Searching your bedroom or something, maybe. I mean, it's best if you stay a bit longer, but seriously. They just want to charge insurance for the bed."

She drops the pen cap back in the box. "They were downstairs when the paper was down there, probably still are."

Isotope has posed:
     "Oh great, they can find my Van Halen poster and the copious amounts of code I made."

  "Well, I don't think I want to go back to my first school either. So...this is better." He holds his hand to his torso a second, a dull pain washing on him. "Just making sure, this isn't some hallucination from pain meds, right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and makes a call on his phone "We have someone who will help this alone, and all should be good." He tells the two.

Isotope has posed:
     Brian looks to Erika during Sam's call. "I guess not huh?" He makes a slight wince at that, even just a slight laugh makes his muscles sore.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "No, we are quite real." He tells the young man, and a few moments latter a purple haired woman walks in with his parents, and in a britich accent, says "I have filled his parents in on everything and if he wishes to go they are on board and willing to help how ever they can.

Souvenir has posed:
"Well, I know I'm real, you I'm not totally sure about." Erika Kristasdottir grins. "Anyways, I'll introduce you to the other firework, you can compare notes. You'll do awesome. And.. Yeah."

Isotope has posed:
     Brian Sr. and Angela come in with the British lady, the mother looks like she had been in tears a bit. "Bri, it's probably best to go. Your brothers could be fine at Midvale. But you have things you have to learn too, and MHS doesn't have that."

  "And you can visit, it'll be like going to college two years early." Brian Sr. chimes in, with a little smile.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to the parents, and says "Ah was a student there joined just a bit older than Brian when Ah joined, and it has done me a world of good. Ah believe he will like it and we will center his scholarly studies to his personal needs. Psylock will look over towards the door, and the doctor will come in with paperwork for them to sign and a chair for Brian to head out in.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir stays out of the way. This is a staff thing.

Isotope has posed:
     The boy does a little wince as he slides out of bed, and into the chair. The parents of course sign and everything. "We can send his clothes and belongings right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "You can come visit as well, just ask let us know when your coming up. We can come by and get he stuff if you prefer as well." He reasures the parents

Isotope has posed:
     With that said, the two parents lightly hugged their kid, and they allowed him to leave to get adjusted to living at a new school.

  Welcome to the Jungle, Brian.