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Janet Milking her Cookies
Date of Scene: 05 March 2019
Location: A New York Hospital
Synopsis: Several Avengers stop by the infirmary to cheer up an injured Wasp.
Cast of Characters: Wasp (van Dyne), Black Panther, Spider-Woman (Drew), Captain America

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Following the Sentinel attack it was necessary for the Wakandan jet to divert to an Avenger's safe house. Janet's wounds were massive, but not complicated. Stabilizing gel and bandages were applying and the Avengers were able to land, rally, and move her to a hospital's ICU.

The burns will require nanoregeneration, for certain. Complex repair and therapy. But for now-- stabilized and the injuries covered, and thanks to modern medicine, Janet's feeling virtually no pain.

Multimillionaires also tend to get the upscale suites because, well, they can afford it. Being able to cut a check for a four hour stint in the ER doesn't hurt. She's propped up in bed facing a window with the curtains pulled back, providing an expansive view beyond under the afternoon sun. A hospital gown covers the blue gel bandages on her collarbone and below. She's dozing lightly; there are numerous, smaller injuries that have been tended with bandages and suture glue, but which should heal nicely.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther arrives at the door to the hospital room. He cracks it open, peeking inside carefully to check on Janet. Though whether to avoid waking her, or dodging a nurse, who can say? He looks behind him to murmur in a very quiet voice, "It looks like she is sleeping. I will set these inside. Then we can wait out here?"

T'Challa moves into the room. He has a vase of flowers in hand. A beautiful bunch, with a few flowers that Janet has likely never seen before. Also a... t-shirt? He sets the flowers carefully on her night stand. The t'shirt is set beside it, unfolded so the lettering will be easily read. It reads: "My team completed the mission and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."

T'Challa pauses to read it again. He reconsiders whether that was a good idea for it or not. Better than the one with the upside down wasp and the little woozy squiggle above it's head, though.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica shakes her head as T'Challa conscientiously slips in to place the flowers and tee for Janet to find. "To heck with that, she can sleep anytime," Jess says without hushing her voice. "I came to visit, and visit I shall." She quirks a brow as she glances back to T'Challa and gives him a wink.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Hey. Some of us don't NEED beauty sleep," Janet creaks up at Jessica. She opens her eyes and rotates her head towards the duo, and smiles with dreamy, dazed affection at the duo. She reaches her hand towards Jessica-- the one without an IV drip-- and makes a beckoning gesture for the raven-haired woman's fingers. "Nurses came in a few minutes ago and told me the sedatives were wearing off," she explains. She only slurs her words a little. "I tell you, I stay away from oxy at the club 'cause holy shiiiiit these drugs are making everything feel fuzzy and warm and I love it."

She cranes her neck an inch to look at the flowers. "D'aaaaaw, did you bring me presents?" she asks T'challa.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther starts to shush Jessica, but it is too late. He turns towards the bed and smiles over to Janet as she rejoins the world of the wakeful. Or at least she makes a narcotic-enhanced visit to it. "Janet. I do not know why we needed to. I heard you were injured. But you look like you could go three rounds with Juggneraut. And then turns heads on a runway," he tells her in his soft African accent.

"We brought you flowers from my homeland," he tells her. "You picked the right time of year to valiantly jump in front of a Sentinel. The orchid only blooms for two or three weeks each year," he says, motioning to the beautiful purple and yellow flower that is the centerpiece of the arrangement.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"And T'Challa let me pick out the t-shirt," Jess adds, reaching out for Janet's hand and giving it the gentlest of squeezes. "Well, sort of let me. He made me go with my second choice. I liked this other one that..." She sneaks a look at T'Challa. "Nevermind."

Then Jess smiles affectionately. "We'd been wanting to see you, but SOMEBODY had to go get hurt himself, so HE had to get better himself before we could..."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
The handhold helps. Janet's grip is on the weak side and a little shakey. Painkillers are not the same as being pain free, and second-and-third degree burns are no joke. But it's the moral support as much as anything. She tries to shift sideways on the bed so there's room for Jessica, managing to move all of an inch or so before she exhales and lays back against the elevated mattress.

The flattery, also, helps. Janet preens a little at T'challa's entirely accurate *cough* assessment of her poise. "Maybe if gel bandages are in vogue," she tells him with a creaky voice. "Is my hair okay? The doctors say there won't be any scars but I do *not* want to shave my head."

She sniffs at the flowers and smiles approvingly at the African monarch. "I love the flowers. And the t-shirt."

Something Jessica says pierces her narcotic haze. "Wait, someone got hurt?" she says, confused. "Besides me? I don't remember much from the planes, something about ... I was on the plane with Carol, then I remember being hot, then cold, then just kind of ..." She makes a rude noise with her cheek and flops a hand to the sheets.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther smiles over to Janet and says, "Your hair is fine. By the time you leave, the nurses will be copying your style." He moves over to join Jessica at Janet's bedside. "No no. It was not the Sentinels. I tangled with a pair of the Serpent Society. One got in a tiny scratch," T'Challa says. He holds his fingers just a few inches apart.

He glances out of the corner of his eyes to Jessica. And then reluctantly uses his other hand to make it a little more like a foot long. "But it healed in no time. Jarvis is a wonder with the suture machine," he says, patting his abdomen as if it is healthy and hale now.

"You are the one we need to get better. You are the heart of us, Janet. It is not the same without you in the Mansion," T'Challa tells her, reaching out to give her shoulder a gentle squeeze where it won't affect any of her burns.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess grins at T'Challa's reverse fish tale, as the tiny scratch gets more realistic in size. "The team isn't the same without any one of us," she says quietly, taking T'Challa's free hand in her own. "I mean, without me, maybe they could take down that sign that says '0 Days Without an Accident.' Did you know that zero isn't even erasable? I hadn't realized, because it is ALWAYS right." Jess shrugs, giving both T'Challa's and Janet's hands a squeeze. "Plus, without you and me, we wouldn't have enough cash in the swear jar for that trip to the Bahamas."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"I'm glad you're OK, T'challa," the tiniest Avenger says with a dreamy smile for her friend. "Maybe the whole team could go for a trip to the Bahamas," Janet suggests, brightening a little. "White sandy beaches, private islands, maybe a little drink with umbrella in it. We could take my yacht down, but that'd take a few days to chug down from Long Island. Might as well fly down, I've got an ex or a girlfriend-- an ex-girlfriend?" She frowns. "Wow, I am *really* high. Not like, tripping acid high," she amends. "But I'm up there."

"What were we talking about?" She realizes she's holding hands with Jess and smiles at the woman again, giving her fingers a weak squeeze. "Don't feel bad for being accident prone. When you're beautiful, you can get away with anything!" she promises.

Captain America has posed:
There's the sound of an upswing in conversation outside of the hospital door and a quiet laugh, mellow and baritone. The door slips open quietly at first, as if Steve were hazarding that the bedridden fashionista was asleep, but as he realizes there's a crowd, he makes no further attempt to be sneaky.

"It's a party," he says quietly and gives all a small smile. "Good call on the t-shirt, T'Challa." In Steve's hand, a small black present bag with white twine handles sans bow and ribbons. In the other, a foil tray with clear plastic top about seven by seven inches. Inside of this?

Brownies a la Rogers...not that he's going to admit that he made them aloud without inquiry.

"Hey Janet. You're looking well," he adds as he wanders to the side of the bed opposite to T'Challa and Jessica to set down his own little bringings on the small desk tucked to the wall. He appears tired but relieved as he wanders over to stand beside the bed with his hands tucked into the pockets of his leather motorcycle jacket.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther gives Jessica's hand back a soft squeeze. "We made a small trip not too long ago. Down to a tiny spot in the Florida Keys," T'Challa admits. "The perks of having our own jet aircraft, yes," he tells Janet. "I think a group trip would be perfect. Though we should make Pietro run on his own," he adds with a soft, lopsided smile.

The arrival of Cap causes that smile to grow even larger. "Steve. We already woke here," T'Challa says. And then gives a double sideways nod of his head towards Jessica to make clear who 'we' was. "I thought you said she was injured. She looks as beautiful as ever," T'Challa protests to the Captain.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh yeah, it's gorgeous down there. Hey, that means we don't need the swear jar to get to the Bahamas, if we go down there. That means we get to buy new bikinis to wear down there!" Jess looks suddenly much more interested in the idea. "I mean most of that's OUR money, anyway...I think a whole dollar of it's Steve's, but it's some sort of Celtic money."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet's smile deepens when she spots Steve. "Hey you," she creaks back at him. Being high on narcotics makes throaty greetings a little less seductive and a little more froggy. She follows him around the foot of her bed with her eyes and when he gets close she lifts an awkward hand to rest against the bump his knuckles make under his jacket.

"Speaking of beautiful people," she rasps. T'challa gets a flickering wink that's a shadow of her normal vivacity at the endless compliments. The narcissistic fashionista doesn't get tired of them, it seems. She twitchily looks back at Jessica. "Private beaches," she reminds her. "Clothing 'optional'," she adds, with an exaggerated sotto voce. "Which is more cash to spend on drinks, if you ask me."

Captain America has posed:
"Nah, not injured. On the mend," replies the Captain to T'Challa diplomatically. After a moment, he takes his hand out from the pocket of his jacket to let Janet's hand rest atop it. Both are parked on the handbars running parallel to each side of the bed. His eyes rise to Jessica and T'Challa across the way and he ruefully shows a one-sided dimple.

"Knew that cuss jar would come in handy. It's a dollar Euro," he explains in particular of the odd money noted. "Because what I said...really wasn't polite." And by the flick of his brows, it probably skirted the line of shocking. "We're going to the Bahamas then? That's what the cuss money's going towards?" He looks between all in the room.

Black Panther has posed:
"Or we could install a 'drink' jar? Tony and Thor would pay for the trip inside of a few days," T'Challa suggests in typical straight man fashion. The Wakandan looks over to Steve and says, "It would be a nice break from the New York weather." He glances between the trio of other Avengers. "You may not realize this? But we do not have as much snow in Birnin Zana. A little warm gateway is heaven this time of year."

T'Challa glances over to Jessica. "And we can take the boogie boards again. I would love to see Thor on one of them," he adds with a warm chuckle at the thought. "You cannot tell, but I am picturing him doing it wearing his cape," he explains, waving his hand around as if that enhances the image.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica nods enthusiastically to T'Challa. "Doesn't everyone imagine Thor doing everything he does in his cape? Scrubbing the bath tub, ironing, eating cereal, going to the... uh....Subway..." she stammers.

Quickly looking at Steve, Jess alters course. "I feel like once this Sentinel crap is all over, we could all use a little vacation, don't you think?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"In *just* his cape," Janet agrees with T'challa. She looks to Jessica to prompt her for a nod of slow consent. "An' no, I don't know anything about the weather in Wakanda," she tells him. "I thought it was super dry and hot, isn't it? Like, the savannah?" she inquires. Her nose wrinkles a little.

"We're talking about a little vacay," Janet slurs up at Steve. "Nothing major. A few days in the Bahamas. Y'know. Team building exercise. Totally not me 'n' Jessica pervin' on you boys in the surf," she assures him.

She leaaaans sideways and rests her chin on Jessica's shoulder. "'Totally lyin' to him right now'," she assures Jessica, again in a dramatic stage whisper. Cue melodramatic wink.

Captain America has posed:
Steve nods at the confirmation that he's heard correctly. He glances up at Jessica in passing before back to the bedridden Wasp. His brows draw together into a mild frown before he begins to smile as if wondering at precisely what Janet //meant// to say --

-- but the way she makes no effort to hide her addendum in the thrall of the IV's wonderfully-drugged dripping is enough to make him outright huff a laugh that he tries to hide behind a closed fist. Just a cough, don't mind him...or the red ears.

Black Panther has posed:
Black Panther seems to be biting his lips, almost like he were trying to hide a smile. He glances over towards Steve. What are they to do, his eyes seem to silently say.

Before T'Challa can decide if he even wants to say something, there's a buzz from his bracelet. He pulls off a bead, and an image of Okoye pops up that makes holographic technology look primitive. <There is an issue with Umbaco and the Jabari tribe. You may wish to return,> Okoye says in Wakandan.

<Very well, I am on my way,> T'Challa replies. He looks to Jessica to say, "I need to return to Wakanda. Please forgive me for leaving? Steve, might you give Jessica a lift home?" he asks.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I was gonna do that anyway," Jess whispers back to Janet, giving T'Challa a crooked little mischievous grin. But then, beads are poppin' out womenfolk, and T'Challa is leaving. Jess nods. It's probably important. "It's okay..." She reassures Steve. "Webs," she explains, wiggling her fingers. "I'll walk you out, T'Challa." Then, to Janet, "YOU get better. I can't keep them both in line all by myself."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Bye, guys," Janet says, and bids them farewell with a wave of her hand. She lolls her head back to Steve and brushes her thumbs against his knuckles. "You're doing your tomato impression again," she teases him. "With those ears." She smiles up at him then tempers her expression to struggle for something more serious. A finger crooks, and curls him closer. "C'mon down here," she tells him. "I owe you a kiss for saving me and a slap for letting me tank that hit, mister 'man with the indestructible shield'," she informs him.

Captain America has posed:
Steve lifts his free hand to T'Challa and Jessica as they leave the room. "Good luck with that, Drew!" It's not a loud retort, but a friendly one nonethless. After the door shuts again, he glances back down at the Wasp. The good-humored mask fades until his concern is visible; a small v divots between his brows and his smile has a sad note to it. A soft laugh still slips at her request.

"Dunno if I want to if you've threatened to swat me," he replies. Regardless, given the closed door, the Captain leans in and presses one of those chaste kisses to the tip of her nose. "I tried to block it, Janet. Didn't know the asset would react how he did. 'm sorry." His apology is quiet as he lingers still leaned over her, looking between her eyes.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet touches Steve's cheek reassuringly. Her head arcs in a negative mid-sentence and she puts her thumb gently against his lips. "Sssshhh. I didn't know, either. I thought he was a friendly. Dumb of me to try and quarter back him outta there," she murmurs. "But I kinda remember the Sentinels tearing things up. All I could think t' do was get close to you an' hunker down." She slides her thumb down to scratch the tip of his chin playfully. "Maybe I won't slap you after all. This time," she menaces, completely insincerely.

Captain America has posed:
"Thanks for sparing me the slap." There's at least one dimple as Steve then continues leaning on the gurney's handlebars. He's still got her hand held almost in a dance-hold, lead to follow, with her fingers tucked overtop his own and hugged by thumb. "You didn't do anything wrong. You saw your shot and took it, consequences be damned. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't know half of what we do about the guy."

He rubs his own thumb across the back of her knuckles. "Knowing you, you'll be back on your feet in a day and giving the nerves apoplexy. 'Stay in bed, Janet van Dyne!'" It's a mocking spate of falsetto. "'Don't remove your IV line! You want that suture to split? Sit down right now!'" By the familiarity and ease of delivery, the Captain might have heard these admonishments himself before.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet narrows her eyes at Steve and smooshes his face to the side with a flattened palm. "Unlike some people, I can appreciate the value of a night in a cozy bed nursing some wounds," she admonishes him playfully. "I don't mind getting my rest an' relaxation on."

A smile tugs up the corner of her lips. "I guess my suit got pretty well destroyed. If you wanna see me go topless, I know a great beach in the Seychelles. You don't need to come up with these Wily Coyote schemes," she says. Her voice is fuzzy, but full of teasing affection.

Captain America has posed:
Steve plays along with the gentle shove and lets his face be moved. Janet's sure to feel the little jounces of silent laughter. "You're the better person for it," replies the Captain to her pronouncement. "The nurses won't scowl at you."

He pulls his head back to free it of the hand's pressure and looks down at her again, frowning to hear that the specialized technology was damaged so heavily. "Wily...Coyote schemes," he then murmurs drolly. His chin drops to half-hide another short laugh and his ears, paling, now reverse and flood red again. "Me? A schemer? Dunno what you're talking about."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"I know you don't," Janet agrees. Her tone is full of warm and gentle affection. "'s what I like about you, you're honest. Not a lotta honest people in New York." Fingertips rise again and she plays with the short spike of hair over his browline. "Well the dimples, I mean, those aren't bad either," she confesses.

"So when are we going out again?" she slurs up at him. "I mean, *are* we goin' out again? If you wanna be seen with a gal with third degree burns," she remarks. She lifts the neckline of her gown and looks down at the blue gel wraps covering her upper torso. "Though they're saying the nanogel is working real well. Probably won't even scar up," she says. "Which is good, 'cause I have got some cute outfits I wanna rock for you sometime."

Captain America has posed:
Speak of the devil -- er, dimples, and they will appear as if reluctantly summoned. Janet will be able to briefly have a better shot at plinking the gelled tips of Steve's hair as he dips his chin a touch.

"That nanogel works like a miracle. I expect you to heal up without any trouble." His gaze, averted once the neckline of the gown was lifted, returns to her face again. "Even if you did end up scarred, wouldn't matter. You'd still look like a dream in what you wear." Even as he says it, pink touches Steve's cheeks. However, stubborn as he is, he sticks to his guns and holds her eyes.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet sighs at Steve. "Damnit Steven, you didn't even *pretend* to look," she grumbles, and redrapes her gown. The gelpacks make her torso about as interesting as a mannequin-- she's wrapped from navel to armpits in blue gel bandages. "You know it's impolite *not* to check out a woman flirting with you. Makes me feel all self-conscious." She chivvies him with her tone. "You've got the self-control of a monk. But if you keep saying sweet things about how pretty I am, I'll consider it forgiven for now," she suggets with an attempt at haughty derision.

Captain America has posed:
Steve gives her hand a gentle squeeze. "Sounds like you're fishing for compliments to me, but I'll humor you since you're on your sick bed. Besides, they'll make you smile," he adds more quietly. A thoughtful hum from him and he thinks, his gaze still resting on her face.

"About that smile. Sweeter than a new day of spring and brighter than the dawn. You could wear it alone and I'd be dazzled." Despite the smidge of self-consciousness, the Captain does let slip a noticeable frosting of Gaelic accent to the words.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet bites her lower lip. Hard. She even pinks a bit and is forced to look away from those intensely blue eyes, which only causes her flush to rise across those cheekbones.

"Well," she says, breathlessly. Janet coughs once. "You know you're never fully dressed without a smile," she tells Steve, trying to regain her aplomb. She looks up at his face, suddenly nervous and shy as a teenager. "Anytime you want to be dazzled, I'd love to put on a fashion show for you," she murmurs.

Captain America has posed:
Once he no longer has eye contact with her, Steve's lips begin to twitch restlessly against a smile that would show shockingly cheeky in counterpart to his normally staid nature. Gosh, now he's pleased as pie. He reins in the bubbling of laughter within his chest as Janet regains her scattered dignity.

"It's true, you're not," he agrees easily as to the importance of a smile. "A fashion show? Oh, sure. Need to keep up with the times. I might not know the names of the cuts of cloth, but at least I'll be able to understand what you and Jessica get to talking about when you go on about bluchers or...minaudieres."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet leans sideways and rests her head on Steve's shoulder, shaking her head slowly over a resigned and tolerant smile aimed at nothing in particular. Pass made, pass incomplete, return to the 20 for 3rd down.

"Someday I'll haul you to one. You can see backstage. It's a zoo. Models rushing everywhere, tailors chasing them, and miles of two-sided tape and thread for needles. I've stitched outfits as they are going out the door. It's so nervewracking." She yawns, heavily.

Captain America has posed:
"I believe it." As the fashionista's head begins to nod and it falls to the rounding of his shoulder, Steve turns his face. He rests his cheek on her hair and simply breathes. It's quiet in the room but for the steady beeps and whirs of medical machinery making certain that nothing is homeostatically-off.

He speaks quietly as if afraid to break the fragile stillness. "You can put on a fashion show for me anytime, Janet van Dyne, but only after you've mended. The team needs the Wasp. Gotta get ambulatory first, right?" He gives her a one-sided dimple. "Rest." Once she's settled again, the Captain leans in and presses a firm kiss to her cheek. "Brownies are in that tin," he's sure to add with a playful conspiratorial note. This gets moved within reach. "There's a music player and earbuds in the bag, in case you get bored. It's all hooked up to Spotify and YouTube and all those places via the Wi-Fi." The bag is also moved within reach. With a last sigh, Steve lingers just a moment longer by the bed.

"You know my number. Text me if you want. I'll stop by again tomorrow." With that promise, the soldier then leaves and awaits at least one text.

Because nothing can be funnier than texting while high enough to orbit the rings of Saturn, right?